scholarly journals Landscape structure of coastal cliffs of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 298-306 ◽  
Anna M. Aleynikova ◽  
Oksana N. Lipka ◽  
Marina V. Krylenko

This work is devoted to the analysis of the landscape structure of the coastal cliffs of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The paper analyzes the features of vegetation growth and the landscape structure of the cliffs of the Tuaphat massif, proposes and substantiates the classification of landscapes of coastal cliffs, reveals the features of coastal landscapes. In the landscape structure of the coastal cliffs of the Tuaphat massif, natural boundaries can be distinguished by: the nature of the apparent occurrence of geological layers; substates by the steepness of the slope; striae, which are characterized by more abundant growth of vegetation along cracks in the geological layer; facies usually coincide geographically with nanoand microforms of the relief and are usually represented by one type of vegetation (for example, a pillow rock form). The distribution of vegetation by striae on fine crushed stone of siltstone or mudstone, the absence of halophytes, but the predominance of salt-tolerant plant species with a wide ecological amplitude (petrophytes, cosmopolitans and ruderal) are typical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 00007
Vilena Zakharchenko ◽  
Natalia Karpun ◽  
Boris Borisov

Brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) is a highly aggressive crop pest that has appeared in Russia since 2014. Under the conditions of a new invasive species area, it is important to study the characteristics of the pest biology, including the study of the range of trophic plants. The studies were carried out in the zone of humid subtropics of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in 2014-2019. The study of trophic connections was carried out in the course of regular surveys of the region’s phytocenoses, including agrocenoses, landscape gardening and forest stands. During the observation period, the number of fodder plants of the brown marmorated stink bug was 107 species from 48 botanical families. The most diverse fodder plants of the Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Sapindaceae and Solanaceae families. Among the food plants of H. halys, conifers are noted. It was Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu & W.C. Cheng and Taxodium mucronatum Ten. Migration ways of brown marmorated stink bug from forest plantations to agrocenoses, gardens and city parks have been established. Such movements allows the pest to eat variably and to wait for adverse conditions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Petr A. Tilba ◽  
Lev M. Shagarov ◽  
Victor I. Malandzia ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 664-675
Dmitry S. Tkachenko ◽  

The article analyses the corpus of documents from the fonds of the Russian State Military History Archive, formed in the 1830s during the General Staff officer Feodor Turnau’s expeditions of to the Black Sea coast zone, which lay outside the Imperial control. Although his activities among the Circassian tribes can be termed one of the best Russian secret scouting missions and his memoirs published in 1864 are still considered an important source for studying the military and political history of the region, materials and reports of the survey missions have never been examined in modern Caucasus studies. The author compares the data included by Turnau in his secret reports to the Imperial authorities with what he mentioned in his memoirs. It shows which issues the Imperial authorities and the Caucasus Army command were interested in during the Russo-highlanders confrontation of the second half of the 1830s. The materials collected by F. F. Turnau can be useful not only in terms of clarifying certain aspects of his personal activities, but also in demonstrating the running of secret survey scouting in unexplored and dangerous ethnic territories off the Imperial frontier. They show high erudition and good training of the candidates selected from the ranks of the General Staff officers to run these scouting missions. The correspondence of the Caucasus Army commander with the central authorities in St. Petersburg on the issue of Turnau’s captivity shows differences in their understanding of the Russo-Caucasus relations. The author comes to the conclusion that the corpus of collected materials on topography, ethnography, political and cultural description of the Transkubanian region peoples could have formed a basis for a revision of the Imperial stand on the subjugation of tribal groups. Although this political alternative was missed, the materials collected by Turnau became a precious addition to the Caucasus studies source base.

