2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Rahma Nizer

Henna leaves (lawsonia inermis) is one of the natural ingredients used to color the skin. It is used as a natural coloring skin which is not used because people tend to choose instant henna. To optimize the use of henna leaves, the author uses mordan lemon and charcoal adsorbent as a generator for the color of henna leaves. This study aims to see the effect of the use of lemon mordan and charcoal adsorbent toward the result of henna leaves color. This research is using experimental method. The subject of the study is the hand’s skin called palm where the samples were taken from 3 students who were treated by 3 different henna leaves. The result showed that, obtained colors (hue) produced on the coloring of the skin using the leaves of a boyfriend without mordan namely 4 panelists or 66.67% stated apricots, 1 panelist or 16.67% stated Carrot and 1 panelist or 16.67 % declares Ocher. The color of the henna leaves without using mordans, namely apricot orange. The results of the panelist's assessment of coloring using the henna leaves with lemon mordan 5 panelists or 83.33% stated Squash, 1 panelist or 16.67% stated Ginger and the direction of the resulting color is dark orange. While the color result of using henna leaves with lemon mordans and charcoal adsorbent 6 panelists or 100% declared Bronze, color direction resulted was copper orange. It proves that there is an effect of using lemon mordan and charcoal adsorbent on skin coloring using henna leaves. Based on the normality testing that has been done, it is obtained that the data is normally distributed. The homogeneity testing that has been done is obtained that the three data have the same variant (homogeneous). Based on the ANOVA test obtained Fcount of 4.375, while the value of Ftable is 3.34. thus Fcount> Ftable (4.375> 3.34) this proves that the hypothesis that reads there is no difference in the results of dark bright colors (value) on skin coloring using henna leaves without the use of mordan, using mordan lemon, and mordan lemon (citrun) with charcoal adsorbent rejected. For further research it is recommended to examine the effect of using mordan alum on the results of henna leaf color. Keywords: henna, mordant , adsorben

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1792
Juan Hagad ◽  
Tsukasa Kimura ◽  
Ken-ichi Fukui ◽  
Masayuki Numao

Two of the biggest challenges in building models for detecting emotions from electroencephalography (EEG) devices are the relatively small amount of labeled samples and the strong variability of signal feature distributions between different subjects. In this study, we propose a context-generalized model that tackles the data constraints and subject variability simultaneously using a deep neural network architecture optimized for normally distributed subject-independent feature embeddings. Variational autoencoders (VAEs) at the input level allow the lower feature layers of the model to be trained on both labeled and unlabeled samples, maximizing the use of the limited data resources. Meanwhile, variational regularization encourages the model to learn Gaussian-distributed feature embeddings, resulting in robustness to small dataset imbalances. Subject-adversarial regularization applied to the bi-lateral features further enforces subject-independence on the final feature embedding used for emotion classification. The results from subject-independent performance experiments on the SEED and DEAP EEG-emotion datasets show that our model generalizes better across subjects than other state-of-the-art feature embeddings when paired with deep learning classifiers. Furthermore, qualitative analysis of the embedding space reveals that our proposed subject-invariant bi-lateral variational domain adversarial neural network (BiVDANN) architecture may improve the subject-independent performance by discovering normally distributed features.

1880 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 408-414
Henry H. Howorth

The overlapping of the sciences is made the subject of much rhetorical writing now-a-days, and its appreciation is one of the most prominent signs of the modern development of the doctrine of Continuity which has been so fruitful in the Philosophy of Discovery. The boundary-line which once separated the geologist and ethnologist has in consequence of this development entirely disappeared, and every one now admits as a postulate that between the two sciences there is a stretch of neutral ground belonging to neither exclusively, and where the students of each must of necessity reap if their harvest is to be complete. Not only so, but it is beginning to be seen that the methods and the directions of the arguments in each science being more or less different—the one partaking much more of the historical, and the other of the experimental method—that it is well that where they overlap the results of each should be closely compared, and thus not only secure a double modicum of certitude, but also suggest fresh veins of untried material where we may put in our mattock with renewed hope of solving some apparently hopeless problems.

