state capital
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2022 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
Larissa Viana Ues ◽  
Leticia Helbingen Pereira ◽  
Rayssa Maria de Araújo Ferreira Paula Bastos ◽  
Luana Cássia Miranda Ribeiro ◽  
George Oliveira Silva ◽  

ABSTRACT Objectives: to categorize factual elements of ethical-disciplinary nursing lawsuits in the state of Goiás. Methods: cross-sectional, retrospective study, based on secondary data obtained from ethical-disciplinary lawsuits filed at the Regional Nursing Council of Goiás (Coren-Goiás) between the years 2010 and 2019. Results: the highest number of lawsuits filed was in 2013 and 2014, with a greater frequency in the state capital. The majority came from the Nursing Ethics Committees and ex-officio complaints. The professional with most complaints was the nursing technician, aged between 31 and 40 years old, at the beginning of their career. The most common type of complaints referred to performing attributions that were not within the nursing competences. Conclusions: as a highlight are the contributions of this study to professional ethics in nursing and the clear need to consolidate these skills in nurses who are in training and in the continuous education for those already in the profession.

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-92
Mark Thatcher ◽  
Tim Vlandas

Although also labelled a ‘liberal’ market economy, the UK has strongly pursued internationalized statism in stark contrast to the US. It has followed a ‘Wimbledon’ strategy of seeking to attract Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) from all over the world even if they take large stakes in prominent British firms. Both formal and informal instruments have been actively used to welcome SWFs, who have taken significant stakes in leading British firms in strategic sectors and bought nationally symbolic buildings and brands. The UK has followed strong internationalized statism thanks to the dominance of the political executive in policy making that has allowed it to frame SWF investments in terms of economic governance rather than national security and the weakness of the legislature in raising concerns. Despite domestic privatizations, it has welcomed overseas state capital that has reinforced existing strategies of aiding privileged sectors such as finance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-122
Syamsuri Syamsuri

ideology of state sovereignty, which was adhered to by the royal leaders and their people. The infrastructure of civilization is still sustainable, despite the turmoil of the succession of leadership, indicating the presence of very strong social capital, namely justice and peace. Starting from the archipelago ideology is Kutai Martapura Kingdom, switching to a Malay ideology is Kutai Kartanegara Kingdom, and a modern ideology is Kutai Kartanegara Ing Martapura Sultanate. The nationality theory ('ashabiyah), the urban theory ('urban), and the development theory ('umran) by Ibn Khaldun (1332 - 1406 AD), were able to reveal the dynamics of the historical continuity of the Republic of Indonesia, which wanted to move the State Capital in some areas Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province. Taking turns, coming and going, until the population settles in an area in the territory of the country, shows the presence of a very great human culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Sylvia Roennfeld ◽  
Sophia Bernadette

The problem of drug abuse and trafficking is increasingly becoming a problem for every country worldwide, including Indonesia. DKI Jakarta, as the state capital, ranks third nationally in narcotics abuse, with a trial use prevalence rate reaching 4.9%. In this study, researchers will focus on evaluating communication programs carried out through technical guidance carried out by BNN for anti-drug activists in the educational environment. We utilized the four stages of program planning by Cutlip, Center and Broom, to get a picture of the situation, program planning and form of communication, which will elaborate further on aspects of communication evaluation based on the Yardstick evaluation model..  Keywords: BNN, Community Empowerment, Drugs, Public Relations, Yardstick Evaluation

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-435
Edimilson Lima de Assis ◽  
Mauro José de Deus Morais ◽  
Jorge De Oliveira Eichemberg ◽  
Valéria Rigamonte Azevedo de Assis ◽  
Hugo Macedo Junior ◽  

Introduction: coronavirus is part of a group of RNA viruses belonging to the Coronaviridae family, widely distributed in humans and other mammals. Currently, it has been seriously affecting the whole world, without a definitive cure yet. Objective: to analyse the association between the HDI and confirmed cumulative cases of COVID-19 that occurred during epidemiological week 16 to 53 of 2020, in the State of Acre. Methods: this is an ecological study of descriptive time series, evaluating the State of Acre and its 22 municipalities affected by COVID-19, in the period corresponding to the epidemiological weeks 16 to 53 of 2020. The State of Acre and its municipalities are aggregated by five regions with a total of approximately 881 thousand inhabitants, with an HDI of 0.663. Rio Branco is the state capital with 407,000 inhabitants. The 22 municipalities were analyzed, relating the HDI variables, confirmed cases per day and number of inhabitants to each other. Results: it was observed that the population evaluated, affected by COVID-19 during SE 16 to 53 of 2020, in the State of Acre, had as predominant general characteristics brown skin color, male sex, and the evolution to death from the disease was related with older age and comorbidity. Acre had a mortality rate (deaths per 100,000 inhabitants) of 90.9 and a lethality rate of 1.9%, with the highest mortality rate observed in the municipality of Rio Branco (121.3/100,000 inhabitants) and lethality in Rodrigues Alves (2.9%). The incidence of COVID-19 in Acre was 4,759.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the municipalities of Assis Brasil and Xapuri had the highest incidences in the state with 10273.7 and 9330.8 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively. Conclusion: although the accumulated numbers of cases are different for the same day, the behavior is very similar, that is, the curves vary in the same way over time, regardless of the municipality observed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-163
Akbar Baitullah ◽  
Indah Cahyani

