scholarly journals Trust, advertising and science communication

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (05) ◽  
pp. E
Emma Weitkamp

This issue of JCOM presents some interesting challenges relating to trust and the media ecology that supports science communication. Weingart and Guenther have organised a set of commentaries considering the issue of trust and media from different points of view, by asking for responses to their paper 'Science Communication and the Issue of Trust'. The commentaries focus on traditional and social media and the actors that contribute to media content, though they do not consider 'paid for' content (also known as advertising), which is the subject of a paper by Silva and Simonian also published in this issue of JCOM.

Ruth Grüters ◽  
Knut Ove Eliassen

AbstractTo understand the success of SKAM, the series’ innovative use of “social media” must be taken into consideration. The article follows two lines of argument, one diachronic, the other synchronic. The concept of remediation allows for a historical perspective that places the series in a longer tradition of “real time”-fictions and media practices that span from the epistolary novels of the 18th century by way of radio theatre and television serials to the new media of the 21st century. Framing the series within the current media ecology (marked by the connectivity logic of “social media”), the authors analyze how the choice of the blog as the drama’s media platform has formed the ways the series succeeded in affecting and mobilizing its audience. Given the long tradition of strong pedagogical premises in the teenager serials of publicly financed Norwegian television, the authors note the absence of any explicit media critical perspectives or didacticism. Nevertheless, the claim is that the media-practices of the series, as well as the actions and discourses of its followers (blogposts, facebook-groups, etc.), generate new insights and knowledge with regards to the series’ form, content, and practices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 120 ◽  
pp. 02008
Plamen Milev

The article examines issues on the topic of digital administrative services in Bulgaria. In this sense, the paper presents the opportunities for application of data analytics, which are suitable for research of this type of services. In this case, the article uses data from online media content on the researched topic. The main purpose of the article is to apply opportunities for data analytics and to present the relevant analysis on the topic of digital administrative services in Bulgaria. To achieve its goal, the article uses various scientific methods, including study, analysis, research, modeling and experimentation. The results support the main hypothesis of the study, namely defining the benefits of applying data analytics to research the media positioning of digital administrative services in Bulgaria. In conclusion, the paper points out the opportunities for improvement of the research in the subject area with the application of the respective data analysis.

Kishokanth Jeganathan ◽  
Andrzej Szymkowiak ◽  

Social media is an important source of product information for many users. Marketing in social media is based not only on building a community around the brand, but social media is used as a way to reach a defi ned group of users with a marketing message. These users are shown content, including promoted posts, which is to draw their attention, interest and get them to action, i.e. click on the link and read the article promoting an event or product. In this article, we investigated how the diff erent headline wordings (question, traditional, forward referring) aff ect the desire to read the article. An experiment was conducted on 75 participants, which confi rmed that the header has a large eff ect size. The ANOVA analysis was carried out in two stages, additionally taking into account the importance and general interest in the subject of the article by users. Finally, the possible business implications, limitations, and directions for future research were identifi ed.

Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos ◽  
Joselice Ferreira Lima ◽  
Flávio Elias de Deus ◽  
Luis Fernando Ramos Molinaro

This chapter analyzes some case studies about social media in organizations’ administration. To do this, social media’s epistemological base will be introduced, considering contributions from the subject of organizational behavior. The importance of this discipline is that it brings together social sciences points of view (social psychology, sociology and anthropology). After this, views will be presented regarding the mathematical nature of social media. In this part, the internet’s influence on social media will also be discussed, for it has contributed to a new common sense, and it is responsible for social media popularity. Finally, how social media interferes in organizations will be attested to, as well as how it can be managed. In order to help the understanding of such knowledge, a survey will be introduced, with articles related to organizational practices in social media.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Бударина ◽  
Kseniya Budarina

The article examines the media´s ability to influence the process of forming political and civic culture of Russian youth. The author revealed the essence of the institute of the media and identified the main functional characteristics of the subject of the political process. The transformation of political values of the Russian youth is substantiated, as well as the instability of its political views in terms of mediatization and development of social media is considered. The priority of media activities is specified that affects the formation of political knowledge and attitudes of young people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-123
Cristiane Guilherme Bonfim ◽  
Márcia Vidal Nunes

This article aims to reflect on the impact that the campaign #PrimeiroAssédio [first harassment], created by the NGO Think Olga, in 2015, had on the perception of Facebook female users on the subject of harassment, drawing from the perspective of Cultural Studies. This hashtag encouraged the sharing of content and placed the feminist issue of combating sexual harassment on the agenda. We have used Martín-Barbero’s (1997) concept of mediation to investigate the context in which users published posts on Facebook and have conducted interviews with women who have published comments in the campaign’s posts. In a context of prolific content generation and intense participation, with many people speaking to many people, many authors see the emergence of politically driven action on social media, the so-called “digital activism”, as being relative, holding little expectations of radical social change. Our interviewees’ answers indicate that, in terms of tangible changes, they found that they were able to engage in dialogue about the topic with the people who were closest to them.         Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o impacto da campanha #PrimeiroAssédio, criada pela ONG Think Olga, em 2015, na percepção de leitoras no Facebook sobre o tema assédio, sob a perspectiva dos Estudos Culturais. A hashtag incentivou compartilhamento de conteúdo e agendou veículos de mídia sobre assédio, uma pauta que é bandeira de movimentos feministas. O conceito de mediações de Martín-Barbero (1997) é usado para investigar o contexto de postagens no Facebook e entrevistas com mulheres que comentaram em posts da campanha. No cenário de geração de conteúdo em profusão e da participação de muitos falando para muitos, a atuação política nas redes sociais, o chamado ativismo digital, é perpassada com alguma relativização, sem expectativa de mudança radical. As respostas das entrevistadas sinalizam que campanhas como essa podem  alcançar repercussão fora das redes, mas indicam que a mudança gerada foi o diálogo mais frequente sobre o tema com o círculo de pessoas mais próximo.Este artículo objetiva hacer una reflexión sobre el impacto de la campaña #PrimeiroAssédio (#Primeracoso), creada por la Organización no Gubernamental Think Olga el 2015, en la percepción de lectoras en Facebook sobre el tema acoso, bajo la perspectiva de los Estudios Culturales. La etiqueta incentivó que el contenido fuera compartido y generó agenda setting de medios de comunicación sobre acoso, una pauta que es bandera de los movimientos feministas. El concepto de mediaciones de Martín-Barbero (1997) es usado para investigar el contexto de publicaciones en Facebook y entrevistas con mujeres que comentaron en posts de la campaña. En el escenario de geración de contenido en profusión y de participación de muchos comunicando para muchos, la actuación política en las redes sociales, el llamado activismo digital, se puede identificar alguna relativización, sin expectativa de cambio radical. Las respuestas de las entrevistadas señalan que campañas como esa pueden alcanzar repercusión más allá de las redes, pero apuntan que el cambio generado ha sido el diálogo más a menudo sobre el tema con el círculo de personas más cercanas.

