the presidential and the semi-presidential system

Peshraw Mohammed Ameen

In this research we dealt with the aspects of the presidential system and the semi-presidential system, and he problematic of the political system in the Kurdistan Region. Mainly The presidential system has stabilized in many important countries, and the semi-presidential concept is a new concept that can be considered a mixture of parliamentary and presidential principles. One of the features of a semi-presidential system is that the elected president is accountable to parliament. The main player is the president who is elected in direct or indirect general elections. And the United States is a model for the presidential system, and France is the most realistic model for implementing the semi-presidential system. The French political system, which lived a long period under the traditional parliamentary system, introduced new adjustments in the power structure by strengthening the powers of the executive authority vis-à-vis Parliament, and expanding the powers of the President of the Republic. In exchange for the government while remaining far from bearing political responsibility, and therefore it can be said that the French system has overcome the elements of the presidential system in terms of objectivity and retains the elements of the parliamentary system in terms of formality, so it deserves to be called the semi-presidential system. Then the political system in the Kurdistan Region is not a complete parliamentary system, and it is not a presidential system in light of the presence of a parliament with powers. Therefore, the semi-presidential system is the most appropriate political system for this region, where disputes are resolved over the authority of both the parliament and the regional president, and a political system is built stable. And that because The presence of a parliamentary majority, which supports a government based on a strategic and stable party coalition, which is one of the current problems in the Kurdistan region. This dilemma can be solved through the semi-presidential system. And in another hand The impartiality of the head of state in the relationship with the government and parliament. The head of state, with some relations with the government, can participate in legislative competencies with Parliament.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (10) ◽  
pp. 101
Emad Wakaa Ajil

Iraq is one of the most Arab countries where the system of government has undergone major political transformations and violent events since the emergence of the modern Iraqi state in 1921 and up to the present. It began with the monarchy and the transformation of the regime into the republican system in 1958. In the republican system, Continued until 2003, and after the US occupation of Iraq in 2003, the regime changed from presidential to parliamentary system, and the parliamentary experience is a modern experience for Iraq, as he lived for a long time without parliamentary experience, what existed before 2003, can not be a parliamentary experience , The experience righteousness The study of the parliamentary system in particular and the political process in general has not been easy, because it is a complex and complex process that concerns the political system and its internal and external environment, both of which are influential in the political system and thus on the political process as a whole, After the US occupation of Iraq, the United States intervened to establish a permanent constitution for the country. Despite all the circumstances accompanying the drafting of the constitution, it is the first constitution to be drafted by an elected Constituent Assembly. The Iraqi Constitution adopted the parliamentary system of government and approved the principle of flexible separation of powers in order to achieve cooperation and balance between the authorities.

Significance The National Liberation Front (FLN) and Democratic National Rally (RND) received the most seats, as expected, amid widespread voter apathy. Impacts The government will continue its austerity strategy in response to the low oil price, and face more social tension and protests. The young generation will lose even more trust in the political system and opt for protest, resignation and emigration. The supporters of security and economic cooperation with the United States within the regime were strengthened.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-252
Milan Rapajić

One of the characteristics of the system of government in the Fifth French Republic is the strengthened position of the head of state, but also the existence of the first minister as a constitutional category with a significant role. The constitution provides the political responsibility of the government with the Prime Minister and ministers before parliament. Certain French writers have opinion that the Prime Minister appears as the central figure of the constitutional structure. The Prime Minister shall direct the actions of the Government. This is 21 of Constitution. Also, there are specific powers that put the Prime Minister in the position of its real head of government. Among the prime minister's most important powers is his right to elect members of the government. It is the right to propose to the President of the Republic the appointment but also the dismissal of members of the government. The Prime Minister is authorized to re-sign certain acts of the President of the Republic. In case of temporary impediment of the head of state, the Prime Minister chairs the councils and committees for national defense, as well as the Council of Ministers. The paper analyzes the constitutional provisions that lead to the conclusion that the position of the Prime Minister is institutionally constructed as strong. Political practice, with the exception of periods of cohabitation, has indicated that most prime ministers have been overshadowed by mostly powerful heads of state. For that reason, it is necessary to analyze the political practice of all eight presidential governments. A review of the already long political life that has lasted since 1958. points to the conclusion that in its longest period, presidents of the Republic dominated the public political scene. The Prime Minister has a more pronounced role in the executive branch during cohabitation periods. However, nine years in three cohabitations cannot change the central conclusion of this paper that the dominant political practice of the Fifth Republic has led to the Prime Minister being essentially in the shadow of the head of state.

