illocutionary act
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (63) ◽  
pp. 357-374
Paolo Labinaz

This paper investigates whether, and if so, in what way, argumentation can be profitably described in speech-act theoretical terms. I suggest that the two theories of argumentation that are supposed to provide the most elaborate analysis of it in speech-act theoretical terms (namely van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst’s Pragma-Dialectics and Lilian Bermejo-Luque’s linguistic normative model of argumentation) both suffer from the same two flaws: firstly, their “illocutionary act pluralism” assumption and secondly, a lack of interest in where arguing belongs in the classification of illocutionary acts. I argue that these flaws derive from the authors’ reliance on an intention-based speech-theoretical framework. Finally, I adopt a deontic framework for speech acts in order to propose an alternative way of accounting for argumentation which seems to overcome the two limitations outlined above. According to this framework, argumentation may be conceived as a speech act sequence, characterized by the conventional effects brought about by the communicative moves (as illocutionary acts) of which it is composed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
Yafet Seftyan Nugroho

Background: Language is method of human communication. It is used as means to communicate with other people. Research purposes: to find out the types of illocutionary act in Textbook : Modul Pengayaan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Peminatan Semester 2,  to identify dominant kinds of illocutionary act in Textbook : Modul Pengayaan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Peminatan Semester 2. Research methods: This reseacrh was designed as descriptive qualitative research. The technique of data collecting there are 3 steps. First, the researcher researcher tries to identify the data or the dialogues from the written conversation which are related to the statements of the problems according textbook. Second, the researcher analyzed and classified the types of illocutionary act and the dominant kinds of illocutionary act. Third, the researcher identified the illocutionary act found in Textbook : Modul Pengayaan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Peminatan Semester 2 based on types of illocutionary acts. Research results: The total number of types of the data found were 292, there were 34 utterance of declaration, 92 utterances of representative, 48 utterances of expressive, 95 utterances of directives, and 26 utterances of commisive. The dominant type of illocutionary was found is directives with 95 utterences Conclusion: Those were declarative, representative, expressive, directive, and commisive. To be more specific, there are 40 utterances of declarative, 85 utterances of representative, 53 utterances of expressive, 87 utterances of directive, and 26 utterances of commisive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 206-216
Yanik Lailinas Sakinah ◽  

A speech become a media to deliver an idea and thoughts which lead someone to show an ideology which reflected on the utterances. The aim of this research was find out the Ideology of Stephen Hawking that was reflected on his speech entitled ‘The Universe’ which uploaded on TEDTalks through the use of illocutionary act. The research method used was descriptive qualitative to get deep analysis by using note taking technique and the data was analyzed by using an approach of critical discourse analysis by Fairclough. This research utilized Speech Act by Austin (1962 and Searle (1977). The results showed that Stephen gave a lot of information from what he has known and proved about the universe then emphasized to the viewer that Big Bang is the beginning of the universe. It is supported by illocutionary act which used by Stephen Hawking, about 33,33% from the whole utterances the speaker used representative illocutionary act in act of informing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Erni Hastuti ◽  
Hani Amalia Utami ◽  
Teddy Oswari

Speech acts are pragmatic elements that involve speaker and hearers in every conversation in which it has an illocutionary act. The purpose of the research was to find out the types and functions of illocutionary acts. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data analyzed used the theory of Searle. The source of data is utterance of the main character in Fear of Rain movie. In this research, there are 355 data which contain types of illocutionary acts, such as assertive with 189 data (53%) which consist of 7 functions (stating, informing, asserting, complaining, predicting, convincing, agreeing). Directives with 117 data (33%) consisted of 7 functions (asking, commanding, requesting, advising, warning, suggesting, inviting). Commissive with 19 data (5%) which consist of 3 functions (promising, refusing, and offering). Expressive with 30 data (9%) consisted of 6 functions (thanking, apologizing, praising, greeting, blaming, and expressing anger). The most frequently type of illocutionary act is assertive because the utterance of the main character is believed to be true based on the fact

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-138
Ni Made Putri Sugiantini ◽  
Putu Devi Maharani ◽  
IB Gde Nova Winartha

This goal of this study is to describe the types of directive illocutionary act and to find out the most dominant directives speech act performed by the characters in The Complex: Lockdown movie through the theory of Speech Act by Kreidler (1998) and supported by the theory from Searle (1979). In analyzing the data, descriptive qualitative method is used. This study found 73 data of directive illocutionary act performed by the characters in the movie. In addition, it was found the most dominant directives used is command with 27 (37%) occurences followed by question with 23 (32%) occurences. Both types of directive is the most commonly used because the characters are forced to do a certain task quickly with a limited time to think. That causes they gave command to other and asked question frequently during the emergency situation after several bio-weapon attacks. The least dominant types of directive speech act are found  namely; request with 16 (22%) occurences and followed by suggestion with 7 (9%) occurences.

