scholarly journals El mito y las entidades sobrenaturales entre los nahuas de Xolotla, Sierra Norte de Puebla / Myth and supernatural entities among Nahuas of Xolotla, Sierra Norte of Puebla

Revista Trace ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 123
Jaime Echeverría García

Entre los nahuas de Xolotla, en el municipio de Pahuatlán de Valle, ubicado en la Sierra Norte de Puebla, existe una antigua tradición oral que nos remite a un conjunto de seres sobrenaturales agrupados bajo el concepto de chichipahuatzitzi o ‘espíritus puros’. Estas entidades están encarnadas en distintos fenómenos naturales como los rayos (tlapetancame), las nubes (mexhuacante) y el agua (ahuacante); la Sirena (Zoliman) también está incluida en ellos. Otro personaje que forma parte del repertorio de la sobrenaturaleza es el Coixehuatl (el Dueño del Monte). A este conjunto igualmente debemos agregar a la tlahuepoche (la bruja), que es uno de los seres más característicos de la tradición oral indígena. A partir del mito y de lo que los xolotecos han escuchado de los más viejos, se puede conocer su apariencia física, el procedimiento para transformarse en guajolote, la manera en que ataca a sus víctimas y las formas de contrarrestar sus acciones nocivas; incluso, un mito referente a la tlahuepoche la ubica como la esposa de uno de los tlapetancame. Este artículo tiene dos objetivos: 1) esbozar una reconstrucción del antiguo panteón nahua xoloteco; y 2) interpretar los mitos de la tlahuepoche con base en el sistema indígena de eras, por medio de los cuales los contenidos culturales autóctonos han sido desplazados a un pasado remoto, que resultan inoperantes en el contexto actual.Abstract: Among the Nahuas of Xolotla, in the municipality of Pahuatlán de Valle, in the Sierra Norte de Puebla, there is an ancient oral tradition that refers us to an ensemble of supernatural beings grouped under the concept of chichipahuatzitzi, the ‘pure spirits’. These entities are embodied in different natural phenomena such as lightning bolts (tlapetancame), clouds (mexhuacante) and water (ahuacante). The Sirena (Zoliman) is included as well. Another character that is part of the repertoire of the supernature is the Coixehuatl (the Owner of the Mountain). This repertoire comprises also the tlahuepoche (the witch), who is one of the most characteristic beings of indigenous oral tradition. From the myth and what the Xolotecos have heard from the older ones, one can know the physical appearance of the tlahuepoche, the procedure to become a turkey, the way in which it attacks its victims and the ways to counteract its harmful actions; even, a myth referring to the tlahuepoche places her as the wife of one of the tlapetancame. This article has two objectives: In the first place, to outline a reconstruction of the ancient Nahua Xoloteco pantheon. Secondly, to interpret the myths of the tlahuepoche based on the indigenous system of eras, in so doing the native cultural contents have been displaced to a remote past, because they have become inoperative in the current context.Keywords: myth; supernatural entities; tlahuepoche; Nahuas; Pahuatlán.Résumé : Chez les Nahuas de Xolotla, dans la municipalité de Pahuatlán de Valle, dans la Sierra Nord de Puebla, il existe une ancienne tradition orale qui fait référence à un ensemble d’êtres surnaturels regroupés dans le concept de chichipahuatzitzi, les ‘esprits purs’. Ces entités sont incarnées dans plusieurs phénomènes naturels comme les foudres (tlapetancame), les nuages (mexhuacante) et l’eau (ahuacante) ; la Sirena (Zoliman) est aussi incluse dans ce groupe. Un autre personnage qui fait partie du répertoire du monde surnaturel est le Coixehuatl (le Maître de la Montagne). À cette liste il faut également ajouter la tlahuepoche (la sorcière), qui est l’un des êtres les plus caractéristiques de la tradition orale autochtone. A partir du mythe et de ce que les Nahuas de Xolotla ont écouté des personnes les plus âgées, on peut connaître l’apparence physique de la tlahuepoche, la procédure pour se transformer en dindon, la manière d’attaquer ses victimes et les façons de contre ses actions nocives; un mythe qui fait référence à la tlahuepoche la situe même comme l’épouse d’un des tlapetancame. Cet article a deux objectifs : en premier lieu esquisser une reconstruction de l’ancien panthéon Nahua de Xolotla ; et en deuxiòme lieu interpréter les mythes de la tlahuepoche sur la base du système indigène des époques, grâce aux quelles les contenus culturels autochtones ont été déplacés vers un passé distant, qui devient inopérant dans le contexte actuel.Mots-clés : mythe ; entités surnaturelles ; tlahuepoche ; Nahuas ; Pahuatlán.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-77
Sarah Weiss

