Academic Journal Perspective Education Language and Literature
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Published By Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati

2621-6981, 2354-7340

Puthut Ardianto ◽  
Muhamat Ridho Yuliyanto

In communicative language teaching, role play has become one of the most well-known activities among language teachers. In fact, in higher educational context, role play is considered to be a good method to facilitate learners’ oral proficiency. However, the researchers often found some teachers assign too demanding and unclear role play. In fact, some students complained about the implementation of role play at the department. This research aims at revealing students’ responses when having role play as their group assignment in English classes. A descriptive qualitative design was employed to obtain the research objectives, namely how role play was implemented in the eyes of students and what responses they gave to its assignment. To gather the data, an interview was conducted to one male participant and two female participants taking the Literary Appreciation course at one English Department of a private Islamic university in Yogyakarta. Based on the interview, nine stages were implemented in assigning role play.They are announcing the assignment; distributing materials for role play; modelling the role play; grouping; distributing roles; giving time to prepare the play; creating a role play;having the performance; and giving feedback. Also, there were six responses from students towards the assignment namely happy; not bored; shocked; entertained; anxious; and enthusiastic.

Suprayogi Suprayogi ◽  
Pranoto Budi Eko

Currently, studies on English for Tourism course mainly focuses on need analysis and material development. A few studies highlight the teaching methods for successful learning of the course. This study discusses the implementation of virtual exhibition simulation as a project based learning in the course of English for Tourism enrolled by students of tertiary education majoring English Literature. It aims at revealing the learning process as well as revealing the opportunities and challenges of the activity. Five lecturers are selected as the subject of the study. The data collected through semi structured interview and further qualitatively analysed by seeing the common and unique features. The findings suggest that the implementation of virtual exhibition project should be followed by lecturers’ teaching strategies in the step of preparation, rehearsal and exhibition in order to achieve learning objectives. Despite the technical challenge on internet connection and students’ reluctance that lecturers should cope with, this activity is seen as an alternative method that reflect contextual learning and give students English learning opportunity through intensive interaction and creativity.

Fitri Puspita Sari ◽  
Gusti Nur Hafifah ◽  
Linda Mayasari

Process of learning needs development time by time. Following situation of teaching, it is important for educator to find materials which is understandable and enjoyable. One of materials that effective to be used is authentic material. The authentic materials are not designed for language learning, it is able to use as a tool to teach students and give them real experience in the classroom. Moreover, this paper aims to review research about authentic materials that is used in teaching and learning reading, especially (descriptive text). In order to get the goal, this paper reviews some researches from experts relating to the use of authentic materials in learning to read descriptive text. The author used around 40 articles which discussed about teaching English skills especially reading, authentic material and descriptive text. The author collected the data by surfing the international and national journal to be reviewed. The result shows that most of the studies recommend the educators use authentic materials to be applied in the classroom.

Wulan Wangi ◽  
Dzicky Amiq Nudiya

As a rule, the tour guides speak English to introduce and describe the tourism object to the foreign tourist. The communication between tour guides and tourists should be worked without any obstruction to avoid misunderstanding. However, the pronunciation error on English diphthongs still occurred when the tour guides spoke English with the tourist. The objectives of this study were 1) analysing the types of pronunciation error on English diphthongs made by certified tour guides, 2) finding the most difficult English diphthongs made by certified tour guides, and 3) identifying the reasons of the pronunciation error on English diphthongs made by certified tour guides. The research method was descriptive qualitative. The researcher used four steps in collecting the data, they were recording, questionnaire, observation, and documentation. The respondents of this research were five certified guides. The research result showed that pronunciation error on English diphthongs made by certified guide was 120 errors (76 errors in substitution and 44 errors in omission). The highest pronunciation error was [??] diphthong and it occurred 45 times. The certified tour guides did not aware that they make pronunciation error. They had conversation in English with the foreign tourist but they had less time in learning pronunciation with native or competent person in English. The certified tour guides need to improve their English quality through learning more about pronunciation with the expert to minimize their pronunciation error on English diphthongs.

Isabella Gloria Hariadi ◽  
Debora Chaterin Simanjuntak

Asynchronous e-learning is receiving growing attention because it encompasses learner-oriented approach which emphasizes on the development of learners' knowledge and skills. Henceforth it is imperative to explore students’ experience on asynchronous e-learning. This study aims to delineate the experience of senior high school students in learning English through asynchronous e-learning. This is a qualitative descriptive study in nature and the data collected were analysed using thematic analysis by incorporating interpretive description approach. The participants of study were senior high school students from Lemahwungkuk sub-district, Cirebon, Indonesia. The results revealed that in undergoing asynchronous e-learning, the participants have to implement self-access learning and additionally they have to adapt with technology setting which may appear to be challenging due to limited technical support they have; moreover they still have to discover the knowledge by themselves inasmuch as they experience limited interaction with their English teachers throughout the process of learning.

