2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dede Kania

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>Historically, domestic workers has been around a long time. Their domestically roles made them often underestimated. However, the legal protection they are still very concerned, even until now Indonesia has no law regarding the protection of domestic workers, because domestic workers act of Indonesia has not been enacted. Whereas legal protection to domestic workers is urgent considering the number of cases of abuse and violence against domestic workers, particularly female domestic workers, without any handling or legal process well. Therefore, the authors are interested in examining how the application of the theory of gender equality and inquity for domestic workers act.</em></p><p><em>This research results: Firstly, the bill is needed to protect of domestic workers. Secondly, A worker of either sex is the same as other workers must be paid a fair wage and good treatment as a dignified human being. Thirdly, The aim of this act should be the process of formalizing the PRT even though the workings area of domestic workers are in domestic area.</em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: domestik workers, human rights,  legal protection</em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Secara historis, pekerja rumah tangga telah ada sejak lama. Peran mereka di dalam ranah domestik membuat mereka sering diremehkan. Namun, perlindungan hukum mereka masih sangat kurang, bahkan sampai sekarang Indonesia tidak memiliki Undang-undang perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga. Perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja rumah tangga sangat mendesak keberadaannya mengingat jumlah kasus pelecehan dan kekerasan terhadap pekerja rumah tangga, terutama PRT perempuan, semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana penerapan teori kesetaraan dan keadilan gender bagi pekerja rumah tangga.</p><p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: <em>Pertama</em>, Indonesia sangat memerlukan UU untuk melindungi atau pekerja rumah tangga, sehingga RUU PRT mendesak untuk segera diundangkan. <em>Kedua</em>, Seorang pekerja baik perempuan maupun laki-laki mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, sehingga harus mendapatkanhak- haknya dengan baik sebagai manusia yang bermartabat. <em>Ketiga</em>, harus ada Formalisasi PRT walaupun kerja bidang pekerja rumah tangga berada di wilayah domestik tetapi hak-haknya sebagai pekerja harus diakui dan disamakan dengan pekerja di wilayah publik.</p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Pekerja Rumah tangga, hak asasi manusia, perlindungan hukum</em>

2015 ◽  
Vol 91 ◽  
Dede Kania ,

<h4>Abstract</h4> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><em>Historically, domestic workers has been around a long time. Their domestically roles made them often underestimated. However, the legal protection they are still very concerned, even until now Indonesia has no law regarding the protection of domestic workers, because domestic workers act of Indonesia has not been enacted. Whereas legal protection to domestic workers is urgent considering the number of cases of abuse and violence against domestic workers, particularly female domestic workers, without any handling or legal process well. Therefore, the authors are interested in examining how the application of the theory of gender equality and inquity for domestic workers act.</em><em> </em><em>This research results: Firstly, the bill is needed to protect of domestic workers. Secondly, A worker of either sex is the same as other workers must be paid a fair wage and good treatment as a dignified human being. Thirdly, The aim of this act should be the process of formalizing the PRT even though the workings area of domestic workers are in domestic area.</em><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Key words</em></strong><em>: domestik workers, human rights,  legal protection</em><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <h3></h3><h3>Abstrak</h3> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Secara historis, pekerja rumah tangga telah ada sejak lama. Peran mereka di dalam ranah domestik membuat mereka sering diremehkan. Namun, perlindungan hukum mereka masih sangat kurang, bahkan sampai sekarang Indonesia tidak memiliki Undang-undang perlindungan pekerja rumah tangga. Perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja rumah tangga sangat mendesak keberadaannya mengingat jumlah kasus pelecehan dan kekerasan terhadap pekerja rumah tangga, terutama PRT perempuan, semakin bertambah. Oleh karena itu, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti bagaimana penerapan teori kesetaraan dan keadilan gender bagi pekerja rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: <em>Pertama</em>, Indonesia sangat memerlukan UU untuk melindungi atau pekerja rumah tangga, sehingga RUU PRT mendesak untuk segera diundangkan. <em>Kedua</em>, Seorang pekerja baik perempuan maupun laki-laki mempunyai kedudukan yang sama, sehingga harus mendapatkanhak- haknya dengan baik sebagai manusia yang bermartabat. <em>Ketiga</em>, harus ada Formalisasi PRT walaupun kerja bidang pekerja rumah tangga berada di wilayah domestik tetapi hak-haknya sebagai pekerja harus diakui dan disamakan dengan pekerja di wilayah publik.</p><p><strong><em>Kata Kunci: </em></strong><em>Pekerja Rumah tangga, hak asasi manusia, perlindungan hukum</em><em> </em></p>

