scholarly journals Respon Akar Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis) Di Pre Nursery Pada Pemberian Naungan dan Abu Janjang Kelapa Sawit

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Yetti Elidar

The aim of this research is to know the effect of shade and dosage of palm oil ash as well as their interaction to the root of oil palm plantation in pre nursery. This research was carried out in Nursery Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, Samarinda from February to May 2011. This research is an experiment arranged in Completely Random Design (RAL) with split plot analysis (4 x 4) with 5 replications. The main plot is the level of shade reduction (N) at the age of 10 weeks which consists of four levels, namely: no = Shade minus 100%, n1 = Shade minus 75%, n2 = Shade minus 50%, n3 = Shade minus 25%. As a plot child is a dose of ash (D) consisting of four levels: d1 = 11.5 g of ash / polybag equivalent to 23 tons / ha, d2 = 23 g of ash / polybag equivalent to 45 tons / ha, d3 = 34.5 g of ash / polybag equivalent to 68 tons / ha, d4 = 45 g of ash / polybag equivalent of 91 tons / ha. Data were analyzed statistically and tested further with the smallest real difference test (BNT) at 5% level. The results showed that the treatment of ash dose 23 g ash / polybag or equal to 45 ton / ha (d2) gave wet weight, dry weight, wet weight of leaf, average dry weight of leaves 5,51 g, 2,32 g , and 5.08 g. The shading treatment gives a mean wet weight of roots 1.90 g.

Agrikultura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Mira Ariyanti ◽  
Gita Natali ◽  
Cucu Suherman

ABSTRACTThe growth response of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) seedling toward the application of organic fertilizer from palm fronds and NPK compound fertilizerThe research was aimed to study the influence between organic fertilizers from palm fronds and NPK compound fertilizer to reduce NPK compound fertilizer in main nursery. The experiment was conducted from January to April 2017 at the Experiment Station Ciparanje, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran. The experimental design used was Randomized Block Design that arranged in factorial patterns with two factors and three replications. The fisrt factor was dosage of organic fertilizers from palm fronds consisted of three levels of 0 g/polybag, 800 g/polybag, and 1600 g/polybag and the second factor was dosage of NPK compound fertilizer consisted of four levels of 0 g/polybag, 20 g/polybag, 40 g/polybag, and 60 g/polybag. The result of the experiment showed that there was interaction effect between organic fertilizers from palm fronds and NPK compound fertilizer on height of seedling and dry weight of the shoot. The dosage of 1600 g/polybag organic fertilizers from palm fronds with the dosage of 20 g/polybag NPK compound fertilizer showed the best result in dry weight of the shoot.Keywords: Oil palm seedling, Main nursery, Organic fertilizer, Palm frond, NPK compound fertilizerABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara pupuk organik asal pelepah kelapa sawit dengan pupuk majemuk NPK yang baik untuk mengurangi penggunaan pupuk majemuk NPK di pembibitan utama kelapa sawit. Percobaan dilaksanakan dari bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2017 di Kebun Percobaan Ciparanje, Fakultas , Universitas Padjadjaran. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan pola faktorial yang diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Faktor pertama meliputi dosis pupuk organik asal pelepah kelapa sawit terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu 0 g/polybag, 800 g/polybag, dan 1600 g/polybag dan faktor kedua dosis pupuk majemuk NPK yang terdiri empat taraf yaitu 0 g/polybag, 20 g/polybag, 40 g/polybag, dan 60 g/polybag. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh interaksi pupuk organik asal pelepah kelapa sawit dengan pupuk majemuk NPK terhadap tinggi tanaman dan bobot kering tajuk. Perlakuan pupuk organik asal pelepah kelapa sawit 1600 g/bibit dengan pupuk majemuk NPK 20 g/bibit menghasilkan bobot kering tajuk bibit kelapa sawit terbaik.Kata Kunci: Bibit kelapa sawit, Pembibitan utama, Pupuk organik, Pelepah kelapa sawit, NPK

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Sarman Sarman ◽  
Elly Indraswari ◽  
Ahmad Husni

