2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
N.G.P. Putra ◽  
D.P. Ramendra ◽  
G.A.P Suprianti

Communication is not only applied in real life, but also applied in media literature such as film as a means of entertainment to convey meaning to the audience. The author tries to analyze the use of speech act types; illocutionary act, which is classified by Searle (1980) into 5 types namely representative, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. And communication strategies as proposed by Mullany (2010), direct speech act and indirect speech act that are used to convey meaning in speaking between the speaker and the interlocutor. Data were analyzed by describing the data submitted by Best and Khan (2008). Research shows that the use of the illocutionary act is more common in the directive act while no data is found in the pronunciation of the declarative act. In conclusion, some sayings have corresponding meanings and indirectly have different meanings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-126
Anwari Anwari

Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of language. This study aims to describe kinds of speech acts especially locutionary act, illocutionary act, and the perlocutionary act of Madurese wedding ceremony in Kalidandan village, Pakuniran district, Probolinggo regency. The results of this study showed that the illocutionary act of the Madurese wedding ceremony in Kalidandan village, Pakuniran district, Probolinggo regency has various kinds of speech act, 1) direct speech act; 2) indirect speech act; 3) literal speech act; 4) non-literal speech act; 5) direct literal speech act; 6) indirect literal speech act; 7) direct non-literal speech act, and 8) indirect non-literal speech act.Keywords: Speech act, Kinds of speech act, and Madurese

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 388
Siti Hunsawati ◽  
Rohmana Rohamana ◽  
Siam Siam

This thesis is about the analysis of speech act in Barbie as Rapunzel movie. The research questions of this thesis were (1) what are the direct and indirect speech acts used by the main character in Barbie as Rapunzel movie? And (2) What are the perlocutionary acts of the main character’s utterances in Barbie as Rapunzel movie?. The objectives of this research were (1) To decribe the direct and indirect speech acts used by the main character in Barbie as Rapunzel  movie  and  (2)  To  describe  the perlocutionary acts   of   the   main   character’s   utterances   in   Barbie  as Rapunzel movie. This research used a qualitative method to describe and analyze  the  utterance.  The  technique  of  data  collection were (1) The researcher download Barbie as Rapunzel movie on youtube. (2) The researcher watched the movie of Barbie as Rapunzel  repetedly. (3) Reading and checking dialogue which related with research from the movie script “Barbie as Rapunzel” movie. (4) The researcher classified the dirrect, indirect speech, and perlocutionary acts. The technique   of   data   analysis   were  (1)   The   researcher identified the direct, indirect speech act and perlocutionary acts from Barbie as Rapunzel movie. (2) Described and analized the utterances which include direct, indirect, and perlocutionary acts. (3) Concluding the data analysis. The result of this thesis show that direct speech acts is the dominant types of speech acts. Where, there are 58 direct speech acts, 2 indirect speech acts, and 41 perlocutionary acts. Keywords: Speech Act, Movie

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Fyngky Oktadistio ◽  
Mazrul Aziz ◽  
Zahrida .

This Research Entitled “An Analysis Of Direct And Indirect Speech Acts Performed By Main Character In The Movie Revenant Script”. This research was a descriptive analysis that discusses direct and indirect speech acts in movie script entitled ‘The Revenant.’ In analyzing the script, there was used theory by Yule (1996).The data in this research based on main characters’ utterances. The purpose of this analysis was to find out the types, and functions of speech act whether it is direct speech act or indirect speech act in the movie script entitled ‘The Revenant.’ From the analysis, it was found that both direct speech acts and indirect speech acts are used by main characters in this movie. The most dominant type of speech act used in the movie script was direct speech act (13 utterances) and then followed by indirect speech act (9 utterances). The direct speech act was classified again into declarative type (2 utterances) imperative type (5 utterances) and interrogative type (6 utterances). Indirect speech acts were also classified again into declarative type (8 utterances) and Interrogative (1 utterance). For the functions, direct speech acts are classified into the statement (2 utterances), order/request (5 utterances), and the last function of the question (6 utterances). Indirect speech act also classified into question (9 utterances), and no functions of statement and order. Based on the result, the researcher found that Felicity Conditions and genre were the factors affected main characters in producing direct speech acts more than indirect speech acts.

