ural region
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Rafael M. Valeev ◽  
Yuri A. Zeleneev ◽  

The article examines the spread of Muslim Kufic coins in Eastern, Western and Northern Europe, on the territory of Volga Bulgaria, Ancient Rus, the neighbours of Bulgars – ancestors of the Mari, Udmurt, Mordva and other Finno-Ugric ethnicities during the early Middle Ages in the 8th – beginning of the 11th centuries. The research of these coins shows the list of countries and Muslim dynasties the above-mentioned countries had trade relations with and their chronological framework. Coins of Umayyads, Abbasids, Samanids, Buwayhids, Ziyarids, Qarakhanids and other Muslim dynasties were discovered. Ways of Kufic dirhems expansion and their chronological framework are shown. The main role of Khazar Khanate is marked for the time span of 8th – 9th centuries whereas since X century the principal part was played by Volga Bulgaria. American numismatist T. Noonan designated them as Khazar and Bulgar phases of trade of Kufic coins. Bulgar coins, minted in 902–990-s, participated actively in this process. Together they acted as a commodity and medium of exchange, which reflected the scale of trade operations of the early Middle Ages. The study of Muslim Kufic dirhems allowed the author to clear up the role of Khazar Khanate and Volga Bulgaria in the functioning of Great Silk and Volga routes in the 8th – beginning of the 11th centuries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-204
Vladimir N. Zemtsov

The article identifies the features of the Ural region in terms of preserving and updating the memory of the epoch of 1812-1814. Based on the analysis of various options for preserving images of the epoch (through living memory, materialized memory, festive events and other means), the author comes to the conclusion that the Ural region, despite its remoteness from the theater of war, organically fit into the all-Russian memorial context. At the same time the memory is shaped by the regions focus on military production, and by its providing a significant part of the irregular cavalry recruited from the Orenburg Cossacks and non-Russian peoples. The latter circumstance, through images of Northern cupids, gave the Urals an exotic fame abroad. Forms of preserving Urals memory of the events of 1812-1814 range from variants of living memory, which includes elements left over from the communicative memory, to purposeful activities of central and local authorities to organize mass events at anniversary dates. A significant role in memory preservation is traditionally played by educational institutions, which, starting from the school level, form the memory of childhood. The greatest concentration of memory elements related to the epoch is observed in the Southern Urals, which is predetermined, to a large extent, by the presence of compactly living non-Russian peoples who seek to emphasize their role in the events of all-Russian and even global history. Unlike a number of other national regions of the Russian Federation, the appeal to historical memory in the Urals takes place within the framework of a unifying and reconciling tradition. Despite some commemorative gaps, the three epochs (pre-Soviet, Soviet and post-Soviet) in relation to the historical memory in the Urals about the events of 1812-1814 look quite organic. Images of this great time continue to act as a unifying factor, thus preserving the sense of a common past not only with the all-Russian, but also with common European and global history.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (11) ◽  
pp. 1356-1359
R. A. Zinchenko ◽  
E. K. Ginter ◽  
V. V. Kadyshev ◽  
S. S. Amelina ◽  
T. P. Vasilieva ◽  

Anna Krivonogova ◽  
Al'bina Isaeva ◽  
Ol'ga Sokolova ◽  
Kseniya Moiseeva

Abstract. A study of the antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria of the genus Enterobacter, selected at regional dairy enterprises, was carried out. The purpose of this work was to assess the phenotypic resistance profiles of Enterobacter spp. in the loci of fermenal microbiocenoses related to milk production. Research methodology and methods. In the course of the work carried out, milk, mammary gland secretions, and udder washes from cows at dairy cattle breeding enterprises located in different districts of the Ural region were examined. The phenotypic resistance of Enterobacter spp. Isolates was analyzed to 10 antibacterial drugs: ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, ofloxacin, meropenem, doxycycline, chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone, amoxicillin, ampicillin, rifampicin. Results. Average sensitivity values of Enterobacter spp. for all surveyed enterprises were at the level of 2.0–3.3 conventional units (at maximum = 4) to target antibiotics, and at the level of 2.0–2.1 conventional units to non-target antibiotics. The highest bactericidal efficacy was found in fluoroquinolones, the lowest in doxycycline and chloramphenicol. For individual enterprises, the average resistance profile included good sensitivity to 3–4 antibiotics, reduced to 4–5 and resistance to 1–2 antibiotics. The main conclusion is that in eight surveyed enterprises, the usual pattern was the resistance of isolates or their low sensitivity to several antibiotics of different classes, which indicates an unfavorable situation with AMR. Scientific novelty. The results obtained in the course of the work performed made it possible to assess the current and actual levels of resistance of Enterobacter spp. Isolates inhabiting those loci of fermenal microbiocenoses that are directly related to milk production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 828-841
Viktor A. Koksharov ◽  
Gavriil A. Agarkov ◽  
Anastasia D. Sushchenko

