Buckling Behavior of Tire Breaker Structure

1983 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-19
T. Akasaka ◽  
S. Yamazaki ◽  
K. Asano

Abstract The buckled wave length and the critical in-plane bending moment of laminated long composite strips of cord-reinforced rubber sheets on an elastic foundation is analyzed by Galerkin's method, with consideration of interlaminar shear deformation. An approximate formula for the wave length is given in terms of cord angle, elastic moduli of the constituent rubber and steel cord, and several structural dimensions. The calculated wave length for a 165SR13 automobile tire with steel breakers (belts) was very close to experimental results. An additional study was then conducted on the post-buckling behavior of a laminated biased composite beam on an elastic foundation. This beam is subjected to axial compression. The calculated relationship between the buckled wave rise and the compressive membrane force also agreed well with experimental results.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106 ◽  
J. D. Yau ◽  
S.-R. Kuo

ABSTRACTUsing conventional virtual work method to derive geometric stiffness of a thin-walled beam element, researchers usually have to deal with nonlinear strains with high order terms and the induced moments caused by cross sectional stress results under rotations. To simplify the laborious procedure, this study decomposes an I-beam element into three narrow beam components in conjunction with geometrical hypothesis of rigid cross section. Then let us adopt Yanget al.'s simplified geometric stiffness matrix [kg]12×12of a rigid beam element as the basis of geometric stiffness of a narrow beam element. Finally, we can use rigid beam assemblage and stiffness transformation procedure to derivate the geometric stiffness matrix [kg]14×14of an I-beam element, in which two nodal warping deformations are included. From the derived [kg]14×14matrix, it can take into account the nature of various rotational moments, such as semi-tangential (ST) property for St. Venant torque and quasi-tangential (QT) property for both bending moment and warping torque. The applicability of the proposed [kg]14×14matrix to buckling problem and geometric nonlinear analysis of loaded I-shaped beam structures will be verified and compared with the results presented in existing literatures. Moreover, the post-buckling behavior of a centrally-load web-tapered I-beam with warping restraints will be investigated as well.

1964 ◽  
Vol 8 (04) ◽  
pp. 7-21
H.G. Schultz

In the paper presented the behavior of a transversely formed box-girder model subjected to pure bending is discussed, where the deck plating of the model is loaded above the buckling load. The experimental results obtained are in reasonable agreement with theoretical investigations and show the influence of fabrication initiated plate deflections on the buckling and postbuckling behavior of the deck plating clearly. A method is suggested for determining the buckling load of plates having large initial deformations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-112 ◽  
Merbouha Barka ◽  
Kouider Halim Benrahou ◽  
Ahmed Bakora ◽  
Abdelouahed Tounsi

José Manuel Gordo ◽  
Carlos Guedes Soares

The results of a four points bending test on a box girder are presented. The experiment is part of series of tests with similar configuration but different thickness, spacing between longitudinal stiffeners and span between frames. The present work refers to the stockiest plate box girder with a plate’s thickness of 4 mm and a span between frames of 800 mm. The experiment includes initial loading cycles allowing for residual stresses relief. It also includes a series of cycles close to collapse load allowing the analysis of linear characteristic at high levels of load. The moment curvature relationship is established for a large range of curvatures. The ultimate bending moment of the box is evaluated and compared with the first yield moment and the plastic moment allowing the evaluation of the efficiency of the structure. The post buckling behavior and collapse mode are characterized. Comparison of the experiment with a progressive collapse method is made taking into consideration the effect of residual stresses on envelop of the moment curvature curve of the structure.

1998 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-283 ◽  
Takashi Ishikawa ◽  
Masamichi Matsushima ◽  
Yoichi Hayashi

1986 ◽  
Vol 30 (03) ◽  
pp. 172-176
Charles W. Bert ◽  
Victor Birman

The problem of post-buckling behavior of long, vertical, circular cylindrical shells loaded by nonuniform pressure, tension, and their own weight is formulated in this paper. The global behavior is considered by assuming that local deformations do not influence the solution. The nonlinear effect is due to the softening of the relationship between the bending moment and curvature due to the effect of the flattening of the shell cross sections. The nonlinear differential equation obtained in this paper describes the post-buckling behavior of a shell with linearly distributed pressure along the axis and arbitrary boundary conditions. In the general case this problem must be solved numerically. An analytical solution is presented for a particular case of a shell loaded by a uniform external or internal pressure.

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