bali cattle
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Komariah ◽  
S. Rahayu ◽  
V. A. Mendrofa ◽  
S. Priyanto

Eid al-Adha is commemorate by moslems every 10thDzulhijjah with by doing the Eid al-Adha prayer then followed by qurban worship for those who are capable. The aim of this study is to identify characteristics qurban animals at mosque in residential area, Bogor city. The number f qurban animals was 314 heads consisting of 95 heads of cattle, 204 heads of sheep and 15 heads of goats. The research method used was by observing the qurban animals at the research site. The data obtained were then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the majority of the qurban animals were bali cattle aged ≥ 4 years (33.3%) with a BCS of 4, thin tail sheep aged 2.5-3.0 years (28.9%) with a BCS of 3, Jawarandu goats aged 2.5-3.0 years (37.8%) with a BCS of 4 and the identified qurban animals have met sharia requirements.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00014
R. Misrianti ◽  
S.H. Wijaya ◽  
C. Sumantri ◽  
J. Jakaria

Mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) as a source of genetic information based on the maternal genome, can provide important information for phylogenetic analysis and evolutionary biology. The objective of this study was to analyze the phylogenetic tree of Bali cattle with seven gene bank references (Bos indicus, Bos taurus, Bos frontalis, and Bos grunniens) based on partial sequence 16S rRNA mitochondria DNA. The Bayesian phylogenetic tree was constructed using BEAST 2.4. and visualization in Figtree 1.4.4 ( The best model of evolution was carried out using jModelTest 2.1.7. The most optimal was the evolutionary models GTR + I + G with p-inv (I) 0,1990 and gamma shape 0.1960. The main result indicated that the Bali cattle were grouped into Bos javanicus. Phylogenetic analysis also successfully classifying Bos javanicus, Bos indicus, Bos taurus, Bos frontalis and Bos grunniens. These results will complete information about Bali cattle and useful for the preservation and conservation strategies of Indonesian animal genetic resources.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00011
Sukaryo Sukaryo ◽  
Rizka Augustin ◽  
Yuli Yanti ◽  
Joko Riyanto ◽  
Slamet Diah Volkandari ◽  

Pleomorphic adenoma gene 1 (PLAG1) is a zinc finger transcription factor gene located on bovine chromosome 14 (BTA14) affecting body size and reproduction traits in cattle. The objective of this study was to identify 19-bp indel of the PLAG1 gene in Bali cattle population. A total of 96 blood samples of Bali Cattle were collected from Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTU-HPT) Denpasar. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples and used to detect 19-bp indel of the PLAG1 gene using following primer pair 5’-TCCGAACAACAGGTGAGGGAGAAAT-3’ and 5’-CCACTTCAGG-GGTGCTCTAGGTTTG-3’. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products using DNA pool samples were sequenced to validate the PCR product and to find out novel polymorphism in Bali cattle population. The result showed that there was no variation found in Bali cattle population based on 19-bp indel of the PLAG1 gene, which is indicated by 123 bp DNA band. However, sequence analysis of the PLAG1 gene resulted in a novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at nucleotide number 32235 of the PLAG1 gene that changed guanine (G) to adenine (A). This novel SNP could be furthermore genotyped and it might be a potential candidate marker for body size and reproduction traits in Bali cattle.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
Indrawirawan ◽  
B Suwignyo ◽  
T A Kusumastuti

Abstract This study aims to analyse enterprise budgeting and the factors that affect the smallholder Bali cattle fattening income in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The total respondents were 46 farmers include 11 farmers at Bali cattle fattening enterprise six-month period and 35 farmers at fattening enterprise nine-month period. Respondents were selected using a purposive method. The data of the research was collected using interviews with questionnaires. Analysis of economic potential as follows net income and return to labour and management used enterprise budgeting analysis. The factors that affect the income of farmers using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the 6- and 9-month fattening period of the smallholder Bali cattle fattening have net income of IDR 23,122,086 / farmer/period and IDR 11,926,657/farmer/period. In addition, it provides returns to labour and management of IDR 27,428,173/farmer/period and IDR 15,111,982/farmer/period. The number of feeder cattle and non-formal education dummy partially and significantly influence (P<0.01) income smallholders. Smallholder Bali cattle fattening enterprise is a potential business alternative to generate income for rural communities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00050
Rosidi Azis ◽  
Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih ◽  
Sri Wahjuningsih ◽  
Herni Sudarwati ◽  
Ahmad Furqon

The aim of this study was to identify the qualitative characteristics of Bali cattle at Bali Breeding Center. The samples used were 136 heads. Qualitative data was analysed based on the percentage for each trait and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the characteristic with the highest percentage were brick red for females of Bali cattle (84,81%), black for males Bali cattle (86.66%), dominant thick back line (79.74%) for females, while on males was not clear (86,67%), strict line of body color border with leg (100% for males and 91,14% for females), strict line of body color border with buttocks color (93,33% for males and 88,61% for females), white of edge lips color (95% for males and 93,67% for females), black eyelid color (100%), white ear hair color (males: 100% & females: 96,20%), dark circles on the ears (98.73%), dominant medium wattle for males (93,33%) & small wattle for females (53,16%), upwards horn (males: 100% & females: 94.93%), black tail feathers (males: 100% & females: 98.04%), and no hump (males: 96.66% & females: 100%). The qualitative characteristics of Bali cattle at Bali breeding center were in line with Indonesian National Standard. However, there were deviations and abnormality with a small percentage.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00010
Sutikno Sutikno ◽  
Jean Pierre Munyaneza ◽  
Santiananda Arta Asmarasari ◽  
Jakaria Jakaria

