scholarly journals ICT competence formation model of a future primary school teacher

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 190-200
Sergey A. Beshenkov ◽  
Valentina A. Matveeva

Problem and purpose. The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of ICT competence in future primary school teachers. In the context of global mass communication, the most valuable resource today is the ability to analyze, systematize, and interpret information. Global informatization naturally affects the education process and the main task of the education system is to identify current trends in the development of society and introduce pedagogical technologies into the educational process that form positive experience and reflect modern social changes, leading the educational process into an ordered, controlled system. The aim of the study is to find effective ways of manifesting information activities, building a model that promotes the development of ICT competence in future primary school teachers by means of mathematical cycle disciplines. Methodology. During the study, an analysis of approaches to the creation of educational models was carried out, ways of developing ICT competence of future primary school teachers by means of mathematical cycle disciplines were revealed. The main conceptual idea of the model, contributing to the solution of the didactic problems (epistemological, axiological, praxeological, professional-personal, communicative), is the reflection of mathematics in the information field as an instrument of humanization of the modern information society and personality. The basic aspects of fragmented subject modeling of pedagogical reality is the application of an integrated approach to the conceptual, criteria and quantification of the model. Results. A model for the development of ICT competence of future primary school teachers has been developed. The technological component of the model is disclosed, the criterion component of which is represented by the matrix of conjugation of levels (elementary, sufficient, advanced) and components of ICT competency (epistemological, axiological, praxiological, professional-personal, communicative). Each component is revealed through the prism of knowledge, skills and experience. Conclusion. The developed model for the development of ICT competence of future primary school teachers by means of the mathematical cycle disciplines justifies itself in practice and needs further research and quantitative analysis.

Oleksandra Shkurenko ◽  
Olena Sakaluk

The article discusses some aspects of using digital technology on technology lesson in primary school. Under current conditions of national education development the problem of future primary school teachers’ digital and technological competences formation remains insufficiently investigated in the context of integrated approach to the educational process. Authors propose an example of a conducted lesson using cloud services and technologies for motivating students in the process of studying new material using augmented reality, online board Padlet, infographics, conducting formative assessment, tests; assessment by means of online tests using QR-codes. The article also aims to help teachers to understand the technologies and methods of their application under modern educational conditions. The conducted lesson helps to build the knowledge of future primary school teachers about paper origami and kusudama techniques and to present self-made products using ICT for messaging and collaborative learning while solving learning, inquiry-based and practical tasks. The authors have found and implemented innovative approaches to solve the problem of formation and development of digital and technological competencies of a future primary school teacher by integrating the educational process in the higher education institution. The expediency of using digital technologies in the training of educational recipients responds to the tendency of restructuring the educational process in accordance with the Concept of the New Ukrainian School and taking into account modern innovations in the field of providing educational services.

2019 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 53
Svitlana G. Lytvynova

The article presents an analysis of national and foreign experience of electronic textbooks use in the system of education. It is justified the use of Smart Kids technology as a system of methods, forms, and electronic educational game resources, electronic textbooks for educational process in the system of primary school. Four forms of Smart Kids technology implementation (Smart Case, Smart Teacher, Smart Class, and Smart Kids) were described considering the facilities of every school as well as the level of information and communication technology qualification of the primary school teacher. The aim of introduction of the technology for each form of teaching, the necessary equipment, and means for its implementation in primary school environment were determined. Based on the procedural approach to work of the primary school teacher, six stages of introduction of the technology were justified. Specific aspects of introduction of blended teaching using the principles of Smart Kids technology were defined. The experience of introduction of electronic textbooks to the system of primary education of Ukraine was described, the choice of electronic textbooks by primary school teachers was justified, the comments and suggestions of teachers regarding the arrangement of electronic content in E-textbooks were summarized, the main approaches of teachers to the choice of an electronic textbook and development of their information and communication competence were specified. Proposals are given for training future primary school teachers on the use of Smart Kids technology and the inclusion in the curriculum of topics such as: the concept of EER, EEGR and electronic textbook, structure and development of EER, the use of Smart Kids technology for teaching students, the latest forms of work with students, work with network programs for organizing a survey of students. The fragments of use of electronic textbook in teaching 6-year-old pupils were provided. It was identified that the forms, methods, and techniques of use of electronic textbooks in teaching primary school pupils require further justification.