 Badan Usaha Milik Negara atau BUMN merupakan salah satu badan usaha berbentuk perusahaan yang dimiliki oleh negara yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan. Problematika yaitu adanya konflik hukum atau disharmonisasi antar peraturan perundang-undangan terkait pola pengawasan pada BUMN tersebut, utamanya pada pengelolaan keuangan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah normatif, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memberikan argumentasi hukum. Adapun pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach) dan Pendekatan Kasus (Case Approach).  Penelitian ini menghasilkan Pertama, berdasarkan konflik hukum yang ada sangat penting untuk membuat aturan terkait penyertaan modal negara yang sudah dilaksanakan terhadap BUMN. Kedua, ketidakpastian hukum karena perbedaan istilah BUMN antara Undang-Undang Keuangan Negara dengan Undang-Undang BUMN perlu ditegaskan kembali terkait BUMN sebenarnya berstatus negeri atau swasta.Kata kunci: Pengelolaan Keuangan Negara, Pengawasan BUMN                                                                                                            ABSTRACTState Owned Enterprises or BUMN are business entities in the form of companies owned by the state whose entire or most of the capital is owned by the state through direct investment originating from separated state assets. The problem is that there is a legal conflict or disharmony between laws and regulations related to the supervision pattern in the BUMN, especially in financial management. The research method used is normative, this research was conducted with the aim of providing legal arguments. The research approach used is the statutory approach and the case approach. This research results first, based on the existing legal conflicts, it is very important to make rules related to the participation of state capital that have been implemented for SOEs. Second, legal uncertainty due to the difference in the term BUMN between the State Finance Law and the BUMN Law needs to be reaffirmed regarding BUMN actually having a public or private status.Keywords: State Financial Management, BUMN Suprvision

Natália Alves da Silva

The aim of this article is to discuss the leading role played by Black women in disputes over place, which have occurred at three different historical moments, in the region of Izidora, where the Vitória, Esperança and Rosa Leão occupations are currently located, in the north zone of Belo Horizonte, state capital of Minas Gerais. The article seeks to demonstrate a convergence between the struggles of the communities to remain in the physical-territorial dimension and their struggles to name it. Black feminist perspectives are taken as epistemology, in order to build a conceptual framework that, by problematizing unidimensional analyzes of the production of space, provides visibility to the multiple dynamics that intersect in space and time, informed by gender, race and class.

2021 ◽  
Vol 915 (1) ◽  
pp. 012035
O Doroshenko ◽  
Yu Vashai ◽  
Z Los ◽  
N Piatka

Abstract The purpose of the article is to decide the possibilities of Ukrainian financial security management in the conditions of military and political instability through adaptation of the indicators for the current methodology of the state financial security calculating in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. The authors use general scientific and special methods, in particular dialectical, abstract logical, system analysis, economic and statistical. The authors in terms of the system approach and the allocation of material and information basis consider financial security. The authors formalize the process of informational support for the management of state financial security. Analysis of statistical data suggests that the determination of the Ukrainian financial security takes place because of political and military instability. Every component of financial safety includes factor of war influence, which as a result correlates the integral index of financial safety. The authors investigate factors that include expenditures for army forces support, aggressor state exchange rate expenditures, volume of monetary mass of the aggressor state in national economics, participation of the aggressor state capital in the banking capital structure, volume of financial resources loss of the aggressor-state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 147-165
Biao Xiang

The world during the COVID-19 pandemic became more divided than united, both between states and among individuals. Opinions are polarized partly because, as I have observed in urban China, the public is simultaneously preoccupied by the very near (the self) and the very far (the imagined ‘world’), but neglect the space in between, and as a result fail to recognize how the social world is concretely constituted through interconnected differences. This article advocates a way of perceiving the world by taking ‘the nearby’ (fujin in Chinese) as a central scope. The nearby is a lived space where one encounters people with diverse backgrounds on a regular basis. The nearby brings different positions into one view, thus constituting a ‘scope’ of seeing. Such a scope enables nuanced understandings of reality and facilitates new social relations and actions. The nearby could form a line of resistance against the power of the state, capital and technology, that is turning local communities into units of administrative control and value extraction. This article calls for a ‘First Mile Movement’, in which artists, researchers and activists work together to help facilitate citizens with the construction of their nearby as a basis for reflecting upon life experiences, testing grand ideologies and engaging in public discussion.

2021 ◽  
pp. 114-128
Luis Antonio MIER-QUIROGA ◽  

The investigation allowed the evaluation of the levels of noise in dedicated factories to the manufacture of decorativas resin figures, located in a population of the north of the Municipality of Toluca State Capital of Mexico. The study was developed with the objective to count on a reference mechanism to prevent risks to the health derived from the level with exhibition to the noise generated in this type of facilities, in such a way that the proprietors can protect to their personnel guaranteeing the development of their activities and not see themselves involved in labor demands. The investigation was limited the study of a single factory solely that is representative of the activities that are made normally in all the factories located in the zone, of which exist more than 50. For the measurements of the noise level, an integrating sound level meter was used type 2, of mark CEL Instruments® model CEL-328 and for the calibration of this was used an acoustic calipers mark CEL Instruments®, model CEL-282, series 2/11616221; the measurements and calibration were made taking in account the effective legislation in the matter of noise according to the Official Norm Mexicana NOM-011- STPS-2001, Conditions of Security and Hygiene in the Centers of Work Where Noise Is generated. Of the analysis of results it was observed that the level of noise in the areas of rectified and music, was with a NSCEAT, greater of 90 dB and in the remaining areas was smaller, but require of preventive measures since all presented/displayed 80 a greater NSCE of dB. In general the level of exhibition to the noise (NER) of the factory is of 86,6 dB, this value according to the norm applied in this study is necessary to implement some measures that allow to diminish the levels of noise with the purpose of avoiding labor diseases derived from the noise.

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