Edukid ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Intan Martha Fidiyani ◽  
Ali Nugraha ◽  
Rita Mariyana

Abstract :  Improved Child cognitive ability through application of Experimental Methods in Learning Science Kids ON. Purpose Of Research Singer is implementing the Learning WITH using experimental method / Attempted to review improve cognitive abilities Children in kindergarten. Kartini Village Jatitengah Jatitujuh District of Majalengka. Used operates Namely Research Action Research (PTK) that includes cognitive development Namely ASPECTS OF ASSESSMENT 1). Know And Mixing Colors, 2). Know the Cause and Effect Occurrence Rain, 3). Know the Differences Rough and Smooth, 4). Imitating the Pattern, 5). Develop Pieces of Puzzle. The subject of research is the Son of group B TK. Kartini Village Jatitengah Jatitujuh District of Majalengka in the academic year 2014-2015 That amounts to 39 Children. Based on the findings that the application of the experimental method, observation / experiment to improve cognitive abilities Children's review showed Developments That Are Very Good. It Singer visible from EVERY improvement cycle, including CYCLE I 18.97% Children Not Evolve (BB) 72.82 Children From Growing (MB), 8.20% Emerging accordance Hope Kids, Kids and 0% Emerging Very Good (BSB ). TIN average value of 1.9 and mastery learning reached 47.24%. THE CYCLE II increased 1.54% including Son Not Yet Evolving (BB), 41.74% Start Child Development (MB), 41.54% Emerging accordance Children Hope (BSH), 11.28% Children Growing Very Good ( BSB) The value of the average TIN mastery learning by 2.56 and reached 64.49% and the ON CYCLE III Namely increased The Very encouraging Ie 0% Children Not Evolve (BB), 0.51% Start Child Development (MB) 46.67% Emerging accordance Children Hope (BSH) and 52.82% of Children growing Very Good (BSB) averaged TIN value of 3.5 and mastery learning reached 87.44%. Based on the research findings of CAN concluded that the application of the experimental method CAN improve cognitive abilities of the Child. Recommendations Of Research Singer is professor CAN hearts experimental method using learning activities in kindergarten.Abstrak: Peningkatan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Melalui Penerapan Metode Eksperimen Dalam Pembelajaran Sains Pada Anak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melaksanakan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen/percobaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak di TK. Kartini Desa Jatitengah Kecamatan Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Peneletian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang mencakup aspek penilaian pengembangan kognitif yaitu 1). Mengenal dan Mencampur Warna, 2). Mengenal Sebab Akibat Terjadinya Hujan, 3). Mengenal Perbedaan Kasar dan Halus, 4). Meniru Pola, 5). Menyusun Kepingan Puzzle. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah anak kelompok B TK. Kartini Desa Jatitengah Kecamatan Jatitujuh Kabupaten Majalengka tahun pelajaran 2014-2015 yang berjumlah 39 anak. Berdasarkan hasil  observasi bahwa penerapan metode eksperimen/percobaan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak menunjukan perkembangan yang sangat baik. Hal ini terlihat dari peningkatan setiap siklusnya, diantaranya siklus I 18,97%  anak Belum Berkembang (BB), 72,82 anak Mulai Berkembang (MB), 8,20% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan, dan 0% anak Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB). nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 1,9 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 47,24%. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan diantaranya 1,54% anak yang Belum Berkembang (BB), 41,74% anak Mulai Berkembang (MB), 41,54% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH), 11,28% anak Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB)  nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 2,56 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 64,49% dan pada siklus III yaitu mengalami peningkatan yang sangat  mengembirakan yaitu 0% anak Belum Berkembang (BB), 0,51% anak mulai Berkembang (MB), 46,67% anak Berkembang Sesuai Harapan (BSH) dan 52,82% anak yang Berkembang Sangat Baik (BSB)  nilai rata-ratanya diperoleh sebesar 3,5 dan ketuntasan belajarnya mencapai 87,44%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode eksperimen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif anak. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah guru dapat menggunakan metode eksperimen dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di TK.