2005 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-624 ◽  
Christian Brunelle

The « rule of law » which for a long time was considered as an unwritten part of the Constitution now enjoys full constitutional status. Its enshrining in the preamble of the Canadian Charter sheds considerable light on the manner in which the rights and freedoms of the Charter should be perceived. The author opens his discussion by examining the impact that the constitutionalization of the « rule of law » has had on immigrants and refugees in Canada. As the Immigration Act of 1976 confers numerous discretionary powers which could result in their abusive use, the author analyses how the Human Rights charters applicable in Canada and in Quebec can insure the legal protection of immigrants and refugees. In the second part of his study, the author discusses the principal international texts ratified by Canada which have as their purpose the protection of the rights of immigrants and refugees. As international law is not « self-enforcing » in Canada, the author shows how the internal legal community conforms to the international obligations contracted by Canada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-78
A. Ardiansyah Akbar ◽  
Zulkifli Makkawaru ◽  
Baso Madiong

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis dan memahami mengenai Pelaksanaan Kerjasama kemitraan antara Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Sulawesi Selatan dengan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin atau tidak mampu  di wilayah provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam Pelaksanaan bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin atau tidak mampu. Penelitian hukum ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris, yang mengkaji mengenai bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin demi terselenggaranya proses hukum yang adil di Makassar. Untuk mendapatkan hasil penelitian yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan maka penelitian ini mengambil data dari Kantor Kanwil Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Sulawesi Selatan, Rutan Kelas I Makassar dan LBH Makassar merupakan lokasi penelitian yang akan digunakan peneliti untuk mandapatkan bebrapa data terkait bantuan hukum di makassar pada khususnya. Pelaksanaan Program Kerjasama antara Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Sulawesi Selatan dengan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum dalam pemberian bantuan hukum bagi masyarakat miskin di wilayah Sulawesi Selatan sudah berjalan dengan baik namun masih kurang efektif karena dalam pelaksanaannya masih ditemukan Organisasi Bantuan Hukum yang melaksanakan tugasnya namun tidak sesuai standar pemberian bantuan hukum. This research aims to study, analyze, and understand the implementation of partnership cooperation between the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi and the Legal Aid Organization in providing legal assistance for the poor or underprivileged in the province of South Sulawesi. This is to find out the obstacles faced by legal aid organizations in implementing legal aid for the poor or underprivileged. This legal research is an empirical legal research, which examines legal assistance for the poor for the sake of implementing a fair legal process in Makassar. To obtain accountable research results, this study collects data from the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi, Prison Class I Makassar and LBH Makassar as research locations to obtain some data related to legal aid in Makassar particularly. The implementation of the Cooperation Program between the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of South Sulawesi and the Legal Aid Organization in providing legal assistance to the poor in the South Sulawesi region has been running well but this is still ineffective because in its implementation there are still legal aid organizations that do not comply with the standards of legal assistance when carrying out their duties.

to-ra ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 639
Wiwik Sri Widiarty

  Abstract The struggle of women in achieving equality and justice has been carried out long ago, whether in the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects, in fact it has not been able to raise the dignity of women to be equal to men. Various laws and regulations governing women's rights include those implied in the Convention on Elimination of All Forms Discrimination Againts Women (CEDAW), namely the rights possessed by a woman, both because she is a human being and as a woman. Even though CEDAW has been rati ed, there are still discriminatory regulations, such as the Investment Law, Marriage Law, the Law on Placement and Protection of Overseas  Workers, the Citizenship Act, and other Regional Regulations. Therefore, legal protection of women's human rights is very important, for women whose rights have been violated, especially since there are many cases of female labor violence working to help improve the family economy abroad.     Keywords: legal protection; women's human rights; female labor violence .  

