scholarly journals Scythian View of Russian Revolution: Aspects of Axiology

2021 ◽  
pp. 272-286
N. M. Solntseva ◽  
E. G. Solntseva

The perception of the revolution by the majority of members of the Scythian group (1916—1919) is examined in the article. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the views of the Scythians of the 1910s on the revolution correlate with their work, which is actively studied by modern researchers. It is shown that the priority for them was the projection of modernity on the mythologized and poeticized by them historical Scythians, the first was the question of the role of personal energy in opposition to social entropy. The article focuses on the actualization by the group members of the Scythian psychotype in the Russian revolution, on the premonition of their own death in its whirlwind, on the legacy of A. Herzen’s ideas by IvanovRazumnik. The attitude of the group members to the religious content of the revolutions of 1917 is analyzed, the skeptical view of Ivanov-Razumnik, E. Zamyatin, S. Yesenin, N. Klyuev on the Church is presented. The point of view of the spiritual Scythians who dreamed of democracy on the role of the people in the revolution and the future of the country is considered. The apprehensions of M. Prishvin, A. Blok, A. Bely for the fate of a culture threatened with destruction are outlined. It is concluded that there is no single revolutionary axiology in the group and only the relative influence of the ideas of Ivanov-Razumnik on its members.

R. A. Orekhov ◽  

There is a common point of view in Egyptology that Memphis was a state capital since the earliest times and that its protecting gods were Ptah and his spouse Sekhmet. Arguing this concept, the author tries to find the reason why a pyramid city of Pepi I — Mennefer — became a core of the future capital. The main conclusion is following: Constructing his pyramid complex, Pepi I probably included into it a cult center of Habes where Bastet and Imhotep, a high priest of Ra, were worshiped. Imhotep, a companion of the king Djoser, was known as a priest and charmer who tamed the fiery forces of Sirius associated with Bastet, after which the great drought was over. To commemorate this, New Year celebration and the first sun calendar were established. Imhotep’s tomb became an important cult place, where ceremonies important for surviving of the Egyptian state were conducted. In the second half of the Old Kingdom period the Nile started to flood much less, which led to the decline of agriculture. Thus, the role of the cult center of Habes and Imhotep grew greatly. By including Habes, Pepi protected the dominion of his pyramid city from negative influence of Bastet and decreased flooding. The fact that Mennefer was a successor of the aforementioned cult center determined its capital functions in future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Ana Rita Pedro ◽  
Ana Gama ◽  
Patrícia Soares ◽  
Marta Moniz ◽  
Pedro A. Laires ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic brought new challenges to the global community, reinforcing the role of public health in society. The main measures to combat it had (and still have) a huge impact on the daily lives of citizens. This investigation aimed to identify and monitor the population’s perceptions about how it faced this period and the impact on health, well-being, and daily life. In this study, we describe the main trends observed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of mental health status, confidence in the capacity of the health services to respond to the pandemic, and the use of health services by participants. The online survey collected responses from 171,947 individuals ≥16 years of age in Portugal, over a period of 15 weeks that started on 21 March 2020. Participants could fill the questionnaire once or weekly, which enabled us to analyse trends and variations in responses. Overall, 81% of the respondents reported having felt agitated, anxious, or sad during the COVID-19 pandemic; 19% did not experience these feelings. During the confinement period, the proportion of participants feeling agitated, anxious, or sad every day/almost every day ranged between 20 and 30%, but since the deconfinement this proportion decreased. Around 30% reported having more difficulty getting to sleep or to sleep all night; 28.4% felt more agitated; 25.5% felt sadder, discouraged, or cried more easily; and 24.7% felt unable to do everything they had to do, women more frequently than men. Overall, 65.8% of the participants reported feeling confident or very confident in the health services’ capacity to respond to the challenges associated with the pandemic, and this confidence increased over time. Concerning the people who needed a consultation, 35.6% had one in person and 20.8% had one remotely, but almost 44% did not have one due to cancellation by the service (27.2%) or their own decision not to go (16.3%). At this unusual time in which we find ourselves and based on our findings, it is essential to continue monitoring how the population is facing the different phases of the pandemic until it officially ends. Analysing the effects of the pandemic from the point of view of citizens allows for anticipating critical trends and can contribute to preventative action.

