activity data
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2022 ◽  
Vol 74 ◽  
pp. 103483
Md-Billal Hossain ◽  
Hugo F. Posada-Quintero ◽  
Youngsun Kong ◽  
Riley McNaboe ◽  
Ki H. Chon

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Qian Liu ◽  
Jing Lin ◽  
Li Wen ◽  
Shaozhou Wang ◽  
Peng Zhou ◽  

The protein–protein association in cellular signaling networks (CSNs) often acts as weak, transient, and reversible domain–peptide interaction (DPI), in which a flexible peptide segment on the surface of one protein is recognized and bound by a rigid peptide-recognition domain from another. Reliable modeling and accurate prediction of DPI binding affinities would help to ascertain the diverse biological events involved in CSNs and benefit our understanding of various biological implications underlying DPIs. Traditionally, peptide quantitative structure-activity relationship (pQSAR) has been widely used to model and predict the biological activity of oligopeptides, which employs amino acid descriptors (AADs) to characterize peptide structures at sequence level and then statistically correlate the resulting descriptor vector with observed activity data via regression. However, the QSAR has not yet been widely applied to treat the direct binding behavior of large-scale peptide ligands to their protein receptors. In this work, we attempted to clarify whether the pQSAR methodology can work effectively for modeling and predicting DPI affinities in a high-throughput manner? Over twenty thousand short linear motif (SLiM)-containing peptide segments involved in SH3, PDZ and 14-3-3 domain-medicated CSNs were compiled to define a comprehensive sequence-based data set of DPI affinities, which were represented by the Boehringer light units (BLUs) derived from previous arbitrary light intensity assays following SPOT peptide synthesis. Four sophisticated MLMs (MLMs) were then utilized to perform pQSAR modeling on the set described with different AADs to systematically create a variety of linear and nonlinear predictors, and then verified by rigorous statistical test. It is revealed that the genome-wide DPI events can only be modeled qualitatively or semiquantitatively with traditional pQSAR strategy due to the intrinsic disorder of peptide conformation and the potential interplay between different peptide residues. In addition, the arbitrary BLUs used to characterize DPI affinity values were measured via an indirect approach, which may not very reliable and may involve strong noise, thus leading to a considerable bias in the modeling. The Rprd2 = 0.7 can be considered as the upper limit of external generalization ability of the pQSAR methodology working on large-scale DPI affinity data.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 635
Yong Li ◽  
Luping Wang

Due to the wide application of human activity recognition (HAR) in sports and health, a large number of HAR models based on deep learning have been proposed. However, many existing models ignore the effective extraction of spatial and temporal features of human activity data. This paper proposes a deep learning model based on residual block and bi-directional LSTM (BiLSTM). The model first extracts spatial features of multidimensional signals of MEMS inertial sensors automatically using the residual block, and then obtains the forward and backward dependencies of feature sequence using BiLSTM. Finally, the obtained features are fed into the Softmax layer to complete the human activity recognition. The optimal parameters of the model are obtained by experiments. A homemade dataset containing six common human activities of sitting, standing, walking, running, going upstairs and going downstairs is developed. The proposed model is evaluated on our dataset and two public datasets, WISDM and PAMAP2. The experimental results show that the proposed model achieves the accuracy of 96.95%, 97.32% and 97.15% on our dataset, WISDM and PAMAP2, respectively. Compared with some existing models, the proposed model has better performance and fewer parameters.

Phumla Hlengiwe Shamase

The provision of a Learning Management System (LMS) for use in distributed, blended or open distance e-learning as a management tool has become a basic standard requirement in higher learning institutions globally. Many students and lecturers use an LMS in support of innovative and engaged teaching and learning, both inside and outside the classroom—whether blended or open leaning. However, many academics choose not to make use of the institutional LMS. This is the specific issue that this study addresses, with a particular focus on the role played by disciplinary differences in the uptake of an LMS. The research question guiding the study is thus: To what extent do disciplinary differences affect the uptake of an LMS? The research study drew on Legitimation Code Theory, a sociological theory that explains the knowledge principles underpinning practices, in this case, the practice of the uptake (or non-uptake) of an institutional LMS. The study made use of quantitative data collection and data analysis methods, drawing on the institutional LMS activity data. The study found that there was a significant relationship between the disciplines and LMS uptake. However, the study also found a number of unexpected exceptions, where the nature of the discipline did not seem to impact uptake or non-uptake. The contribution that the study makes is to show the significant role that the academics’ home discipline plays in LMS uptake.

2022 ◽  
Theo Georghiou ◽  
Chris Sherlaw-Johnson ◽  
Efthalia Massou ◽  
Stephen Morris ◽  
Nadia E Crellin ◽  

Background There was a national roll out of "COVID Virtual Wards" (CVW) during England's second COVID-19 wave (Autumn 2020 - Spring 2021). These services used remote pulse oximetry monitoring for COVID-19 patients following discharge from hospital. A key aim was to enable rapid detection of patient deterioration. It was anticipated that the services would support early discharge and avoid readmissions, reducing pressure on beds. This study is an evaluation of the impact of the CVW services on hospital activity. Methods Using retrospective patient-level hospital admissions data, we built multivariate models to analyse the relationship between the implementation of CVW services and hospital activity outcomes: length of COVID-19 related stays and subsequent COVID-19 readmissions within 28 days. We used data from more than 98% of recorded COVID-19 hospital stays in England, where the patient was discharged alive between mid-August 2020 and late February 2021. Findings We found a longer length of stay for COVID-19 patients discharged from hospitals where a CVW was available, when compared to patients discharged from hospitals where there was no CVW (adjusted IRR 1.05, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.09). We found no evidence of a relationship between the availability of CVW and subsequent rates of readmission for COVID-19 (adjusted OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.02). Interpretation We found no evidence of early discharges or reduced readmissions associated with the roll out of COVID Virtual Wards across England. Our analysis made pragmatic use of national-scale hospital data, but it is possible that a lack of specific data (for example, on which patients were enrolled) may have meant that true impacts, especially at a local level, were not ultimately discernible. Funding This is independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research, Health Services & Delivery Research programme and NHSEI.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 763
Li Fang ◽  
Timothy Slaper

