2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

AbstractVisually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate me- dium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the me- dia for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accom- panying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The re- sults of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a na- tional examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired dis- abilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complement- ed with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang te- pat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuh- kan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penun- jang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunan- etra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu di- lengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
NFN Innayah

Visually impaired disabilities have requiring an appropriate medium for learning. Audio student worksheet (LKS) is one of the media for persons with disabilities are being developed. The aim of the study was to determine the subjects that require media audio LKS, format of audio LKS, player tool for audio LKS program and accompanying materials required as supporting audio LKS. This research was conducted by the method of research and development. The results of this study showed subjects that require audio LKS is a national examination subjects such as Indonesian language, English language, science and mathematics. Form of audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities is a summary with multiple choice questions. Instruments of audio LKS that suitable for visually impaired disabilities are laptop and an MP3 player. The understanding of the audio LKS for visually impaired disabilities should be complemented with an accompanying material in the form of Braille. AbstrakSiswa tunanetra membutuhkan media pembelajaran yang tepat. Lembar kerja audio siswa (LKAS) merupakan salah satu media yang dikembangkan bagi siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS, format LKAS, alat pemutar program untuk LKAS dan bahan penyerta yang dibutuhkan sebagai penunjang LKAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R and D). Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan media LKAS adalah mata pelajaran ujian nasional seperti Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Ingggris, IPA dan matematika. Format LKAS bagi siswa tunanetra adalah ringkasan materi dengan bentuk soal pilihan ganda. Alat pemutar program yang sesuai bagi siswa tunanetra adalah laptop dan MP3 player. Pemahaman terhadap LKAS perlu dilengkapi dengan bahan penyerta dalam bentuk Braille.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Hidayat Hidayat ◽  
Busmin Gurning ◽  
Rahmad Husein

This research makes use of Research and Development method in which a teaching model is developed to teaching grammar in the form of multiple-choice questions. It is Cohort-based Grammar Teaching Model that is developed. In the development of this teaching model, fifty students took part in. The research was conducted at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sukma Medan on jalan Sakti Lubis no. 80. To figure out what teaching model which the students need, questionaire was disseminated. In analyzing the available data from the instrument, questionaire inspired by Guttman Scale was made with numerous modifications in statements and questions.The analysis reveals that the participants require an intersting and fun grammar teaching model; easy to understand and more efective; quick problem-solving, time-saving  and target-oriented.  Due to this reason, eventually, Cohort-based Grammar Teaching Model is not mediocrewhere it is capable of alternating grammar problem for multiple-choice question in structure part of the TOEFL in a relative instant high result way.Keywords: Research and Development, Teaching Grammar, Multiple-choice question, Cohort     

Núria Gavaldà ◽  
Sheila Queralt

This article deals with a forensic linguistics case study of the determination of the level of a B1 English multiple-choice test that was challenged in court by numerous candidates on the grounds that it was not of the appropriate level. A control corpus comprising 240 analogous multiple-choice questions from B1 exams aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) was compiled in order to establish a threshold for the percentage of questions of a level higher than that being tested which can be expected in such exams. The analysis was carried out following a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, with the help of the tool English Profile, which provides Reference Level Descriptions (RLDs) for the English language within the CEFR. The results of the analysis of the control corpus established a baseline of 5 to 7% of questions that include key items classified as higher than B1, while the percentage was 68% in the case of the disputedexam. Thus, the present study proposes a further application of the tool English Profile within the field of forensic linguistics and puts forward the concept of Level Appropriateness Threshold (LAT), analogous to other thresholds established in forensic linguistics, which can serve as a baseline for determining the appropriateness of B1 English multiple-choice exams and a model for other levels and skill areas.

1989 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. A58-A58

Multiple-choice questions test nothing but passive-recognition knowledge, not active usable knowledge. Knowing something means the power to summon up facts and their significance in the right relations. Mechanical testing does not foster this power. It is one thing to pick out Valley Forge, not Dobbs Ferry or Little Rock, as the place where George Washington made his winter quarters; it is another, first, to think of Valley Forge and then to say why he chose it rather than Philadelphia, where it was warmer. In subjects that require something other than information—the development of skill, as in reading, writing and mathematics—straining toward a plausible choice is not instructional. Nobody ever learned to write better by filling in blanks with proffered verbs and adjectives. To write is to fill a totally blank sheet with words of your own. Instead of forcing—and coaching—young minds in form-filling exercises, telling them "choose and take a chance," schools would be well advised to return to Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Tell us what you know."

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Deni Chandra ◽  
Dedi Heryadi

ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) kemampuan guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam membuat soal tes berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) tingkat SMP se-Kecamatan Karangnunggal Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dan (2) menganalisis kesesuaian soal tes yang dibuat oleh guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia ditinjau dari kriteria soal Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di tiga Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) yang berada di Kecamatan Karangnunggal Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia yang secara keseluruhan berjumlah 7 orang. Sumber data dari SMP N 1 Karangnunggal sebanayak 2 orang, dari SMP Negeri 3 Karangnunggal sebanyak 2 orang dan dari SMP IT Karangnunggal sebanyak 3 orang. Data yang diperoleh berupa soal esai dan pilihan ganda yang dibuat oleh setiap responden.Pemerolehan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen tes.Data tersebut dikaji dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil pengkajian pertama diperoleh kemampuan guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia dalam membuat soal tes berbasis HOTS dalam bentuk esai maupun pilihan ganda masih rendah. Hal tersebut terbukti dari jumlah keseluruhan soal yang masih berada pada ranah ingatan (C1).Hasil pengkajian yang kedua diperoleh bahwa bentuk soal pilihan ganda ataupun esai belum memenuhi kriteria soal HOTS yang baik.Hal itu terbukti dari masih banyaknnya soal pilihan ganda ataupun esai yang belum menggunakan stimulus yang menarik dan kontekstual, mengukur kemampuan kognitif level analisis, evaluasi, maupun mencipta serta belum mengandung jawaban yang tersirat.KATA KUNCI: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); Kemampuan Guru; Soal Tes>ABILITY OF INDONESIAN TEACHERS IN MAKING TEST BASED HOTS (HIGHER ORDER THINKING SKILLS) IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT KARANGNUNGGAL�ABSTRACT: This research is aimed to describe (1) the ability of Bahasa Indonesia teachers to construct the questions based on HOTS for Junior High School students in Karangnunggal district Tasikmalaya and (2) the analysis of examination questions that are made by Bahasa Indonesia teachers considering the criteria of HOTS. This research was conducted at 3 Junior High School in Karangnunggal district by using qualytative descriptive method. The data source in this research is teachers of Bahasa Indonesia which amount 7 teachers. The data source are 2 teachers from SMPN 1 Karangnunggal, 2 teachers from SMPN 3 Karangnunggal, and 3 teachers from SMP IT Karangnunggal. The data gained are essay questions and multiple choice questions which are made by each respondent. The aquisition of the data in this research is using test. Those datas are examined by using descriptive analysis technique. The result of first assesment is that the ability of Bahasa Indonesia teachers to construct the quesrions based on HOTS in essay and multiple choice form is skill low. That statment is proven from the whole numbers of questions that is in memory domain (C1). The second assesment results that the assay and multiple choice from have not fulfilled the criteria of a good HOTS questions. That statment is proven from the essay and multiple choice questions that are still lack of interesting and contextual stimulants, measure that analysis level, evaluation level, and creating level of cognitif ability and also have not contained implicit answer.KEYWORDS: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); Teachers Ability; Test Question.

2021 ◽  
Carolyn Frances Tait

<p>Chinese undergraduate students from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan may have different language backgrounds and previous assessment experiences compared with most students studying in a western university. This mixed methods study examines their perceptions of how two examination formats - multiple-choice and essay questions - impact on their motivation, approaches to learning, and study strategies at a New Zealand university. Quantitative data were gathered using a modified Biggs' two factor study process questionnaire and a modified Patterns of Adaptive Learning Study questionnaire. Survey results were integrated with qualitative interview data gathered and analysed using a constructivist version of grounded theory. The participants reported combining deep and surface approaches to learning for both examination formats, preferring deep approaches. In comparison to study strategies used for multiple-choice examinations, more deep strategies were reported for essay examinations. Participants described combining memorisation with understanding in a sequence of study strategies for both examination formats. Predicting and practising both types of examination questions allowed participants to align their perceptions with possible examination requirements. Participants' confidence in their English language ability impacted on memorisation for essay questions. Analysis of the findings supports a model of the interrelationship of motivation, approaches to learning, calculating to develop perceptions of task demands, and the development of discipline-specific discourse skills in English. Perceptions of examination formats impact on study strategies with deep and surface strategies linked through practising. The implications of these findings for assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse tertiary students support the use of well designed multiple-choice questions in examinations to promote deep learning for these students, combined with formative assessment.</p>

Talip Karanfil ◽  
Steve Neufeld

High-stakes and high-volume English language proficiency tests typically rely on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to assess reading and listening skills. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, more institutions are using MCQs via online assessment platforms, which facilitate shuffling the order of options within test items to minimize cheating. There is scant research on the role that order and sequence of options plays in MCQs, so this study examined the results of a paper-based, high-stakes English proficiency test administered in two versions. Each version had identical three-option MCQs but with different ordering of options. The test-takers were chosen to ensure a very similar profile of language ability and level for the groups who took the two versions. The findings indicate that one in four questions exhibited significantly different levels of difficulty and discrimination between the two versions. The study identifies order dominance and sequence priming as two factors that influence the outcomes of MCQs, both of which can accentuate or diminish the power of attraction of the correct and incorrect options. These factors should be carefully considered when designing MCQs in high-stakes language proficiency tests and shuffling of options in either paper-based or computer-based testing.

2021 ◽  
Carolyn Frances Tait

<p>Chinese undergraduate students from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan may have different language backgrounds and previous assessment experiences compared with most students studying in a western university. This mixed methods study examines their perceptions of how two examination formats - multiple-choice and essay questions - impact on their motivation, approaches to learning, and study strategies at a New Zealand university. Quantitative data were gathered using a modified Biggs' two factor study process questionnaire and a modified Patterns of Adaptive Learning Study questionnaire. Survey results were integrated with qualitative interview data gathered and analysed using a constructivist version of grounded theory. The participants reported combining deep and surface approaches to learning for both examination formats, preferring deep approaches. In comparison to study strategies used for multiple-choice examinations, more deep strategies were reported for essay examinations. Participants described combining memorisation with understanding in a sequence of study strategies for both examination formats. Predicting and practising both types of examination questions allowed participants to align their perceptions with possible examination requirements. Participants' confidence in their English language ability impacted on memorisation for essay questions. Analysis of the findings supports a model of the interrelationship of motivation, approaches to learning, calculating to develop perceptions of task demands, and the development of discipline-specific discourse skills in English. Perceptions of examination formats impact on study strategies with deep and surface strategies linked through practising. The implications of these findings for assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse tertiary students support the use of well designed multiple-choice questions in examinations to promote deep learning for these students, combined with formative assessment.</p>

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