1989 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 363-381
Arthur R. Liebscher

To the dismay of today's social progressives, the Argentine Catholic church addresses the moral situation of its people but also shies away from specific political positions or other hint of secular involvement. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the church set out to secure its place in national leadership by strengthening religious institutions and withdrawing clergy from politics. The church struggled to overcome a heritage of organizational weakness in order to promote evangelization, that is, to extend its spiritual influence within Argentina. The bishop of the central city of Córdoba, Franciscan Friar Zenón Bustos y Ferreyra (1905-1925), reinforced pastoral care, catechesis, and education. After 1912, as politics became more heated, Bustos insisted that priests abstain from partisan activities and dedicate themselves to ministry. The church casts itself in the role of national guardian, not of the government, but of the faith and morals of the people.

Michael Gideon Josian ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

The future of dwelling has a very board context and will continue to be discussed, it is possible that the discussions about “dwelling” is come from the environment of farming and fishing. Things that are not much cared for but still have a role in the survival of the world. Therefore this matter will be discussed using the role of architecture as space, to be able to create an ideal system by paying attention to the quality of farming and fishing for the future, and leaving a trace or memory to be able to carry messages for the future. Talking about the future of an interaction that occurs between the general public and farmers and fishermen, especially considering that farmers and fishermen themselves can be compared to two different poles, a liminal space is needed, which may already exist indirectly in the environment. By letting go of individual egos and emphasizing ego to the point of view of farmers and fishermen. To present a common space, or a place that contains a special character of a city that contains a message for the future. Keywords:  dualism; hope; liminal; trace;  Abstrak Masa depan cara berhuni memiliki konteks yang sangat luas dan akan terus diperbincangkan. Tidak menutup kemungkinan datang dari pembahasan mengenai cara berhuni dengan bertani dan melaut. Hal yang tidak banyak dipedulikan tetapi tetap memiliki peran dalam kelangsungan dunia. Oleh karena itu, masa depan berhuni ini akan dibahas dengan menggunakan peran arsitektur sebagai ruang, untuk dapat menciptakan sistem yang ideal dengan memperhatikan kualitas bertani dan melaut bagi masa depan, dan meninggalkan sebuah jejak atau kenangan untuk dapat membawa pesan bagi masa depan. Berbicara mengenai masa depan dari sebuah interaksi yang terjadi antara masyarakat umum dengan para petani dan nelayan, apalagi mengingat para petani dan nelayan itu sendiri dapat diibaratkan berada pada kedua kutub yang berbeda, maka dibutuhkanlah sebuah ruang liminal, yang mungkin sudah hadir secara tidak langsung pada lingkungan masyarakat. Dengan cara melepaskan ego individual dan menekankan ego kepada sudut pandang para petani dan nelayan. Untuk menghadirkan sebuah ruang bersama, atau sebuah tempat yang mengandung sebuah karakter tersendiri dari sebuah kota yang berisi pesan bagi masa depan.

Наталья Тимуровна Энеева

Статья посвящена роли славянофильской проблематики в становлении отечественной исторической науки 1990 х – 2010-х годов. Апробированная почти двумя столетиями историософско-богословской дискуссии, эта проблематика явила себя на исходе ХХ столетия как преимущественно экклезиологическая – как насущные вопросы личностного и общественного воцерковления. Существенное значение в этом процессе имеет воссоздание адекватного научного языка и понятийного аппарата для описания роли Церкви и народной религиозности в формировании национального самосознания и религиозно-культурной общности. Подчеркивается, что в данной концепции история Церкви и народа как ее носителя – «народа-богоносца» – предстает не в качестве локальной темы, но как основной сюжет и сущностный смысл мирового исторического процесса. The article is devoted to the role of Slavophil problems in the formation of Russian historical science in the 1990s – 2010s. Approved by almost two centuries of historiosophical and theological discussion, this problematic showed itself at the end of the twentieth century as primarily ecclesiological – as pressing issues of personal and social churching. Recreation of an adequate scientific language and conceptual apparatus for describing the role of the Church and popular religiosity in the formation of national identity and religious and cultural community is essential in this process. It is emphasized that in this concept the history of the Church and the people as its bearer – the «God-bearing people» – appears not as a local theme, but as the main plot and essential meaning of the world historical process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-95
Matthew Kerry

