2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Muhammad Hadis Badewi

This article analyzes the local wisdom of Bugisnese that guide the relationship among human which is highlighted in the Bugis ancient book, La Galigo. This article aims to explain concepts of the human relationship in the cultural values of Bugisnese and its relevance to the human rights development in Indonesia. Using Martin Buber's philosophical perspective, this article adopts three types of relationship known as I-It, I-Thou and I-Eternal Thou. In Bugisnese context, Buber's perspectives have been adopted and understood into the cultural concept/values for a long time. They practiced sipakasiri' which highlights a taboo relationship. They believed in sipassiriki as an ideal concept in human being relationship and contended that mappesona ri dewata seuwwae is the most crucial concept that exist among them. These shared Bugisnese values are relevant to the development of human rights in Indonesia.

Fransiska Novita Eleanora ◽  
Edy Supriyanto

One of the violations of human rights is violence experienced by women, where women are placed in a weak and vulnerable position with violence in terms of physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence. This violence results in women often undergoing unfavorable treatment and results in prolonged trauma due to acts carried out by men as holders of power and superior in life, as well as dominating both in the household, the economy and also politics. The existence of patriarchal culture which has existed for a long time and assumes that women indeed in their nature must serve their husbands and as successors to offspring result in women being unable to do anything, especially if coupled with the community's assumption that a woman as a weak person not required get an education which is high because it is labeled as a weak human being and this is what causes men to increasingly dominate the superior or power of women. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of patriarchal culture to violence experienced by women and efforts to combat violence caused by patriarchal culture. Method This study was conducted with normative research by examining the literature and legislation relating to the problem under study. The result is that a culture of patriarchy dominates the superiority of men to rule where woman can rule in life its aspects.

Daniel J. Hemel

This chapter suggests a human rights–based justification for national basic income schemes, contrasting it with justifications based on welfarist principles or notions of entitlement to a share of the global commons. Starting from the premise that a state is a collective enterprise that generates a surplus, it contends that any human being who is an “obedient” member of that state has a right to some share of the surplus. That right—which arises from the relationship between the individual and the state, and is independent of need—could justify the entitlement to a basic income. Such income should be provided in cash, not in kind, because the latter risks depriving the individual of the enjoyment of his share of the surplus—in effect, forcing him to forfeit or transfer it to others if he does not use the public goods or services provided by the state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-90
Eduardo C. B. Bittar

This article discusses ways in which the São Paulo human rights short film festival-Entretodos developed between 2013 and 2016. It considers the festival from the perspective of a coordinator and promoter, discussing its achievements within the socio-political context of this global city, and of Brazil more broadly, where there has been resistance to advances in human rights culture (HRC). Data from the festival gave rise to an analysis of the relationship between art and emancipation, which is presented here from a philosophical perspective. The author illustrates how the experience of hosting a human rights short film festival in São Paulo has led to the development of a municipal human rights education (HRE) policy and to the conviction that art and citizenship, including learning for citizenship, human right and conviviality, can go hand-in-hand. The article argues for a pedagogy of sensibility, which centres learners’ humanity, as an approach to HRE.

Pelícano ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 196-208
José María Boetto

