scholarly journals Pemantauan Jenis Burung Pemangsa Pada Migrasi Arus Datang Di Gunung Sega, Karangasem Bali

Santi Ayuning Tyas ◽  
L.P.E.K Yuni ◽  
F.X Sudaryanto

Bird of prey migration is a phenomenon that occurs twice every year, namely the autumn migration and the spring migration. In Indonesia, autumn migration is also known as go-away migration, while spring migration is known as backflow migration. This study aimed to determine the species of birds of prey that pass on Mount Sega, Karangasem Bali during autumn migration in 2018. The study was conducted on 1 October - 30 November 2018 on Mt. Sega, Karangasem Bali using a method from Hume (1993). The species of birds of prey that were recorded were 7 species, consisting of 5 migrant species and 2 resident species. The migrant species recorded were the Chinese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis), the Japanese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter gularis), the Crested Honey Buzzard (Pernis ptilorhynchus), the Peregrine Falcon (Falco perigrinus), and the Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus). The resident species recorded were the Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis cheela) and the Spotted Kestrel (Falco moluccensis). Keywords: Accipiter, bird of prey, migration, Mt. Sega

Jorge García-Macía ◽  
Javier Vidal-Mateo ◽  
Javier De La Puente ◽  
Ana Bermejo ◽  
Rainer Raab ◽  

AbstractRed Kite shows a great variability in its migration strategies: most individuals in north-eastern Europe are migrants, but there is also a growing number of sedentary individuals. Here, we tagged 49 Red Kites wintering in Spain with GPS/satellite transmitters between 2013 and 2020 to study the autumn and spring migration between the breeding or summering areas in Central Europe and the wintering quarters in Spain. In first place, differences between immatures and adults were found for spring migration. Adults began the spring migration towards the northeast in February–March while the immature individuals began to migrate significantly later and showing a wider date range (February-June). Adults also takes significantly less days to arrive at their destinations (12 ± 5 days) and cover more distance per day (134.2 ± 37.1 km/day) than immatures (19 ± 11 days and 98.9 ± 21.2 km/day). In second place, we also found differences between spring and autumn migration (excluding immatures). Spring migrations were clearly faster and with less stopovers days than autumn migrations. Autumn migration began between mid-October and late November and two different behaviours were observed: most birds made a quick migration direct to the wintering areas with only some days of stopovers, but others prolonged the migration with long stops along the route. These results highlight a great variation in the migratory movements of Red Kite, not only according to age but also between individuals and seasons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Clayton D Delancey ◽  
Kamal Islam ◽  
Gunnar R Kramer ◽  
Garrett J MacDonald ◽  
Alexander R Sharp ◽  

AbstractCerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are among the fastest declining Nearctic-Neotropical migrant wood-warblers (Parulidae) in North America. Despite ongoing conservation efforts, little is known about their non-breeding distribution. In June 2016-2018, we deployed geolocators (n = 30) on adult male Cerulean Warblers in Indiana, USA, to track annual movements of individuals. Recovered geolocators (n = 4) showed that Cerulean Warblers occurred broadly throughout northern South America. Autumn migration lasted 44-71 days (n = 4), whereas spring migration lasted 37-41 days (n = 3). The average migration distance was 5268 km. During autumn migration, Cerulean Warblers made 1-4 stopovers (i.e., ≥2 days; n = 4) and 1-2 stopovers during spring migration (n = 3). When crossing the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration, two birds stopped over after crossing, but not beforehand. Two others navigated through the Caribbean rather than crossing the Gulf of Mexico. During spring migration, one individual stopped after crossing, one individual stopped before crossing, and one individual stopped before and after crossing the Gulf of Mexico. No birds migrated through the Caribbean Islands during spring migration. These results represent novel information describing annual movements of individual Cerulean Warblers and will inform conservation efforts for this declining species.

2019 ◽  
pp. 292-296
Igor V. Karyakin ◽  
Miroslav V. Babushkin ◽  
Kordian Bartoszuk ◽  
Márton Horváth ◽  

Rangifer ◽  
1986 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 235 ◽  
E. Pulliainen ◽  
P. I. Danilov ◽  
K. Heikura ◽  
E. Erkinaro ◽  
S. Sulkava ◽  

The relevance of the familiar area hypothesis to the behaviour of the wild forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus Lönnb.) was studied in a Fenno-Soviet project by radio and field tracking of these ungulates in Karelia, Northern Europe, in 1978 - 1985. This subpopulation (500 - 600 exx.) has a tradition of overwintering in a restricted area around Lake Lentua (ca. 1000 km2). The spring migration period is shorter in length than the autumn migration. The migration routes are generally the same in autumn and spring, although exceptions occur, indicating exploratory behaviour. The large winter herds disband into small groups or lone individuals for the summertime, when this subpopulation is spread over a much wider area (ca. 5400 km2). It is concluded that the observations made support the familiar area hypothesis in all essential points.