Enejda Osmanaj

The objective for gender equality policy is that women and men must have the same power to shape society and their own lives. While equality is an essential component of the human rights' protection, gender in equalities are still present in our society. One of the most serious violations of gender equality is violence against women. Violence against women is a form of discrimination, which is rooted in gender inequality. According to a study by INSTAT (2007), 27, 6% of women reported that violence had started after marriage. Abused women often were unwilling, to talk openly about domestic violence. in terms of urban versus rural differences, women in rural areas were significantly more likely to "ever" experience domestic violence of all types, compared to women in urban areas. There were also significant differences based on level of education. Women with a primary education were significantly more likely to "ever" experience domestic violence of all types, compared to women with a basic education or less, secondary education, and a university/post-university education. While women with a university/post-university education were least likely to "ever" experience domestic violence of all types, they were not immune to domestic violence in their marriage/intimate relationships simply because they were highly educated. Since 1993, Albania is part of Convention "On the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" (1981) (CEDAW), in order to prevent gender inequalities, as well as to ensure wisely the protection of women from discrimination in higher levels. Other Albanian legal acts, as The Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the law no. 10 221/2010 "On Protection from Discrimination", the law no. 9970/2008 "On gender equality in the society" etc. intend to protect women, to prevent gender discrimination and to ensure gender equality. Albanian National Strategy on Gender Equality and Violence in Family (2011-2015) had also a great importance on setting some levels on gender equality. But unfortunately, gender discrimination and violence against women is still a very widespread phenomenon in Albania. Statistical data reflect a very cruel reality. Women's rights are an integral and indivisible part of fundamental human rights and a real, applicable, legal protection is needed.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 201-220 ◽  
Fulvia Staiano

Diplomatic immunities significantly contribute to a protection gap for domestic workers in diplomatic households who are victims of egregious forms of exploitation and abuse, and thus, of serious human rights violations. The abuse of such immunities by diplomatic agents in order to shun judicial review by the courts of the receiving States constitutes indeed a serious obstacle to obtaining redress. The resulting conflict between international rules on immunity and domestic workers’ human rights epitomizes the increasingly frequent challenges posed by international human rights law to classic rules of international law, and raises the issue of how to find balanced solutions to such conflicts. Against this background, the uncertain and discretional character of diplomatic measures prevents them from constituting a tool of legal protection for domestic workers experiencing human rights violations. With that in mind, this contribution inquires on alternative remedies available in international and domestic law, with a specific focus on the relationship between international rules on immunities and two other bodies of law, i.e. international human rights law and peremptory norms of international law.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Mahmud Arif

The issue of human rights has prevailed globally although it is can’t denied that historically that issue comes from tradition of the West Liberalism based on individualism standpoint. In fact, freedom and equality as essential part of human rights have not been appreciated yet suitably in the realm of long history of humankind so it was still found the slavery system. Even in the modern time, at several regions, the right of vote consisting of human right has not possessed by the women. There was a accusation from some scholars in the West that Islam is a religion opposing to human rights and gender equality. They argue that Islam has justified any religious violence, has cut religious freedom down, and has tolerated gender unequality. If it is viewed from the basic principle of takhfif wa rahmah (giving easiness and love), such accusation looks obviously problematic, because Islamic tenets normatively appreciate to establish human rights and gender equality. But empirically, religious interpretation often contributes in mainstreaming culture that castrates any religious freedom and gender equality. As one of religious interpretation product, fiqih (Islamic jurisprudence) for instance is claimed to contain many problems relating to religious freedom and gender equality. Such is the case, the reality of our national education. For a long time, in the Indonesian school system there are many factors causing failure of every endeavor for achieving the aim of human right education. This means that such basic priciple must be reactualized in the education system through hard efforts in humanizing education processes and pupil’s potencies.[Isu hak asasi manusia (HAM) telah mencuat sedemikian universal meski tidak bisa dinafikan bahwa dalam sejarahnya isu ini bermula dari tradisi liberalisme Barat yang titik pijaknya individual. Kebebasan dan kesetaraan sebagai elemen penting HAM ternyata belum diapresiasi secara semestinya dalam sejarah panjang pelbagai peradaban sehingga masih ditemukan adanya sistem perbudakan. Bahkan dalam kurun modern ini pun di sebagian wilayah, hak untuk memilih yang menjadi bagian dari hak asasi belum juga dinikmati oleh kaum perempuan. Muncul tuduhan dari sebagian kalangan di Barat bahwa Islam adalah agama anti HAM dan bias gender. Argumen yang dikemukakan, Islam membenarkan tindak kekerasan atasnama agama, memasung kekebasan beragama, dan mentolerir ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan. Diletakkan dalam konteks prinsip dasar takhfif wa raḥmah, tuduhan tersebut nampak problematik, mengingat secara normatif ajaran Islam sangatlah menjunjung tinggi penegakan HAM dan kesetaraan gender. Hanya saja, dalam realitas empirisnya tafsir keagamaan tidak jarang justru ikut andil dalam pembentukan arus besar budaya yang memberangus kebebasan beragama dan ketidakadilan terhadap kaum perempuan. Sebagai salah satu produk tafsir keagamaan, fikih misalnya diakui masih menyimpan banyak persoalan menyangkut kekebasan beragama dan kesetaraan gender. Demikian halnya dengan dunia pendidikan nasional. Selama ini, dalam sistem persekolahan di Indonesia masih banyak ditemukan faktor penyebab kegagalan bagi setiap upaya mencapai tujuan pendidikan HAM. Ini berarti prinsip dasar tersebut perlu diejawantahkan dalam sistem pendidikan melalui upaya memaksimalkan peran humanisasi dan hominisasi pendidikan.]

