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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-27
Ayu Septiani

Clothing history is currently starting to be in demand. This is due to the emergency of a new trend in the use of masks and changes in the time of wearing clothes due to the global pandemic that is still ongoing today, namely Covid-19. To trace the development of clothes in Indonesia in the past, of course, it is necessary to study the literature or bibliography. Of course, in the past there have been publications related to clothes developments such as books, journals, magazines, newspapers that can be accessed for use in reconstructing the history of clothes. Beginning by describing the historical context during Dutch East Indies government, the purpose of this research is to take an inventory and identify a number of publications related to the history of clothes. The method used is the historical method. The results of this study indicate that the publications related to the history of clothes are numerous and varied. Therefore, it must be used properly and effectively so that the dynamics that occur in the clothes sector look more complete and comprehensive. In addition, it is hoped that research on the bibliography of clothes history can help historical researchers who are interested in studying the history of clothes in Indonesia.

Edgar Pereira

This paper offers an Iberian perspective on Sweden’s ‘Age of Greatness’ by looking at the intersection of international politics and trade involving Portugal and Sweden after Portugal regained its independence from Spain at the end of 1640. Sweden’s exports of timber, naval stores, iron, copper, and weapons to Braganza Portugal are seen in the context of the Portuguese wars for overseas trade and colonial settlement against the Dutch Republic and the struggle for autonomy against Spain in its home turf. By revisiting the accounts of diplomatic actors, this contribution will discuss how Portugal turned to Sweden for diplomatic recognition and new consumption markets and carriers for its export sector. It will also be shown how Sweden stood to gain by adding a new customer to its military export sector and by tapping into Portugal’s colonial goods and salt, while at the same time it entertained the prospect of using the Portuguese offshoots in West Africa and the East Indies to further its ambitions in overseas trade.

Tsaqofah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (02) ◽  
pp. 91
Asep Yusup Hudayat

Women, nature, ghost, and taboo are the main discourses related to magical realism in “Burak Siluman”, a novel by Moh. Ambri. In Burak Siluman, women (the main sign) were connected to the discourse of nature, ghost, and taboo. In it, women represent the suppressed desires of the lower class for wealth, position, honor wrapped in narratives of fascination, search, wandering, misfortune, and a curse. Discourses on the supernatural, half-ghost, and taboo legends in the novel are important traditional realities that are studied and seen by the workings of the concepts of magical realism in the colonial period of the Dutch East Indies. The main problem is: how does the concept of magical realism affect the construction of the world (physical and supernatural), especially related to ghost and taboo narratives in “Burak Siluman”. Thus, the main objective of this research is the interaction of the influence of magical realism on narratives construction related to women, nature, ghost, and taboo. To resolve the issue, the concept of contemporary magical realism is used from a postcolonial perspective. The results of this study is the placement of the "between" space (magic in rational) which is represented in the wandering figure is the core idea of ​​magical realism in “Burak Siluman”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-106
Amaluddin Sope ◽  

Perang Dunia II di Asia dikenal dengan istilah Perang Pasifik, namun dipihak Jepang (Nippon) memakai istilah Perang Asia Timur Raya (Dai Toa Senso Senkum) dengan maksud propaganda Asia Untuk Orang Asia. Penyerangan Jepang atas Ford Island, Pearl Harbour, Hawaii menjadi penanda dimulainya perhelatan Perang Pasifik. Netherlands East Indies (Hindia Belanda) atau yang saat ini dikenal dengan nama Indonesia tidak terlepas dari imperialisme Jepang (Nippon) di masa Perang Pasifik. Kendari adalah salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang terkena imbas imperialisme Jepang. Dalam mempertahankan wilayah kekuasaannya setelah pendudukan, Jepang membangun berbagai fasilitas pertahanan. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tinggalan masa Perang Pasifik dari pihak Jepang yang masih dapat disaksikan saat ini, yaitu pillbox. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola sebaran dan fungsi bangunan pillbox di Kota Kendari. Dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian, digunakan metode survei yang didukung dengan data pustaka, dan informasi masyarakat. Hasil analisis arkeologis dan spasial yang dipadukan dengan analisis medan model COCOA menunjukan 21 bangunan pillbox yang tersebar di enam kecamatan di Kota Kendari membentuk pola mengelompok dan acak. Bangunan tersebut dibangun Jepang (Nippon) berfungsi sebagai fasilitas pertahanan, perlindungan, pemantauan, menghalau pergerakan militer sekutu, serta penguasaan area strategis di Kendari.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 689
Mohd Din ◽  
Al Yasa' Abubakar

The purpose of this paper is to describe the position of the Qanun Jinayat as a forum for the implementation of Sharia in Aceh within the framework of the Indonesian constitution. It is considered essential because the implementation of Sharia is conducted based on the UUPA (Law on Governing of Aceh). However, its implementation is often misunderstood, causing the implementation of Sharia to face many challenges from various parties, including the government's official institutions. This article is written to answer the main problem: the alignment of regulations, qanuns, with other laws and regulations. This study is normative legal research using a legal history approach. The analytical tools used are the theory of leveling norms and asymmetric decentralization. The study results show that the Sharia qanuns in Aceh, especially the Qanun Jinayat, have a different position from the regional regulations in other provinces in Indonesia. The difference lies in the special right of the Government of Aceh as a region with asymmetrical decentralization to make its regulations which at a certain level are permitted to be inconsistent with the laws on higher hierarchy. However, it must still align with the basic norms as the primary reference. The existence of special rights for Aceh is considered natural because of its long history, mainly when it is associated with the development of criminal law in Indonesia, which until now still uses the KUHP inherited from the Dutch East Indies. This specificity is a legal order regarding autonomous or special regions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 127-135
William Foster

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-114
Hary Ganjar Budiman

This article describes the identification of the trace of the water management system during the Dutch East Indies era, in the form of a water channel found in the Bogor Station area. The analysis will be viewed from the spatial context; the significance of the water channel with the nearest river, the significance of the water channel to the nearest public facility, and its relevance to the racial urban space in Bogor. This research used a historical method that consists of four stages; heuristics, critics, interpretation, and historiography. Observations were made to explain the physical form and the estimated period of water channel construction. The results showed that the water channel near the Bogor Station was made with modern technology. In the past, the channel may have functioned as drainage that connected to the Ci Pakancilan. The location of the waters channel adjacent to public facilities and government administrative centers showed the accuracy of the Department of Public Works in anticipating floods and puddles in the area of European activity.

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