Oil palm is one of the most important plantation crops in the plantation sector in Indonesia. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) is a vegetable oil-producing plant in the form of Crude Palm Oil (CPO). CPO productivity is very much determined by quality and productive seeds. Oil palm (Elaeis guineenses Jacq) is a vegetable oil-producing plant which produce Crude Palm Oil (CPO). This study aims to determine the response of oil palm seedling growth to the provision of solid food containers and phosphate fertilizers at various doses in the main nursery. This research was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Jambi University, Mendalo Indah, Jambi Luar Kota District, Muaro Jambi Regency. This research was conducted for 3 months from September to December 2019. Design of the experiment used a randomized block design (RBD) with one factor, the application of various solid decanter compositions consisting of 6 treatments levels : p0= fertilizer NPKMg 44g/polybag; p1=decanter solid 140 g + 13 g (TSP) / polybag; p2=decanter solid 240 g + 13 g (TSP) / polybag; p3 = decanter solid 340 g + 13 g (TSP)/polybag; p4 = decanter solid 440 g + 13 g (TSP)/polybag; and p5 = decanter solid 540 g + 13 g (TSP) / polybag. Variables observed were  plant height,  number of leaves, stem diameter, total leaf area, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, and root shoot ratio. The results showed that giving solid decanter at various doses was able to increase growth  in all observed variables and was able to sow seedling growth at recommended fertilization doses. The application of solid decanter 140 g + 13 g (TSP) is the best dose to increase the seed height variable and able to exceed the  seed height at the recommended dose of fertilizing oil palm seedlings in the main nursery.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Ageng Kaloko

This study was aimed to obtain the time and the effective way of giving B and Si for reducing the effects of drought. It had been implemented in Bendosari village, Madurejo village, Prambanan sub-district, Sleman regency. The study used 3x3 +1 factorial complete randomized block design (RAKL) with with 3 blocks as replicates. The first factor was the time of fertilization, the second factor was way of fertilization and added one control (control) without fertilization treatment. The data obtained were analyzed using the Varian Analysis (ANOVA) at the 5% level and continued by the smallest real difference test (LSD) and orthogonal contrast if the variance analysis showed a significant difference between treatments. The results showed that there was no interaction effect between time and direction of B and Si fertilization through leaves on all observed variables of oil palm seedlings exposed to drought stress.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Yan Hariadi Lubis ◽  
Ellen Lumisar Panggabean ◽  
Azhari Azhari

<h1>In the Indonesian economy, the oil palm commodity plays a pretty bright role because it serves as a source of foreign exchange. The need to develop technology in producing superior seeds. In this study discuss about the Influence of Giving Fertilizer and Mikoriza Against the Growth of Palm Oil Plants (Elaeis guineensis jacq.) In Pre-Nursery Nursery. This study aims to determine the effect of manure and mycorrhizal fertilization as well as its interaction on the growth of coconut plants in pre-nursery nurseries. The study was designed by Factorial Randomized Block Design consisting of 2 treatment factors. The first factor of treatment of manure (K) consisting of 4 levels, namely: K0 = 0 kg / polybag, K1 = 0.15 kg / polybag, K2 = 0.30 kg / polybag, and K3 = 0.45 kg/polybag. The second factor of mycorrhizal treatment (M) consisting of 4 levels, namely: M1 = 12.5 g/polybag, M2 = 25.0 g/polybag, M3 = 37.5 g / polybag. The results showed that the treatment of cow manure up to 0.45 kg/polybag can increase the height of seedlings, stem diameter, total leaf area, wet weight of seedlings and dry weight of seedlings, but did not affect the number of oil palm seedlings.Mikoriza treatment up to 37, 5 g / polybags can increase seed height, stem diameter, total leaf area, wet weight of seedlings and dry weight of seedlings, but have no significant effect on the number of oil palm seedlings. The interaction between cow manure and mycorrhiza had no effect on all parameters observed.</h1>