Ліліана Хімчук ◽  

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the category of basic competencies of future primary school teachers in modern scientific and pedagogical studies. The current state of elaboration of the problem in scientific and pedagogical sources is generalized; the essence of the concepts “competence”, “competence approach”, “basic competences of future primary school teachers”, “features of basic competences formation” are highlighted. The content of competencies is analyzed on the basis of the educational-professional program of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the field of knowledge 01 Education/Pedagogy in specialty 013 “Primary education” at the pedagogical faculty of Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk. An analysis of these definitions shows that most scholars consider competence to be an integral phenomenon that brings together the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of future teachers. Scientific sources highlight a variety of competencies that must be mastered by a future primary school teacher while studying at a higher education institution. However, a significant number of concepts defined as basic, distracts higher school teachers and complicates the process of forming the most important competencies for students. According to the author of the article, formation of basic competencies would be more effective if implemented on the basis of didactic principles, namely through: the Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2020, № 5–6 (99–100) 160 principle of cordocentrism, characterized by the priority of spiritual and moral dimensions of the educational process over pragmatic and organizational and functional and encourages students to understand pedagogical reality. not only through thinking, but also through the “heart”; the principle of constructive pedagogical interaction, which involves creation of a positive cognitive field in which each subject of the educational process feels comfortable; principles of gamification and early diagnosis and development of professional interests, on the basis of which students develop the ability to create play learning environments in accordance with the personal interests of pupils; the principle of sustainable professional development, introduction of which contributes to the formation of students’ ability to design their own professional image, to outline ways to improve it. The novelty of the author’s approach to this problem is that, taking into account the above principles, the didactic system of basic competencies, combining scientific and emotional components, will be aimed at enhancing creative scientific and pedagogical activities, will have a predictive nature and ensure sustainable professional development of future primary school teachers.


The analysis of training a future primary school teacher for the formation of environmental culture of primary school children revealed certain drawbacks: in the professional training of students of higher educational establishments, namely to theory and methods of ecological education studying is paid little attention; among the forms of organization of the educational process are dominated traditional ones (lectures and practical classes) of a reproductive nature; the potential of ecology as an integrated science has not been used; the resource of psychological and pedagogical subjects for environmental training of primary school teachers is not fully involved. All this creates a significant gap between the achievements of science and practice of environmental education in the direction of preparing future primary school teachers for the formation of environmental culture of primary school children. The article is devoted to the search for effective pedagogical conditions for training future primary school teachers for the formation of ecological culture of pupils. The literature on this problem is analyzed, which allows us to conclude that the opinions of scientists are marked by a contradiction about what conditions should be created to ensure the greatest efficiency of the educational process. In general, they determine the pedagogical conditions depending on the direction of their research, in particular: environmental training of future teachers; environmental training of future primary school teachers; formation of the teacher's readiness to intensify the educational process in primary school; development of ecological culture (pupils, future teachers); formation of pupils' caring attitude to nature, a sense of responsibility of pupils. We attach the following meaning to the essence of the concept «pedagogical conditions of preparation of the future primary school teacher for formation of ecological culture of pupils»: it is purposeful and objective possibilities of educational process and the factors and circumstances providing the corresponding process in unity of traditional and innovative approaches. The following pedagogical condition is defined: the organization of the educational process by means of interrelation of theoretical and practical training on the basis of introduction of new educational technologies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1 (339)) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Maryna Yepikhina ◽  

The article proves the urgency of the problem of forming the readiness of future primary school teachers for facilitation interaction of teachers with all participants in the educational process, reveals the essence of the development of the research problem in the psychological and pedagogical literature. The essence of the concepts «pedagogical facilitation», «teacher-facilitator» is defined, the purpose of facilitation is revealed, the facilitation role of the primary school teacher in the context of realization of ideas of partnership pedagogy is substantiated. The basic instructions of the teacher-facilitator, as well as general methods that can be used in various modifications are analyzed. It is proved that pedagogical facilitation creates the best conditions for the implementation of the ideas of partnership pedagogy in the modern educational process, and is also a more effective tool for partnership pedagogy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 42-45
������� ◽  
T. Khilenko

The article is devoted to the issue of postgraduate education, namely further vocational education of primary school teachers. The readers will fi nd a model of development of informational competency of a primary school teacher. The article describes the organizational principles of further vocational education process aimed at development of informational competency of primary school teachers. There is a list of educational process conditions of advanced training of primary school teachers, namely: independent work of a teacher, well-organized informational and educational space, organization of individual educational paths of teachers being trained, application of diff erent forms of education during the training process of teachers, opportunity to apply the works of practical value in professional activity as the result of advanced training. Moreover, the article focuses on criteria for determining the levels of formation of information competency of a primary school teacher, and also describes the indicators of each level: low, intermediate and high.