The secularizing efforts of the Spanish Second Republic met fierce resistance from Catholics and the Church. Local authorities spearheaded secularization in an unclear legal context, yet they also attempted to mediate between different demands, while protecting Catholic sentiment and respecting property rights. Cemeteries and funeral processions were a key battleground in a ‘culture war’ which straddles the nineteenth-century preoccupation with the role of religion in the lives of Spanish citizens and the intensity of interwar conflict, the bitter struggles to occupy public space, and the mobilization of antagonistic conceptualizations of the ‘people’.

1999 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
J. M. Vorster

This article focuses on the possible milieu for the ministry of the Reformed Churches in South Africa in the decades beyond 2000. From a church- historical and futurological point of view the paradigm shift from modernism to postmodernism is investigated. The effect of the paradigm shift as well as the emerging megatrends is analysed and proposals for the focus of the future ministry of these churches are formulated. These proposals are outlined within the broad framework of Biblical principles for the ministry of the church.

2009 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
Andries G. Van Aarde

Among its more than a million readers, The shack has empowered traditionalists and seekers among Christian spirituals but has also been condemned for patripassionism and modalism. This article consists mainly of two sections. The first section considers the issue of reviewers of The shack often assessing its religious legitimacy and the value of its message by means of critically questioning its adherence to texts in the Christian Bible. The second section focuses on the accusation that, dogmatically seen, The shack’s narrative point of view is heresy, especially because of its nonstandard view of Christian dogma with regard to God Triune. The aim of the article is to argue that a great deal of commonality exists between the author of The shack and both Pauline and Johannine mysticism. With regard to their God talk, the author and these biblical writers express more of a present immanent communion with the transcendental God than an expectancy of authenticity that still lies in the future and exists outside humankind’s immanent time and space. It is as if they draw the end time into the sphere of the here and now by passionately talking about communion with God as a process of the future, inhaled by the present. By doing so, the God-threesome meet wounded humankind in a ‘shack’, not in the ‘church’ as such or ‘Scripture’ as such as if God could be placed in a box.

1975 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-123 ◽  
Edmund S. K. Fung

One interesting aspect of the Revolution of 1911 in China was the role of the new-style army. The new-style troops, as one category of revolutionary activists distinct from the civilian radical intellectuals, determined the opening phase of the revolution, initiating the Wuchang uprising and bringing pressure to bear on most of the provincial leaders. Their contribution was the physical strength which the revolutionary intellectuals, who provided the ideology, lacked. The army played its vital role, not in the beginning of the revolutionary movement, but at a later stage when the prevailing order had been discredited and the imperial government had lost the allegiance of the people. Indeed, the success of the revolution reflected the interaction between revolutionary ideas and military power.

1967 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-282 ◽  
Frederic Hicks

The parochial priests in small Paraguayan towns are generally reputed, in Paraguay, to exercise an extraordinary amount of power and influence over the people of their parishes—to a greater extent, it would seem, than in most other Latin American countries. This is, moreover, despite the fact that the church, as an institution, is considerably weaker, economically and politically, than in all but a handful of such countries. Therefore, what power the individual priest may have can not be viewed as simply an extension of the power of the church. Most urban Paraguayans, including at least some members of the church hierarchy, are inclined to attribute this situation to the alleged superstitious or credulous nature of the Paraguayan peasants. The rural people themselves, on the other hand, are apt to explain the influence of their own local priest, at least, as due to his personal qualities or strength of character, as did the Services when referring to the prestige of the local priest of Tobati.

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