scholarly journals Evaluation of adoption rate of frozen sexed semen artificial insemination technology adoption in Palang Village, Tuban Regency, East Java

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-83
Rizki Prafitri ◽  
Priyo Sugeng Winarto ◽  
Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti ◽  
Trinil Susilawati ◽  
Kuswati Kuswati

A research group of Animal Science Faculty of Brawijaya University introduced and implemented Frozen sexed semen Artificial Insemination to 120 beef cattle farmers in Palang Village, Tuban Regency, East Java, from 2017 to 2019. The result of the program reported that the success rate of the technology is quite high, with the birth rate of male claves up to 80%. However, farmers’ adoption rate of the technology was relatively low. This research aims to evaluate factors that affected the adoption rate including the technology, characteristics of respondents, and the extension agents. Primary data were collected through a census of 120 farmers involved in the program and in-depth interviews with stakeholders. Secondary data were collected through related documents including reports of the programs, Statistics, and other related documents. This research utilized Quantitative and qualitative analyses. Data of the study indicated that respondents have neutral perceptions of the Frozen Semen Sexing Artificial Insemination. Although male calves relatively have a higher price, more than 50% of respondents did not expect specific sexing for the calves. In-depth interview data revealed that the success of the Artificial insemination technology is more valuable for the farmers rather than the sexing. Characteristics of respondents and the extension agents played significant roles in the adoption rate of the Frozen Sexed Semen Artificial Insemination technology adoption in Palang Village, Tuban Regency, East Java.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 850
Denizar Abdurrahman Mi'raj ◽  
Muhammad Nafik HR

This study aims to determine the BMT’s reason for not continuing linkage with Islamic Bank. Whereas linkage program is a good strategy to achieve a more inclusive financial system. This study used a qualitative approach and single-case studies as the strategy. Primary data collection using in-depth interview, while secondary data obtained from the annual financial statements of BMT. The expalanation building was used as the technique of analysis by explaining the results of in-depth interviews, in order to know what is BMT’s reason for this case.The results showed that the linkage program that used mudaraba contract which the rate of return should be variable on the income of BMT, but in fact is still based on the amount of financing. Linkage contract which is not in accordance with mudaraba system contract caused BMT did not continue linkage with Islamic banks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 222
Sari Tri Suprapto ◽  
Dona Budi Kharisma

Abstract<br />This article aims to determine the factors that hinder the effectiveness of the application of the Indonesian <br />National Standard (SNI) on children’s toys. The research methodology used is empirical research, which<br />is researching secondary data at first, then continuing research on primary data in the field or the<br />community. Legal research materials used are primary and secondary legal materials, the technique<br />used in gathering legal materials is depth interviews and document studies or library materials. The<br />results showed that there were factors that hindered the effectiveness of the implementation of the <br />Indonesian National Standard (SNI), which was due to the community being indifferent or not paying <br />attention to the importance of standardization in children’s toys besidesthe lack of merchant knowledge<br />to the importance of SNI in children’s toys.In the application of SNI, there are inhibiting factors, namely<br />the Law factor indicated by the absence of regional regulations governing mandatory SNI on children’s<br />toys, law enforcement factors namely the lack of work ethic in law enforcement, facility and infrastructure<br />factorsare indicated by communication tools that do not yet support the role of law enforcers to maximize<br />their performance, community factors many people who do not know the importance of SNI in children’s<br />toys due to the lack of socialization they get, cultural factors are shown by the legal culture or immature<br />legal habits of society so that the effectiveness of the mandatory forefront of SNI is not running optimally.<br />Keywords: SNI; Children Toys; Effectiveness.<br />Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi penghambat efektivitas penerapan <br />Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) pada mainan anak. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah<br />penelitian empiris, yaitu meneliti data sekunder pada awalnya, untuk kemudian dilanjutkan penelitian<br />terhadap data primer di lapangan atau terhadap masyarakat. Bahan penelitian hukum yang digunakan<br />adalah bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan bahan hukum<br />adalah depth interview dan studi dokumen atau bahan pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat<br />faktor yang menghambat efektivitas penerapan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) yaitu dikarenakan<br />masyarakat acuh atau tidak memperhatikan betul pentingnya standardisasi pada mainan anak selain<br />itu  kurangnya pengetahuan pedagang terkait pentingnya SNI pada mainan anak. Dalam penerapan<br />SNI terdapat faktor-faktor yang menghambat yaitu faktor Undang-Undang ditunjukkan dengan belum<br />adanya peraturan daerah yang mengatur tentang wajib SNI pada mainan anak, faktor penegak hukum<br />yaitu masih kurangnya etos kerja pada penegak hukum, faktor sarana dan prasarana ditunjukkan<br />dengan alat komunikasi yang belum menunjang peranan penegak hukum untuk memaksimalkan<br />kinerjanya, faktor masyarakat yaitu banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui pentingnya SNI pada<br />mainan anak dikarenakan kurangnya sosialisasi yang mereka dapatkan, faktor kebudayaan ditunjukkan<br />dengan budaya hukum atau kebiasaan hukum masyarakat yang belum matang sehingga efektivitas <br />penerapan wajib SNI tidak berjalan dengan maksimal. <br />Kata Kunci: SNI; Mainan Anak; Efektivitas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 431
Jeine Leyliana Robot ◽  
Caroline Betsi Diana Pakasi ◽  
Noortje Marselianie Benu