Volodymyr Markiv ◽  
Iryna Onishchenko

The article analyzes the features of the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary school teachers by means of BYOD’s technology. The authors revealed the essence of the concepts «motivation», «motivation to professional activity», «BYOD’s technology». Motivation to professional activity was characterized as a set of motivating factors that determine the activity of an individual, system of motives, needs, interests, aspirations, incentives, guidelines, value orientations, aimed at conscious choice of profession and long-term responsibilities which are associated with this profession. The authors substantiate the necessity of introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher education institutions, which will promote the formation of motivation for professional activity in future primary-school teachers. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the studing of the provisions of pedagogical science regarding the application of BYOD. BYOD’s technology is seen as an innovative technology that allows using personal mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, netbooks, e-book, iPhone, iPad, etc.) as learning tools. The functional possibilities and peculiarities of the introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher learning institutions are clarified as an effective means of forming motivation for professional activity in future primary-school teachers. It is determined that the introduction of BYOD’s technology in the educational process of higher education allows to intensify the training of future primary-school teachers; differentiate and individualize the learning process; streamline forms of information; use teaching time effectively; integrate students' knowledge of fundamental, psychological, pedagogical and methodological disciplines; get quick feedback. It is proved that the use of BYOD’s technology creates favorable conditions for the formation of students' motivation for professional activity, successful mastery of the profession of a primary-school teacher.

Long Yuhan

<p>The main task of developing primary education is to improve the quality of primary school teachers and ensure the quality of primary school teachers. With the continuous development and change of society, so far, primary school teacher education in our country has experienced the stage of the training-oriented secondary normal school; the stage of transformation from secondary normal school to higher normal college and undergraduate course; and the stage of coexistence of higher normal college, undergraduate and master training. Satisfactory progress has been made.</p>

Ірина Сухопара

Determining the content and structural components of the future primary school teachers' emotional competence will help organize the process of future teachers' training for successful professional activity, personal self-realization. The purpose of our article is to study theoretical substantiation content and structural components of future primary school teachers' emotional competence. Methods of analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, systematization and generalization of theoretical material, the study of experience on the researched question were used to solve this problem, which allowed forming their own view on the content and structure of future teacher's emotional competence. Primary school teachers' emotional competence is understood as a dynamic combination of views, values, knowledge of emotions, ability to express, understand, manage pupils own emotions and emotional state, which shapes the ability to successfully organize the educational process on an emotional basis, empathy principles, to realize themselves in professional activity. The concept contains two components: personal, which includes the ability to understand, express, identify, stimulate their emotions and feelings, manage them and interpersonal – the ability to perceive, understand the emotional state of pupils, their parents, colleagues, to understand the motives of their behaviour, effectively communicate with them, interact, solve problems, influence emotions and feelings to achieve educational goals. The emotional competence structure of a future primary school teacher is represented by such interrelated components as cognitive, value, activity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 42
Oleksii P. Mukoviz ◽  
Kateryna R. Kolos ◽  
Natalia A. Kolomiiets

The article demonstrates the expediency and ways of organizing distance training of future primary school teachers: forming theoretical knowledge and skills basis in students for the mastery and effective use of computer devices and information and communication technologies in professional activities and the fundamentals of information culture, information and communication competence; establishing a foundation for further mastery of teaching curriculum and technologies of distance learning in the area of primary education; as well as implementing the electronic learning courses Modern Information Technologies of Learning and The Fundamentals of Distance Learning in Primary School (developed at LMS Moodle). It is noted that the distance training of a future primary school teacher is an interdisciplinary pedagogic category that characterizes the degree of individualization, intensity and controllability, is subjected to the goals of the professional development of independent cognitive activities of teachers based on information and communication technology means with the indirect interaction (synchronous and asynchronous) with learning process participants located remotely from one another, under the supervision of a tutor. The readiness of the future primary school teacher to distance learning in the system of pedagogical education as an integral property of the individual, reflecting the comprehensive interaction of the motivational and value, cognitive and operational components, is determined. An experimental study was carried out; its results showed that the implementation of such distance courses into the educational process of experimental groups enabled a positive dynamics of the levels of future primary school teachers’ readiness to develop their own vocational and pedagogical competence in the conditions of distance learning. In the experimental groups of future primary school teachers compared with the control ones, the increase in the indicators of high readiness for distance learning was observed.

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