2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-330
Nur Wahid Musaddiq

Sexual exploitation of children is a violation of children in the form of sexual violence committed by adults by giving rewards to children, or a third person, or other people who make children treated as sexual and commercial objects. This is forced labor and modern slavery of children because children often experience physical violence and trauma. Factors that cause sexual exploitation of children in Makassar City are environmental factors, technological factors and factors, economic factors, lack of understanding of religion and prevention efforts are carried out in two ways, namely pre-emptive, preventive and repressive measures. Recommendations that the government and the whole community participate in preventing sexual exploitation of children. Efforts that can be done by the community is if there is anything suspicious and should be suspected as a crime of sexual exploitation, the community must report to the authorities so that it can be followed up.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Ahmad Fauzi ◽  
T.Riza Zarzani

Abstract The Child of Sex Exploitation Commercial (CSEC) is a fundamental violation of the rights of children. The violation is sexual violence by an adult with a gift to a child, or a third person, or other persons. Simply put, children are treated as sexual and commercial objects. This is a manifestation of forced labor and modern slavery, because not a few children are forced and subjected to physical violence and trauma. The purpose of this study is to examine the legal arrangements for the sexual exploitation of children in Indonesia, to examine and analyze prevention and mitigation of CSEC in Medan City, and to examine barriers to prevention and overcoming of CSEC and how to overcome it. This study uses sociological juridical approach that comes from primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through document studies and interviews conducted to Medan City Center for Childhood Study and Protection (PKPA) staff. The results of the study indicate that the legal arrangement of CSEC in Indonesia is conducted by stipulating several regulations, firstly, Child Protection Act No. 23 of 2002 and the Law on Eradication of Human Trafficking Crime Number 21 of 2007, besides Indonesia has ratified the UN Convention on Human Rights Rights of the Child (CRC) through Presidential Decree No. 36 of 1990. Efforts made to prevent and control the CSEC in Medan City, namely: to socialize in cooperation with various agencies to conduct prevention and prevention of criminal act in the city of Medan CSEC; building networks with various non-governmental organizations and with various institutions to give birth to Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 6 of 2004 on the Elimination of Trafficking in North Sumatra, making efforts of legal advocacy and advocacy from the Prosecutor to the Court; provide assistance to rehabilitate the physical and psychological child victims of CSEC (counseling and medical) and provide safe homes for children. Obstacles in preventing and preventing CSEC in Medan are: legislation that has not been specifically set CSEC, social, economic and psychological factors such as the attitude of community permissive or ignorance of CSEC issues, closed or complicated bureaucracy.Keywords: Efforts, Countermeasures, CSEC

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. S9-S9
M. Schouler-Ocak

“Trafficking in persons,” “human trafficking,” and “modern slavery” have been used as umbrella terms for the act of recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining a person for compelled labor or commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Trafficking in persons is an insult to human dignity and an assault on freedom, and robbing basic human rights (US Report, 2015). Reliable data on trafficking are difficult to obtain owing to its illegal nature; the range and severity of trafficking activities; and variations in how trafficking is defined. It is supposed that 49 per cent of the victims are women, 21 per cent girls, 18 per cent men and 12 per cent boys. 53 per cent were involved in sexual exploitation and 40 per cent in forced labor (UN, 2014).Research findings show that the limitations of current methodologies affect what is known about human trafficking and health. Moreover, findings demonstrate an urgent need for representative and non–purposive recruitment strategies in future investigations of trafficking and health as well as research on risk and protective factors related to human trafficking and health, intervention effectiveness, long-term health outcomes. The psychological impact of victimization may be more severe than the physical violence. Victims who have been rescued from sexual slavery, typically present with various psychological symptoms and mental illnesses, including the following: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, panic disorder, suicidal ideation, Stockholm syndrome, and substance abuse. In this talk current findings will be presented and discussed.Disclosure of interestThe author has not supplied his declaration of competing interest.