2007 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 295
Etty M. Nasser ◽  
F. Agathasari Ayuningtyas. R

<p class="Style1"><em>The objective of this research is to discover whether there are different perceptions among </em><em>students, auditors and managers about the attitude and perfomiance of the auditors that </em><em>can cause a condition that is known as </em>expectation gap. <em>This </em>expectation gap <em>includes the </em><em>important aspects of the auditing process and the auditor's responsibility, the causes that </em><em>influence the auditor's performance, the auditor's integrity to his client and the auditor's </em><em>attitude to his client The questionnaire used in this research to collect data is the modification </em><em>model from the Humprey, Moizer and S. Turley (1993) research questionnaire. Data are </em><em>gathered through directly questionnaire, which collected from 120 respondents. There are </em><em>40 respondents from experienced auditor group from KAP, 40 respondents from finance </em><em>managers as the audited result financial report user and 40 respondents from Trisakti </em><em>students who majoring accountancy that have joined auditing class completely The tech-nique of convenience sampling is applied in gathering the data while the data are analyzed by using oneway ANOVA and Kruskal Waffis. The ANOVA test is used for analysis the </em><em>normally distributed data and kruskal waffis test is used for analysis the abnormal distributed </em><em>data. The result of this research shows that there are some differences in perceptions </em><em>among the students, auditors and managers about the integrity and performance of the </em><em>auditors for the first hypothesis. However, for the second, third and fourth hypothesis show </em><em>no perception difference among the students, auditors and managers about the attitude and </em><em>performance of the auditors.</em></p><p class="Style1"><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><em>: Audito's performance, expectation gap, auditor's integrity</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 382
Desy Eka Putri ◽  
Siti Nurinayah ◽  
Fifiet Dwi Tresna Santana ◽  
Dewi Safitri Elshap

This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So it can be concluded that there is an influence in "Developing mathematical logical intelligence in early childhood through the method of picture story pop up models in group B"This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So that it can be concluded mathematical logical intelligence by using the pop up model pictorial story method is better than groups that use ordinary learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Cucu Arum Dwi Cahya ◽  
Aminah Syarifuddin ◽  
Ahmad Syukur Syukur

Green mustard plants can be formulater into peel-off masks to moisturize the skin, because based on previous research green mustard leaves cointain flavonoids as antioxidants which can moisturize the skin. The purpose of this study was to find out green mustard leaves can be formulated into peel-off mask preparations and to find out the preparation and to find out the preparation off peel off mask with etanol extract of green mustard leaves can moisturize the skin. This study uses an experimental method. Green mustard leaves are extracted by maceration. In this study, a skin analyzer was usee as a mesure of skin moisture level after using peel off mask from a variety of dosage formulations which were divided into 5 preparations, blank (without mask, 3%,4%,5%), postive control (using peel off masks on the market). The Anova test results show a sig value of 0,000 or p<0,005 so it is concluded that the variabel has a difference. The conclusion of this study proves that the ethanol extract of green mustard leaves can be used as a peel-off mask for skin moisturizer, where the higher the concentration of mustard leaf extract, the higher the moisture vlue of the skin.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 154
Faried Fatchurrahman ◽  
Andun Sudijandoko ◽  
Achmad Widodo

The purpose of this study was to analyze the comparison of the effect of ladder drills in out training and ladder drills ickey shuffle exercises on increasing speed and agility in students of futsal extracurricular activities at SMA 1 Krian. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with a quasi-experimental method. The population in this study were all students who participated in futsal extracurricular activities of SMAN 1 Krian with the number of the subject of 30 students. The design of this study uses only matching design with data analysis using ANOVA. The results showed that the ladder drills in out exercise significantly affected the increase in speed and agility and the ladder drills ickey shuffle exercise had a significant effect on increasing speed and agility. The conclusion of this study was that the ladder drill in out and the ickey shuffle significantly influence speed and agility.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-144
Nazirin Nazirin

