wood warblers
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Caryologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Alice Lemos Costa ◽  
Cassiane Furlan Lopes ◽  
Marcelo Santos de Souza ◽  
Suziane Alves Barcellos ◽  
Pâmela Giordani Vielmo ◽  

Chromosomal rearrangements are an important process in the evolution of species. It is assumed that these rearrangements occur near repetitive sequences and heterochromatic regions. Avian karyotypes have diverse chromosomal band patterns and have been used as the parameters for phylogenetic studies. Although the group has a high diversity of species, no more than 12% has been analyzed cytogenetically, and the Parulidae family are extremely underrepresented in these studies. The aim of this study was to detect independent or simultaneous chromosomal rearrangements, and also to analyze chromosomal banding convergences and divergences of three Wood-Warblers species (Myiothlypis leucoblephara, Basileuterus culicivorus, and Setophaga pitiayumi). Our CBG-band results reveal an unusual W sex chromosome in the three studied species, containing a telomeric euchromatic region. The GTG and RBG bands identify specific regions in the macrochromosomes involved in the rearrangements. Cytogenetic data confirm the identification of speciation processes at the karyotypic of this group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
Maria Goretskaia ◽  
Eldar Rakhimberdiev ◽  
Sergey Naidenko ◽  
Viktoria Moskalenko ◽  
Ekaterina Veselovskaya ◽  

Crinan Jarrett ◽  
Luke L. Powell ◽  
Tabe T. Regine Claire ◽  
Melanie Tchoumbou ◽  
Barbara Helm

AbstractWood Warblers, an Afro-Palearctic migrant species, are declining steadily in Europe likely due to mortality outside their breeding grounds. However, little is known about their overwintering, and records about the sensitive life-cycle stage of moult in Africa are practically absent. To fill this gap, we report on moult of Wood Warblers captured over two winters (January–February) in 2019–2020 in Cameroon. We caught 14 individuals, of which 12 were monitored for flight feather moult. All inspected individuals showed advanced stages of flight feather renewal. Despite low sample sizes, Underhill-Zucchini moult models aptly explained variation in primary and secondary moult (R2 = 0.61). Estimated moult onset date was 26 December, completion date was 25 February, and moult duration was 61 days. These findings fit well with experimental data on the annual cycle and the timing of recently published migration tracks of Wood Warblers. Jointly, the data suggest that moult timing is set by an internal programme, which enables Wood Warblers to organise their multi-stage migration such that they reach suitable moulting habitat in time, and can depart in time with a fresh plumage for the breeding grounds. In our study, moult occurred during the peak of the dry season, which in Cameroon nonetheless shows high relative humidity. During our mist-netting on 28 cocoa plantations of varying shade cover, Wood Warblers were caught on 6 farms whose canopies were comparatively open. These data suggest that the birds encounter in Cameroon relatively stable climatic conditions for moult, and do not measurably prefer closed-canopy forests. Our findings are important, because successful moult increases survival prospects and because moult needs to be safely embedded in a migratory life cycle. Hence, information on moult timing and location is essential for identifying year-round vulnerabilities of Wood Warblers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1942) ◽  
pp. 20202804
Richard K. Simpson ◽  
David R. Wilson ◽  
Allison F. Mistakidis ◽  
Daniel J. Mennill ◽  
Stéphanie M. Doucet

Closely related species often exhibit similarities in appearance and behaviour, yet when related species exist in sympatry, signals may diverge to enhance species recognition. Prior comparative studies provided mixed support for this hypothesis, but the relationship between sympatry and signal divergence is likely nonlinear. Constraints on signal diversity may limit signal divergence, especially when large numbers of species are sympatric. We tested the effect of sympatric overlap on plumage colour and song divergence in wood-warblers (Parulidae), a speciose group with diverse visual and vocal signals. We also tested how number of sympatric species influences signal divergence. Allopatric species pairs had overall greater plumage and song divergence compared to sympatric species pairs. However, among sympatric species pairs, plumage divergence positively related to the degree of sympatric overlap in males and females, while male song bandwidth and syllable rate divergence negatively related to sympatric overlap. In addition, as the number of species in sympatry increased, average signal divergence among sympatric species decreased, which is likely due to constraints on warbler perceptual space and signal diversity. Our findings reveal that sympatry influences signal evolution in warblers, though not always as predicted, and that number of sympatric species can limit sympatry's influence on signal evolution.

Ibis ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 162 (4) ◽  
pp. 1262-1278
Rubén Ortega‐Álvarez ◽  
Esteban Berrones Benítez ◽  
Israel Medina Mena ◽  
José Jaime Zúñiga‐Vega

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Clayton D Delancey ◽  
Kamal Islam ◽  
Gunnar R Kramer ◽  
Garrett J MacDonald ◽  
Alexander R Sharp ◽  

AbstractCerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea) are among the fastest declining Nearctic-Neotropical migrant wood-warblers (Parulidae) in North America. Despite ongoing conservation efforts, little is known about their non-breeding distribution. In June 2016-2018, we deployed geolocators (n = 30) on adult male Cerulean Warblers in Indiana, USA, to track annual movements of individuals. Recovered geolocators (n = 4) showed that Cerulean Warblers occurred broadly throughout northern South America. Autumn migration lasted 44-71 days (n = 4), whereas spring migration lasted 37-41 days (n = 3). The average migration distance was 5268 km. During autumn migration, Cerulean Warblers made 1-4 stopovers (i.e., ≥2 days; n = 4) and 1-2 stopovers during spring migration (n = 3). When crossing the Gulf of Mexico during autumn migration, two birds stopped over after crossing, but not beforehand. Two others navigated through the Caribbean rather than crossing the Gulf of Mexico. During spring migration, one individual stopped after crossing, one individual stopped before crossing, and one individual stopped before and after crossing the Gulf of Mexico. No birds migrated through the Caribbean Islands during spring migration. These results represent novel information describing annual movements of individual Cerulean Warblers and will inform conservation efforts for this declining species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-100 ◽  
Richard K Simpson ◽  
Allison F Mistakidis ◽  
Stéphanie M Doucet

Abstract Natural and sexual selection drive colour evolution in animals. However, these different selective forces are often studied independently or without considering environmental variation. We evaluated the roles of natural and sexual selection together on colour evolution in 15 sympatric wood-warbler species, while considering the influence of variation in the light environment and visual background. We tested the influence of each selective pressure on male and female coloration and contrast against the background using avian visual models in phylogenetically controlled analyses. We found natural and sexual selection simultaneously driving cryptic and conspicuous plumage in males by acting on different body regions. For example, we found that ground-nesting species had males with conspicuous under-body plumage and cryptic upper-body plumage, showing how natural and sexual selection can drive colour evolution concordantly. We also found interesting relationships with female plumage, such as nest predation positively covarying with female contrast against the background, suggesting a cost to female conspicuousness. Our findings here showcase the complexity of selection on coloration and illustrate the importance of: (1) accounting for environmental variation when assessing how natural and sexual selection drive colour evolution; and (2) testing how multiple selection pressures are shaping colour diversity among species.

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