Dini Suryani Harahap ◽  
Dr. Jubliana Sitompul, M.Pd ◽  
Dr. Irwandy M.Pd.

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui teknik apa yang digunakan penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan idiom dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Prancis dalam novel Bumi Manusia karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Setelah mengetahui teknik yang digunakan, ditemukan pula pergeseran bentuk pada idiom yang di terjemahkan tersebut. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teori dari Mona Baker (1992) dan J.C Catford (1965). Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Bumi Manusia karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer beserta terjemahannya dalam bahasa Prancis, Le Monde des Hommes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada empat teknik penerjemahan idiom yang digunakan oleh penerjemah; teknik menerjemah idiom dengan persamaan makna dan bentuk (17 data), teknik menerjemah idiom dengan makna sama tetapi bentuk yang berbeda (6 data), teknik parafrasa (25 data) dan teknik penghilangan idiom (6 data). Mengenai pergeseran bentuk, ditemukan pergeseran tataran (2 data), pergeseran struktur (6 data), pergeseran kategori kata (22 data) pergeseran unit (17 data) dan pergeseran intra-sistem (6 data). Kata Kunci : Idiom, Terjemahan, Teknik Penerjemahan Idiom, Pergeseran Bentuk, Bumi Manusia.

Widya Accarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-146
Gita Tri Lestari ◽  
Sri Mulyati ◽  
Vita Ika Sari

Abstrak Novel Anak Semua Bangsa karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Novel ini berlatar belakang kolonial Hindia Belanda. Pada kenyataannya, dalam kehidupan manusia sering terjadi banyak kasus diskriminasi yang dilakukan oleh para penguasa dan dialami oleh kaum tertindas. Diskriminasi pada novel Anak Semua Bangsa karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer tercermin dalam gambaran betapa menderita dan terpuruknya bangsa pribumi Jawa akibat kekejaman yang dilakukan penjajah Belanda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk diskriminasi dalam novel Anak Semua Bangsa karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dan implikasinya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan pada penelitian ini, dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif.. Penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data dari novel Anak Semua Bangsa karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan wujud datanya yaitu penggalan wacana dan kalimat yang mengandung diskriminasi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 48 data yang mengandung empat bentuk diskriminasi, yaitu diskriminasi suku/etnis, ras dan agama/keyakinan sebanyak 26 data (54,17%), diskriminasi berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan gender sebanyak 8 data (16,67%), diskriminasi terhadap penderita penyakit menular sebanyak 2 data (4,16%), dan diskriminasi karena kasta sosial sebanyak 12 data (25,00%). Kata kunci: diskriminasi, novel dan implikasi. Abstract Novel Children of All Nations by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. This novel has a colonial background in the Dutch East Indies. In fact, in human life cases of discrimination often occur by the authorities and experienced by the oppressed. Discrimination in Pramoedya Ananta Toer's novel Anak Semua Bangsa is reflected in the description of the suffering and decline of the Javanese indigenous people due to atrocities committed by the Dutch colonialists. This study aims to describe the forms of discrimination in the novel Children of All Nations by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and their implications in learning Indonesian in high school. This research uses a qualitative approach, a type of descriptive research. The source of data in this study is the novel Children of All Nations by Pramoedya Ananta Toer with the form of data that is discourse fragments and sentences that contain discrimination. The results found 48 data containing four forms of discrimination, namely ethnic / ethnic, racial and religious / belief discrimination as much as 26 data (54.17%), discrimination based on gender and gender as much as 8 data (16.67%), discrimination against infectious disease sufferers as much as 2 data (4.16%), and discrimination because of social caste as many as 12 data (25.00%). Keywords: discrimination, novels and implications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Sarjan Kase

Abstrak Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana penerapan semantik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 3 Gorontalo. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga memberikan gambaran yang spesifik terhadap persoalan pembelajaran semantik di sekolah. Data diambil dari kalimat yang disampaikan oleh seorang guru berkenaan dengan semantik. Sumber data diambil dari buku semantik yang telah ditulis oleh pakar dan wawancara kepada sesama guru bahasa Indonesia di SMA Negeri 3 Gorontalo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa makna semantic yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yaitu, makna afektif, makna denotatif, makna deskriptif, makna emotif, makna kiasan. Selain itu, ditemukan juga beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengatasi persoalan pembelajaran semantik di sekolah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-42
Wawan Wiraatmaja

