scholarly journals Negociaciones internacionales, discurso y globalización de la agricultura

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
Francisco Martínez-Gómez ◽  
Gabriel Torres-González ◽  
Gilberto Aboites Manrique

Resumen:A partir del análisis del discurso y tomando como estudio de caso el tema de la propiedad intelectual de las variedades vegetales, así como el control y acceso al germoplasma agrícola, se muestra la manera en que, en las negociaciones internacionales, los actores sociales participantes van modificando sus interpretaciones y reestructurando los contenidos y significados del discurso. El documento muestra de qué forma la presencia de representantes de las empresas trasnacionales han logrado tener una mayor eficacia en la imposición de sus intereses, en menoscabo de los intereses de los estados nacionales, particularmente de los países del sur.Palabras clave : negociaciones internacionales; globalización; agricultura; germoplasma; propiedad intelectual; AGAC; OMC; TRIPS. Abstract:Beginning with the discourse analysis and considering as a case study the subject of the intellectual property of the plant varieties and the control and access to the agricultural germoplasm, it is shown how, in international negotiations, the participating social actors modify their interpretations and restructure the contents and meanings of the discourse. This document shows particularly the way the representatives of the transnational companies have managed to impose their interests,to the detriment of the national states' interests, especially the southern countries.Key words: international negotiations in agriculture; globalization; agriculture; germplasm; intellectual property; GATT; OMC; TRIPS. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 095792652097721
Janaina Negreiros Persson

In this article, we explore how the discourses around gender are evolving at the core of Brazilian politics. Our focus lies on the discourses at the public hearing on the bill 3.492/19, which aimed at including “gender ideology” on the list of heinous crimes. We aim to identify the deputies’ linguistic representation of social actors as pertaining to in- and outgroups. In addition, the article analyzes through Critical Discourse Analysis how the terminology gender is represented in this particular hearing. The analysis shows how some of the conservative parliamentarians give a clearly negative meaning to the term gender, by labeling it “gender ideology” and additionally connecting it with heinous crimes. We propose that the re-signification of “gender ideology,” from rhetorical invention to heinous crime, is not only an attempt to undermine scientific gender studies but also a way for conservative deputies to gain more political power.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 624
Vanessa Matos Santos ◽  
Victor Pereira Albergaria

Esta pesquisa consiste no estudo de caso entre as coberturas da morte do ator mexicano Roberto Gómez Bolaños, o “Chespirito”, feitas pelo canal FOROtv, pertencente ao conglomerado de mídias mexicano Televisa, e pelo Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão. O aspecto cultural merece especial destaque e, por meio da problematização das distinções existentes entre a morte (substantivo) e o morrer (verbo), o presente estudo demonstra que as coberturas da mídia nestes casos se fazem a partir da relevância da personagem para a identidade do público. Conclui-se, por meio do estudo de caso, que ocorreu o ofuscamento do sujeito (Roberto Bolaños) em detrimento da personagem (Chespirito). A cobertura sobre o morrer de Chespirito serviu, na verdade, para reafirmar sua vida e presença na mídia.     PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Morte; Morrer; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; Cobertura de mídia; Televisão.     ABSTRACT This research is the case study of the coverage of the death of Mexican actor Roberto Gómez Bolaños "Chespirito" made by FOROtv, news channel belonging to the Mexican media conglomerate Televisa, and the Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão. The cultural aspect deserves special attention, and through the questioning of existing distinctions between death (noun) and the die (verb), this study shows that media coverage in these cases are made from the importance of the character to the identity of the public. So, through the case study, the conclusion is that ocurred the obscuring of the subject (Roberto Bolaños) at the expense of the character (Chespirito). The coverage of the death of Chespirito served actually to reaffirm his life and presence in the media.   KEYWORDS: Death; Dying; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; Media coverage; Television.     RESUMEN Esta investigación es el estudio de caso de la cobertura de la muerte del actor mexicano Chespirito, el "Power Board", realizado por el canal FOROtv perteneciente al conglomerado de medios Televisa de México, y el Sistema Brasileño de Televisión. El aspecto cultural merece una atención especial y, a través de preguntas de las diferencias existentes entre la muerte (sustantivo) y la matriz (verbo), este estudio muestra que la cobertura de los medios de comunicación en estos casos se hace de la importancia del carácter de la identidad el público. En conclusión, a través del estudio de caso, que se oscurece el sujeto (Roberto Bolaños) a expensas de carácter (Chespirito). La cobertura de la muerte de Chespirito sirve en realidad para reafirmar su vida y su presencia en los medios de comunicación.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Muerte; morir; Roberto Bolaños; Chespirito; la cobertura de los medios de comunicación; Televisión.

