Samara Journal of Science
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Ekaterina Sergeevna Dorozhkina

The paper considers the concept of professional formation and its projection on the professional training and professional activity of the prospective teacher through the concepts of formation and development. As a result of the analysis of existing views on the phases, stages and periods of professional formation, the main ones were identified, which are due to the time frame - the period before choosing the institution where professional training will be carried out, the actual professional education and the period of it. Having analyzed the set of competencies (subject, general pedagogical, professional-communicative, managerial, innovative, reflective) provided by the Federal State Educational Standard in relation to the teachers profession, as well as referring to the models of Hard-skills and Soft-skills, we identified indicators (skills) of the professional development of the prospective teacher and invited the 3rd-year students of the Institute of Russian Language and Literature of the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University to evaluate these skills in the order of their significance. The assessment was carried out on a 5-point scale, where 1 point is an absolutely insignificant indicator, 2 - rather insignificant, 3 - rather significant, 4 - significant, 5 - very significant. As a result, we were able to build their gradation and divide them by areas, as well as allocate 3 levels in the process of professional development. Taking into account these levels, we considered how the educational environment can influence the professional development of future teachers through educational, extracurricular activities and through the environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-86
Lyubov Aleksandrovna Novikova ◽  
Vladimir Mikhailovich Vasjukov ◽  
Tatiana Viktorovna Gorbushina ◽  
Tatiana Ivanovna Pchelintseva

The halophytic vegetation of three salt marshes of the Maloserdobinsky district of the Penza Region was studied. 424 species of vascular plants were noted in the flora of these saline areas. One species of these is protected at the level of Russian Federation and 22 - at the regional level. Halophytic vegetation occupies 78,4% of the territory of the studied areas. Moreover, there are close shares of halophytic steppes (42,4%) and halophytic meadows (36%) everywhere. However, halophytic steppes predominate in Chunak solontsovaya Polyana (69,4%), and halophytic meadows predominate in Danilovskaya solontsovaya Polyana (39,4%) and Korzovaya Hollow (60,0%). Semi-shrubby halophytic steppes dominate the Chunak solontsovaya Polyana (43%), and perennial grass halophytic meadows dominate the Danilovskaya solontsovaya Polyana (39,4%) and Korzovaya Hollow (55,0%). The main stages of halophyte vegetation demutation are highlighted. They differ depending on the degree of moisture and salinity of the soil. The studied saline areas in the Maloserdobinsky district of the Penza Region have great scientific value, but only one of them (natural monument Danilovskaya solontsovaya Polyana) is currently protected. Solonets which is located 2 km from the village Chunaki is also recommended to become a natural monument called Chunak solontsovaya Polyana.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-181
Andrey Borisovich Larin

The paper attempts to interpret the problem of Russian-British relations in Qajar Iran as a problem of mutual misunderstanding. It is postulated that the development of Russian-British relations in the 19th century (as well as their interpretation) took place in a situation of confrontation, which directly influenced the prospects for their improvement after the conclusion of the 1907 agreement. The both parties own languages of discussion and interpretation of Russian-British relations in Persia, developed over the decades of the Great Game, hindered the building of a productive constructive dialogue, driving political actors into the trap of already formed meanings and ideologemes. Thus, the concept of the Russian mission in Persia, which was significant for the Russian socio-political discourse, presupposed the legitimacy and justification of the widest Russian intervention in (Northern) Iran, the use of a wide variety of means of conducting its own policy. However, in the British society such approaches and interpretations did not find understanding, the language developed for discussing the Persian issue and Russian policy was invective in relation to Russia and did not allow adopting the meanings, organic for the latter. The understanding of this problem by the key actors did not lead to a fundamental change in the situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-229
Tatiana Valerianovna Dobudko ◽  
Olga Isaakovna Pugach