Ishaq Rahman ◽  
Elyta Elyta

ABSTRACT A country that implements the system as mentioned earlier is more towards an authoritarian system of government which aims to dominate and dominate the power of the state towards the people. Democracy cannot survive from such a closed state. In a basic concept of democracy, there is a fundamental principle, namely the principle of sovereignty of the people who run the government.Political communication is one of the many roles played by political parties in various available arrangements. The political party is required to communicate knowledge, issues and political thoughts.Constitutionally, the Government adopts a Presidential System in which the ministers in the cabinet are responsible to the president. But in practice the SBY-JK administration is more of a Parliamentary System. Keywords: political parties, democracy, SBY government

Fabio Ratto Trabucco

La Macedonia del Nord è un caso peculiare all’interno dell’ex Jugoslavia e nel processo di adesione all’UE per le ben note implicazioni geopolitiche: la minoranza albanese e la denominazione, ambedue solo recentemente superati. Emerge tuttavia un sistema di governo semipresidenziale non dissimile da quello degli altri Paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale, che, trascendendo il classico modello di Duverger, si connota per una predominanza della centralità parlamentare opposta al Capo dello Stato senza significativi poteri costituzionali. Solo un Presidente con una forte personalità sembra essere in grado di influenzare l’azione di governo, attraverso il suo potere di magistrato di influenza e persuasione. D’altro canto, il decennio del Primo Ministro nazionalista Gruevski è stato caratterizzato dall’autoritarismo con un regime ibrido ovvero democrazia illiberale. Pertanto, le condizioni politiche, istituzionali, storiche e interetniche del Paese non favorirono l’evoluzione del sistema semipresidenziale verso un modello a “Presidente forte”. Northern Macedonia is a typical example of instability within the former Yugoslavia due to the well-known geopolitical implications: the Albanian minority and the denomination, both of which have only recently been overcome. However, a semi-presidential system of government emerges that is not dissimilar from other Central-Eastern European countries, which, transcending the classic Duverger model, is characterized by a predominance of parliamentary centrality opposed to the Head of State without significant constitutional powers. Only a President with a strong personality appears to be able to influence government action, through his power as a magistrate of influence and persuasion. Otherwise, the nationalist Gruevski’s Prime Minister decade was characterized by authoritarianism with a hybrid regime or an illiberal democracy. Thus, the political, institutional, historical and interethnic conditions of the country did not, therefore, favor the evolution of the semi-presidential system towards a “strong President” model.


Özet: Hükümet sistemlerinin sınıflandırılmasında kullanılan başlıca ölçüt, yasama ve yürütmenin birbirleri ile olan ilişkisidir. Gayet bu kuvvetler katı bir biçimde birbirlerinden ayrılıyorlarsa başkanlık sisteminden, yumuşak biçimde ayrılıyorlarsa parlamenter sistemden söz edilir. Fransa bir Yarı-Başkanlık Hükümet sistemin örneğidir. Hükümet parlamentodan doğmaz ama parlamento hükümeti görevden alabilir. Bazı yazarlar Fransız politik sistemini “süper başkanlık sistemi” olarak tanımlar. Cumhurbaşkanı, başkanlık sistemindeki başbakandan daha çok yetkiye sahiptir. Halk tarafından seçilen ve önemli yetkileri haiz bir başkan ile parlamentoya bağımlı bir başbakandan oluşan ve genellikle "yan-başkanlık" (semi-presidential) ya da son dönemde ortaya atılan yeni bir formülasyonla "başbakanlı-başkanlık" denilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Hükümet sistem, Fransa, Yarı-Başkanlık, Cumhurbaşkan, Anayasa, Yürütme, Yasama, Parlamento, Senato, Başkanlık. Abstract: The main criterion used in the classification of government systems is the relationship between legislative and executive. It is quite possible to talk about the presidential system if these forces are strictly separated, and It is the parliamentary system if they are separated softly between each other. France is an example of a Semi- Presidential Government system. The government is not powered by parliament, but parliament can dismiss the government in the same time. Some authors define the French political system as a "super presidential system." The president has more powers than the prime minister in the presidential system. A "semi-presidential" government system usually composed of a chairman elected by the people and having a significant mandate and a prime minister dependent on parliament. Key words: Government , France, Semi-Presidency, President, Constitution, Executive, Legislative, Parliament, Senate, Presidency. Аннотация: Мамлекеттик системасынын жашыруун үчүн пайдаланылуучу негизги критерийи мыйзам чыгаруу жана аткаруу бутактарынын ортосундагы байланыш болуп саналат. Эгерде укуктары так бөлүнгөн болсо президенттик башкаруу системасы, ал эми бул ыйгарым укуктарына жумшак бөлүү таандык болгон учурда президенттик башкаруу системасын тууралуу сөз кылуу мүмкүн эмес. Франция бир аралаш башкаруу системасынын бир мисалы болуп саналат. Өкмөт ыйгарым укуктарын парламент тарабынан албайт, бирок парламент өкмөттү таркатууга укугу бар болот. Айрым изилдөөчүүлөрдүн ою бойунча Француз башкаруу системасында өкмөт башчысы президенттик башкаруу системасында премьер-министрдин укутарына карагандан көп ыйгарым укуктарга ээ болот, Түйүндүү сөздөр: Мамлекеттик Башкаруу Системасы, Франция, Аралаш Башкаруу Система, Президент, Конституция, Аткаруу бийлиги, Мыйзам чыгаруу Билиги, Парламент, Сенат, Президенттик республика.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 300-315 ◽  
Farhad Hassan Abdullah ◽  
Hawre Hasan Hama