Halise Duygu Özalp

Since the date it was founded to the present day, International Labour Organization (ILO) has been working on developing policy proposals about the problematic areas emerging in working life. Though unemployment is regarded across the world as the source of major problematic areas of economies, the thought of the need for taking the new ‘invisible' work types into the spotlight also as problematic areas is considered significant. This chapter acknowledges this need and is about the fight against modern slavery; in this context, the chapter takes the assessments and reports of ILO on forced labor. Thus, the purpose is to put forth the necessity and importance of fighting against the modern forms of slave labor, expanding on the efforts of the Organization which can cause significant pressure on the government/state level.

Formas Juitan Lase

Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas karakteristik kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan di Kabupaten Nias, Sumatera Utara. Data diperoleh dengan studi pustaka, observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah kekerasan seksual dari 2009-2016 adalah tertinggi setelah kekerasan fisik. Ada empat jenis yang diidentifikasi: (1) perkosaan, (2) intimidasi seksual, (3) pemaksaan kehamilan untuk mendapat anak laki-laki, dan (4) pemaksaan penggunaan alat-alat kontrol reproduksi. Kasus perkosaan yang paling banyak ditemukan. Penanganan kasus kekerasan seksual di Kabupaten Nias masih bersifat sporadis, dan belum ada sinergi yang berarti antara pemerintah, lembaga pengada layanan dan sektor kriminal dan keadilan sipil. Kata Kunci: Kekerasan Seksual, Perempuan, Nias, Karakteristik Abstract: This article focuses on characteristics of sexual violence againts women in Nias Distric, North Sumatera. Data obtained by literature study, observation and interview. The results showed the number of sexual violence from 2009-2016 was the highest after physical violence. There are four types identified: (1) rape, (2) sexual intimidation, (3) coercion of pregnancy, and (4) forcible use of reproductive control devices. The most prevalent cases are rape. The handling of sexual assault cases in Nias District is still sporadic, and there is no meaningful synergy between the government, service provider institutions and the criminal and civil justice sectors. Key Words: Sexual Violence, Women, Nias, Characteristics

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 65
Hozairi Hozairi ◽  
Buhari Buhari ◽  
Heru Lumaksono ◽  
Marcus Tukan

<div><p class="Els-history-head">Indonesia has several institutions to maintain maritime defense and security, but maritime security is not only determined by the number of authorized agencies but by many factors. This study aims to assess the factors and sub-factors that affect Indonesian maritime security. To achieve the research objectives, the method used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with six factors and twenty-nine sub-factors. The process of collecting data through questionnaires and interviews with several experts, the results of the questionnaire were taken with a Geometric Average, after which it was calculated according to the stages of the AHP method. The findings of this study produce priority factors that affect maritime security, first are defense and security factors (0.37), second is political and legal factors (0.24), third is economic factors (0.16), fourth are technological factors (0.11), fifth are social and cultural factors (0.07) and sixth are environmental factors (0.04). The contribution of this research is a consideration for the Government to determine policies towards improving maritime security in Indonesia.</p></div><p class="Els-history-head">Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process, Determining, Maritime Security</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 41
Titik Suliyati

(Title: Jugun Ianfu: Woman Suffering In War). The formation of the Jugun Ianfu system was motivated by the war in the context of the Japanese military invasion of other countries. The war has made the physical and mental exhaustion of the Japanese army. This condition resulted in the Japanese army carrying out sexual exploitation brutally by carrying out mass rapes in the territories that were colonized by them. Although Japanese occupation in Indonesia was only 3.5 years, the suffering for Jugun Ianfu lasting forever. Even though most Jugun Ianfu has passed away and the relation between Indonesia and Japan is in a good diplomacy, it does not mean that the events experienced by Jugun Ianfu in the past can be forgotten. The history of Jugun Ianfu can provide pictures that position of women in the past was lower than man and there is no law can protect them. Because there is no legal protection, women are helpless when they experience sexual violence. For this reason, in the present, the government should make legal regulations that to protect women from various violence. In addition, the government is expected to provide the widest opportunity for women to get an education so that in the future women can have advanced thoughts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 252-271
Md. Hashmathur Rehman ◽  
Dr. M. Rajkumar