2021 ◽  
pp. 175048132110177
Ying Tang ◽  
Khe Foon Hew ◽  
Susan C. Herring ◽  
Qian Chen

Sticker use is an increasingly popular part of daily messaging activity. However, little is known regarding the types, functions, and outcomes of sticker use in authentic online communications. To investigate these phenomena, we analysed sticker use in five small mobile-messaging-facilitated discussion groups initiated by students for course projects in an Asian university. The students used four types of stickers, among which ‘animated picture without text’ was the most frequent. Sticker functions fell into two main categories: as a tone indicator with scope over a textual message, and as a stand-alone illocutionary act. Based on interviews with seven participants, we found disparities between the sender’s intention and the receiver’s interpretation for 34.7% of the stickers, but these disparities did not adversely affect the communication. Implications of the findings are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Guilherme Ghisoni Da Silva

In order to analyse pictures shared in WhatsApp groups of Jair Bolsonaro supporters, I will explore the idea that the act of sending someone a picture through social media performs a speech act. Thus we can separate the utterance act (of sending the picture to the receiver in a certain context), the locutionary act (what is said through the pictorial content), the illocutionary act (what is done by uttering that pictorial content), and the perlocutionary act (of affecting the receiver). The pictures analysed were collected from January to September 2019, using the WhatsApp Monitor. My main philosophical argument will be in section 3, in which I develop the idea of pictorial speech acts and its conceptual bases. To understand the communicational role of pictures it is necessary to supplement picture theories (visual semantics) with a communicative act theory based on speech act (visual pragmatics). The development of the general outline of visual pragmatics is the main philosophical contribution envisaged in this paper. My last step it to argue that there are at least three forms of naivety that render the receivers prone to the uptake of the illocutionary act performed: aesthetic naivety, communicational naivety, and epistemic naivety.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-154
Theresia Cicik Sophia ◽  
Luki Saptiko ◽  
Siti Musarokah

This study is focused on the illocutionary acts found on Arthur Fleck’s dialogues in Joker (2019) movie. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the types of illocutionary acts used by the character Arthur in Joker movie and (2) to find out the dominant types of illocutionary acts used by the character Arthur in Joker movie and what that means. To reach those objectives of study, the writers use Searle (2002) theory to conduct the study. There are five types of illocutionary acts according to Searle (2002). They are assertive, directive, commisive, expressive, and declarative. This study used qualitative design because it is framed in terms of using words instead of numbers. The result of data finding shows that there were 52 utterances done by Arthur Fleck indicates as illocutionary acts. The illocutionary types found are assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative. There are 8 utterances categorized as assertives type, 27 utterances categorized as directives type, 4 utterances categorized as commissive type, 9 utterances categorized as expressives type, and 4 utterances categorized as declaratives type. Directive type is the dominant type found in Arthur’s utterances. Keywords: Pragmatic, Illocutionary Acts, Joker (2019) Movie.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-118
Dhani Aprilia Sesanti ◽  
Entika Fani Prastikawati ◽  
Ajeng Setyorini

In this study, the researchers aim at describing illocutionary acts and the most frequently found in Anies Baswedan’s speech dealing with Covid-19. The researchers used a descriptive qualitative method to choose the data. The researcher tends to analyze the data using the pragmatic theory specifically a speech act proposed by Searle (1979) delivered by Anies Baswedan. Illocutionary acts can be divided into 5 types, there are representative, declarative, directive, commissive, expressive. Then, the researchers obtained the data from Anies in Mayoral Meeting Cities Against Covid-19 Global Summit 2020 with the clauses as the data analysis. The result shows that there are 102 data found in the video. Then, the dominant number found is representative with the total number 55 (53,9%), then followed by declarative 22 (21,6%), directive 12 (11,8%), expressive 8 (7,8%), and commissive 5 (4,9%). Then, representative one is dominant since the data tends to deliver the message by reporting, stating, describing a phenomenon, Covid-19 as the issue that must be solved. It is concluded that this study is in the line with the theories and the previous studies dealing with the illocutionary act. On the contrary, there is a previous study that contrasts with this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-94
Vinesya Yuslia Fatma ◽  
Hanna Sundari

The research aims to identify the illocutionary act performed by Anna the secondary character in Frozen II. The research design of this paper is a qualitative framework in content analysis method. The unit of analysis was 218 utterances as illocutionary acts from the movie script. The utterances then were analysed and categorized into types of illoctionary acts. According to the result of the research, there are four types of illocutionary acts in the script, there are; 60 representatives utterances, 54 directives utterances, 5 commisives utterances, and 100 expressive utterances. Meanwhile, declarative utterance was not found

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