“We Cannot Pray Without Kumyshka”: Alcohol in Udmurt Ritual Life

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-239
Eva Toulouze ◽  
Laur Vallikivi

Abstract We trace the history of the uses of the alcoholic drink known as kumyshka among the Udmurt. Our focus is on kumyshka’s ritual uses both in public and domestic contexts in the second half of the 19th century, the early 20th century as well as the early 21st century. We suggest that kumyshka not only represents a site of resistance to the dominant religious regime, i.e. Russian Orthodoxy, but is also a tool for self-enhancement and identity making for this indigenous people in the Volga River basin in Central Russia. The consumption of kumyshka has been a frequent object of criticism in the accounts of Orthodox clergy, scholars, doctors, travellers and administrators. Most accounts show a moralising stance, which only occasionally reflects the local understandings behind its uses. As anthropologists working in the region, we compare these historical sources with the current practices. We discuss changes in the religious sphere as well as in gender roles related to the uses of kumyshka.

2019 ◽  
pp. 159-171
Anton А. Rovner ◽  

The article presents the history of an extraordinary music festival organized in St. Petersburg by two composers Igor Rogalev and Igor Vorobyev. The festival was fi rst called “From the Avant-garde to the Present Day,” subsequently “From the Avant-garde to the Present Day. Continuation,” and during the last three years — “The World of Art. Contrasts.” This festival was founded in 1992, and its aim was to create a venue for performance of music by contemporary composers and representatives of the “forgotten generation” of the early 20th century Russian avant-garde movement, such as Nikolai Roslavetz, Alexander Mosolov, Arthur Lourie, etc. Many premieres of these and other composers were performed at this festival, as well as well-known works by such early 20th century established masters as Arnold Schoenberg, Alexander von Zemlinsky, Igor Stravinsky, Bela Bartok, etc. Some of the leading contemporary composers of the late 20th and early 21st century were invited to participate in the festival, as were numerous outstanding performances, ensembles and orchestras up to the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, artists, poets and writers. At the present time the artistic goal of the festival is to connect the strata of music by contemporary composers with the masterpieces of the great classics of the previous centuries — from the Renaissance era to the 19th century. Each year the festival has a certain particularthemes, such as, for instance, Italian music or Japanese music, around which the program is built endowed with a broad stylistic and genre-related pallette.

Daniel Beben

The Ismailis are a minority community of Shiʿi Muslims that first emerged in the 8th century. Iran has hosted one of the largest Ismaili communities since the earliest years of the movement and from 1095 to 1841 it served as the home of the Nizārī Ismaili imams. In 1256 the Ismaili headquarters at the fortress of Alamūt in northern Iran was captured by the Mongols and the Imam Rukn al-Dīn Khūrshāh was arrested and executed, opening a perilous new chapter in the history of the Ismailis in Iran. Generations of observers believed that the Ismailis had perished entirely in the course of the Mongol conquests. Beginning in the 19th century, research on the Ismailis began to slowly reveal the myriad ways in which they survived and even flourished in Iran and elsewhere into the post-Mongol era. However, scholarship on the Iranian Ismailis down to the early 20th century remained almost entirely dependent on non-Ismaili sources that were generally quite hostile toward their subject. The discovery of many previously unknown Ismaili texts beginning in the early 20th century offered prospects for a richer and more complete understanding of the tradition’s historical development. Yet despite this, the Ismaili tradition in the post-Mongol era continues to receive only a fraction of the scholarly attention given to earlier periods, and a number of sources produced by Ismaili communities in this period remain unexplored, offering valuable opportunities for future research.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Julia Alexandrovna Sorokina ◽  
Elena Evgenievna Boryakova

Process of bird population restoration after fires was investigated in two protected areas in the Volga river basin in central Russia. Anthropogenic pressure in Kerzhensky and Mordovsky nature reserves is very low, it made possible to discover some characteristics of the process of bird population restoration in reference environment. The counts were carried out both in the affected areas of the reserves, and in unaffected parts. The studied area was in its five year after the fire. Dynamics of post fire bird population restoration and its dependence on both the age and history of the original ecosystems were investigated. The authors present the results of dominant species analysis and information about their distribution in the investigated natural reserves. The authors show peculiarities and proportions of ecological groups of birds in the studied territories as well as their proportion. The influence of hydrological parameters on bird communities composition was investigated, it turned out that post fire partial inundation leads to increase of waders of Gallinago and Tringa genera. Species diversity of bird communities in affected areas was considered. Using Pielous index it was found that species evenness remained relatively high, i.e. no significant increase of dominance was observed after the fires. The authors analyzed the composition of ornitocomplexes in terms of different faunistic groups.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 70-77
Anna K. Gagieva