The environmental situation for an organization is the environment in which an organization operates.It consists of multiple stakeholders such as governing board members, business competitors, suppliers,customers, the government, etc. They can influence the organization’s decision to adopt an innovation. The influence can ease the organization in adopting the innovation or it can block or affect negatively the organization’s decision to adopt the innovation. Dynamics of the market in which the organization operatesand business competitors will also influence the organization’s decision to adopt innovations.  Customers, Suppliers are sources who will exercise their powers and influence the organization’s decision. Governmentregulation is also equally important and will influence the organization’s decision to adopt innovation. In a nutshell, the environment will influence the organization’s decision to adopt innovations for its business operations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088626052098038
Mohammad Vaqas Ali ◽  
Jawad Tariq

The study was an attempt to identify demographic, household, and women empowerment factors that predicted emotional, physical, and sexual violence in ever-married women of reproductive age (15–49 years, n = 3,965) in Pakistan by performing secondary analysis on Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey, 2017–2018. The analysis was done using SPSS (v.22) and binary and multivariate logistic regression techniques were performed for analyses. The analysis found that 30.2% of women experienced emotional, 24.1% reported less severe physical, 6.5% experienced severe physical, and 4.3% experienced sexual violence, respectively. The multivariate analysis found that husband’s age, education, wealth, and alcohol consumption were significant predictors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Additionally, womens’ age, education, and number of children also significantly predicted IPV. With respect to empowerment variables, ownership of house was a significant predictor of less severe physical violence, ownership of property significantly predicted emotional violence, and autonomy in household purchase decisions was significantly related to severe physical violence. The control on husband’s income as a measure of empowerment significantly predicted all four types of IPV. Belief in patriarchy also turned out to be an important factor in determining emotional and less severe physical violence. The study concludes that women empowerment in household context can prevent less serious forms of violence but to hinder serious forms of violence, interventions at family and community level will be required.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
M Papadakaki ◽  
F Zioti ◽  
Z N Karadimitriou ◽  
M Papadopoulou

Abstract Background The study aimed at measuring the prevalence and identifying the risk factors of intimate partner violence in individuals from the LGBT community. Methods A total of 180 individuals participated in the study, both male and female, aged 18-60 years, living in the broader area of Athens, Greece. Snowball sampling was applied to identify eligible individuals and social media were employed to recruit them. The questionnaire explored the violence victimization and perpetration in their relationships, the preferred reaction to various forms of violence and the role of childhood victimization in adulthood experiences of violence. Results 72.8% were homosexual, 26.7% bisexual, 81.7 % were women with a mean age of 25.2 years (6.0 standard deviation). A total of 67.2% were subjected to verbal abuse before the age of 16, 49.4% to physical violence, 6.7% to sexual violence and 46.7% were neglected. The prevalence of violence victimization was higher than the prevalence of violence perpetration (mean 9.81 and 5.92 respectively). Psychological violence was the most common among other forms of violence, both in victimization (psychological 7.34, physical 1.66, sexual 0.81) and perpetration (psychological 4.48, physical 1.26, sexual 0.18). In hypothetical scenarios of psychological violence, the majority of participants preferred separation and discussion about boundaries as strategies to deal with the situation (56.1 and 45.0 respectively), in scenarios of physical violence they primarily preferred separation and secondarily asking a professional advice (73.3 and 20.6, respectively) and in sexual violence they primarily preferred a discussion about boundaries and secondarily separation (69.4% and 31.7% respectively). Experiences of childhood victimization (p=.006), and female gender (p=.002), were found to be associated at a statistically significant level with violent victimization in adulthood. Conclusions Further research is necessary to identify groups at risk of victimization. Key messages Preventive efforts need to take into account individual sociodemographic and attitudinal characteristics that increase the risk of victimization. Experiences of victimization during childhood are highly associated with victimization in adulthood.

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