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui aktivitas belajar peserta didik kelas V SDN-3 Pahandut Palangkaraya tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 dalam menanggapi suatu persoalan atau peristiwa dengan menggunakan media animasi, (2) untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam menanggapi suatu persoalan atau peristiwa dengan menggunakan media animasi kelas V pada SDN-3 Pahandut Palangkaraya tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian berjumlah 19 orang peserta didik. teknik pengmpulan data berdasarkan pada hasil siklus pada saat proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) aktivitas peserta didik kelas V SDN-3 Pahandut Palangkaraya tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 dalam kemampuan menanggapi suatu persoalan atau peristiwa dengan menggunakan media animasi lebih aktif dengan skor rata-rata siklus I 2,4 dengan kriteria cukup dan siklus II 3,5 dengan kriteria baik. (2) Peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas V pada SDN-3 Pahandut Palangkaraya tahun pelajaran 2015/2016 dalam menanggapi suatu persoalan atau peristiwa dengan menggunakan media animasi lebih meningkat, dibuktikan dengan hasil Siklus I 67,63 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 52,63% Dan Siklus II 80,52 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 100%. Dari hasil yang diperoleh tersebut ada peningkatan antara hasil siklus I dan siklus II.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 01-10
Alpansyah Alpansyah ◽  
Abdul Talib Hasim

The aims of this study were: (1) to identify an increase in students' understanding of the value of mutual cooperation through the use of reader response rules in Indonesian Language Learning (KRPDPBI); (2) identifying the use of the reader response principle in Indonesian Language learning (KRPDPBI) there are differences between male and female students. The design of this study used a quasi-experimental study with two different methods. The results showed that (1) the achievement of the score of understanding the value of mutual cooperation for students taught by KRPDPBI was better than for students taught by regular learning according to the curriculum; (2) the achievement of the understanding of the value of male students' mutual cooperation is no better than that of female students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Nismarni Nismarni

In the background backs Indonesian learning results obtained by the students is very low because the method of learning that are not relevant. Classroom action research aims to determine the implementation of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) to improve learning outcomes Indonesian grade IV A SD Negeri 78 Pekanbaru on instructional materials do. The experiment was conducted in two cycles each cycle two meetings and one daily tests. Each cycle stages are: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data from the activity of teachers and students in the can from the observation sheet, while, learning outcomes in getting the daily test results. The results showed the activities of teachers and students has increased, in the first cycle of meetings I obtained a score of 33 (68.75%), in the first cycle of meetings II obtained a score of 38 (79.17%), the second cycle of meetings I obtained a score of 40 (83 , 33%), and the second cycle II meeting obtained a score of 44 (91.67%). And in the first cycle of the first meeting of student activity data obtained a score of 27 (56.25%), in the first cycle II meeting increased with the acquisition of a score of 36 (75.00%), and the second cycle first meeting increased to 41 (85.42 %), the second cycle II meeting increased to 45 (93.75%). Learning outcomes of students has increased, this is evidenced by: the preliminary data the number of students who reach KKM amounted to 10 students (28.57%) with an average of learning outcomes at 65.37. Increased in the first cycle by the number of students who completed totaling 26 students (74.28%) with an average of learning outcomes at 76.00. And the second cycle increases with the number of students 32 students (91.42%) with an average of learning outcomes at 86.86. Based on these results it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT can improve learning outcomes Indonesian grade IV A SD Negeri 78 Pekanbaru. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Gusliarni Gusliarni