Belief and Praxis in The Foundation of Human Rights. A Tension between Metaphysics and Subjectivity ResumenLa fundamentación implica, al menos en un sentido inmediato, el intento de asir una determinada naturaleza, y por consiguiente conserva la pretensión de fijar –bajo una cierta categoría de conceptos inmóviles– un “algo”, que, de suyo, se realiza en el trasiego del movimiento.A partir de ello surge la siguiente problemática: ¿cómo expresar una ética acerca del hombre si este –en tanto subjetividad derelicta en el tiempo– se resiente a ser detenida y fosilizada en una categoría racional, connaturalmente quieta y ajena a la experiencia del movimiento? ¿Es posible, a partir de ello, establecer un fundamento acerca de los Derechos Humanos, que parecieran ser –al menos como supuesto– el a priori desde el cual concebir la relación ética y humana en el espacio político?A partir de ello consideramos relevante pensar, que detrás de su formulación –aún problemática y revisable– se esconde la tensión de dos modos de intelección que han atravesadoel modo de ser de la filosofía occidental, a saber: el metafísico y el pragmático.Intentaremos, desde dos autores contemporáneos, tales como José Ortega y Gasset y Michel de Certeau, que aunque disímiles en el espacio geográfico de la reflexión, congruos en cuanto al planteamiento de la relación entre “praxis, creencia y circunstancia”, ofrecer la posibilidad de una palabra sobre el intento de fundamentación de los Derechos Humanos, justificación, en que la misma praxis –sin abandonar lo revisable de la circunstancia– apela a la universalidad de creencias comunes sin fundamentación alguna en la metafísica de la verdad como sustancia. AbstractThe foundation implies, at least in an immediate sense, the attempt to grasp a certain nature, and therefore retains the claim to fix –under a certain category of immovable concepts– a “something”, which, of yours, is carried out in the movement of the movement.From this, the following problem arises: how to express an ethic about man if he –as a subjectivity that is timeless– resents being detained and fossilized in a rational category, inbornly still and oblivious to the experience of the movement? Is it possible, from this, to establish a foundation about Human Rights, which seems to be –at least as assumed– the a priori from which to conceive the ethical and human relationship in the political space?From this we consider it relevant to think that behind its formulation –still problematic and revisable– the tension of two modes of intellection that have crossed the way of being of Western philosophy is hidden, namely: the metaphysical and the pragmatic.We will try, from two contemporary authors, such as José Ortega y Gasset and Michel de Certeau, that although dissimilar in the geographical space of reflection, congruous regarding the approach of the relationship between “praxis, belief and circumstance”, offer the possibility of A word about the attempted foundation of Human Rights, justification, in which the same praxis –without abandoning the review of the circumstance– appeals to the universality of common beliefs without any foundation in the metaphysics of truth as a substance. Key words: Belief, Idea, Recognition, Otherness, Bastardy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dede Kania

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Historically, domestic workers has been around a long time. Their domestically roles made them often underestimated. However, the legal protection they are still very concerned, even until now Indonesia has no law regarding the protection of domestic workers, because domestic workers act of Indonesia has not been enacted. Whereas legal protection to domestic workers is urgent considering the number of cases of abuse and violence against domestic workers, particularly female domestic workers, without any handling or legal process well. Therefore, the authors are interested in examining how the application of the theory of gender equality and inquity for domestic workers act.</em></p><p><em>This research results: Firstly, the bill is needed to protect of domestic workers. Secondly, A worker of either sex is the same as other workers must be paid a fair wage and good treatment as a dignified human being. Thirdly, The aim of this act should be the process of formalizing the PRT even though the workings area of domestic workers are in domestic area.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: domestik workers, human rights,  legal protection</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Secara historis, pekerja rumah tangga telah ada sejak lama. Peran mereka di dalam ranah domestik membuat mereka sering diremehkan. Namun, perlindungan hukum mereka masih sangat kurang, bahkan sampai sekarang Indonesia tidak memiliki Undang-undang perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga. Perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja rumah tangga sangat mendesak keberadaannya mengingat jumlah kasus pelecehan dan kekerasan terhadap pekerja rumah tangga, terutama PRT perempuan, semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana penerapan teori kesetaraan dan keadilan gender bagi pekerja rumah tangga.</p><p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: <em>Pertama</em>, Indonesia sangat memerlukan UU untuk melindungi atau pekerja rumah tangga, sehingga RUU PRT mendesak untuk segera diundangkan. <em>Kedua</em>, Seorang pekerja baik perempuan maupun laki-laki mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, sehingga harus mendapatkanhak- haknya dengan baik sebagai manusia yang bermartabat. <em>Ketiga</em>, harus ada Formalisasi PRT walaupun kerja bidang pekerja rumah tangga berada di wilayah domestik tetapi hak-haknya sebagai pekerja harus diakui dan disamakan dengan pekerja di wilayah publik.</p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Pekerja Rumah tangga, hak asasi manusia, perlindungan hukum</em>

Stefano Pau

The Western view of the Amazon rainforest landscape has been for a long time (and partly still is) functional to the colonial ideology and aimed at its natural resources exploitation. Since the colonial penetration, a whole set of myths was created, which crystallised in two stereotyped and opposed images. On the one hand, the Amazonian landscape as ʻgreen hellʼ; on the other, the forest as the Garden of Eden. This paper will approach the theme of landscape and the relationship between human being and nature through the analysis of two Peruvian novels: Paiche, by César Calvo de Araújo and La virgen del Samiria by Róger Rumrrill, which outline a reflection on environmental problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
Leepo J. Modise

The image of God has been vandalised by racism in South Africa, which it is argued is a sin. It is an ecclesiological responsibility to address the vandalised image of God in South Africa. The author will argue from the human relationship as a build-up to the Theanthropocosmic principle. This principle denotes the relationship between God (theos) the human being (anthropos) and the physical-organic environment (cosmos). For addressing this responsibility, the grounds of internal racism are exposed using a philosophical interpretation. According to the author, there is a correlation between sin and racism. The latter is viewed as multidimensional from a Theanthropocosmic perspective.The theoretical framework will be within hamartiology and soteriology. The philosophical interpretation will be utilised to broaden the understanding of the theological problem of the vandalised image of God.