Vladimir Myshkin ◽  

The article illustrates a study of cheek-pieces with zoomorphic images used by the nomads of the Samara-Ural region at the end of the VI–IV centuries BC. A review of 79 cheek-pieces is presented, as well as their characteristics. As a result of the excavations, two chronological groups of such horse gear are identified. The date of the early group refers to the second half of the VI–V centuries BC. It is characterized by rod-like straight and arcuate curved bronze, iron, bimetallic double-hole bit shank with zoomorphic ends. The most common endings are decorated with realistic sculptural images of the heads of birds of prey / griffins, wolves and horses. Combinations of the heads of a predatory animal and a bird of prey, a predatory animal and a horse, a camel and a horse, as well as the head of a bird of prey and a hoof are rare images. The late group refers to the period of the end of the V–IV centuries BC. This group is characterized by the following cheek-pieces: S-shaped with endings shaped as horse hooves; L-shaped with curved endings shaped as a horse’s hoof or an open-work plate, which is a stylized image of a bird’s paw, the claws of which are transformed into the heads of birds or animals. A significant difference between these two groups is stated and based on their composition, motives (plots) of images and their stylistics. The mapping of the findings allowed to record the concentration of the most numerous groups of cheek-pieces (straight lines with endings in the form of the heads of birds of prey / griffins, wolves, horses, and S-shaped bit shanks with endings in the form of horse hooves) on the territory of the steppes, adjoining the western slopes of the Ural Mountains. These are mainly steppes in the basin of the middle and lower reaches of the river Ilek.

2014 ◽  
Vol 60 (5) ◽  
pp. 653-659 ◽  
David W. Bradley ◽  
Robert G. Clark ◽  
Peter O. Dunn ◽  
Andrew J. Laughlin ◽  
Caz M. Taylor ◽  

Abstract One of the greatest feats of avian migration is the non-stop crossing of extensive areas of inhospitable habitat such as deserts and seas. Differences in spring and autumn migration routes have been reported in species that cross such barriers, and are thought to have evolved in response to seasonal variation in prevailing wind direction. We tested the hypothesis that migration routes vary seasonally with respect to the Gulf of Mexico in the tree swallow Tachycineta bicolor using solar geolocators attached and retrieved at 4 breeding sites in central North America. We found that 100 % of birds (n = 10) made a trans-Gulf flight of >850 km from Louisiana south to their wintering grounds in the Yucatan Peninsula in 12–36 hours, achieving minimum ground speeds as high as 32 m/s. Although most days during autumn migration were characterized by unfavorable headwinds blowing to the northwest, migration over the Gulf mostly occurred on days with strong winds blowing to the south. In contrast, in 8 of 9 (88 %) birds on spring migration returned from the wintering grounds towards Louisiana following a clockwise loop pat tern flying over land to the west around the Gulf. During this spring period there were few days with prevailing winds from the south to assist northward migration. Results suggest that, despite being up to three times further (ca. 2,700 km), a coastal cir- cum-Gulf spring migration represents the less risky route when wind conditions are not favorable. These findings also help to re solve a long-standing dispute in the literature concerning migration patterns between the US Gulf coast and Mexico, and provide insight into the factors shaping migration strategies of small songbirds migrating across large bodies of water.

2020 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
Giovanni Salvo

[The results of a research on Lanner in southern Sicily, carried out between 1978 and 2018, are reported. 32 Lanner nesting territories have been taken into account, from sea level up to 1200 m of altitude. Until 2005, there were about 25 nesting pairs in the area; but in the following years there was a steady decline. At least 16 sites have been gradually abandoned because of human persecution and, at a lesser degree, of the interference with the Peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, and the Bonelli’s eagle, Hieraaetus fasciatus. At present, the number of Lanner pairs breeding in the study area is around 12. From 120 nesting attempts followed, 216 youngs fledged, with a productivity of 1.80, with breeding success of 1.98, fledging rate of 2.40. Out of 109 nests in which there was egg laying, 90 were successful. Out of successful nests, 11 fledged 1 young (12.2%); 37 nests 2 youngs (41.1 %); 37 nests, 3 youngs (41.1%); 5 nests, 4 youngs (5.6%). The number of pairs that have laid eggs, in relation to the number of the monitored nests, was of 90.8%. The ratio between the number of nests in which youngs were raised and the number of pairs that laid their eggs was 88.1%. The ratio between the number of nests from which youngs fledged and the number of breeding pairs was 93.7%.The number of successfully breeding nests, in relation to the number of monitored nests, was 75%. As regards the diet, birds represent Lanner’s most frequent preys. Out of the 415 preys identified, 383 (92.3%) are made up of birds, 29 (7%) by small mammals, 3 (0.7%) by reptiles. In addition to human persecution, the population of Lanner in Sicily is influenced by interspecific competition, particularly with the Peregrine falcon; but in 2 cliffs, about 1 km long and with a substantial wealth of prey, both falcons have been successfully reproducing for over 10 years]. [Article in Italian]  

The Condor ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26 ◽  
Kathleen M. O'Reilly ◽  
John C. Wingfield