The article discusses the social charity of “local community” in Ust -Sysolsk in the second half of the XIX century. We define “local community” as a voluntary, self-determining citizens association, designed or not properly executed legally for the solution of urgent problems of non-productive and non-commercial nature. The aim of the work is to study public charity as an activity of “local community” in Ust-Sysolsk in the second half of the XIX century. The provisions of the work can be used for educational and methodological materials on the subject “History of Finno-Ugric regions and countries”, “History of everyday life”, “History of the Komi Republic” and others. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, which includes structural, legal, historical and other methods of research. The materials are based on published and unpublished historical sources, such as legislative materials, statistics, documentation, as well as archival materials. Central Russia and the Urals had already introduced charities in the mid of XX century, while in the research area public charity was just beginning and was manifested through the social work of the Russian Orthodox Church, amateur associations and companies. Forms of public charity varied: fundraising, purchase of tools, equipment and materials for events and others. Public charity, “local community”, in Ust-Sysolsk developed within the framework of modernization processes of the second half of the nineteenth century. It led to the evolution of «local community» into a civil society. The emergence of new public organizations and active public charity contributed to the development of new forms of self-organization. In the city of Ust-Sysolsk, there was an upsurge of public life and public performance. The appearance of self-governing organizations “local community” was facilitated by the loyal policies of the district and provincial government. As historical sources show that we can talk about mutual understanding and cooperation between the authorities and the “local community”. Carrying out public charity, it provided public functions of traditional culture maintenance, the organization of leisure, cultural and educational activities.

2021 ◽  
Elena P. Serapionova ◽  

The book deals with the historical contacts of Czech, Slovak and Russian peoples, the beginning of mass Czech and Slovak relocation to Russia, Russian official policy towards settlers. The author marks the main centers of their residence, pauses in detail on public organizations created by them, ties with the historical homeland, their participation in the Slavic movement. Special attention is paid to the prominent representatives of the compatriots. The monograph analyzes the social, professional composition of the Czech and Slovak diasporas, evaluates their contribution to the economic and cultural development of Russia. It is based on documents published and identified in the archives of Russia, Czech and Slovak republics, printing masters, memories and literature on the topic. The book is intended for specialists in the history of Russia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as well as all those interested in the ties of the peoples of the three countries.

Stephen Cory

Between 1510–1822, Morocco went through significant changes that laid the foundation for its modern nation state. Most noteworthy among these changes was a shift from the Berber dynasties that had dominated the country for almost five hundred years to governments headed by shurafā’, Arab leaders who claimed lineal descent from the Prophet Muhammad. A combination of external threats (e.g., colonization from Portugal and Spain, and the threat of Ottoman expansion) and internal developments (e.g., the rising influence of murābitūn and shurafā’ within the country), along with the perceived inability of the Berber Wattasids to meet the Portuguese challenge, contributed to this dynastic change. In the five hundred years leading up to the early 21st century, two separate sharifian dynasties have governed Morocco, and the country has vacillated between periods of strong central rule and times of unrest (fitna) and weak central government. However, since the rise of the ʿAlawi dynasty in the late 17th century, ʿAlawi supremacy has not been seriously challenged, even during extensive periods of fitna or foreign colonization. Although Morocco developed a flexible system of government that helped unify the country during this period, it still fell behind European states in terms of technology, science, economy, and military strength. A degree of intellectual and social stagnation set in, such that European visitors in the 19th century perceived Morocco to be a country stuck in its medieval past. This weakness vis-à-vis its near neighbors to the north (particularly England and France) eventually set the stage for the direct colonization of Morocco by Europeans in the early 20th century.

Secreta Artis ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 16-46
Daria Vladimirovna Fomicheva

The article describes methods of achieving painterly qualities while drawing with soft materials, which include: 1) creation of a polychrome image effect using an extremely limited color palette (white, black and red chalk (sanguine)); 2) thorough work on a multi-layer charcoal drawing employing techniques similar to those of multi-layer watercolor, oil and pastel painting, as well as papier-pelle drawing. The study was first conducted by analyzing drawing manuals, catalogs of manufacturers and suppliers of art materials from France, Great Britain, Germany, USA and Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century. What is more, the author of the article assembled a collection of antique tools and materials for drawing with charcoal, black chalk or crayon, stumping chalk (pulverized charcoal), sanguine and white chalk, the use of which was widespread in the aforementioned period. The annex to the article provides photographs of the described instruments and materials accompanied by the aggregate data from art manuals, catalogs and price lists of drawing material suppliers from London, Paris, New York, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kazan, published over a period from 1851 to 1913. The drawing tradition of the second half of the 19th century is among one of the most complex and challenging in the entire history of graphics, as it peculiarly combines in itself a variety of instruments and delicate thoroughness of techniques. As a result of the research, the author was able to expand and complement the existing knowledge about graphic techniques, which allows for teaching academic drawing and studying the history of drawing by applying new data and unique illustrative material.