The mutation rs109231213 that is located in 3’UTR of PLAG1 gene is associated with the growth and body weight in several Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds. This study aimed to identify SNP rs109231213 in Bali cattle (Bos javanicus). The study used 41 samples of Bali cattle. The PLAG1 gene polymorphism was analyzed using PCR and direct sequencing methods. PCR pimers were 5’- TTGCACAGAATCAGTGTGTC-3’ and 5’- AGCCTAACGTGGATCTATGG-3’. The results showed that primers successfully amplified the 331 bp fragment at annealing 60°C that contained rs109231213. SNP was monomorphic in Bali cattle with one allele (G). This study concludes that rs109231213 in 3’UTR of PLAG1 gene can be used as specific marker in purebred of Bali cattle that have never been crossed with Bos taurus and Bos indicus.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Hermawansyah Hermawansyah ◽  
Bahri Syamsuryadi ◽  
Iin Mutmainna

The breeders' knowledge of the suitability of the breeding environment for cattle breeds may increase livestock productivity. Determining the differences in microclimate environmental conditions, physiological responses, and production capabilities of Bali and Limousine crossbred cattle raised at different altitudes in Sinjai Regency were the aim of this study. The research was carried out on people's farms in Sinjai, which were divided into three locations based on the height of different rearing places; low areas (0-100 masl) were represented by East Sinjai sub-district, South Sinjai sub-district for medium plains areas (100-400 masl), and highland areas (>400 masl) were represented by West Sinjai sub-district. The selection was based on the height of the place and beef cattle business in the area. The materials used were 30 Balinese cattle and 24 Limousine hybrids. This research was conducted from July to September 2020. The method of the research used direct observation in the field. Data collection used the method of direct observation in the field. The parameters observed were; microclimate conditions, physiological responses, and beef cattle production capabilities. The research found that the altitude of keeping Bali cattle and Limousine breeding affected the microclimate conditions such as air temperature and humidity in the highlands. The air temperature is lower in the highlands but the humidity is higher than the lowlands. Besides, on the physiological response parameters, the altitude effected on the Limousine hybrid as well as respiratory frequency and pulse rate of Bali cattle. Respiratory and pulse rates are lower at high altitudes. The height of the breeding ground also affected the height of the Bali cattle, and the chest circumference of the Limousine hybrid. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 (12) ◽  
pp. 208-215
D.R. Nendissa ◽  
A.K. Malik ◽  
M.D.C. Lerik ◽  
J.N. Kihe

Sari Yanti Hayanti ◽  
Eko Handiwirawan ◽  
Zubir . ◽  
Bustami . ◽  
Endang Susilawati

Background: The development of local Bali cattle in ex-situ areas allow for the formation of new qualitative phenotypic characteristics. The aim of this study is to characterize Bali cattle that have been created in Jambi Province’s ex-situ environment in several of rearing areas. Methods: A research sample of 478 Bali cattle from Muaro Jambi (MJB) district, Sarolangun (SLG) district, Tanjung Jabung Timur (TJT) District, Jambi City (KJB) and PTPN VI were surveyed. The qualitative phenotype characteristic observed were pattern of head color, dominant head color, inner-ear color, forehead color, side-lip color, horn shape, body-color pattern, dominant body color, back-line color, under-belly color, sock color, rump color and tail color. The frequency and percentage of each qualitative characteristic were calculated using the PROC FREQ function of SAS software version 9.0, resulting in a cross-tabulation of the qualitative characteristics observed in Bali cattle at various locations. Then, PROC CORESP performs multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) between the qualitative characteristics of the variables. The resulting plot depicts the graphical relationship between variables. Result: Research results based on sex showed that only white lower lip and black inner ear were characteristic of the head found to be common, while black backline, light-brown underbelly, white rump and black tail hair were common characteristics for the body. Head phenotype based on district showed that white lower lip and white-black inner ear could be found in male Bali cattle while white lower lip and abnormal horn characteristic could be found in females. Body characteristic analysis showed three-color pattern to be common in male Bali cattle while black backline, white feet and white rump were common characteristics found in females. These characteristics can therefore be seen as differentiating characteristics between sex and district of origin of Bali cattle.

2021 ◽  
pp. 187-196
Shabrina Dyah Wibawanti ◽  
Mohammad Yamin ◽  
Rudi Afnan ◽  
Rudy Priyanto

This study aimed to assess the welfare and performance of Bali cattle transported by Camara Nusantara vessel. We observed five-day transporting of 30 Bali cattle (1-2 years old, 100-200kg body weight) from cattle loading at Tenau Port, Kupang and cattle handling during sea transportation to cattle unloading at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. The measured parameters were cattle’s physiological responses, including body surface temperature, foaming (excessive foam around their mouth), respiration (respiration rate during transportation), and panting (any panting behavior during the transport). The behavioral responses measured in this study were feeding behavior (do cattle eat normally during transportation process), lying (can cattle lie normally), agonistic interaction (mounting, head fighting, etc.), freeze during the loading/ unloading process (stop walking during loading and unloading process), coercion (cattle was hit during loading and unloading process), and slip/fall (cattle slipped or fell during loading and unloading process). The welfare evaluation was carried out by scoring system on the observed parameters. The result showed that the cattle showed a normal physiological response, except their body surface temperature was slightly above normal, i.e., 32-35oC. The cattle also showed normal behavior responses except for coercion. The average score gets from this study was 2.5, indicative of slightly poor physiology and behavior when cattle being transported.

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