Universities, comprising a strategic resource in building up a region’s human capital, play a key role in ensuring sustainable economic growth. For proactive young people seeking opportunities to obtain higher education, develop professional trajectories and enhance their social connections, Russian regions lacking such facilities are seen as less attractive. This situation provokes an outflow of the most promising university candidates from the peripheral regions to the various centres of attraction. Thus, a relevant research question concerns the relationship between the quality of regional universities and the retention of young specialists, who may be expected to support the future development of industrial enterprises in the region. The assessment of interregional mobility carried out by the present study is based on an analysis of responses from applicant and graduate surveys supplemented with statistical data (Monitoring the Effectiveness of Russian Universities, Rosstat). In or der to process this information, classification and data comparison methods were used. The results of the study showed that the Sverdlovsk and Tyumen oblasts are the primary centres of attraction for university entrance candidates from other Russian regions to the Urals, with the inflow of such applicants to these oblasts comprising on average 4.1 % and 13.2 %, respectively, of 18 year olds enrolling in these institutions during the 2015– 2019 period. At the same time, the largest universities provide relevant training for the region’s industrial base (up to 87 % of employed Ural Federal University graduates work in the Ural Region). The research results can be used to enhance the activities of universities and employment services in terms of developing tools for attracting and retaining proactive youth, improving the mechanisms for studying postgraduate migration in order to increase the region’s attractiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
N Pryadilina ◽  
I Zinovyeva

Abstract Illegal logging and trade in primary timber is a significant threat to the integrity of the forest system of the Ural region. It causes enormous damage to economy and society. The purpose of the work is to describe the state of the problem of illegal logging, identify the main factors causing widespread illegal logging and illegal timber turnover in the district, and make separate recommendations to suppress illegal activities of unscrupulous forest users. The analysis, comparison, and synthesis of the data were conducted on the basis of official Departmental reporting provided by the Forestry Department of the Ural Federal District. The issue of illegal logging is systemic and sustainable. Recognition of not only economic, but also the social and environmental significance of the problem, coordination of interdepartmental interaction, improvement of the system of state forest control and supervision, combating corruption schemes, creation of the institution of public environmental inspectors and their active work with the support of regional and federal authorities and the response of the timber industry enterprises can turn the situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 875 (1) ◽  
pp. 012072
G Butko ◽  
N Yakovenko ◽  
M Menshikova ◽  
P Porotnikov ◽  
E Tihomirov

Abstract The development and implementation of innovations are becoming integral functions of a modern industrial enterprise. The author has developed an author’s approach to assessing the innovation potential of forest enterprises through the analysis of financial sustainability and the ability to cover their own liabilities to achieve competitive advantages. The methodological research toolkit uses the competitiveness rating of economic entities of the timber industry complex of the Ural region, formed according to several economic indicators of the market segment occupied by the enterprise, the quality of its products, innovation activity and its efficiency, the degree of financial support, innovative research projects and the availability and effectiveness of facilities, as the resulting indicator. The economic profit indicator used to assess the effectiveness of enterprises is positive if the enterprise has managed to earn more than the profitability of similar enterprises, i.e. the enterprise implements innovative projects, which in turn bring additional competitive advantages. The developed approach makes it possible to identify and evaluate the most significant elements of the innovative potential of the enterprise on the basis of the rating assessment, thus allowing to take into account the specific features of the enterprise and its operating conditions.