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 51-67
И.В. Хоменко

This paper traces the development of history of logic in Ukraine in the 19th century and early 20th century. The author particularly discusses and compares the logical concepts of representatives of Kyiv philosophies, who made their contribution to the development of logic as a science and academic discipline. Some of them had sunk into oblivion for a long time and their names are still unknown in the logic community.

Guadalupe García

The Cuban city of San Cristóbal de la Habana has been a nodal point of economic, commercial, political, and cultural exchange since its 1519 founding on Cuba’s northern shore. Residents’ decision to locate the city next to the natural deepwater harbor that became today’s harbor, illustrates the importance of geography, space, and environment in Havana’s early history. Through the distinct environs of Havana, enslaved, free black, Spanish, immigrant, criollo (and later Cuban) residents defined and gave new meaning to a geography marked by the city’s colonial origins. The end of the 19th century and early 20th century marked the end of Spanish colonialism in Cuba (1898) and the beginning of the US occupation of the island (1899–1902). The political transition solidified the importance of Havana as the economic and political center of Cuba. The city became a broker of a new set of cultural, social, and political exchanges as the country’s economic prosperity—the result of an affinity for US and global capitalist markets—also inaugurated a booming and pervasive tourist economy. Western influence and a neocolonial relationship between Cuba and the United States engendered an urban renaissance that emphasized cosmopolitanism and a dynamic, highly mobile urban population. Havana’s built environment oriented residents and visitors alike to its modern architecture, seaside resorts, and dynamic nightlife. The city’s concentration of wealth, however, underscored continued disparities between Cuba’s urban and rural populations as well as within sectors of the urban population. There is a well-developed body of scholarship that addresses the complicated history of the city, especially for the colonial period and the early 20th century. Until recently, there was a scarcity of literature on the city following the revolutionary transition of 1959. This changed, however, with the onset of the 1980s. In 1982 UNESCO declared the colonial core city of Havana a World Heritage Site. Urban renewal and preservation became topics of scholarly discussions around administrative efforts to preserve, restore, and orient the direction of the city. Then, in the early 1990s, urban development in Havana (like all development in Cuba) come to an immediate halt after the dissolution of the USSR ended Soviet subsidies and precipitated one of the worst economic disasters in Cuban history. The country’s political and economic situation and the liberalization of the economy and the growth of tourism brought an ever-increasing interest in the issues and environment of the city, with scholars taking up the now familiar themes of access to the city, political inclusion and exclusion, and urban patrimony in their scholarship. As a field of study the literature on Havana mirrors the frameworks found in the broader field of urban history. The literature breaks down into two distinct subfields; those studies that examine “the history of the city” and those that examine “histories that unfold within cities” (See Brodwyn Fisher’s article Urban History in Oxford Bibliographies). The former has long dominated the literature on Havana, and only recently has new scholarship begun to approach the city as a subject in its own right or from the vantage points of disciplinary perspectives outside of history, architecture, and planning. In this essay I have chosen to introduce readers to the vast literature that centers explicitly on the development of the city, much of which was published in Cuba from the 19th century onward. This literature forms part of a well-known cannon in Cuba (including work in the Spanish-language press produced outside of the island) but might be lesser known to non-specialists. I have also included well-established, as well as recent and emerging, works where Havana assumes a central role in the narrative. I have done this in order to broaden the categorical analysis of what constitutes a history of or about Havana. As with any bibliographic essay, I have excluded much in order to provide an overview of Havana and familiarize readers with scholars who explore thematic interests in questions of race, slavery, or culture through the social fabric of the city. Where appropriate, I have organized the essay according to time period or publication date (in order to give the reader an idea of the scholarship on colonial architecture, for example). Finally, most titles on this list can easily be placed in more than one of the categories listed in the Table of Contents; for the sake of space I have cross-listed only a few of these works, but indicated when readers might find other sections of the essay useful.

2017 ◽  
pp. 103
Kurt Plischke ◽  
Alfons Labisch

Contemporary philosophy of science sets the origins of the predominantattributes of the term “gene” in the year 1900 when Gregor Mendel’s work was rediscovered. Yet it was the speculative biology of the second half of the 19th century that opened up the epistemic sphere for a new conception of heredity: heredity as the transmission of particulate, hereditable material units with a tendency for self-preservation. The then young discipline of biology dissociated its terminology from the preconceptions of natural philosophy. In the early 20th century, the postulated hereditary particles were associated with the chromosome and, at least in the 1940s, with nucleic acid: which was being stable and, at the same time, mutable, as well as capable of self-reproduction, self-selectivity, and memory. DNA epitomizes the perfect biological principle. But the most recent conception of the gene is not free from anthropomorphisms.

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