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Muhammad Hadis Badewi

This article analyzes the local wisdom of Bugisnese that guide the relationship among human which is highlighted in the Bugis ancient book, La Galigo. This article aims to explain concepts of the human relationship in the cultural values of Bugisnese and its relevance to the human rights development in Indonesia. Using Martin Buber's philosophical perspective, this article adopts three types of relationship known as I-It, I-Thou and I-Eternal Thou. In Bugisnese context, Buber's perspectives have been adopted and understood into the cultural concept/values for a long time. They practiced sipakasiri' which highlights a taboo relationship. They believed in sipassiriki as an ideal concept in human being relationship and contended that mappesona ri dewata seuwwae is the most crucial concept that exist among them. These shared Bugisnese values are relevant to the development of human rights in Indonesia.

Fransiska Novita Eleanora ◽  
Edy Supriyanto

One of the violations of human rights is violence experienced by women, where women are placed in a weak and vulnerable position with violence in terms of physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence. This violence results in women often undergoing unfavorable treatment and results in prolonged trauma due to acts carried out by men as holders of power and superior in life, as well as dominating both in the household, the economy and also politics. The existence of patriarchal culture which has existed for a long time and assumes that women indeed in their nature must serve their husbands and as successors to offspring result in women being unable to do anything, especially if coupled with the community's assumption that a woman as a weak person not required get an education which is high because it is labeled as a weak human being and this is what causes men to increasingly dominate the superior or power of women. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of patriarchal culture to violence experienced by women and efforts to combat violence caused by patriarchal culture. Method This study was conducted with normative research by examining the literature and legislation relating to the problem under study. The result is that a culture of patriarchy dominates the superiority of men to rule where woman can rule in life its aspects.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Winda Roselina Effendi

Masalah hak-hak dan kesejahteraan buruh di perusahaan-perusahaan Di Indonesia kian marak dibicarakan terkait masalah pelanggaran HAM yaitu, pemberian hak yang seharusnya sesuai dengan hak buruh yang telah diatur dalam UU maupun ILO . Sulitnya bagi buruh untuk memperjuangkan sendiri kesejahteraannya, mengakibatkan terjadinya ketidakpuasan yang pada akhirnya akan menimbulkan gejolak sosial dan ketidakstabilan perekonomian. Jika tidak ada perwujudan nyata dari pihakpihak yang berwenang mengenai permasalahan ini, dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya stagnasi bahkan kemunduran untuk jangka panjang tidak hanya dari sisi karyawan, juga terhadap perusahaan dan negara secara keseluruhan. Buruh membutuhkan perhatian atas nasib mereka sebagai sumber daya dan aset perusahaan.Kata Kunci:  Hak Asazi Manusia, Buruh, Teori KeadilanThe problem of the rights and prosperity of labor in companies in Indonesia being discussed related to human rights violations, namely, workers rights entitlements refers to government regulation and ILO. The labors’ difficulties in reaching their own prosperities resulted the dissatisfaction which leaded to social and economic instability. If there is no real appropriate manifestation from authorities of about it, , it can lead to stagnation and even retrogression for long time, not only in employees side, as well as to the companies and the country. Labors need attention for their fate as the company resources and assets. Key Words: Human Right, Labor, Justice Theory

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