Minet Georges

This concluding chapter looks at human rights co-ordination within the UN system. For a long time, human rights in the United Nations tended to be treated as a special domain, one which might be of growing importance, but which did not necessarily need to be a consistent focus of the entire UN machinery. The importance of co-ordination and coherence for human rights promotion, however, has steadily become clearer, as the perception has grown that the human rights ‘issue area’ cannot be successfully dealt with in a vacuum or in isolation. The focus here, accordingly, is on the relationship of human rights to various relevant parts of the UN system—‘inter-regime’ co-ordination—rather than on co-ordination among human rights activities undertaken by the various members of the UN family of institutions—‘intra-regime’ co-ordination. It is the former aspect of co-ordination that has proved to be most problematic and had achieved the least progress until the recent period.

2010 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-94
Elina Eunice M. PIETRANI

The purpose of this article is to reflect on aspects that guide the work world today, more specifically on the high competitiveness between enterprises, affecting the internal environment of the organization, causing disturbances in behavior and mental health workers. These disorders that can range from a simple lack of motivation to depressive disorders, which affect the various spheres of their existence. By prioritizing technology and relationships geared solely to the achievement of performance goals, always unattainable, the companies put aside the worker, while human being. It is necessary to rethink these issues in light of the dialogical relationship and the alternation of the relationship I-Thou and I-it, championed by Martin Buber, in order to promote a more harmonious coexistence and balanced in that context.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Felipe Nicolás Mujica Johnson ◽  
Nelly Del Carmen Orellana Arduiz

  La actividad filosófica se dirige principalmente al mundo de las ideas, o sea, trata sobre el pensamiento y la meditación de los temas más profundos de la existencia humana y no humana. Por otra parte, la actividad pedagógica se dirige principalmente a fines más prácticos, aunque no menos importantes, y aprovecha los saberes desvelados por los diferentes referentes de la filosofía. No obstante, se ha señalado que por diferentes motivos la educación se ha alejado mucho del mundo más profundo de las ideas, lo cual puede derivar en una actividad pedagógica muy superficial. Con este ensayo se pretende acercar la filosofía a la educación y, en concreto, a la educación física. En primer lugar, se tuvo como objetivo analizar el significado de amor que proponen dos filósofos asociados a la escuela fenomenológica, Max Scheler y José Ortega y Gasset. Posteriormente, aquel significado se asoció a la formación ética en la educación física escolar. El análisis refleja que ambos coinciden en que el amor es un sentimiento objetivo y un acto intencional dirigido a conservar adecuadamente lo que es valorado positivamente. También reconocen que el amor es anterior a las emociones, los pensamientos y los deseos, así como que su dirección va desde lo superior a lo inferior. Este conocimiento puede ser aplicado en la educación física de diferentes formas, destacando la conciencia sobre la relación de las emociones con los valores éticos, como la solidaridad, el respeto a los derechos humanos, la tolerancia y la humildad.  Abstract: Philosophical activity is directed primarily to the world of ideas, that is, it deals with thoughts and meditation on the deepest themes of human and non-human existence. On the other hand, the pedagogical activity is mainly directed to more practical purposes, although not less important, and takes advantage of the knowledge revealed by the different referents of philosophy. However, it has been pointed out that for different reasons education has strayed far from the deeper world of ideas, which can lead to very superficial pedagogical activity. This essay aims to bring philosophy closer to education and, specifically, to physical education. First, the objective was to analyze the meaning of love proposed by two philosophers associated with the phenomenological school, Max Scheler and José Ortega y Gasset. Later, that meaning was associated with ethical training in school physical education. The analysis reflects that both agree that love is an objective feeling and an intentional act aimed at adequately preserving what is positively valued. They also recognize that love precedes emotions, thoughts, and desires, as well as its direction goes from the top to the bottom. This knowledge can be applied in physical education in different ways, highlighting awareness on the relationship between emotions and ethical values, such as solidarity, respect for human rights, tolerance, and humility.

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