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Atefeh Mousavi ◽  
Mehdi Mohammadzadeh ◽  
Hossein Zare

The purpose of this study is to identify elements that influence the sale of generic pharmaceutical products during their life cycle in order to achieve more comprehensive planning and to prevent a decline stage of the product life cycle (PLC). We used a system dynamic model to identify the behaviors of demand, supply, and competition as three major subsystems of PLC in generic pharmaceutical products. We first investigated the PLC patterns of 527 medicines to identify their “reference mode”, determined the causal loop of the pharmaceuticals phase of PLC based on both an in-depth literature review and experts’ opinions, and finally simulated a quantitative dynamic model based on real-world data between 2012 and 2019 from Iran. Based on the results, “total demand and accurate forecasting”, “marketing efforts”, and “R and D activities of a firm” are the most critical factors involved in the formation of a generic drug PLC. An increase of 20–50% of manufacturers’ marketing and R and D activities can raise sales by more than 50% in the decline stage of the PLC. The product life cycle can give generic manufacturers more insights into the processes leading to declining sales of their products. PLC may help to prevent a product from entering the decline stage even if the total demand for a generic drug is dropping in the market.

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 134
Puji Nur Istiqomah ◽  
Toto' Bara Setiawan ◽  
Lela Nur Safrida ◽  
Titik Sugiarti ◽  
Randi Pratama Murtikusuma

This research aimed to develop a valid, practical, and effective  worksheets with SAVI approach and can improve students' mathematical representation skills on cylinder material. The method of this research was a Research and Development (R and D) through the development of 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Pace. The subjects of this research was 32 students of class IX. The results of the validation of the LKS with SAVI approach by the validator get an assessment of 3.8 after experiencing product revision. This shows that the LKS with SAVI approach that was developed is declared valid. The results of the analysis of the practicality of the LKS with SAVI approach were declared practical with the percentage of student response questionnaires of 85.03% and from the teacher's observation sheet of 87.5%. LKS with SAVI approach succeeded in increasing students' representation ability with a percentage increase of 90.625%. The result of the percentage of product completeness is 71.875% so it can be said that the LKS product with SAVI approach is an effective product. These results indicate that worksheets with SAVI approach are considered valid, practical, effective, and can improve mathematical representation skills.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 349-361
Mohammad Jailani

Education in the era of transformation affects the development of science and technology since teachers are directed to be innovative in language teaching. This study aimed to develop Arabic language media based on brain-based learning for SMK (Vocational High School) Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta during the Covid-19 period. This study employed Research and Development (R and D)method with the development model proposed by Borg and Gall. The research subjects consisted of ten students and three teachers. Research data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. The researchers implemented the data analysis technique by Miles and Huberman. Furthermore, the researchers ensure the data validity by triangulation. The analysis indicated that the Arabic language media was feasible to be used. The validity had been tested by two material experts and two media experts. Material expert 1 gave an average score of 4.27, and material expert 2 gave an average score of 4.81, both within the high category. On the other hand, media expert 1 gave an average score of 4.42, and media expert 2 gave an average score of 3.71, both within the high category. Also, the product had been tested on ten students during the small-scale trial and the large-scale trial. According to material experts' validation, the weakness of the product was related to the title of the material and the duration. Therefore, the developed media could increase mufrodat mastery in the industrial 4.0 era.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Rafael González-Val ◽  
Javier Silvestre

Abstract This paper examines the effect of the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) shock on city shares of population applying the methodology proposed by Davis, D. R., and D. E. Weinstein. 2002. “Bones, Bombs, and Break Points: The Geography of Economic Activity.” The American Economic Review 92 (5): 1269–89. We make use of an unexploited long-term, historical dataset of populations disaggregated at the city level. Our instruments, a key methodological issue, are based on dead and wounded data collected by historians. We show that the effect of the Spanish Civil War on capital cities was temporary, and argue that the locational fundamentals theory is the principal explanation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-202
Radinal Fadli ◽  
Muhammad Hakiki

Disterupsi yang terjadi pada dunia Pendidikan pada saat ini, dipicu oleh perkembangan teknologi pada era transformasi digital atau biasa dikenal dengan era revolusi industri 4.0. dimana dibutuhkan suatu konsep dan mekanisme proses pembelajaran yang menintegrasikan teknologi dengan pendidikan. Pemanfaatan teknologi baik hardware dan software mulai marak diaplikasikan dalam bidang pendidikan salah satunya sebagai media pembelajaran. Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian Research and Development (R and D) dengan prosedur pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Desseminate). Pengembangan yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengambangkan media pembelajaran berupa aplikasi smartphone untuk pembelajaran mobile learning matakuliah Sistem Operasi di STKIP Muhammadiyah Muara Bungo. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif untuk mendeskripsikan validitas, praktikalitas, dan efetivitas media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian pengembangan ini: (1) validitas aplikasi smartphone untuk mobile learning dinyatakan valid pada aspek media dan aspek materi, (2) praktikalitas aplikasi smartphone untuk mobile learning berdasarkan pengamatan langsung, respon dosen, dan mahasiswa dinyatakan sangat praktis, (3) efektivitas aplikasi smartphone untuk mobile learning dinyatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi smartphone untuk mobile learning dinyatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai Media Pembelaran pada mata kuliah Sistem Opearsi.