The research analyses the effect of cooperative learning model Jigsaw type and learning motivation on student’s understanding on citizenship subject. The research method uses quasi experimental design with post test only control design. The subject of research was 44 students which constitutes two classes, experiment and control classes. The data collection employs test and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Two-way Anova test. The results show that cooperative learning model Jigsaw type hasa significant effect on student’s conceptual understanding. The ANOVA test produce significant level below 0.05, which indicates there is significant effect of the Jigsaw model and learning motivation on student achievement. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning model contributes better to learning achievement than conventional learning model, and a high learning motivation contributes better to students learning achievement in citizentship subject than a low learning motivation.   Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan motivasi terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan post test only control design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 44 siswa yang terdiri dari 22 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 22 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova 2 jalur. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw yang positif dan signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa berupa pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa. Siswa dengan tingkat motivasi yang tinggi lebih baik dalam hal penggunaan model Jigsaw dan hasil belajar, dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mempunyai motivasi rendah. Terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran ceramah untuk mencapai  hasil belajar yang lebih baik, dan bahwa siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang tinggi lebih baik daripada siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang rendah dalam penggunaan atau pemanfaatan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dan hasil belajarnya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Nazirin Nazirin

The research analyses the effect of cooperative learning model Jigsaw type and learning motivation on student’s understanding on citizenship subject. The research method uses quasi experimental design with post test only control design. The subject of research was 44 students which constitutes two classes, experiment and control classes. The data collection employs test and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using Two-way Anova test. The results show that cooperative learning model Jigsaw type hasa significant effect on student’s conceptual understanding. The ANOVA test produce significant level below 0.05, which indicates there is significant effect of the Jigsaw model and learning motivation on student achievement. It can be concluded that the cooperative learning model contributes better to learning achievement than conventional learning model, and a high learning motivation contributes better to students learning achievement in citizentship subject than a low learning motivation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw dan motivasi terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa sekolah dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi eksperimen dengan post test only control design. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 44 siswa yang terdiri dari 22 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 22 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Anova 2 jalur. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw yang positif dan signifikan terhadap hasil belajar siswa berupa pemahaman konsep PPKn siswa. Siswa dengan tingkat motivasi yang tinggi lebih baik dalam hal penggunaan model Jigsaw dan hasil belajar, dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mempunyai motivasi rendah. Terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan motivasi belajar terhadap kemampuan pemahaman konsep PPKn. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Jigsaw lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran ceramah untuk mencapai  hasil belajar yang lebih baik, dan bahwa siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang tinggi lebih baik daripada siswa dengan motivasi belajar yang rendah dalam penggunaan atau pemanfaatan model pembelajaran Jigsaw dan hasil belajarnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Yolanda Ismudar ◽  
Damri Damri

This study discusses the analysis of rewording in the form of stickers with star images, in increasing the duration of sitting endurance for autistic students during the learning process. This study used an experimental method with a single subject research approach. The subject of this study was a class VI autistic student who had a low duration of sitting resistance during the learning process in the classroom. Researchers made observations during seventeen meetings, all data were obtained through observation, interviews and action tests which were presented in graphic form. To measure the duration of sitting endurance, the researcher used a stopwarch analysis tool. Overall the results of the research on the initial conditions for five meetings were 2 minutes, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes 3 minutes. Furthermore, in the intervention condition during the seven meetings the researcher gave reword in the form of a star sticker image, the results were 4 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, 8 minutes. At baseline A2 conditions obtained dudu resistance results After being given the treatment, namely 5 minutes, 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 7 minutes, 9 minutes. The results of this study prove that giving rewords in the form of star stickers in the learning process can increase the duration of sitting endurance for autistic students, but it is necessary to develop further research in this problem in different contexts and issues.

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