Attractors of Infinite Iterated Function Systems Containing Con
2013 ◽
Vol 59
pp. 281-298
Abstract We consider a complete ε-chainable metric space (X, d) and an infinite iterated function system (IIFS) formed by an infinite family of (ε, φ)-functions on X. The aim of this paper is to prove the existence and uniqueness of the attractors of such infinite iterated systems (IIFS) and to give some sufficient conditions for these attractors to be connected. Similar results are obtained in the case when the IIFS is formed by an infinite family of uniformly ε-locally strong Meir-Keeler functions.
2018 ◽
Vol 7
pp. 126
2013 ◽
Vol 88
pp. 267-279
2019 ◽
Vol 38
pp. 97-109
2005 ◽
Vol 72
pp. 441-454
2013 ◽
Vol 35
pp. 854-882