The research aims to analyze the factors causing the absentee / guntai ownership of agricultural land and to analyze the decision making by the Land Office of Minahasa District in terms of absentee / guntai ownership of agricultural land in Tondano District, Minahasa Regency. The research location is located in Tondano Selatan Sub-district, Minahasa Regency, and Land Office of Minahasa Regency. The research period lasted for five months, namely, January to June 2020. The data used consisted of primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained through in-depth interviews (In-depth Interview). Secondary data were obtained from available data from other sources such as documents related to the discussion, literature, and documentation that were in accordance with the research objectives. The samples in this study were chosen deliberately. The sample of this research includes 2 kinds of samples, namely, the key sample and the main sample. This study used a qualitative data analysis method. The results showed that the determinant factors causing absentee land ownership are: knowledge factors, awareness factors, cultural factors, law enforcement factors, and economic value factors. Meanwhile, decision-making in enforcing the rules regarding the absentee prohibition of land ownership in Tondano Selatan District, Minahasa Regency has not been implemented optimally.*eprm*

2020 ◽  
Sriyono Sriy ◽  
Sarwendah Biduri ◽  
Bayu Prayogi

Abstract The recovery of SMEs' performance due to the impact of Covid-19 is significant because SMEs have an essential role in the economy. Many previous studies have examined the effects of covid-19 on SMEs, but this research is only on fundamental recovery. This study will be very different because this research prioritizes the acceleration of performance recovery and SMEs' competitive advantage to conduct activities immediately. This study aims to accelerate the recovery of SMEs' performance affected bhealing19 and the benefits of competing through non-banking financing. This research type is interpretive qualitative using primary data through in-depth interviews; each in-depth interview lasts 45 t0 60 minutes on several important informants and secondary data as data support. Data validity test using credibility and transferability test, Data analysis technique using research data reduction, presenting data, drawing conclusion drawing. Based on the research results in the field and analysis, alternative non-banking financing is suitable for SMEs affected by covid-19. The conclusion of this study is to accelerate the recovery of performance and competitive advantage through non-banking funding because there are no complex requirements required, and the payment model is very light.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Uzima Candrawati

This study aimed to adjust the predetermined theme with the theme implemented. In addition, giving interesting presentations to students, and teachers can improve the quality of human resources in the field of technology and information. This study used a qualitative approach. Data sources consisted of primary data and secondary data through procedures for collecting data with participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique in this study used domain techniques, taxonomic techniques, compound techniques, and theme techniques. For the process of checking the validity of the data, a triangulation process was carried out to obtain accurate research results. The results of the study obtained that in thematic learning using the Lesson Plan (RPP) to achieve a basic competency set out in the Content Standards and described in the syllabus through various learning behaviors of students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Romi Mesra ◽  
Yummy Jumiati Marsa ◽  
Mardiati Etika Putri