According to the program Digital Economy of the Russian Federation adopted in 2017, the share of the population with digital skills should be 40%. Moreover, these skills include not only user skills, but also specific ones related to a specific professional activity. In this regard, higher educational institutions are faced with the task of training personnel who will be able to work effectively in the era of digital development of the economy, namely, to be able to work with end-to-end digital technologies. In order to cope with this task successfully, it is necessary to change the main professional educational programs and include work programs of disciplines in which end-to-end digital technologies become the object and / or means of study. This paper analyzes the problem of the readiness of prospective speech therapists majoring in 44.03.03 special (defectological) education to use end-to-end digital technologies in their professional activities. The authors characterize the course End-to-end digital technologies, which appeared in the 2021/2022 academic year at Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education among first-year students of the Faculty of Psychology and Special Education. Based on the results of the course approbation, the authors formulate conclusions about the advisability of supplementing the training of students with a workshop that allows them to master several applied software products based on end-to-end digital technologies at an in-depth level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Olga Yurievna Vasilyeva

The paper analyzes the dynamics of formation of a collection of Astilbe varieties and species included in the bioresource collection USU 44053 in the conditions of Western Siberia forest-steppe. The ways of further expansion of Astilbe collection fund are substantiated by attracting representatives of the Astilbe chinensis , A. crispa groups; varieties with rhombic, narrow-lobed and pyramidal inflorescences, primarily belonging to the group of colors: red, dark red, purple and dark purple. In contrast to the conditions of the middle zone of Russia in which Astilbe are divided into four groups according to the period of flowering: 1) very early (end of June - July), 2) early (July), 3) medium (mid-July - mid-August) and 4) late (end of August - mid-September), for the conditions of Western Siberia forest-steppe, with intense heat gain in mid-May-early June, the flowering dates of very early and early varieties converge. Accordingly, there are three groups: early-flowering (bloom July 8-10), medium-flowering (bloom from July 15-18), late-flowering (bloom from late July-early August). It is proposed to add a narrow-lobed and pyramidal-drooping inflorescence to the traditionally described forms of Astilbe varieties. The expansion of the set of dwarf varieties from the A. crispa group with strongly dissected fringed leaves gives additional opportunities for a landscape design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 279-282
Svetlana Sergeevna Smirnova

The paper characterizes the contribution of domestic and Western scientists to the study of social identity problem (A.V. Averchenko, I.V. Baryshnikova, L.V. Kalinina, A.V. Nechaev, D.P. Sidorenko, H. Arendt, J. Ranciere, H. Tajfel). The role of childrens creative team and favorable moral and psychological climate of childrens creative team in determining students social identity are outlined. The paper contains the results of the study of psychological climate of childrens creative team of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also characterizes relations in the collective and students perception of themselves in the collective as members of the Russian folk instruments orchestra. The author also presents a process of formation of moral and psychological climate of childrens creative team in the context of value-meaningful and contextual approaches realization to create conditions for students social identity search and definition. The author has proposed types of lessons (informational, problem-based, discussion, double lecture, reflective, exploratory) and methods of educational and extracurricular creative activities that contribute to students social identity search and definition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 112-116
Olga Valerievna Skrotskaya ◽  
Vasiliy Vitalyevich Punegov

The paper presents data on the study of the content of carotenoids in plant fruits of different Sorbus species and varieties when introduced in the Komi Republic. As a result of a biochemical analysis, the accumulation of various amounts of carotenoids has been revealed: from 2,6 to 43 mg/%, depending on the species, sample and variety. The author compared the content of this group of substances in raw materials of plants introduced in the Komi Republic with the ones growing in other regions of Russia (Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mordovia, Saratov, Penza, Moscow Region and others). It has been shown that under northern conditions in rowan fruits the value of the total carotenoids prevails in representatives of the Sorbus section with an East Asian range ( S. pohuashanensis , S. discolor , S. amurensis ), except the Far Eastern species S. sambucifolia . A different content of carotenoids in the plant fruits of S. aucuparia samples has been established: the maximum is in the sample from Yoshkar-Ola, which is 3-5 times higher than that in S. aucuparia from the Komi Republic. The content of this group of substances in the rowan fruits of the three studied varieties (Businka, Rubinovaya and Sorbinka) has been determined; their predominance in the Sorbinka variety has been shown. The study of the biochemical composition of plant raw materials of mountain ash species and varieties with the highest content of carotenoids when introduced in the North should be continued in order to further assess its qualitative composition and to develop recommendations for its use as a medicinal product, as well as a source of functional ingredients for pharmaceutical and food industries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 105-111
Konstantin Vitalyevich Samokhvalov ◽  
Evgeny Arkadievich Sinichkin ◽  
Aleksandr Petrovich Arsentiev