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
A. KASNO ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis) berkembang pesat di Indonesia<br />dan  penggunaan  pupuk  meningkat.  Pada  awalnya  pupuk  KCl<br />memperhitungkan hara K, namun diketahui hara Cl juga merupakan hara<br />mikro esensial. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari penambahan Cl dan<br />bahan organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan kadar Cl dalam tanaman dan<br />akar kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca Balai Penelitian<br />Tanah, Bogor, tahun 2011. Contoh tanah diambil dari Cinangneng, Bogor<br />(Inceptisols), Cigudeg, Bogor (Oxisols), Kentrong, Lebak (Ultisols), dan<br />Sumatera Selatan (Gambut). Bibit kelapa sawit varietas Avros umur tiga<br />bulan ditanam dalam polibag dan dipanen setelah berumur 8 bulan.<br />Percobaan menggunakan rancangan petak terpisah, dengan petak utama<br />empat jenis tanah, dan empat anak petak, yaitu (1) Kontrol (-Cl), (2) KCl,<br />(3) NPK, dan (4) KCl + bahan organik. Setiap perlakuan diulang 4 kali.<br />Parameter yang diamati tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, bobot kering<br />tanaman dan akar, analisis Cl dalam tanah, daun, dan akar. Hasil penelitian<br />menunjukkan bahwa pemberian Cl menurunkan pertumbuhan bibit kelapa<br />sawit pada Oxisols, namun meningkatkan pada Inceptisols, Ultisols, dan<br />Gambut. Pemberian bahan jenis organik nyata meningkatkan pertumbuhan<br />kelapa sawit pada ke empat tanah. Pemberian hara Cl tidak meningkatkan<br />bobot kering tanaman kelapa sawit pada Inceptisols, Oxisols, dan Gambut,<br />namun meningkatkan bobot kering tanaman pada Ultisols. Pemberian hara<br />Cl meningkatkan bobot kering akar tanaman kelapa sawit pada ke empat<br />jenis tanah, namun meningkatkan kadar Cl dalam akar kelapa sawit,<br />sedangkan pemberian hara Cl tidak meningkatkan kadar Cl dalam daun,<br />kecuali pada Oxisols. Pemberian bahan organik menurunkan kadar Cl<br />dalam daun pada Ultisols dan tanah Gambut.<br />Kata kunci: bahan organik, Elaeis guineensis, jenis tanah, klorida,<br />pertumbuhan</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) was growing rapidly in Indonesia<br />and fertilizers use increased. Initially KCl were calculated as K nutrient,<br />but it is known that Cl is also an essential micronutrients. The research<br />aimed at studying the Cl and organic matter application on growth and Cl<br />content in plants and roots of oil palm. The study was conducted in the<br />greenhouse of Soil Research Institute, Bogor, in 2011. Soil samples were<br />taken from Cinangneng, Bogor (Inceptisols), Cigudeg, Bogor (Oxisols),<br />Kentrong, Lebak (Ultisols) and South Sumatra (Peat). AVROS varieties of<br />oil palm seedlings used 3 months being planted in polybags and harvested<br />after 8 months. The experiment design used was split plot design, with<br />four soil types as main plot, and four sub plots e.i. (1) Control (-Cl), (2)<br />KCl, (3) NPK, and (4) KCl + organic matter. Every treatment repeated<br />four times. Parameters observed are plant height, stem diameter, plant and<br />root dry weight and Cl analysis in soil, leaves, and roots. The result<br />showed that Cl application decreasing oil palm growth in Oxisols. Organic<br />matter application siqnificant increase of oil palm growth on the fourth<br />soil. The application of Cl nutrient did not increase the dry weight of plant<br />in Inceptisols, Oxisols, and Peat soil, but increased the dry weight of plants<br />on Ultisols. The application of Cl did not increase root dry weight in the<br />four soils, but increased Cl content in the roots in the four soil. While the<br />application of Cl did not increase of Cl content in leaves, except in<br />Oxisols. Organic matter application can reduce the content of Cl in the<br />leaves on the Ultisols and Peat soil.<br />Key words: organic matter, Elaeis guineensis, soil type, chloride, growth</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Ingrid Ovie Yosephine ◽  
Sakiah Sakiah ◽  
Erpands Abdi Lestari Siahaan

<p>Vegetative growth response of palm oil DxP Dumpy variety using biochar rice husks, oil palm shells, corncobs and coconut shells in the Main Nursery, aims to determine the effect of the administration of several types of biochar on increasing C-organic and N-total in ultisol in the main nursery of oil palm plants. This research has been carried out at the Agricultural Agribusiness College of Agriculture Practices (STIPAP) Medan and soil analysis was carried out at the Asian Agri Laboratory, starting in March-August 2019. The method used was Randomized Group Design (RBD) non factorial with 3 replications, while the treatment factors used were B0 (NPK Compound), B1 Biochar Rice Husk (50 g/polybag), B2 Biochar Palm Oil Shell (50 g/polybag), B3 Biochar Corn Cobs (50 g/polybag), B4 Coconut Shell Biochar (50 g/polybag). The parameters observed were plant height (cm), girth (cm), number of leaves (strands), root wet weight (gr), root dry weight (gr) and pH, C-organik, and N-total soil. The results showed that the biochar treatment of rice husks, palm shells, corncobs and coconut shells had no significant effect on the observed parameters such as plant height, girth, number of leaves (strand, wet weight of roots and root dry weight, pH and N-total soil, but have a very significant effect on the increase in C-organic soil.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-134 ◽  
Ruy Guilherme Correia ◽  
Antonio Cesar Silva Lima ◽  
Antonio Carlos Centeno Cordeiro ◽  
Francisco Clemilto Da Silva Maciel ◽  
Walmer Bruno Rocha Martins ◽  

