2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Rahmad Husein

This research makes use of Research and Development method in which a teaching model is developed to teaching grammar in the form of multiple-choice questions. It is Cohort-based Grammar Teaching Model that is developed. In the development of this teaching model, fifty students took part in. The research was conducted at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma Medan on jalan Sakti Lubis no. 80. To figure out what teaching model which the students need, questionaire was disseminated. In analyzing the available data from the instrument, questionaire inspired by Guttman Scale was made with numerous modifications in statements and questions.The analysis reveals that the participants require an intersting and fun grammar teaching model; easy to understand and more efective; quick problem-solving, time-saving  and target-oriented.  Due to this reason, eventually, Cohort-based Grammar Teaching Model is not mediocrewhere it is capable of alternating grammar problem for multiple-choice question in structure part of the TOEFL in a relative instant high result way.Keywords: Research and Development, Teaching Grammar, Multiple-choice question, Cohort     

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sumarwati Sumarwati ◽  
Atikah Anindyarini ◽  
Amir Fuady

This study aims to: (1) map the students’ needs to enhance their understanding of grammar (2) map the teachers’ needs to overcome students’ low understanding of grammar, and (3) design a grammar teaching model. This was a research and development study. The research subjects were Grade VIII students of twelve junior high schools. Theresults indicate that (1) the majority of students say that it is necessary to have more intensive teaching and learning of Indonesian grammar; (2) they state that it is necessary to learn all the components of grammar more intensively; (3) all teachers do not deliver the knowledge about grammar beyond the competency standard; (4) the main problemsthat teachers experience in teaching grammar through an integration of all language skills are materials preparation, strategy selection, and assessment; and (5) the teaching model to implement “focus on form” includes instructional process, interactive feedback, text comprehension enhancement, task-based instruction, collaborative tasks, and discoursebased approach.

Dwi Milla Mufida ◽  
Dwi Astuti ◽  
Neli Purwani

L'évaluation est le processus de collecter des données pour savoir s’il y a  les objectifs éducatifs qui n'ont pas été atteints. Le test est un instrument d'évaluation dans l'éducation. En termes d’arrangement, le test est divisé en deux, ce sont des tests standardisés et des tests non standardisés. Les professeurs de français doivent savoir rédiger des tests en bonne qualité. Un test en bonne qualité est un test ayant une bonne structure à travers des instructions du test court et claire. Cette recherche a le but de décrire : 1) la qualité du test formatif programmé fait par les professeurs de français au lycée pour la classe X à Semarang de l’année academique 2016/2017, 2)  le type de la question à choix multiple et celui de la question réponse ouverte courte. Les données de cette recherche sont les questions les tests formatifs programmés faits par les professeurs de français aux lycées pour la classe X à Semarang. C’est une recherche descriptive qualitative. La méthode de recueil des données dans cette recherche est celle de documentation. Les questions à choix multiples sont analysées basées sur la matière, la construction, et la langue, afin que les questions des réponses ouvertes courtes sont analysées basées sur les règles d’arrangement du test en générales. Les résultats de cette recherche montrent que les qualités des questions des tests formatifs programmés faits par les professeurs au type de la question à choix multiple et la question de réponse ouverte courte aux lycées pour la classe X  à Semarang de l’année academique 2016/2017 sont dans le critère bien. Evaluation is the process of collecting data to know if there are educational goals that have not been achieved. The test is an assessment tool in education. In terms of arrangement, the test is divided into two, these are standardized tests and non-standardized tests. French teachers must know how to write tests in good quality. A test in good quality is a test with a good structure through short and clear test instructions. This research aims to describe: 1) the quality of the programmed formative test done by the French teachers in high school for the X class in Semarang of the academic year 2016/2017, 2) the type of the multiple choice question and that of the short open answer question. The data of this research are the questions programmed formative tests made by the teachers of French in high schools for the class X in Semarang. It is a qualitative descriptive search. The method of collecting data in this research is that of documentation. Multiple choice questions are analyzed based on subject matter, construction, and language, so that short open-ended questions are analyzed based on the general test arrangement rules. The results of this research show that the qualities of the questions of the programmed formative tests done by the teachers to the type of the multiple choice question and the question of short open answer to the high schools for the class X in Semarang of the academic year 2016/2017 are in the criterion well.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Yuni Pantiwati ◽  
Nurul Mahmudati

SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Malang City is a school which is located on Jl Letjen Sutoyo No 68 Malang City. This school has great potential and has the opportunity to carry out two tier multiple choice question-making service activities because the school is the school's top priority (partner). The problem faced is that teachers have never compiled Two Tier Multiple Choice questions, especially science teachers. The science teacher said that he was always prepared questions for student evaluation instruments, either formative, sub-summative or summative, but the questions that were arranged were still conventional. The teacher said that he was not yet skilled in compiling HOTS questions, let alone the type of Two Tier Multiple Choice that he had never known. Activities to be carried out are socialization of teacher training programs, pre-test teacher assistance. Teachers have increased their abilities regarding the preparation of Two Tier Multiple Choice questions. The teacher-made question products have 30 sets or 60 items, and have been tested with the results of the questions that qualify as good questions

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Gaung Perwira Yustika

BIOLOGY LEARNING BY DOING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION FOR SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. Multiple choice question learning and understanding can help learning process in the classroom. To maximize its use as learning tool, the students can have finish the task in 2 ways: first they will finish the Multiple-Choice Question (MCQ) task during the class hours and submit it when the class over. Or it can be homework to the students and hand it over at the next meeting session. The research showed that the instructor/teacher prefer on use multiple choice not only due to administration, time saving and simplicity but also objective and consistent. Furthermore, the student based on research result more like Multiple choice question assignments because they can eliminate wrong answers and these questions form more objective than anothers. Beside that with this method the student can participate actively in learning process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 823
Min Wang ◽  
Fanghui Hu

Listening teaching is an important part in English teaching. On the basis of analysis of disadvantages of traditional English listening teaching in China, teaching model of English listening based on interactive model theory is constructed. The newly constructed teaching model consists of six teaching modules, including phonetic teaching, vocabulary teaching, grammar teaching, discourse teaching, background information teaching and strategy teaching. In order to test the effectiveness of the new model, two natural classes are chosen from some university. The control group adopted traditional listening teaching model while the experimental group new model. Independent samples test of SPSS was adopted to analyze their listening scores in pretest and posttest. The results show that the new English listening teaching model is significantly effective in improving students’ listening proficiency (P<0.05). New model of English listening teaching is worth popularization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-120
Mirrah Megha Singamurti

This study aimed to develop a Two Tier Multiple Choice Question Assessment instrument that is suitable for use in Pancadharma material and to find out the teachers and students’ responses to the instrument developed. This study was conducted using the RD method applying the steps from Borg and Gall. The locations of the study were at the State Junior High Schools 1 and 2 Keling in Jepara Regency. Data collection used questionnaires, test, interviews and documentation. The results of this study exhibited that the TTMCQ assessment instrument developed for the Pancadharma material had 92.22% of content validation; the reliability scores were 0.754 for first tier and 0.826 for two tier; the power of distinguishing questions was categorized into a good category with the percentage of 66.67% for the main questions, and 46.66% for the reason questions. The difficulty level test indicated that 40% of the multiple choice questions were easy and 53.33% of them were medium, and 60% of the reason questions were easy, and 33.33% of them were medium. The teachers and students’ responses to the TTMCQ instrument developed in the form of multiple-choice multiple-level questions were more complicated than those of regular multiple-choice questions; the form of the questions was good and neatly organized; and the form of the questions was more about children’s responsibility in terms of thinking and solving problems. Thus, the TTMCQ instrument that had been developed was included in the appropriate category to be used as an assessment instrument of the Pancadharma material.

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