Abstract Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) were followed throughout their annual cycle along the Pacific Coast of North America. Changes in body condition and corticosterone were tracked at two overwintering sites (Ensenada, Mexico, and San Diego, California), four migration stopover sites (Bodega Bay, California, Grays Harbor and False Bay, Washington, and Hartney Bay, Alaska), and a breeding site (Nome, Alaska). Adult males and females had elevated weight and fat scores during spring migration, breeding, and autumn migration relative to lean levels during winter. Although elevated mass and fat reserves may hinder escape from predators and are not necessary at wintering sites with benign conditions, the cost-benefit trade-offs with weight and agility shift during migration and breeding. Extra fat and muscle are necessary for fueling the long flight to and from the breeding grounds and serve as a hedge against unpredictable food and weather conditions on the breeding grounds. First-year birds weighed less and had lower fat reserves at smaller stopover sites than migrants at a large stopover site. Plasma levels of corticosterone revealed seasonal differences in the adrenocortical response to stress, although initial levels were fairly consistent across seasons. The highest stress response of the annual cycle in males was during autumn migration, in contrast to the lowest levels during early spring migration, breeding, and overwintering. Late-spring migrants and autumn premigrants had intermediate stress responses. An emerging pattern from this and other shorebird studies is that migrants with imminent flights of more than 1000 km have elevated corticosterone levels. Diferencias Estacionales de Edad y Sexo en Peso, Reservas de Grasa y Corticosterona Plasmática en Calidris mauri Resumen. Se siguieron individuos de Calidris mauri a través de su ciclo anual a lo largo de la costa Pacífica de Norteamérica. Se evaluaron los cambios en la condición corporal y la corticosterona en dos sitios de invernación (Ensenada, México y San Diego, California), cuatro sitios de escala migratoria (Bodega Bay, California, Grays Harbor y False Bay, Washington, y Hartney Bay, Alaska) y un sitio reproductivo (Nome, Alaska). Los machos y hembras adultos tuvieron pesos y niveles de grasa altos durante las épocas de migración de primavera, reproducción y migración de otoño con relación a los niveles magros del invierno. Aunque presentar masa elevada y reservas de grasa puede limitar el escape de los depredadores y no es necesario en los sitios de invernada con condiciones benignas, existe un cambio en la solución de compromiso entre el costo-beneficio del peso y la agilidad de vuelo durante la migración y la reproducción. La grasa y músculos adicionales son necesarios para proveer combustible para los largos vuelos hacia y desde las áreas de reproducción y sirven como protección contra condiciones alimenticias y climáticas impredecibles en las áreas reproductivas. Las aves añales pesaron menos y tuvieron menos reservas grasas en sitios de escala pequeños que los migrantes en un sitio de escala grande. Los niveles plasmáticos de corticosterona mostraron diferencias estacionales en la respuesta adrenocórtica al estrés, aunque los niveles iniciales fueron relativamente consistentes a través de las estaciones. La respuesta al estrés más alta del ciclo anual de los machos se presentó durante la migración de otoño, contrastando con los niveles más bajos durante el inicio de la migración de primavera, la época reproductiva y la época de invernación. Las aves que migraron temprano en la primavera y las premigrantes de otoño presentaron niveles intermedios de respuesta al estrés. Un patrón que emerge de éste y otros estudios sobre aves marinas es que las migratorias que hacen vuelos de más de 1000 km presentan niveles elevados de corticosterona.

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e9715
Ye Wang ◽  
Chunrong Mi ◽  
Yumin Guo

Background The black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) is a vulnerable species and the only species that lives in the plateau. Five migration routes of different populations have been identified, but for cranes wintering in Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet, the migration route and breeding/summering area are still unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatio-temporal migration patterns of black-necked cranes in this area and to identify important areas for conservation. Methods In 2016, we fitted seven black-necked cranes in Nyingchi with GPS-GSM satellite transmitters to record their migration routes. We used ArcGIS 10.2 to visualize important stopover sites and the ‘ggplot’ function in R to analyze the migration patterns. Results From March 2016 to May 2019, we recorded nine spring migration and four autumn migration tracks from five individuals. Four individuals spent the breeding/summering season in Qinghai Lake, while the other spent the breeding/summering season in the Jinzihai Wetland of Dulan County, Qinghai Province. Detailed spatio-temporal information showed that the spring migration lasted 8.7 ± 4.6 days and covered 1,182.5 ± 90.4 km, while the autumn migration lasted 30 ± 10.6 days and covered 1,455.7 ± 138 km. Basom Lake and the Shazhuyu River were the most important stopover sites during the spring and autumn migrations, respectively. The cranes spent 4.4 ± 3.7 days in Basom Lake and 26.3 ± 10.7 days in the Shazhuyu River. The black-necked cranes mainly migrated during the daytime (>85 % of the fly points), and 81 % (17/21) of all stopover and roosting sites were in the valley or at lakeside swamps. Only 17.7% (516 / 2,914) of the data points for stopover and roosting sites were in protected areas. Main conclusions Our study revealed the breeding/summering areas and migration routes of the black-necked cranes wintering in Nyingchi. These results contribute to a better understanding of the annual spatio-temporal migration patterns and the development of conservation plans for this vulnerable species.

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