Н.Н. Карпун

Влажные субтропики Черноморского побережья России являются региономреципиентом для большого количества инвазионных видов вредных организмов. В начале XXI в. в зоне влажных субтропиков России выявлены 35 новых видов дендрофильных насекомых, из которых 26 можно отнести к инвазионным: из них 17 видов новые для территории России, а 9 новые для субтропической зоны Черноморского побережья Кавказа. Особенности инвазионного процесса у фитофагов изучались на основе анализа таксономического состава, регионовдоноров, векторов и путей инвазии, биотопического распределения видов и динамики инвазий. За период 2000 2017 гг. в общем количестве появившихся инвазионных видов отмечено снижение доли представителей отряда Hemiptera и увеличение доли представителей отряда Lepidoptera. В последние годы наибольшее количество инвазионных видов вредителей имеет североамериканское, а не восточноазиатское происхождение, что было характерно для региона на протяжении предыдущих полутора столетий. Установлены векторы инвазии для новых видов: непреднамеренный завоз с посадочным материалом, проникновение с транспортными потоками, непреднамеренный завоз с грузами нерастительного происхождения, самостоятельные перелеты. Все инвазионные виды восточноазиатского, американского и австралийского происхождения характеризуются двухступенчатой инвазией, т. е. они проникали в Россию из вторичного ареала в Европе. Максимальное количество чужеродных видов обосновалось в насаждениях декоративных пород (садовопарковые экосистемы), причем эта тенденция традиционна для региона. Частота появления инвазионных видов на Черноморском побережье Кавказа в начале XXI в. 1 вид в 9 месяцев, что в 7,4 раза чаще, чем в начале XX в. Humid subtropics of the Russian Black Sea coast are the recipient region for many invasive species of harmful organisms. At the beginning of the XXI century, 35 new species of dendrophilous insects were identified in the humid subtropical zone of Russia, 26 of which can be considered invasive: 17 species are new for Russia and 9 are new for the subtropical zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Special features of the invasive process among phytophages were studied using following parameters: taxonomic composition, donor regions, vectors and pathways of invasion, biotopic distribution of the species and invasion dynamics. During the period of 2000 2017, a decrease in the representatives of order Hemiptera and an increase in the representatives of order Lepidoptera has been recorded. In recent years, the largest number of invasive species has North American origin rather than East Asian, which was typical for the region over the previous one and a half centuries. The following invasion vectors were specified for the newly recorded species: unintentional importation with planting material, invasion with traffic flow, unintentional importation with goods of nonplant origin, independent migration. All invasive species of East Asian, American, and Australian origin are characterized by twostage invasion, namely arriving to Russia from the secondary invasive range in Europe. The maximum number of alien species has settled in the plantations of ornamental species (landscape ecosystems), and this trend is traditional for the region. The rate of invasive species on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in the early XXI century was once in nine months, which is 7,4 times higher than in the early XX century.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (7-8) ◽  
pp. 62-74 ◽  

Тhis study aims to evaluate features of the formation and sources of the basin component of the sediment yield during flash floods. Measuring campaigns were conducted in the weakly disturbed section of the Tsanyk River basin, located in the Greater Sochi area in the foothill-lowland zone of the Caucasus Black Sea coast. We used a set of field and calculation methods, including sediment dating with application of 137Cs, pin method, Yang's method, erosion modeling and others techniques for determining the rate of denudation and deposition processes. We investigated the processes of local and long-distance sediment movement. It was established that the rate of creep is 2-2.2 cm/year, the intensity of scree processes varies depending on the rock types in the range 1-3.5 cm/year. The processes of sheet erosion and linear erosion contribute to the movement of part of the eroded material from the catchment area to the river channel. Four types of slopes and slope catchments are distinguished according to the features of a sediment delivery from the catchment area to the river channel. The average annual sedimentation rate in the gully fan is amounted to 2.3 cm/year since 1986. At the same time, on the basis of studying the accumulative deposits of the gully fan, including the content of the 137Cs isotope in the different layers, it was established that the main sources of sediments are material produced by gully erosion, scree processes and slopes settling. 5-6 episodes of catastrophic sediment removal occurred in this particular slope catchment for 30-year period. The ratio between a sediment removal from the slope catchments to the river channel and the measured sediment yield in the Tsanyk River during the rain floods of low repeatability makes it possible to state that the basin component of sediment yield is at least 75% of the total. Information about the ratio of slopes and slope catchments of various types within the small river basins of the subtropical belt of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus should be taken into account when calculating engineering structures for protecting infrastructure facilities from the impact of flash floods or mudflows.

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