2019 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-118
Katie Baker Jones

Discursive practices employed by American Vogue to recontextualize sustainable fashion between 1990 and 2015 were explored through the lens of a discourse-historical approach and multimodal critical discourse analysis. References to sustainably minded values and actions were found throughout the 26 years studied with notable peaks and valleys in coverage that, at times, contradicted changing social interest in the subject. Over time, Vogue recontextualized sustainable fashion discourses and encouraged a passive revolution by moving from a contentious positioning of either/or sustainable fashion to one that embraced a both/and positionality by narrowing focus to lifestyle and product features. Additionally, Vogue celebrated social actors engaged in sustainable behaviors though these were increasingly positioned as lifestyle choices rather than revolutionary collective action. Vogue continuously recontextualized the sustainable fashion discourse as “new” and desirable while neutralizing most negative considerations of fashion consumption through a variety of articulations and by drawing on well-established semiotic resources.

2012 ◽  
Vol 77 (5) ◽  
pp. 831-853 ◽  
Nitsan Chorev

This article explores conditions under which global norms change. I use a case study in which the original interpretation of an international agreement on intellectual property rights was modified to address demands for improved access to affordable AIDS drugs. Conventional theories that focus on international negotiations cannot fully account for the events in this case. Drawing on the theory of recursivity and insights from the literature on diffusion, I suggest that shifts in global norms occur through reactive diffusion of policies across states. Experiences accumulated in this ongoing process of reinvention eventually lead to a new, globally accepted reinterpretation of the original obligation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-46 ◽  
Martin Mickelsson ◽  
Anna Danielsson

The aim of the article is to investigate, in the light of the emphasis laid on scaling by UNESCO (UNESCO, 2014a), how subjectification of those involved in educational innovations both enables and constricts scaling understood as a learning process. This is carried out through a case study of the Alforja Educativa, an educational project in Ecuador on antibiotic resistance (ABR). The ABR has been described as a sustainability challenge comparable to climate change. The way in which subjectification enables and constricts scaling as a learning process is analysed by drawing on educational scaling research and the article illustrates how the subject positions of those involved in scaling emerge as scaling subjects in transactional relationships, both with the sites where the educational project is to be scaled, and in relation to that, which will be scaled.

Satya Widya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-61
Ika Wulansari

This study aims to find out how caregivers in helping children to develop or build discipline from an early age conducted by 3 caregivers of the Orphanage of the White Cross on the Orphanage Children of the White Cross especially against one early childhood. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative with case study method, data collection by interview and data analysis with qualitative. In this study there are 3 subjects that help one child in building discipline. The results of the study show that the discipline of children is increasing from previously unattended discipline until now already have good discipline, in building discipline. The way in which the subject tends to be different from the other caregivers. Subjects do not use corporal punishment and it is done in a better way. The way the subject tends to be a subtle way with good advice, real stories, habits, good examples, daily schedules made, gift giving to children.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-206
Alifah Yulianingsih ◽  
Febrian Febrian ◽  
Alona Dwinata