The paper presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the species composition of Cheboksary. The analysis of the dendroflora of the urban environment was carried out according to 3 indicators: the territory of woody plants, the occurrence of woody plant species in landscaping, the structure of the landscaping system. The arboreal vegetation of Cheboksary is represented by 73 species belonging to 43 genera and 20 families. The predominant part of the dendroflora is represented by the covered-seeded plants (86,3%), the gymnosperms - 13,7%. In the dendroflora of green areas of the city, the most widely represented families are Rosaceae, Pinaceae, Salicaceae (48%). The analysis of the species composition of woody plants showed that in the functional and economic zones of Cheboksary plantings of general use are represented by 65 species, plantings of limited use - 52 species, plantings along the streets and main roads - 50 species. The analysis of the species composition of woody plants depending on the share of their participation in landscaping revealed that the greatest number of woody plants is used with low (51 species) and medium (50 species) share. The analysis of the degree of participation of woody plants in landscaping in the four identified functional and economic zones of Cheboksary found that the greatest number of taxa prevail with an average participation in the central zone (37 species), the coastal and suburban zones (36 species). The largest number of species of woody plants grow in the green areas of the central functional and economic zone, where the landscaping involved 66 species, the smallest number grow in the green areas of the industrial area (36 species).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-273
Oksana Konstantinovna Pozdnyakova

The paper raises the problem of students orientation towards moral self-determination as one of the directions of moral education of students. The necessity of carrying out a categorical analysis of the personality self-determination concept to determine the content and methods of orientation of students towards moral self-determination is substantiated. Personality self-determination is considered at the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical levels of analysis. At the philosophical level of analysis, the essence of the personality self-determination phenomenon and the concept adequate to it is revealed; it consists in a persons choice of certain actions and deeds in a given situation; shows the role of moral choice in the self-determination of the individual. At the psychological level of analysis, the author substantiates the relationship between the self-determination of the individual and the system of his/her relations (to the surrounding reality, other people and himself/herself), which determine the content of the personalitys position. At the pedagogical level of analysis, the self-determination of a person is associated with his/her choice of values, the source of which is his/her needs. The paper argues that the self-determination of a person is both a process and a result of a persons choice of his/her own position, there is a choice of relations that form the content of a position, there is a choice of values, the focus on which constitutes the value orientations of a person, which become the core of self-determination. The author also has determined some practical pedagogical tasks, the solution of which is aimed at creating conditions for the orientation of students towards moral self-determination: the task of students moral principles development, which will ensure their choice of their position, goals and means of self-realization in life; the task of familiarizing students with the value of good, which is the essence of their ethical attitude to the world, to people and to themselves; the task of developing students ability to substantiate the foundations of moral choice and its principles to reflection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-268
Stanislav Gennadyevich Malkin

The paper is devoted to the role of the state educational policy within the course of the Russian civil identity formation. The focus of the study is on the evolution of the aims of the authorities in matters of the historical education and historical memory, their norm-legal regulation and institutional support, as well as real educational practices. The introduction of the historical and cultural standard for teaching the school course of the history is considered as a collective attempt by the authorities and society to lead historical and educational policies to a common denominator in terms of the content and value. A special accent in the paper concerns the problems of the teacher professional training for the implementation of the state historical and educational policy of the Russian Federation within given framework, considering the specifics of the contemporary informational space. It attracts attention to the close ties between information wars and historical policy, in the context of the attempts to reconsider the results of the Second World War especially, keeping in mind its effects for the transformation of the civil identity and the changes of position the Russian Federation held on the international arena. Both methodological and organizational restrictions were identified in secondary and higher schools, which have a significant impact on the formation of civil identity through historical education, both at the stage of training pedagogical personnel and in the process of studying the school course of the history.

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