EduKimia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-173
Nillam Puspitaningrum ◽  
Munasprianto Ramli ◽  
Luki Yunita

The use of ICT learning media is needed to support the learning process. This is due to the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, technological developments in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, and the COVID-19 pandemic. One example of ICT media that is in great demand by students is learning multimedia in the form of educational games with the Chemoedutainment method. This study aims to produce an educational game application called Chemblocks Games based on Chemoedutainment on chemical bonding materials. The subjects in this study were expert validators, teachers, and students. This study uses the TSRD model R and D method, which consists of the following stages Pre development, Development, and Post Development. The instruments used are a mix of teacher needs analysis interviews, student needs analysis questionnaires, validation sheets, also teacher and student response questionnaires. Validation data processing techniques and response questionnaires use a Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out by converting the results of the Likert scale points into percentages. Chemblocks Games received an assessment from material experts of 88.61 percent, media experts of 83.5 percent and teacher participant test assessments of 94 percent. So the Chemblocks Games product is in the very decent category. Based on the results of the student response questionnaire in the limited test, the percentage obtained was 84.5 percent in the material aspect, 86.5 percent in the language aspect, and 87 percent in the attractiveness aspect. So the students response to the Chemblock Games application is in the Very Good category.

EduKimia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 161-166
Nadya Ulfa ◽  
Ani Sutiani

Teaching material is one of the aspects to improve scientific literacy skills had by students, but based on the analysis of school textbooks, especially on acid-base materials, 2 chemistry textbook do not yet have the maximum application of scientific literacy. The aim of this research is to develop acid base e-module based on scientific literacy. The method implemented is Research and Development (R and D) method by Borg and Gall which is limited to 7 out of 10 stages. The instrument used in this study was questionnaire of validity and practicality. Validation was carried out by 5 validators while the practicality test was distributed to 2 chemistry teachers and 20 students of Class XI Science of SMA Negeri 10 Medan. Based on the validation results obtained from the validators, the average result is 4,70 which a very feasible criteria. The average value of teachers and students practicality responses was 4,60 and 4,42 with a very feasible criteria so it was concluded the acid-base e-module based on scientific literacy is valid, practical and also feasible to be used in learning activities for high school students. The follow-up of this research is to conduct a trial of the effectiveness of using e-modules in improving students’ scientific literacy skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 901-905
Ilham Salam ◽  
A. Arsunan Arsin ◽  
Atjo Wahyu ◽  
Agus Bintara Birawida ◽  
Aminuddin Syam ◽  

BACKGROUND: Efforts to control the incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) have been carried out intensively, however, there is no significant reduction in the number of DHF sufferers. Meanwhile, the predictive model is expected to be an early warning to anticipate the incidence of DHF. AIM: Therefore, this study aims to determine the dynamic model for predicting dengue fever incidence in Maros Regency from 2020 to 2040. METHODS: This study used the research and development (R and D) method with a dynamic systems approach. The study was conducted in Maros Regency and the data on dengue cases in Maros Regency from 2014 to 2018 were used as samples. Meanwhile, interpretive structural modeling (ISM) was used to determine policy scenarios in reducing dengue cases while the analysis of the dynamic model of dengue fever was conducted using the Powersim program. RESULTS: The critical elements of DHF prevention in the Maros Regency include the Jumantik program, 3M Plus, early warning systems, and outreach. Furthermore, the prediction of the average incidence of dengue fever from 2020 to 2040 has decreased based on dynamic model simulations by applying the Jumantik scenario (46.8%), 3M Plus (61.17%), early warning systems (74.4%), counseling (52.12%), and the combined scenario (97.87%). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of dengue fever in the Maros Regency is prevented and controlled by the combination of the Jumantik program, 3M Plus, early warning systems, and counseling.

Eknath D. Ahire ◽  
Sanjay J Kshirsagar

There have been significant developments in the design of nanostructured scaffolds for eliciting robust immune responses named vaccine. The technique is to produce strong immune responses is to manipulate the appearance of a pathogen. Subsequently pathogens such as viruses and bacteria often demonstrate of multiple copies of ligands on their surfaces, the immune system is predominantly sensitive towards multivalent presentations of antigens. Consequently, when designing a vaccine, it is beneficial to garnish a nanostructured surface with multiple copies of an antigen so it can effectively act as an immune booster. Different methods are there for the development of the vaccine, from them most of the techniques are well developed and reported and some of in the developing state. This review focuses primarily on cellular and non-cellular vaccines, the whole cells or cellular proteins either as the source of antigens or the platform in which to deliver the antigens. Purpose of this review, understand and discussion on the various vaccine platforms which will contribute noteworthy information to vaccine research and development (R and D).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 049-057
Ezeliora Chukwuemeka Daniel ◽  
Nwufo Maduka Augustine

Industrialization is the key for country’s economic development and growth. In African, most of their government refused to fully sponsor or fund MSE’s and industrialization ideologies. Their infrastructural development and economic policies are of very minimal for strong industrial development. Nigeria faces such situation and the government has refused and neglects the industrialization sectors, yet they want to be a developed country. The solution to industrialization is for the Nigerian government is to reform their economic policies, industrial policies, Develop infrastructures, promote MSEs, research and development (R and D). There is also a very significant need for the Nongovernment organizations to aid the Nation to industrialize and promote the manufacturing systems.

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