Researchers have long debated whether entrepreneurship policy should focus on place or people. In this paper, we extend the place-based versus people-based theories using contemporaneous and geographically granular web-user online activity data to predict a region’s proclivity for entrepreneurship. We compare two theoretical hypotheses: the urban third places—informal gathering locations—that facilitate social interaction and entrepreneurship, in contrast to the creative class which fosters entrepreneurial energy and opportunity in a region. Specifically, we assess whether business formation has a stronger statistical relationship with the browsing behavior of individuals visiting websites associated with third place locations—e.g., restaurants or bars—or the concentration of web browsing behavior associated with “the creative class”. Using U.S. county-level data, we find that both urban third places and the creative class can predict about 70% of the variations in regional business formation, with the creative class having a slight competitive edge.

Anwar Al Shami ◽  
Elissar Al Aawar ◽  
Abdelkader Baayoun ◽  
Najat A. Saliba ◽  
Jonilda Kushta ◽  

AbstractPhysically based computational modeling is an effective tool for estimating and predicting the spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations in complex environments. A detailed and up-to-date emission inventory is one of the most important components of atmospheric modeling and a prerequisite for achieving high model performance. Lebanon lacks an accurate inventory of anthropogenic emission fluxes. In the absence of a clear emission standard and standardized activity datasets in Lebanon, this work serves to fill this gap by presenting the first national effort to develop a national emission inventory by exhaustively quantifying detailed multisector, multi-species pollutant emissions in Lebanon for atmospheric pollutants that are internationally monitored and regulated as relevant to air quality. Following the classification of the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), we present the methodology followed for each subsector based on its characteristics and types of fuels consumed. The estimated emissions encompass gaseous species (CO, NOx, SO2), and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10). We compare totals per sector obtained from the newly developed national inventory with the international EDGAR inventory and previously published emission inventories for the country for base year 2010 presenting current discrepancies and analyzing their causes. The observed discrepancies highlight the fact that emission inventories, especially for data-scarce settings, are highly sensitive to the activity data and their underlying assumptions, and to the methodology used to estimate the emissions.

2022 ◽  
pp. 089011712110632
Kara K. Palmer ◽  
Jacquelyn M. Farquhar ◽  
Katherine M. Chinn ◽  
Leah E. Robinson

Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine if children engaged in equal amounts of physical activity during an established gross motor skill intervention (the Children’s Health Activity Motor Program (CHAMP)) and outdoor free play. Design Cross-sectional study; sample: Ninety-nine children (Mage = 4.21, 51% boys) were randomly divided into two movement environments: CHAMP (n = 55) or control/outdoor free play (n = 44). Measures Physical activity was assessed using GT3X+ Actigraph accelerometers worn on the waist across four mornings. Average physical activity across the four days during either CHAMP or outdoor free play was extracted and categorized as light, moderate, vigorous, or MVPA. Physical activity data were reduced in the Actilife software using the cutpoints from Evenson et al. Analysis A 2 (treatment) x 2 (sex) mixed measures ANOVA was used to compare the amount of time children spent in light, moderate, vigorous, and MVPA. Results There was a significant main effect for treatment for light PA (F(3,95) =13.60, P<.001, partial η2=.125), and post hoc t-tests support that children in the control/outdoor free play group engaged in more light PA compared with children in CHAMP (t95 = −3.75, P<.001). Conclusions Results show that children in CHAMP engaged in less light PA but equal amounts of all other physical activity behaviors than their peers in outdoor free play.

Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Juneseo Chang ◽  
Myeongjin Kang ◽  
Daejin Park

Smart homes assist users by providing convenient services from activity classification with the help of machine learning (ML) technology. However, most of the conventional high-performance ML algorithms require relatively high power consumption and memory usage due to their complex structure. Moreover, previous studies on lightweight ML/DL models for human activity classification still require relatively high resources for extremely resource-limited embedded systems; thus, they are inapplicable for smart homes’ embedded system environments. Therefore, in this study, we propose a low-power, memory-efficient, high-speed ML algorithm for smart home activity data classification suitable for an extremely resource-constrained environment. We propose a method for comprehending smart home activity data as image data, hence using the MNIST dataset as a substitute for real-world activity data. The proposed ML algorithm consists of three parts: data preprocessing, training, and classification. In data preprocessing, training data of the same label are grouped into further detailed clusters. The training process generates hyperplanes by accumulating and thresholding from each cluster of preprocessed data. Finally, the classification process classifies input data by calculating the similarity between the input data and each hyperplane using the bitwise-operation-based error function. We verified our algorithm on `Raspberry Pi 3’ and `STM32 Discovery board’ embedded systems by loading trained hyperplanes and performing classification on 1000 training data. Compared to a linear support vector machine implemented from Tensorflow Lite, the proposed algorithm improved memory usage to 15.41%, power consumption to 41.7%, performance up to 50.4%, and power per accuracy to 39.2%. Moreover, compared to a convolutional neural network model, the proposed model improved memory usage to 15.41%, power consumption to 61.17%, performance to 57.6%, and power per accuracy to 55.4%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 71 ◽  
pp. 103200
André Fonseca ◽  
Camila Sardeto Deolindo ◽  
Taisa Miranda ◽  
Edgard Morya ◽  
Edson Amaro Jr ◽  

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