Lestari Setyowati ◽  
Aqidatul Mujaddidah ◽  
Sony Sukmawan ◽  
Ana Ahsana El-Sulukiyyah

Writing in English is very important for every student who learns English as a foreign language (EFL). With good writing skills, information can be conveyed well to readers. Yet, EFL students often find difficulties in writing by using English as a target language, especially during the pandemic of COVID 19.  This paper aims to investigate some problems faced by the students in their learning of  writing during the pandemic of COVD 19. The design of the study is a case study. The instruments to obtain the data were interviews and documents. The subjects of the study were three high achiever students and three low achiever students who joined the writing course in the English Education Study Program in the University of PGRI Wiranegara.   They were chosen based on their writing achievements.  The finding shows that the high achiever students’ problems are more on the  technical problems (the internet connection, bad signals, and family distractions during online learning). For them the technical problems would lead to other issues such as materials comprehension and task accomplishment. The  low achievers have more problems in generating ideas for all type of writing.  The study also reveals that the low achievers have more time management problems and more language problems. Interestingly, they share the same solutions. The solutions are 1) to read  more sources to get ideas and to help them write; 2) to boost moods before writing by reading a lot, listening to music, and watching movies;  3) to ask friends and lecturers to help understand the materials and tasks;  and 3) to use writing tools application to solve the writing problems particularly in vocabulary and grammar.

Hendriwanto Hendriwanto ◽  
Nurani Hartini ◽  
Joko Nurkamto ◽  
Ramnita Sharda

This study aims to investigate the role of SFL theory in teaching academic writing. The present study was to find out what the change of genre awareness of students’ writing. Twenty-two participants were recruited to engage in the process of deconstruction, join construction, and independent construction activities. The findings of study revealed two important aspect in teaching academic writing, thematic Progression in students’ writing and appraisal concept in students’ writing argumentation. Data sources were gathered through student assignments to write argumentative essay. Student assignments were written in 6o minutes with the IELTS and TOEFL writing. Questionnaire and interviews in argumentative writing were given to students. Data were collected from students’ assignment and data were analysed through transitivity and appraisal system (Martin & White, 2015). This finding of the study implies to the language education particularly writing instruction.

Silvester Goridus Sukur

This research aims to reveal to what extent the textbooks developed for senior high school students all around Indonesia have provided or developed the materials for vocabulary learning purpose to promote students’ competence in using English for their daily communication. This qualitative content analysis research was conducted with the content analysis research method and was carried out in Yogyakarta Special Territory from 2018 to 2019. The research data were collected and managed with the help of NVivo 11 Plus and NVivo 12 Plus Software. The data were gathered from three English textbooks for Senior High School Students: Bahasa Inggris X, Bahasa Ingris XI, and Bahasa Inggris XII, all of which were specifically developed by the Indonesian Government to be used by all SMA (Senior High School) students all over Indonesia. To achieve reliability agreement level of data, the Kappa Statistics reliability test was used; the result of which was > 0.75 (excellent). The research result shows that the contents of the three textbooks selected for this research in terms of vocabulary-related materials are not consistent; Not all textbooks and not all chapters presented the materials for the students to learn and improve their vocabulary. It is advisable that the English textbooks prepared all SMA students all over Indonesia develop materials or topics particularly the vocabulary consistently.

Ehsan Namaziandost ◽  
Meisam Ziafar ◽  
Dwiniasih Dwiniasih

One approach to taking advantage of corpora in language teaching would be adding to a textbook through enriching it through employing corpus-based research. When it comes to using English for Academic Purposes (EAP) materials, the inclusion of corpora in teaching language becomes even more urgent. In the current study, the authors did their best to investigate and describe the presence of formulaic language in an EAP textbooks titled: English for international tourism: Pre-intermediate students’ book written by Dubicka and O’keeffe (2003) through a case study, and corpus-driven method as a research methodology. Therefore, this study aims to investigate to what extent the EAP course book designed for tourism titled English for international tourism (EIT) is compatible with a corpus-driven formulaic approach. Findings show that this EAP textbook falls fairly short of presenting the necessary formulas as frequently employed in tourism English. Supplementing such materials with corpora and the formulaic they provide may boost the quality of EAP education and practice.

Ghasella Makhpirokh Haucsa ◽  
Abdul Gafur Marzuki ◽  
Alek Alek ◽  
Didin Nuruddin Hidayat

This study is an analysis of illocutionary speech acts performed in Tom Cruise's interview in promoting his movie. This study aims to describe the types as well as the functions of illocutionary speech acts performed by both the interviewer and the interviewee. Moreover, this study also describes the most and the least used illocutionary speech acts performed in the interview. This study uses qualitative method employing descriptive analysis design. The data source of this study is collected by downloading the video of the interview from YouTube. The data are observed and transcribed into written form. Furthermore, the data are categorized into some types of illocutionary speech acts. The result showed that there are four kinds of illocutionary speech acts which are performed in Tom Cruise's interview which are representative, commissive, directive, and expressive. Here, the representative speech acts was categorized as the most performed speech in that interview. The result of the present study showed that Tom Cruise tended to convey his utterance to give statements of fact or to describe things that he believed to be true. Meanwhile, the percentage of the most performed or the most used speech acts to the least one in Tom Cruise's interview is: representative (48.7%), expressive (38.5%), commissive (7.7%), directive (5.1%), and declarative (0%).

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