This article examines Rangda and her role as a chthonic and mythological figure in Bali, particularly the way in which Rangda’s identity has intertwined with that of the Hindu goddess Durga— slayer of buffalo demons and other creatures that cannot be bested by Shiva or other male Hindu gods. Images and stories about Durga in Bali are significantly different from those found in Hindu contexts in India. Although she retains the strong-willed independence and decision-making capabilities prominently associated with Durga in India, in Bali the goddess Durga is primarily associated with violent and negative attributes as well as looks and behaviours that are more usually associated with Kali in India. The reconstruction of Durga in Bali, in particular the integration of Durga with the figure of the witch Rangda, reflects the local importance of the dynamic relationship between good and bad, positive and negative forces in Bali. I suggest that Balinese representations of Rangda and Durga reveal a flux and transformation between good and evil, not simply one side of a balanced binary opposition. Transformation—here defined as the persistent movement between ritual purity and impurity—is a key element in the localization of the goddess Durga in Bali.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Anne Obono Essomba

Globalization led by Europe has spread so-called 'universal' values across the globe, which seems to have cultural intermingling as its backdrop. All human endeavors are based on a culture that has become multidimensional. All the time, in their diversity, cultures try to complement and absorb each other. However, in this meeting of cultural giving and receiving, it takes on a new face, the culture shock.  This encounter causes major changes in our modern societies, giving way to a loss of cultural identity and internal imbalance. This article aims to analyze the way in which contemporary Cameroonian musicians use cultural and linguistic facts for communication purposes and other arguments. The aim of our work is to show how the various songwriters have found, through song, a new mode of resistance so that African traditions escape sedimentation. In this way, they reconcile the elements of oral tradition and the contributions of modernity to create a hybrid product. To illustrate our point, we have chosen oral texts from different regions of Cameroon.  In order to better understand the transcultural reality in the texts, we will highlight the marks of traditional and modern aesthetics, then show that the transcultural is seen as a space of symbiosis between the traditional and the modern.

Montserrat Artal

El presente estudio es fruto del análisis realizado desde las corrientes de pensamiento educativo en psicología, sociología y filosofía, poniendo el acento en el feminismo de la diferencia, el de la igualdad y el postestructuralista. Así mismo, he pretendido indagar por medio de las técnicas de la entrevista, y el cuestionario dirigido al profesorado y alumnado sobre cómo se construye el género en el ámbito educativo.The present research presents the results of the analysis carried out from the perspective of educational thinking trends in psychology, sociology and philosophy, focusing especially on Difference, Equality and Poststructuralist Feminism. Furthermore, this analysis also aims to focus on the way gender is constructed in the educational field through the use of questionnaires and interviews with lecturers and students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Paula Sofia Castro-Acevedo ◽  
Luz Esperanza Bohórquez Arévalo