2005 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Alemar Rena

<p><strong>Resumo</strong>: O presente artigo investiga a experiência do sujeito perante as telas e os textos verbais. É dada ênfase aos meios TV, rede telemática e livro, embora eventualmente se aborde também o jornal impresso e o rádio. Argumenta-se que o limite entre real e virtual é mais complexo (senão impossível) de ser apontado do que parece, pois diante dos meios virtualizadores nos encontramos em um entre-lugar. Discute-se ainda a identidade do sujeito perante os meios, sugerindo estar aí o cerne da questão sobre o que os meios virtuais significam, do ponto de vista social e político, para o homem contemporâneo.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: meios; experiência; identidade.</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong>: The present essay looks at the subject’s experience before the screens and verbal texts. Emphasis is given on TV, Internet and book, although radio and newspaper are also approached. It is argued here that the limits between reality and virtuality are more complex (if not impossible) to be pointed out than it normally seems to be, for before the virtualizing media we find ourselves in between. The identity of the subject before the media is also discussed; it is suggested that this discussion is crucial for an understanding of what the media might mean for contemporary man from the social and political points of view.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: media; experience; identity.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 66-92 ◽  
Ilan Manor ◽  
Rhys Crilley

Summary The proliferation of social media has had a profound impact on the practice of diplomacy; diplomats can bypass the press and communicate their messages directly to online audiences. Subsequently, ministries of foreign affairs (MFAS) are now mediatised; they produce media content, circulate content through social media and adopt media logics in their daily operations. Through a case study of the Israeli MFA during the 2014 Gaza War, this article explores the mediatisation of MFAS. It does so by analysing how the Israeli MFA crafted frames through which online audiences could understand the war and demonstrates that these frames evolved as the conflict unfolded. It then draws attention to the important way in which MFAS are now media actors through a statistical analysis, which demonstrates that the use of images in tweets increased engagement with the Israeli MFA’s frames. Finally, the article illustrates how these frames were used to legitimize Israel’s actions, and delegitimise those of Hamas.

2012 ◽  
pp. 769-784
Karoll Haussler Carneiro Ramos ◽  
Joselice Ferreira Lima ◽  
Flávio Elias de Deus ◽  
Luis Fernando Ramos Molinaro

This chapter analyzes some case studies about social media in organizations’ administration. To do this, social media’s epistemological base will be introduced, considering contributions from the subject of organizational behavior. The importance of this discipline is that it brings together social sciences points of view (social psychology, sociology and anthropology). After this, views will be presented regarding the mathematical nature of social media. In this part, the internet’s influence on social media will also be discussed, for it has contributed to a new common sense, and it is responsible for social media popularity. Finally, how social media interferes in organizations will be attested to, as well as how it can be managed. In order to help the understanding of such knowledge, a survey will be introduced, with articles related to organizational practices in social media.

Organizacija ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Andrzej Cwynar ◽  
Wiktor Cwynar ◽  
Robert Pater

Abstract Background and Purpose: In recent years classic financial market theory based on decision makers’ rationality has been challenged by repeated anomalies that became a ‘new normal’. As a result, what we witness today is a considerable turn to behavioral concepts that can shed a new light on choices made by market participants. The astonishing development of social media accelerated scientific validation of such concepts, since the media opened new and capacious ‘laboratory space’ for testing behavioral hypotheses. The main purpose of the article is to examine whether financial market professionals believe that social media content can be useful in achieving additional financial market returns and to investigate the factors behind this belief. Design/Methodology/Approach: We surveyed a sample of over 400 financial market professionals at institutions operating in Poland, and analyzed the results using logit regression models. Results: We established that almost 60% of the surveyed finance professionals recognized the potential of social media for achieving additional returns. We also found out that the differences in respondents’ perception of this potential could be explained mainly by heterogeneity of their job experience and, to a lesser degree, by their job position. Interestingly, more experienced individuals were less likely to recognize this potential. Firm-specific factors did not have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Conclusion: The opinions of financial market professionals regarding the link between social media and additional returns are mixed, which is consistent with the current body of evidence brought by sentiment-based research. Our findings confirm the key role of previous experience in explaining attitudes towards novelties and innovations (such as social media), a phenomenon known from other fields and everyday experience.

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