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a flutuação populacional de Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) em plantios de Elaeis guineensis Jacq, em ecossistemas de savana e floresta no estado de Roraima. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida durante o período de janeiro de 2011 a fevereiro de 2012 nos campos experimentais da Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo e Caroebe, numa área de 2 hectares com a cultura da Palma de Óleo, em cada campo. Foram distribuídas armadilhas iscadas com roletes de cana-de-açúcar e feromônio de agregação para captura dos insetos no entorno dos plantios. Ocorreu flutuação de R. palmarum com picos populacionais nos meses de julho e agosto no ecossistema de savana e de abril a setembro no ambiente de floresta. A população de R. palmarum foi menor em meses de baixa precipitação pluviométrica nos dois ambientes avaliados com a Palma de Óleo em RoraimaPopulation Fluctuation of Rhynchophorus  palmarum  L.  (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Plantations of Oil Palm in RoraimaAbstract. This research aimed to evaluate the population fluctuation Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Elaeis guineensis Jacq plantations in forest and savanna ecosystems in the state of Roraima. The research was conducted during the period from January 2011 to February 2012 in the experimental field of Embrapa Roraima: Monte Cristo and Caroebe in an area of 2 hectares with culture Oil Palm in each field. Traps baited with rollers cane sugar and aggregation pheromone for capturing insects in the vicinity of the plantations were distributed. Fluctuation occurred R. palmarum with population peaks in the months of July and August in the savanna ecosystem and from April to September in the forest environment. The population of R. palmarum was lower in months of low rainfall in the two environments assessed with a palm-oil-in Roraima.

Ihwan Rahmadi

Palm oil palm is one of the solid waste produced by oil palm plantations every harvest. Chemical analysis of palm oil palm oil pellets showed that there are components of cellulose, hemiscellulose, and lignin that show that palm oil pellets have the opportunity to be further processed into useful and economically valuable products. Palm waste contains cellulose by 34.89%, hemiscellulose by 27.14%, and lignin by 19.87%. The analysis conducted on raw materials includes the analysis of water content and cellulose levels of palm oil palm oil. 46.6% and cellulose levels of 29.2%. In this study quantitative analysis was conducted in the form of cellulose conversion and oxalic acid yield. The largest cellulose conversion was obtained at the use of 70% nitric acid concentration and 80 minutes reaction time of 58.56%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Simone Almeida Pena ◽  
Ana Cristina Mendes-Oliveira

Abstract: In this study we described the diet of Hylaeamys megacephalus (G. Fisher, 1814) and investigated the degree of individual variation in the diet of this species among the Amazon Forest and the oil palm plantation. We analyzed the stomach contents of 36 individuals, of whom 11 were collected in the forest and 25 captured in the palm oil palm plantation. The H. megacephalus diet consisted of 18 food items, of which 12 were animal composition and eight were vegetable composition. The niche amplitude of the species was narrower in the forest area (Baforest = 0.013) compared to the palm tree plantation area (Bapalm = 0.478). This shows that individuals have greater niche overlap in forest areas, while in the plantation areas the animals expand their food niche. In addition, the values of the mean of the individual diet in relation to the diet of the entire population were lower in the palm oil palm plantation environment (ISpalm = 0.164) than in the Forest environment (ISforest = 0.357), indicating a high specialization in the palm oil plantation. These results indicate a population mechanism to reduce intraspecific competition in response to scarce resources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 296-301 ◽  
Benoit Constant Likeng-Li-Ngue ◽  
Godswill Ntsomboh-Ntsefong ◽  
Georges Frank Ngando-Ebongue ◽  
Hermine Ngalle-Bille ◽  
Achille Nyouma ◽  

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