The hierarchical structure has been dominant in the business context because of the ease with which it exercises control and reduces the risks of the limited rationality of the individual. However, the precariousness of these structures in the processing of information has been evidenced, and by extension the difficulty to adapt to the change. These difficulties can lead organizations to business failure and chain effects that arise from it, for these reasons it is necessary to find alternative structural ways to overcome these problems. In this research, a literature review is made of the way in which the organizational structure is related to the performance of organizations from different theoretical perspectives. Subsequently, the failures of hierarchical control structures are identified, as the dominant structural form in the current economic system in terms of how they process information, learn and make decisions, and then contrast the way in which these characteristics are presented in systems self-organized natural and artificial. Because of the review of literature in natural and artificial self-organized systems, it was found that they are highly robust in the way they process information, since they manage to transform information from the environment into knowledge to make agile, fast and quality decisions. From this, it is necessary to transfer these properties of the self-organized systems to the business organizations by means of the design of structures that encourage self-organization to increase their performance and avoid the failure and chain effects that this causes. The implications of an organization of this type and the lines of research that originate from this work are also discussed.La estructura jerárquica ha sido dominante en el contexto empresarial por la facilidad que tiene para ejercer control y disminuir los riesgos de la racionalidad limitada del individuo. Sin embargo, se ha evidenciado la precariedad de estas estructuras en el procesamiento de información, y por extensión la dificultad para adaptarse al cambio. Estas dificultades pueden llevar a las organizaciones al fracaso empresarial y a los efectos en cadena que se desprenden de éste, por estas razones es necesario encontrar formas estructurales alternativas que superen estos problemas. En esta investigación se hace una revisión de literatura de la forma en que la estructura organizacional está relacionada con el desempeño de las organizaciones desde diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Posteriormente se identifican las fallas que presentan las estructuras jerárquicas de control, como la forma estructural dominante en el sistema económico actual en cuanto a la forma como procesan información, aprenden y toman decisiones, para luego contrastar la forma en que se presentan estas características en sistemas auto-organizados naturales y artificiales. Como resultado de la revisión de literatura en sistemas autoorganizados naturales y artificiales, se encontró que son altamente robustos en la forma como procesan información, ya que logran transformar la información del entorno en conocimiento para tomar decisiones ágiles, rápidas y de calidad. A partir de esto, es necesario trasladar estas propiedades de los sistemas autoorganizados a las organizaciones empresariales por medio del diseño de estructuras que fomenten la autoorganización para incrementar su desempeño y evitar el fracaso y los efectos en cadena que este origina. Se discuten también las implicaciones de una organización de este tipo y las líneas de investigación que se originan de este trabajo.A estrutura hierárquica foi desenvolvida no contexto empresarial pela facilidade que tem para controle e diminuição dos riscos da racionalidade limitada do indivíduo. Sim embargo, se há evidenciado a precariedade de estruturas no processamento de informação, e por extensão a dificuldade para adaptar-se ao câmbio. Estas dificuldades podem levar a as organizações ao mercado financeiro e aos efeitos em cadeia, se você está desesperado, por estas razões, é necessário encontrar formas estruturais alternativas que superarem esses problemas. Esta pesquisa tem uma revisão da literatura da forma em que é a estrutura organizacional está relacionada com o desempenho das organizações de diferentes perspectivas teóricas. Posteriormente se identifica as faltas que apresentam as estruturas de controle, como a forma estrutural dominante no sistema econômico real em como a forma como processamento de informações, aprender e tomar decisões, para depois contrastar a forma em que se apresentar estas características em sistemas autoorganizados naturales y artificiales. Como resultado da revisão de literatura em sistemas auto naturais e artificiais, encontrou-se que é altamente robusto na forma como a informática, que deseja transformar a informação do entorno em conhecimento para tomar decisões ágiles, rápidas e de qualidade. A partir disto, é necessário transferir estas propriedades dos sistemas autoorganizados às organizações empresariais por meio de projeto de estruturas que fomentam a auto-organização para incrementar o desempenho e evitar o fracasso e os efeitos em cadeia que este origina. Se discutem também as implicações de uma organização deste tipo e as linhas de pesquisa que se originam deste trabalho.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Indah Lestari ◽  
Kurnia Ningsih

The aim of this analysis is to expose the issue about affirming position of women in patriarchy system which is done by patriarchal in order to subordinates the women. It is also intended to find out how the contribution of dramatic elements (character, plot/conflict, setting and stage direction) in revealing the issue of affirming position of women in patriarchy system. This analysis is done through text and contex based interpretation which is related to the concept of patriarchy by Kamla Bhasin and beauty by Naomi Wolf. The result of this analysis shows how patriarchy system strengthens the position of women as subordinate and less important person in patriarchal society that can be seen from limitation of career and its development as well as physical appearance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 421-440
Enrique Javier Vercher García

