2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 118
Agustiar Agustiar

Human being equipped by God Almighty with a variety of gifts which enable them to carry a burden of duties. The gifts are power of the body, vitality and power al-qalb. Islam has made clear necessity of a proper functioning of al-qalb to think in order to develop knowledge. It will help people to carry caliphate duties on earth properly, under the guidance of al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah. One way to enhance thinking of al-qalb required by Islam is dzikir, therefore, someone will find peace of mind and feel close to God. Feeling close to God, a person’s soul will be controlled. Conversely, if a person is not functioning qalb for dzikir, so he will experience drought soul. In al-Qur’an, al-qalb may have some meanings; it refers to the context of verse that contains in it. Moreover, to present the meaning of al-qalb is not always disclosure with the word of al-qalb, but also often disclosure by using the word of al-fuad, al-lub, al-nafs and al-sadr

GIS Business ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-206

Food is one of the main requirements of human being. It is flattering for the preservation of wellbeing and nourishment of the body.  The food of a society exposes its custom, prosperity, status, habits as well as it help to develop a culture. Food is one of the most important social indicators of a society. History of food carries a dynamic character in the socio- economic, political, and cultural realm of a society. The food is one of the obligatory components in our daily life. It occupied an obvious atmosphere for the augmentation of healthy life and anticipation against the diseases.  The food also shows a significant character in establishing cultural distinctiveness, and it reflects who we are. Food also reflected as the symbol of individuality, generosity, social status and religious believes etc in a civilized society. Food is not a discriminating aspect. It is the part of a culture, habits, addiction, and identity of a civilization.Food plays a symbolic role in the social activities the world over. It’s a universal sign of hospitality.[1]

Manoj Kumar ◽  
Amareshappa . ◽  
Anjali Bharadwaj ◽  
Shailaja S. V.

Wound healing has been the burning problem in a surgical practice because of a remarkable increase in the number of traumatic cases. A wound causes a number of changes in the body that can affect the healing process, including changes in energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin and mineral metabolism. Various Ayurveda literatures, particularly, Sushruta Samhita, which is said to be an ancient textbook of surgery in Ayurveda, has mentioned about the diet for the person suffering from the wound, and the author said that diet plays a very important role in the wound healing process. Sushruta - The father of surgery has scientifically classified it in a systemic manner, whose wealth of clinical material and the principles of management are valid even today. Shalya Tantra (surgical branch in Ayurveda Science) is one of the important branch of Ayurveda, in which surgical and para-surgical techniques has described for management of various diseases. Vrana is the most important and widely described chapter of Shalya Tantra. Vrana (wound) is one of them, which have been managed by human being from starting of civilization. Under the circumstances, the first thing which the men came across was the injury from different sources which caused him the Vrana. Vrana is seen as debilitating and scaring disorder, usually seen affecting the human being at any age. Well balanced nutrition plays an essential role in the wound healing.

AI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-306
Tareq Khan

Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought lots of excitement to our day-to-day lives. Some examples are spam email detection, language translation, etc. Baby monitoring devices are being used to send video data of the baby to the caregiver’s smartphone. However, the automatic understanding of the data was not implemented in most of these devices. In this research, AI and image processing techniques were developed to automatically recognize unwanted situations that the baby was in. The monitoring device automatically detected: (a) whether the baby’s face was covered due to sleeping on the stomach; (b) whether the baby threw off the blanket from the body; (c) whether the baby was moving frequently; (d) whether the baby’s eyes were opened due to awakening. The device sent notifications and generated alerts to the caregiver’s smartphone whenever one or more of these situations occurred. Thus, the caregivers were not required to monitor the baby at regular intervals. They were notified when their attention was required. The device was developed using NVIDIA’s Jetson Nano microcontroller. A night vision camera and Wi-Fi connectivity were interfaced. Deep learning models for pose detection, face and landmark detection were implemented in the microcontroller. A prototype of the monitoring device and the smartphone app were developed and tested successfully for different scenarios. Compared with general baby monitors, the proposed device gives more peace of mind to the caregivers by automatically detecting un-wanted situations.

Monika Rogowska-Stangret

The article presents the philosophy of Elizabeth Grosz, its theoretical background and methods. It concentrates mainly on the category of the body which is present in her thought from the very beginning. The author pays particular attention to the problem of materiality of the body raised in The Nick of Time and Time Travels: why is the body docile? What makes it so vulnerable? What precedes social inscriptions? Those questions underline the problem of the biological aspect of the body as a part of nature which comes together with Grosz's interpretation of Darwin. The theory of evolution shows the temporality of human being and its culture and introduces future possibilities of overcoming the humankind and creating new ways of knowing, new sexes, new forms of living etc. The author suggests that this understanding of the body takes us beyond the human being and beyond subjectivity, it faces us with the process of becoming different which is perceived as emancipating. The author also suggests that Grosz's idea of the politics of imperceptibility is close to Foucault's recognition of the value of women's movement which, in his opinion, lies not in identity struggles but above all in struggles concentrating on broader cultural, social etc. changes. Both Foucault and Grosz aim at potential practices that involve giving up the question of our identities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-127
Henri Hude