The Kurdistan region of Iraq has a substantial number of the customary signs of political system, including the various main branches of the state institutions such as executive, courts, and assembly. Since 1991, the Region has established as certain political system that adheres to a commonly acknowledged type of system of government. Some contend that the political system in the region is a presidential system, however with parliament having had the ability to vote the President in or out for quite a while. Political division, explicitly between the political parties, has ended up being a veritable obstruction to the political advancement and strength of the Region and to concocting a bound together type of political system. The region has suffered from lack of constitution; this has caused political conflicts over the law of the presidency of the region and the ways of electing the President. Therefore, when Barzani's presidency term ended in August 2015, the political parties except the KDP attempted to amend the presidential law and make another law to elect the president inside the parliament until writing the constitution for the Region in which the political parties can agree on the form of the political system and the way of electing the President. This article contends that there is a connection between the nature and structure of the political parties and the political systems that have been proposed as a ruling model for the region. The article also concludes by identifying potential systems of government available to the KRI and the potential consequences of each.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-141
Muhammad Taufik

The implementation of democracy in each country takes different forms between one country and another, sometimes in a country in carrying out democracy it takes the form of a parliamentary system, likewise sometimes a country runs a presidential system in order to realize democracy. Meanwhile, in the context of the Indonesian state, the implementation of a government system whether it uses a presidential or parliamentary system is still a dynamic and debate until now among experts in constitutional law and politics that the Indonesian government system adopts what form of government system. Some experts have argued that when the 1945 Constitution had not been amended, the style of Indonesian government was often said to be a semi-presidential system. However, in practice the Indonesian government system is closer to a parliamentary style as was the case during the constitution of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia (RIS) and the UUDS in 1950, and after the amendments to the 1945 Constitution, the Indonesian government system became a pure presidential system. Several other experts stated that the Indonesian government system adopted a presidential system of government because it was of the opinion that the president's accountability to the MPR was not the responsibility of the legislative body. In this case he added, the President's accountability to the MPR should not be equated with a cabinet's accountability to parliament (in the parliamentary system). Therefore, it is very important to trace the implementation of the government system in Indonesia to date, whether it is adopting a pure presidential system or a mixture of presidential and parliamentary systems. Abstrak Implementasi demokrasi dalam setiap negara mengambil bentuk yang berbeda-beda antara negara yang satu maupun negara lain, terkadang dalam sebuah negara dalam menjalankan demokrasi mengambil bentuk sistem parlementer, demikian pula terkadang suatu negara menjalankan sistem presidensial demi untuk mewujudkan demokrasi. Sementara dalam konteks negara Indonesia, penerapan sistem pemerintahan apakah menggunakan sistem presindesial atau parlementer masih menjadi suatu dinamika dan perdebatan sampai sekarang dikalangan para pakar hukum tata negara dan politik bahwa sistem pemerintahan Indonesia menganut sistem pemerintahan yang berbentuk apa. Beberapa pakar mengemukakan bahwa ketika UUD 1945 belum diamandemen, corak pemerintahan Indonesia sering dikatakan sebagai sistem semi presidensial. Namun dalam prakteknya sistem pemerintahan Indonesia justru lebih mendekati corak parlementer seperti halnya dalam masa konstitusi Republik Indonesia Serikat (RIS) dan UUDS tahun 1950, dan setelah amandemen UUD 1945 sistem pemerintahan Indonesia menjadi sistem presidnesial murni. Beberapa pakar lain  menyebutkan bahwa sistem pemerintahan Indonesia menganut sistem pemerintahan presidensial karena berpendapat pertanggungjawaban presiden kepada MPR bukan merupakan pertanggungjawaban kepada badan legeslatif. dalam hal ini menambahkan, petanggungjawaban Presiden kepada MPR tidak boleh disamakan dengan pertanggungjawaban kabinet  kepada parlemen (dalam sistem parlementer). Karena itu, menjadi hal sangat penting untuk menelusuri pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan di Indonesia hingga sekarang ini, apakah menganut sistem presidensial murni atau campuran sistem presidensial dan parlementer.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 39
Vait Qerimi

In modern democracies, political parties have a very important political role. The existence of political parties is vital for the functioning of democracy. Political parties remain the cornerstone of the systems of government, and without their presence and operation, it is impossible to talk about the system and democratic institutions. Governance in a democracy means to and through political parties. Political parties and competition between them create the political system. Political parties constitute the central object of political sciences and they are almost always the main protagonists in the political systems. They undoubtedly represent the political power and the motor of parliamentarianism. Through the parliamentary action, the political parties build and operate the entire state structure of a state, regarding the functioning of parliament, the government, the head of state, to the local government bodies and other political institutions. Political parties are the socially dynamic forces representing one of the most significant achievements of democracy. This is well-argued with their very central role and crucial importance of the parties.

2017 ◽  
pp. 110-127 ◽  
Elżbieta Kużelewska

This article analyses the impact of constitutional referendums on the political system in Italy. There were three constitutional referendums conducted in 2001, 2006 and 2016. All of them have been organised by the ruling parties, however, only the first one was successful. In the subsequent referendums, the proposals for amending the constitution have been rejected by voters. The article finds that lack of public support for the government resulted in voting „no” in the referendum.

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