El presente artículo plantea la existencia y analiza la categoría de humanicidad, entendida como el modo en que las lenguas naturales clasifican y expresan la realidad externa en dos grandes ámbitos: el ámbito humano (aquel que el hablante entiende como perteneciente a la sociedad humana, a la esfera de la vida, costumbres, rituales, civilización y cultura específicamente propios del ser humano) y el ámbito natural (la esfera de todo aquello ajeno a la comunidad humana, de lo que está fuera del área de influencia de la civilización humana, es decir, los fenómenos naturales, flora y fauna en su estado salvaje no “domesticado” o no “civilizado”). El campo-semántico funcional de la humanicidadsería el conjunto de recursos de los diferentes niveles lingüísticos (fonético-fonológico, morfológico, sintáctico y léxico) de una lengua dada para configurar los referentes de la realidad y clasificarlos en función de su categoría de humanicidad(ámbito humano vs. ámbito natural). La humanicidad, por tanto, no debe ser confundida con fenómenos bien conocidos como los de animacidad lingüísticao la distinción morfosintáctica entre humano/no humano. This article proposes the existence and analyses the category of humanicity, understood as the way in which natural languages classify and express external reality in two large fields: the human sphere (which the speaker understands as belonging to human society, the area of life, customs, rituals, civilization and culture specific to human beings) and the natural sphere (the sphere of everything outwith the human community, outwith the area of influence of human civilization; that is, natural phenomena, flora and fauna in their wild, “undomesticated” or “uncivilised” state). The functional-semantic field of humanicitywould be the set of resources of the different linguistic levels (phonetic-phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical) of a given language for configuring the reference points of reality and classifying them based on their category of humanicity(human sphere vs natural sphere). Humanicity, must therefore not be confused with well-known phenomena such as linguistic animacyor the morphosyntactic distinction between human/non-human.

Target ◽  
2021 ◽  
Eugenia Kelbert

Abstract This article re-evaluates the theoretical import of networks of signification, one of Antoine Berman’s twelve deforming tendencies in translation. Taking Jane Eyre as a case study, the article considers character description as an example of a Bermanian network and traces the physical appearance of the novel’s characters across its six Russian translations. Character description represents a network that is traceable, depends on the reader’s ability to construct a visual mental image over the course of a narrative, has a tangible impact on characterisation, and remains relevant throughout a novel. It thus offers a concrete illustration of the relevance of networks of signification as a model for the systemic interpretative potential of translation variation. This analysis paves the way for further study of Bermanian networks and the ultimate integration of this concept in translation practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 193-216
Daniel Mocanu

"The Orthodox religious music in Transylvanian tradition has a unique history. It gained an important place in the Romanian musical heritage, by the way it managed to adapt to Romanian, in its own style, the psaltic musical repertoire, of Byzantine tradition. Build from the oral tradition, which, in its turn blended with folklore, cult music, and the other co-existing cults, and from psaltic tradition, Dimitrie Cuntanu’s work fairly represents, the first Transylvanian religious musical monument of Romanian root. The Byzantine musical origin of this paper can be detected, together with other works, from the musical structures of the first Katavasia established by Cuntanu, at Lord’s Birth Feast. Transformed to Romanian by different anonymous protagonists of the Transylvanian music, the Lord’s Birth Catavasia represents a Hrysantic exegesis reference of Byzantine music, in a Transylvanian style. Keywords: Catavasia, Byzantine music, Anton Pann, Cuntanu, Romanian adaptation "

2021 ◽  
pp. 120-147
Kent Cartwright

Chapter 4 conceptualizes the device of ‘manifestation,’ the term identifying the causal power of desires, thoughts, and words to call forth objects and even characters in Shakespeare’s comic world. In the spirit of critic Elena Zupančič, the device shows, among other things, the way that comedy can surface the amusing monstrousness and presumptuousness of human wishes. The concept of manifestation entails various literary and dramatic values that characterize Shakespearean comedy. Historically, it reflects interests and theories found in Renaissance treatises on magic, and it even parallels certain modern-day linguistic patters. The chapter formalizes and theorizes the device, drawing examples from a range of comedies. The Comedy of Errors (Dr. Pinch), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Helana and the love potion), and The Merry Wives of Windsor (the Witch of Brainford) come in for special discussion. The chapter ends by situation manifestation in relation to entrance effects in medieval and Tudor drama and to allegorical effects in Spenser’s The Faerie Queene.

2018 ◽  
pp. 221-232
Laura Kounine

The process of identifying the witch brought questions about emotions, gender, and selfhood to the fore. As witchcraft was a crime largely without evidence, legal and religious authorities had to employ their expertise in their attempts to uncover the truth about a person. The trial process reveals the overlapping and at times contradictory individual, communal, legal, and religious understandings of not only witchcraft, but more fundamental categories of sin, morality, free will, guilt, and innocence. The trial process further reveals how individual and communal narratives took on, and themselves shaped, understandings of witchcraft, gender, and emotions in popular media, visual culture, and intellectual treatises. The way in which people attempted to make sense of themselves and each other, how the body and emotions were ‘read’, and how this was gendered, was thus at the very heart of the struggle to identify the witch.

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