The author who is directly involved in the consignment trading process sees so many phenomena that occur, whether it is related to the consignment trader, the shop owner, the emotional relationship between the two, business relationships, character, cultural values, and so on. The research approach used in this study is qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by in-depth interviews and observations. The types of data in this study are: primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques in this study use data analysis techniques miles and hubermen, including data reduction (data reduction), data presentation (data display) and drawing conclusions and verification (conclusion drawing / verification). The results of this study indicate that there are 7 patterns of interaction between consignment traders and shop owners, namely: making mutually beneficial business agreements, cooperation on the basis of mutual trust, mutual understanding of each other's character, respecting different cultures, disputes for breaking the agreement, lack of openness, and conflict of interest.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-190
Zuhri Fahruddin

Abstract: The learning carried out by the teacher in the classroom must develop the quality of learning, one of which is learning motivation, students who are not passionate about learning are not optimal and of high quality, from this goal the reality is still far from expectations, many students are not aware of the importance of studying seriously, there is no passion study, there is no fun in the study room. The sampling technique used is Census Sample (Sample Saturated), while criterion-based selection is used when conducting qualitative research, 30 students as primary data sources, two teachers as secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and questionnaires, while data analysis by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and verification by means of research stages I and II students and teachers with a Da'wah educational background, stage III and IV student informants and teachers with PAI educational background.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Asih Deskayanti ◽  
Trilas Sardjito ◽  
Agus Sunarso ◽  
Pudji Srianto ◽  
Tri Wahyu Suprayogi ◽  

The study was conducted to know Conception Rate and Service per Conception of  Bali cattle acceptors in west Sumbaw district. Data were collected fot the periode of January to September 2017 from inseminator in west Sumbawa district. The data were taken by primary and secondary data. Primary data retrieval is done by direct observation, which includes several variables, where the variable include the identitiy of the breeder, the cages, feeding, drinking and knowladge of breeders. The secondary data were obtained by recording of the officer insemination. All data was analyzed to find a percentage of Conception Rate and find number of Service per Conception (S/C) by analyzed descriptive of SPSS. Risults of this research showed that Conception Rate and Service per Conception’s average of Bali Cattle is 60 % and 1,7. The conculusion of this research showed that Conception Rate is lower than normal value and Service per Conception of Bali cattle in West Sumbawa district is better. This research was expected to be a reference for the next artificial insemination programmed by the government.

Arfah Sahabudin ◽  
Rusdin Rusdin ◽  
M. Sapari Dwi Hadian

The existence of the potential for heritage tourism in center of Kota Serang is now almost eliminated and forgotten, whereas if it is managed optimally, many benefits can be generated. The purpose of the research is to reveal the potential of heritage tourism in center of Kota Serang to be developed as a tourist destination. The research method used is a qualitative method. Primary data collection through observation techniques and in-depth interviews. Secondary data through library research. Data analysis uses an interactive model, through three activities namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that there is no clear strategic policy and the lack of efforts in achieving optimal utilization of potential inheritance for tourism development. The synergy of all stakeholders and decision makers is needed to run in line with the vision and mission of development. The proposed development model is community-based heritage tourism. Keywords: heritage tourism, urban-community-based tourism, urban tourism

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 656
Sunarno Sunarno ◽  
Imron Mawardi

Murabaha Financing have potentially lower risk than other financing product. It chosen by USP Kopontren XYZ to fulfill members financing demand both for business development and consumptive purposes. Termination of Employment Relationship, working cycle and Bad characters some members cause of the collectibility default in Murabaha Financing.This study using qualitative approach and case studies. The collection of primarydata through in-depth interview, while secondary data obtained from the AnnualMembers Meeting report Kopontren XYZ . Explanation building analysis techniques are use to explain the results of in-depth interviews in order to explain the handling of murabaha financing collectibility default.The results explained to handling collectability default adopt according to The Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 35.3 / Per / M.KUKM / X / 2007, executing from cash collateral, financial penalties for those who deliberately, and converts the contract.

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