2021 ◽  
pp. 14-30
А.Н. Дмитриев ◽  
К.А. Пашков ◽  
О.Р. Паренькова

Статья посвящена специфике санитарного просвещения в 1920‑е гг. как гибридного феномена на стыке истории медицины и истории общества. Вслед за Д. Биром и Л. Энгельштайн рассматривается соединение «социально-инженерных» подходов части медицинской интеллигенции с радикальными преобразовательными планами большевиков под знаком науки о человеке и его здоровье. Особенностями нэповского общественно-медицинского дискурса были прогрессизм, борьба с религиозными суевериями, атака на социальные болезни (туберкулез, алкоголизм, венерические заболевания) и их причины. В статье рассматриваются стилистические особенности и жанровое многообразие этой пропагандистской продукции: пьесы, агитационные материалы, псевдо-фольклорные тексты (М. Утенков, С. Заяицкий и др.), а также деятельность институтов: музеев медицины и гигиены, Домов санитарного просвещения. Особенное внимание уделяется «национальным» и региональным версиям этого дискурса, его трансформации и формализации уже в 1930-е гг. The article examines the specificity of sanitary education and propaganda in the 1920s as a hybrid phenomenon between the history of medicine and the history of society. To understand the specificity, one must refer to the history of cultural ideas and of mass sentiments in the post-revolutionary times, to the study of professional examinations, scientific conventions and academic as well as literary circles. Following D. Beer and L. Engelstein, the authors consider the combination of “social engineering” approaches of a part of the medical intelligentsia with the radical transformative plans of the Bolsheviks – under the sign of the science of man and their health. The features of the NEP social medical discourse were progressivism, the fight against religious superstitions, the attack on social diseases (tuberculosis, alcoholism, venereal diseases) and their origins. The authors analyse (1) the stylistic features and genre diversity of this discourse: plays, propaganda materials, pseudo-folklore texts (M. Utenkov, S. Zayitsky, et al.); (2) the activities of institutions: museums of medicine and hygiene, houses of sanitary education; (3) the biographies of the psychiatrist Lazar Sukharebsky (1899–1986) as the editor of a catalog of educational and scientific medical films and Alexander (Aetius) Ranov (1899–1979), a prominent enthusiast of sanitary education in the Ural region and in Ukraine. In the early 1920s, at the dawn of the NEP, both Sukharebsky and Ranov belonged to a short-lived yet assertive group “Nichevoki”, which was close to the experience of European Dadaism. The recipient’s activity was stimulated in every possible way and was not limited to a simple assimilation of the finished image - the literary tradition, stage techniques and visual innovation were attracted as allies. Mass publications of sanitary education plays often included guidelines on the desirable format of the stage version, “tips” for the director, advice to avoid exaggeration and stiltedness. The authors pay particular attention to the “national” and regional versions of this discourse, its transformation and flattening already in the 1930s. After the end of the NEP, the activities of the Red Cross Societies were maximally nationalized – participation in collective production, and especially defence, rather than the fear of illnesses of a person or their family, became the engine of sanitary propaganda. “Red sanitary enlightenment” still seems to be a characteristic “hybrid” manifestation of the complex, multidimensional and instructive, though relatively short, NEP period.

2021 ◽  
pp. 365-384
K. B. Korzhenevsky

Based on a wide range of attracted archival materials, the problems of establishing the border line between the Siberian Territory and the Ural Region in the mid-1920s are examined in the article. The main controversial issues, which consisted in the discussion about the belonging of a part of the Tobolsk North and the Ishim District, which were part of the beginning of zoning in the Ural region are revealed. Attention is paid to the history of the emergence of border disputes that appeared as a result of the attribution of a number of West Siberian territories from the jurisdiction of Sibrevkom to the Urals in the early 1920s. A detailed description of the process of determining the western border of the Siberian Territory is given by the leadership of the Sibrevkom, as well as by the higher authorities of the RSFSR in close cooperation with the Ural and Siberian authorities. Various arguments of the Siberians, the Urals and the central authorities, used in the process of delimiting and resolving disputes between Siberia and the Urals, which make it possible to more objectively determine the legality of the established demarcation line are presented. It is concluded that the territorial claims of the Siberian leadership to the Ural authorities were justified and relied on the undefined status of the disputed sections of the border, which arose as a result of the temporary abandonment of the territory of the former Tyumen province by the central government as part of the Ural region formed in November 1923.

Tatiana Umpeleva ◽  
Elena Mazurina ◽  
Leonid Lavrenchuk ◽  
Natalia Eremeeva ◽  
Diana Vakhrusheva

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