This articles describes the “neuronal crisis,” the epidemic of psychosomatic illnesses observed all over the world, particularly in the West. The paper looks into the deeper real causes and seeks the most effective kind of cure for this malady. This leads to rational consideration of the metaphysical dimension of the human being and the fundamental problems (those of evil, of freedom, of God, of the soul, and of the body), where lack of sufficiency plays a major part in the etiology of these pathologies, as the desire for the Absolute is the basis of the unconscious. This approach presumes the Freudian model but denies its purely libidinal interpretation that substitutes desire for the Absolute with libido. Hence, an explanatory system applied to increasingly serious pathologies: ailments, neuroses, depressions, and psychoses. Frustration of one’s desire for the Good gives rise to a sublimation of finite goodness. The inevitable desublimation, caused by anguish because of the Evil, intense guilt, and the dramatization of evils, causes neuroses as awkward but inevitable solutions to the existential problem that is still unresolved, due to lack of functional and experimental knowledge. Psychiatry and even medicine must take into account the metaphysical layer, and, therefore, operate within an existential dynamic, aiming to progress in wisdom and to discover man, man’s brain and body, as these are structured around the axis of his desire.

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-5 ◽  
Miles Groth ◽  
Diederik F. Janssen

With far too many scholarly journals out there now, why launch yet another? Hurried readers may never recognize what THYMOS is about unless they get past the first word to what follows: Journal of Boyhood Studies. That may happen in quite a few cases at first, but we are convinced that once underway, THYMOS will take its place among the best interdisciplinary journals in English. Boys, we believe, have something to teach us about the body, sexuality, spirituality and the imagination and, for that reason, without wishing to be excessive, we want to emphasize our conviction that the subject matter of THYMOS—boys and boyhood—is central to everyone’s self-understanding as a human being in what will very soon be a thoroughgoing global culture.

2011 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 197-205
Sandra Junker

This article deals with the idea of ritual bodily impurity after coming into contact with a corpse in the Hebrew Bible. The evanescence and impermanence of the human body testifies to the mortality of the human being. In that way, the human body symbolizes both life and death at the same time; both conditions are perceivable in it. In Judaism, the dead body is considered as ritually impure. Although, in this context it might be better to substitute the term ‘ritually damaged’ for ‘ritually impure’: ritual impurity does not refer to hygienic or moral impurity, but rather to an incapability of exercising—and living—religion. Ritual purity is considered as a prerequisite for the execution of ritual acts and obligations. The dead body depends on a sphere which causes the greatest uncertainty because it is not accessible for the living. According to Mary Douglas’s concepts, the dead body is considered ritually impure because it does not answer to the imagined order anymore, or rather because it cannot take part in this order anymore. This is impurity imagined as a kind of contagious illness, which is carried by the body. This article deals with the ritual of the red heifer in Numbers 19. Here we find the description of the preparation of a fluid that is to help clear the ritual impurity out of a living body after it has come into contact with a corpse. For the preparation of this fluid a living creature – a faultless red heifer – must be killed. According to the description, the people who are involved in the preparation of the fluid will be ritually impure until the end of the day. The ritual impurity acquired after coming into contact with a corpse continues as long as the ritual of the Red Heifer remains unexecuted, but at least for seven days. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 397
Müfit Selim Saruhan

In the history of thought, defending human rights and freedom, positivist and materialist views are critical of religion in general and Islam in particular. Islam as a divine religion with its theoretical and practical dimensions has been the guarantor of human rights. Positivist and materialist views on every occasion ready to blame and identify the Islamic concept of servitude (to God) with slavery. But if we examine Islam in-depth with a philosophical mind, we can see that the Islamic concept of devotional servitude accommodates genuine freedom which intends to protect the health of both the body and the soul. Positivist and materialist minds consider the issue of human rights as their own, and religious sides approach this issue reluctantly due to the rhetoric of human rights devoid of religious rhetoric. Finding reasonable answers to the questions of what the source of human honor is and what makes human being meaningful will bring closer to each other the positivist/materialist views and religious views.

Oksana Romaniuk ◽  
Bohdan Zadvornyi

The article is devoted to theoretical and methodological substantiations of the body flexibility development practically applying the stretching techniques. It was generalized scientific data on the organization and methodological features of stretching exercises. Semantic content and structural componential model of stretching usage in the process of flexibility development and the estimation of the changes of this characteristic according to the age were carried out. In particular, some parameters were highlighted especially which allow to recommend that methodology both for individual and group usage were analyzed. Besides, it was analyzed the diversity of physiological mechanism of the influence of stretching on human body, especially it was singled out the effect on mental and physical spheres of human being. The generalized scientific data on the theoretical and practical aspects of flexibility development with the help of stretching techniques indicate the priority of usage of this method in many types of physical activities irrespective of the scope of its practical application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 197-205
Dharmalingam T.S ◽  
Balachandran P

In the modern world, the yoga plays a vital role in human life. To realise the truth and meaning of life, one has to practice yogic discipline in everyday living. The human body is made up of five elements such as akash, air, fire, water and earth. An air plays a very important role to survive by providing life energy. Everyday practice of pranayama would help in regulating respiratory system (Breathing exercise) as well as circulatory system. The physical exercises regulate the circulation of blood, heat, air in the body. The practice of asana would help in bringing flexibility in our muscular system so as to enhance the meditation process. The practice of meditation gives peace of mind and improves integirity. The practice of yoga will improve self-confidence, self-control, speaking truth, tolerance and social virtues. Each and every individual should practice yoga, asanas, meditation and do self-analysis exercises such as analysis of thoughts, moralisation of desires, nutralisation of anger and eradication of worries. This would help to bring hormoney between body and mind, habit and wisdom, self and society. Purpose and method and will and nature.

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