This research is motivated by the lack of listening skills obtained by the students, it is seen from the results of an assessment of the listening skills of students still achieved an average grade 56.32 or reach under the KKM predetermined value is 70. This study aims to determine whether the Team Learning model Listener can improve listening skills of students in the subject of Indonesian student Class V SD Negeri 007 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu. The subjects were 38 students in the academic year 2014-2015. Form of research is classroom action research. The data collection technique used is the technique of test and non test. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the ability to listen to the story class V students of SD Negeri 007 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu can be improved by applying the learning model listener team. On average ability to listen to stories of students in the early test is average with the average value of 56.32 by the medium category, and in the first cycle rose to 69.47 in the medium category, while in the second cycle listening skills of students categorized as high with the percentage of the average value of 76, 58 with a high category. Therefore, the success rate has exceeded 70 of the total number of students, which means that most students have achieved success predetermined value (minimum 75%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 713
Mukhlis '

Based on the observation of some teachers found the symptoms as follows: the lack of abilityof Indonesian teachers in designing learning program (RPP), the learning device is only usedas a supplement and not to the needs of teaching, most teachers again if asked the lessonanswered not have or has not been made. The purpose of this research is to improve theability of Indonesian teachers in designing learning program (RPP) at SDN 015 PagaranTapah Darussalam through the method of administration tasks. This type of research is actionresearch school. Subjects in this study were teachers Indonesian as many as 12 people. Basedon the analysis and discussion can be concluded that the method of administration tasks canimprove the ability of Indonesian teachers in making learning device in SDN 015 PagaranTapah Darussalam through the method of administration tasks. Under these conditions, thelevel of acceptance of teachers increased. The aspect ratio capability Indonesian teachers inpreparing lesson plans through the provision of duty cycle I and II of the increase from 56%and the second cycle to 79%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
Tri Mulyani

The background of this research is to learn Indonesian low yields, it is proved that out of 28students only 14 Siwa which reached KKM. To the researchers conduct classroom actionresearch with the aim to improve learning outcomes Indonesian. This research is a class actwho do sebanya two cycles by applying the method of exercise. This research was conductedin SD Negeri 009 Air Emas Kecamatan Ukui. The data used in this study is the activity dataand the teacher and student learning outcomes. Based on the research data showed that theactivities of teachers and students has increased at each cycle, as evidenced by getting ascore, namely: (a) the activities of teachers has increased in each cycle, the first cycle ofmeetings I gained a score of 9 (37.50%), the first cycle II meeting obtain a score of 14(58.33%), the second cycle of meetings I obtain a score of 19 (79.16%). And the second cycleII meeting obtain a score of 21 (87.50%). Additionally the activity of students has increased ateach cycle. At the meeting I cycle I obtained a score of 9 (37.50%), in the second meeting ofthe second cycle obtain a score of 16 (66.68%), at a meeting I cycle II obtained a score of 18(75.00%). And at the second meeting of the second cycle obtain a score of 22 (91.67%); and(b) the learning outcomes of students has increased at each cycle. In the first cycle thenumber of students who scored at intervals of> 80 amounted to 0 (0%), at intervals of 75-84value amounted to 7 students (25.00%), at intervals of 65-74 values were 12 students(42.85%) and at intervals of 55-64 value amounted to 9 students (32.14%). In the secondcycle the number of students who scored at intervals of> 80 amounted to 0 (0%), at intervalstotaling 21 students grades 75-84 (75.00%), at intervals of 65-74 grades are 5 students(17.85%) and at intervals of 55-64 value amounted to 2 students (7.14%). Additionallymastery learning students also increased, in the first cycle is the number of students whocompleted the 19 students (67.85%) increased in the second cycle by the number of 26students (92.85%).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Salamiah Salamiah

The learning of listening to the story of the child has been given to the students of grade VI of SD Negeri 020Tembilahan Hilir. However, the existing picture shows that classically, the result only reaches an average of20% or is not satisfactory based on preliminary tests. This research is a classroom action research conducted byclass VI SD Negeri 020 Tembilahan Hilir with subject 20 people. Data collection techniques through tests andobservations. Then the analysis technique is done descriptively. The result of the research concludes that thestudents' learning achievement has increased. This is seen in the preliminary study of 20%, or only 4 studentsout of 20 students completed, in the first cycle increased to 50% because of 20 students 10 students, and in thesecond cycle increased by 85% of 20 students 17 students.

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