Regional Water Supply in Japan: A Study of Lake Biwa

1975 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 311
Robert D. Robertson
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Fitriana Fitriana ◽  
Umi Farida ◽  
Tegoeh Hari Abrianto

This study aims to determine the effect of motivation, self awareness and communication on the work discipline of employees in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency. The location of research in Pramuka Street Number 21, Nologaten, Ponorogo Regency. The population in this study was 102 employees. The sample in this study used 50 respondents. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, then tested with validity and reliability test, while the method of data analysis using multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS and hypothesis testing partially or simultaneously. The results showed that; (1) Motivation partially influences the work discipline of employees in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency with a regression coefficient of 0.317, t value of 2.903> t table of 2.012 and sig. of 0.006 <0.05, (2) Self Awareness partially influences the work discipline of employees in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency with the results of the regression coefficient of 0.409, t value of 3.478> t table of 2.012 and sig. of 0.001 <0.05, (3) Communication partially influences the work discipline of employees in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency with the results of a regression coefficient of 0.310, t value of 2.178> t table of 2.012 and sig. of 0.035 <0.05, (4) Motivation, self awareness and communication simultaneously affect employee work discipline in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency with the calculated F value of 14.807> F table 2.81 and sig value. of 0,000 <0.05, (5) Self awareness is the most dominant variable affecting the work discipline of employees in the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM) of Ponorogo Regency with the result of self awareness variable t value of 3.478 is greater than the value of t variable count motivation and communication variables. Furthermore, from the value of sig. the variable self awareness of 0.001 is smaller than the value of sig. motivation variable and communication variable.

1985 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Hisashi Sumitomo

Chlorination has been believed to be the best sterilization method in water supply engineering for many years. However, the recent carcinogenic problem of trihalomethanes (THM) formed from organic compounds by chlorination requires us to assess the public health risk of THM. The author tried an assessment of a suitable chlorination technique considering both the effects of THM and viruses on human health, using Lake Biwa as a representative example of a water resource in Japan. Statistical handling of data was revealed to be important because of the statistical nature of the data. In other words, since both concentrations are very low in tap water, we need to quantify both the effects and concentrations with probabilities. In the first part of this paper, a statistical procedure and numerical results of the assessment of virus and THM risks are shown. In the second part some results of accuracies in virus experiments are briefly shown. These experiments concerning statistical problems are particularly important for more precise assessment of the public risk of viruses in tap water.

Water ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1580 ◽  
Shanghong Zhang ◽  
Jiasheng Yang ◽  
Zhongyu Wan ◽  
Yujun Yi

Water shortage problems are increasing in many water-deficient areas. Most of the current research on multi-source combined water supplies depends on an overall generalization of regional water supply systems, which are seldom broken down into the detail required to address specific research objectives. This paper proposes the concept of a water treatment and distribution station (water station), and generalizes the water supply system into three modules: water supply source, water station, and water user. Based on a topological diagram of the water network (supply source–station–user), a refined water resource allocation model was established. The model results can display, in detail, the water supply source, water supply quantity, water distribution engineering, and other information of all users in each water distribution area. This makes it possible to carry out a detailed analysis of the supply and demand of users, and to provide suggestions and theoretical guidance for regional water distribution implementation. Tianjin’s water resource allocation was selected as a case study, and a water resource allocation scheme for a multi-source, combined water supply, was simulated and discussed.

2013 ◽  
pp. 147-151
Sándor Nagy

The public water supply played a major role in the urbanization of Debrecen city, just like in the case of many other cities. We had plenty of water and so we wasted it. However nowadays we experience a considerable decrease in the level of groundwater which causes an increasing need of energy for pumping. Beside the above mentioned the ecological threat and the decreasing water quality are also major problems. This study attempts to draw attention to the possibilities and the future of the regional water supply, by showing the history of the water supply, the sanitation systems of Debrecen and their present day activities.

Laura Acuna ◽  
Brandon Young ◽  
Rhiana Ward

On behalf of VRRSP Consultants, LLC and Central Texas Regional Water Supply Corporation (CTRWSC), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted cultural resources investigations of the Vista Ridge Regional Water Supply (Vista Ridge) Project in Burleson, Lee, Bastrop, Caldwell, Guadalupe, Comal, and Bexar Counties. The work will involve installation of a 139.45-mile-long, 60-inch-diameter water pipeline from northcentral San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, to Deanville, Burleson County, Texas. The report details the findings of investigations from June 2015 to December 2015, on the alignment dated December 8, 2015 (December 8th). The Vista Ridge Project is subject to review under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 USC 306108) and its implementing regulations (36 CFR 800), in anticipation of a Nationwide Permit 12 from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. In addition, the work is subject to compliance with the Antiquities Code of Texas under Permit Number 7295, as the Vista Ridge Project will be ultimately owned by a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The cultural resources investigations included a background review and intensive field survey. The background review identified previous investigations, recorded archaeological sites, National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) properties, cemeteries, standing structures, and other known cultural resources within a 0.50-mile radius of the project area. The field investigations conducted from June 2015 through December 2015 assessed all accessible portions of the proposed December 8th alignment as of December 25, 2015. Approximately 101.8 miles of the 139.45-mile alignment has been surveyed. Approximately 24.42 miles were not surveyed based on the results of the background review and extensive disturbances as confirmed by vehicular survey. The remaining 13.23 miles that require survey were either unavailable due to landowner restrictions or part of a newly adopted reroute. SWCA also surveyed additional mileage, which includes rerouted areas that are no longer part of the December 8th alignment. The inventory identified 59 cultural resources, including 52 archaeological sites and seven isolated finds. In addition to newly recorded resources, two previously recorded archaeological sites were revisited, and two cemeteries were documented. Of the 52 newly recorded archaeological sites, seven are recommended for further work or avoidance. Of the two revisited archeological sites, one is recommended for further work or avoidance within the project area. Avoidance is recommended for both documented cemeteries. The resources with undetermined eligibility require additional testing or other avenues of research before SWCA can make a firm recommendation about their eligibility for nomination to the NRHP and designation as State Antiquities Landmarks (SALs). As part of a management strategy, the resources with undetermined eligibility may also be avoided by reroute or boring beneath. The remaining 45 cultural resources are recommended not eligible for inclusion to the NRHP or for designation as SALs and no further cultural resources investigations or avoidance strategies are recommended.

2014 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 853-856 ◽  
H. Hwang ◽  
A. Forrester ◽  
K. Lansey

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