AbstrakStudi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan konsep pecahan pada siswa dengan menganalisa lebih dalam kesalahan yang siswa lakukan saat mengerjakan beberapa soal yang diberikan, sehingga studi ini mengambil desain studi kasus, dengan mengambil subjek studi siswa kelas VII A SMP Negeri 13 Satu Atap Tanjungpinang yang berjumlah 30 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes dan wawancara, tes yang digunakan merupakan tes jawaban singkat dan tes uraian yang berjumlah 14 soal dengan indikator soal yang berbeda-beda, untuk membantu peneliti mengetahui lebih dalam  cara berfikir siswa saat mengerjakan tes maka digunakan instrumen wawancara terstruktur terbuka dengan bantuan alat perekam suara (audio recorder). Hasil analisa yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa siswa melakukan kesalahan konsep dihampir semua soal dengan persentasi kesalahan di soal 1 sebesar 62%, soal 3 sebesar 80%, soal 4 sebesar 25%, soal 5 sebesar 50%, soal 6a dan 6c sebesar 83%, soal 6b, 6d, 6e sebesar 100%, dan soal cerita di soal 8 dan 9 sebesar 86% dan 7%.Kata kunci: kesalahan konsep, pecahan, SMPN 13 satap TPI  AbstractThis study aims to find out the fraction of the concept of fractions in students by analyzing more in the mistakes that students do while working on some given questions, so this study takes the case study design, by taking the subject of the study of class VII A SMP Negeri 13 Satu Atap Tanjungpinang which amounted to 30 person. The instruments used were tests and interviews, the test used was a short answer test and a 14 description test with different problem indicators, to help researchers know more in the way students think when doing the test then used an open structured interview instrument with the help audio recorder. The result of the analysis found that the students did the mistake of the concept in almost all the problems with the percentage of error in problem 1 of 62%, the problem 3 by 80%, the problem of 4 by 25%, about 5 by 50%, about 6a and 6c by 83% 6b, 6d, 6e by 100%, and the story in problem 8 and 9 is 86% and 7%Keywords: concept error, fractional, SMPN 13 satap TPI

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
César Ricardo Maia de Vasconcelos ◽  
Cristiano Júlio Moreira Dourado

This article aims at analyzing the organizational culture in a major textile industry from Brazil and tends to study the way through which this structure can become a motivational tool for the decision makers. From a qualitative research, this investigation is characterized as a case study, whose data were collected through interviews composed of predefined questions and which were applied in writing and in an articulated way. The technique used in the interview was that of focus group, and the collected data were analyzed through text transcription, voice recording and the establishment of an analytical matrix. The results showed the existence of an integrated and shared organizational culture, besides being a motivational tool relevant to the actions of the decision makers’ intermediate managers.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la cultura organizacional en una importante industria textil de Brasil y tiende a estudiar la forma en que esta estructura puede convertirse en una herramienta de motivación para los que toman las decisiones. A partir de una investigación cualitativa, esta investigación se caracteriza por ser un estudio de caso, cuyos datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas compuestas de preguntas predefinidas y que fueron aplicadas por escrito y de manera articulada. La técnica utilizada en la entrevista fue la del grupo de enfoque, y los datos recopilados se analizaron a través de la transcripción de texto, grabación de voz y el establecimiento de una matriz analítica. Los resultados mostraron la existencia de una cultura organizacional integrada y compartida, además de ser una herramienta motivacional relevante para las acciones de los gerentes intermedios de los tomadores de decisiones.Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a cultura organizacional em uma importante indústria têxtil do Brasil e tende a estudar a maneira pela qual essa estrutura pode se tornar uma ferramenta motivacional para os tomadores de decisão. A partir de uma pesquisa qualitativa, esta pesquisa é caracterizada como um estudo de caso, cujos dados foram coletados através de entrevistas compostas por questões pré-definidas e que foram aplicadas por escrito e de forma articulada. A técnica utilizada na entrevista foi a do grupo focal, e os dados coletados foram analisados através de transcrição de texto, gravação de voz e o estabelecimento de uma matriz analítica. Os resultados mostraram a existência de uma cultura organizacional integrada e compartilhada, além de ser uma ferramenta motivacional relevante para as ações dos gerentes intermediários dos decisões.