Ratna Muntiningsih

This paper presents the core of a descriptive theory of Indirect Speech acts, i.e. utterances used by the speaker to the hearer based on the three types of felicity conditions such as content condition, preparatory condition, and sincerity condition. The data examples takes from the English novel "The Cowboy's Secret Son" contains some of indirect speech act utterances that are included to the pragmatic study. The researcher explains and analyzes every utterance based on the theory of Yule (1996), Searle (1976, 1975), Austin (1962), Mey (1993), Bach and Harmish (1979), and Levinson (1983). The result of the research is founded that the speaker uses indirect speech act is to convey the request to the hearer to do something in the future. Moreover they use indirect speech act which has two meanings such as literal meaning and non-literal meaning or indirect meaning. In other words, they use indirect speech act to avoid the hearer to get upset, feel bad, angry and for politeness. And, generally they use indirect speech act because they have recognized the matters they are uttering.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 126
Ahmad Riza Firdaus

Declarative sentences, in addition to being used to convey news, are also functioned to ask questions; Interrogative sentences are not only used for asking questions but also for requests or orders. Meanwhile, the command sentence can only be used conventionally, and cannot be used unconventionally. If the three sentences are used conventionally, the speech is called a direct speech act, whereas if it is used unconventionally, it is called an indirect speech act. The use of indirect sentences has a purpose, among others, in order to maintain politeness. An order that is told by using a news sentence or question sentence will be perceived by the interlocutor as lighter, even for the interlocutor the command to himself is not felt as an order. In the Alquran there are many sentences that are used unconventionally, which shows that the Alquran is a holy book that upholds the politeness of language. One of them is surah al-Anbiya’. In the surah al-Anbiya’, several verses which are indirect speech are found. In the surah al-Anbiya’ the forms of indirect speech are as follows; Four declarative utterances with imperative meanings are in verses 39, 41, 45, and 47. Seventeen interrogative utterances have declarative meaning in verses 3, 6, 10, 21, 24, 30, 34, 36, 42, 43, 44, 50, 52, 55, 59, 66, and 67. Three meaningful interrogative speeches are found in verses 38, 80, and 108.

Tressyalina Tressyalina ◽  
Sakura Ridwan

The objective of this research was to understand comprehensively about implementation of direct and indirect speech act in Mata Najwa talk shows on Metro TV. It was a qualitative research with content analysis method. The data were collected through indirect participant using observation and some document study were video recordings of audio-visual from pages. It was started of January 2014 to March 2014. The analysis and interpretation of data, indicated that direct speech act mode was more dominant than indirect speech act. Direct speech act was conducted through speech of interrogative, declarative, and imperative. Indirect speech act was conducted through speech of declarative and interrogative for imperative mode.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 69
Ni Wayan Rosi Sumaniari ◽  
Dewa Putu Ramendra ◽  
Gede Mahendrayana

People rarely know the function of the language used in the film. This study analyzes speech acts in a dialogue film entitled Merry Riana: Dreams of a Million Dollars. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Data were analyzed from the form of speech acts consisting of direct and indirect speech acts in the form of declarative, imperative, and interrogative. The type of speech act analysis uses Searle's theory of representative, directive, commissive, expressive, and declaration. The result of this research is that direct speech act in interrogative form is 43.63%. Direct speech acts in the declarative form are 95 (43.18%), direct speech acts in the imperative form are 24 (10.90%), indirect speech acts in the imperative form are 2 (0.9%), indirect speech acts in imperative form as much as 2 (0.9%). interrogative form is 2 (0.9%), and indirect speech act in declarative form is 1 (0.45%). Furthermore, 74 utterances are analyzed into five types of speech acts. The most dominant representative used 36 (48.6%). Then followed by directive 21 (28.3%), expressive 14 (18.9%), commissive 3 (4.0%), and declarative 0 (0.0%). This research implies that understanding speech acts plays an important role in communication.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-121
Kholid Akhmad Muzakki ◽  
Ahmad Rizza Firdaus ◽  
Annisa’ Fatmayanti