2020 ◽  
pp. 317-332
Mônica De Cássia Siqueira Martines

Este artículo describe los resultados de un experimento que involucró la enseñanza y la investigación en la disciplina de Historia de las Matemáticas, impartido por el autor en la Universidad Federal de Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) desde el comienzo de la oferta del Grado en Matemáticas en esa institución de educación superior. En este sentido, presentamos el formato de las clases y evaluaciones que se realizan para el tema del estudio que originó este artículo. La investigación desarrollada fue del tipo cualitativo, en particular un estudio de caso, ya que la experiencia descrita y explicada se centra en la preocupación por los aspectos de la realidad del aula de una sola situación específica. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de reflexión constante, diálogo y posibles cambios en la didáctica en el aula, ya que los estudiantes, cada día, son diferentes en un mundo globalizado e informatizado. También revelan la necesidad de invitar a los estudiantes a asumir el papel de protagonistas, de modo que las formas de evaluación para cada clase puedan modificarse.Palabras clave: Historia de las matemáticas; Evaluación; Formación inicial de profesores de matemáticas. THE DISCIPLINE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS AT THE FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF THE MINING TRIANGLE: A BRIEF REPORT AbstractThis article describes the results of an experiment that involved teaching and research in the History of Mathematics discipline, taught by the author at the Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) since the beginning of the offer of the Degree in Mathematics at that institution of higher education. In this sense, we present the format of the classes and assessments that are carried out for the subject of the study that originated this article. The research developed was of the qualitative type, particularly a case study, since the experience described and explained is centered on the concern with aspects of the classroom reality of a single specific situation. The results show the need for constant reflection, dialogue and possible change in the didactics in the classroom, since the students, each day, are different in a globalized and computerized world. They also reveal the need to invite students to assume the role of protagonists, so that the forms of assessment for each class can be modified.Keywords: History of Mathematics; Evaluation; Initial training of mathematics teachers.A DISCIPLINA HISTÓRIA DA MATEMÁTICA NA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO TRIÂNGULO MINEIRO:UM BREVE RELATO ResumoEste artigo descreve os resultados de uma experiência que envolveu ensino e pesquisa na disciplina História da Matemática, ministrada pela autora na Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) desde o início da oferta do curso de Licenciatura em Matemática na referida instituição de ensino superior. Neste sentido apresentamos o formato das aulas e avaliações que são realizadas para a disciplina foco do estudo que originou este artigo. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi do tipo qualitativa, particularmente um estudo de caso, uma vez que a experiência descrita e explicada está centrada na preocupação com os aspectos da realidade da sala de aula de uma única situação especifica. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de constante reflexão, diálogo e possível alteração na didática em sala de aula, visto que os(as) alunos(as), a cada dia, se mostram diferentes perante um mundo globalizado e informatizado. Revelam, também, a necessidade de convidar os(as) alunos(as) a assumirem o papel de protagonistas, fazendo com que as formas de avaliação de cada turma possam ser modificadas.Palavras-chave: História da Matemática; Avaliação; Formação inicial de professores de matemática.

Aula Abierta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 415
Luis Torrego Egido ◽  
Suyapa Martínez Scott ◽  
Miriam Sonlleva Velasco

RESUMENLa universidad debería formar estudiantes bien informados, dotados de sentido crítico y comprometidos con la transformación social desde una ética universal basada en la solidaridad y en el bien común. Sin embargo, en la universidad actual predomina una visión utilitarista de la formación. La asignatura Educación para la paz y la igualdad se imparte en los Grados de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Valladolid. Su finalidad es contribuir a la formación de personas éticas y comprometidas. En este artículo se analizan la potencialidad y los logros de esa asignatura. Mediante un estudio de caso en el que se utilizan entrevistas, observación no participante, cuestionarios, análisis de documentos y análisis de producciones del alumnado de la asignatura, se evalúa la valoración por parte de los estudiantes y la influencia que ejerce en ellos, así como los aprendizajes que genera. Se constata una mayor sensibilización, una mejora en la comprensión de la realidad global y el descubrimiento de estrategias didácticas para trabajar la paz y la igualdad en la escuela, pero sigue existiendo una actitud pasiva en buena parte del alumnado. Se precisa una educación contra el conformismo y la indiferencia.Palabras Clave: Formación inicial, Compromiso ético, Estudio de caso, Modelos de universidad.ABSTRACTThe university should educate well-informed students, endowed with critical sense and committed to social transformation from a universal ethic based on solidarity and the common good. However, at the current university, a utilitarian vision of education predominates. The subject Education for peace and equality is been taught in the Degrees of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education at the University of Valladolid. Its purpose is contributing to educate ethical and committed people. This paper analyzes the potentiality and achievements of this subject. Through a case study using interviews, non-participant observation, questionnaires, analysis of documents and that of student productions for the subject, assessment made by the students and their influence on them are evaluated, as well as the learnings generated by it. There is a greater awareness, an improvement in the understanding of the globalreality and the discovery of didactic strategies to work for peace and equality at school, but a passive attitude remains in many of the students. An education against conformism and indifference is needed.Keywords: Initial formation, Ethical commitment, Case study, University models.

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