Sentences by mode can be divided into three: sentence (declarative), interrogative, and command (imperative) sentences. Conventionally, declarative sentences are used if the speaker wants to declare or convey information to his or her opponent. Interrogative sentence is the sentence used if the speaker wants to get the information, the reaction or the expected answer. As for the imperative sentence, is if the speaker wants to enjoin or forbid his opponent to do something. But in pragmatic studies, there are times when the sentence is used non-conventionally. Declarative sentences, in addition to functioning to deliver the news, also enabled to ask; interrogative sentences other than enabled to ask is also enabled for the request or command. Meanwhile, the command line can only be used conventionally, and can not be used non-conventionally. When all three sentences are conventionally functioned, the speech is called direct speech act, whereas when used in a non-conventional way, it is called indirect speech act. The use of sentences indirectly has a purpose, among others, in order to maintain politeness. A command that explanation by using the sentence news or sentence, will be felt by the opponent said lighter, even for the opponent said the command on him is not perceived as a command. In the Qur'an there are many unusually functional sentences, indicating that the Qur'an is a holy book that strongly upholds language-based pride. One of them is Surah Al-Kahfi. In the Surah Al-Kahfi, found some verses which are indirect speech. In Surah Al-Kahfi, the forms of indirect speech are as follows. First, Declarative texts mean imperative is found in verse 16, 45, 52, 60 and 78. Second, Interrogative texts mean imperative is found in verse 6, 9 and 50. Third, Interrogative texts mean declarative is found in verses 15, 37, 57, 68, 75, 102 and 103.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
Theresia Fransiska Sidabutar ◽  
Zainuddin - ◽  
Busmin - Gurning

This research deals with the using of speech acts in Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC): KPK vs Novanto: Berpacu dengan Waktu. The objectives of this research were: (1) to investigate the types of speech acts used by Karni Ilyas in ILC “KPK vs Novanto: Berpacu dengan Waktu”, (2) to describe the way of performing speech acts realized by Karni Ilyas, and (3) to explain the reasons why those types of speech acts are realized by Karni Ilyas. The research applied descriptive qualitative method. The source of data in this research was taken from Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC) “KPK vs Novanto: Berpacu dengan Waktu” video. The instrument used for collecting the data was the observation by recorded the utterances of Karni from seven parts of videos. The data were clauses contained of Speech Acts used by Karni. The findings of this study showed that: 1) There were three types of speech acts, namely locutionary act, illocutinary act and perlocutionary act that utilized by Karni Ilyas in his utterances when discussion with all the guests in Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC) “KPK vs Novanto: Berpacu dengan Waktu”. The dominant types of speech act was illocutionary act and the dominant classification was directive. 2) There were two ways in performing speech act used by Karni, namely direct and indirect speech. Direct speech was more dominant than indirect speech. 3) There were four reasons why Karni using speech act, namely to actuate, to entertain, to stimulate, and to inform. The dominant was to actuate. Keywords: Speech Acts, Karni Ilyas, Indonesia Lawyers Club

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-99
Kholid Akhmad Muzakki

Sentences by mode can be divided into three: sentence (declarative), interrogative, and command (imperative) sentences. Conventionally, declarative sentences are used if the speaker wants to declare or convey information to his or her opponent. Interrogative sentence is the sentence used if the speaker wants to get the information, the reaction or the expected answer. As for the imperative sentence, is if the speaker wants to enjoin or forbid his opponent to do something. But in pragmatic studies, there are times when the sentence is used non-conventionally. Declarative sentences, in addition to functioning to deliver the news, also enabled to ask; interrogative sentences other than enabled to ask is also enabled for the request or command. Meanwhile, the command line can only be used conventionally, and can not be used non-conventionally. When all three sentences are conventionally functioned, the speech is called direct speech act, whereas when used in a non-conventional way, it is called indirect speech act. The use of sentences indirectly has a purpose, among others, in order to maintain politeness. A command that explanation by using the sentence news or sentence, will be felt by the opponent said lighter, even for the opponent said the command on him is not perceived as a command. In the Qur'an there are many unusually functional sentences, indicating that the Qur'an is a holy book that strongly upholds language-based pride. One of them is surah Al-Kahfi. In the surah Al-Kahfi, found some verses which are indirect speech. In Surah Al-Kahfi, the forms of indirect speech are as follows. First, Declarative texts mean imperative is found in the verse 16, 45, 52, 60 and 78. Second, Interrogative texts mean imperative is found in the verse 6, 9 and 50. Third, Interrogative texts mean declarative is found in the verses 15, 37, 57, 68, 75, 102 and 103.

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