scholarly journals Looking at practices – Can we discover something new by looking at practices? Practice theory and the history of education

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 183-207 ◽  
Sabine Reh

In dealing with the material side of educational institutions, and cultures of education and learning, research on the history of education offers new perspectives and research questions. Familiar sources are thus read anew or re-interpreted; new sources are tapped and even familiar categories and forms of thought are subjected to historical interrogation . A practice-theoretical perspective is concerned with linking the reconstruction and analysis of the development and evolution of “pedagogical practices” and technologies. This includes their material conditions, as well as trans-formations of knowledge about growing up in a society, transformations of “pedagogical” types of thought and patterns of reflection, and the emergence of relevant institutions and organiza-tions. In this context, no aspect is regarded as a linear consequence of another, neither are they treated as independent from each other. Yet the question remains open: What exactly does prac-tice-theoretically oriented or practice-based research on the history of education actually do? And how can a perspective on practices reveal something new in the history of education? DOI:

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 27
Thaís De Melo

Este artigo apresenta alguns resultados da trajetória de pesquisa sobre a presença do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro (IHGB) na Educação . Dentre os aspectos abordados estão as contribuições do instituto para a construção de conhecimentos sobre a História da Educação no Brasil; as relações dos sócios do instituto com instituições de ensino e órgãos administrativos da educação; e os projetos de criação de cursos da Academia de Altos Estudos.  Nesse sentido, propomos considerar o IHGB como um lugar de poder atuante nos conflitos políticos relativos ao campo educacional e como instância produtora de políticas e projetos educacionais no início do século XX. Como fontes para essas questões foram utilizadas publicações e atas da Revista do IHGB, bem como documentos de arquivos de instituições relacionadas e periódicos existentes durante o recorte.* * *This article presents some results of the research trajectory on the teaching of the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGB) in education. Among the addressed projects are the Institute's contributions to the construction of knowledge about the history of education in Brazil; the relations of the members of the Institute with educational institutions and administrative organs of education and the projects of creation of courses and the Academy of High Studies. In this sense, we propose to consider the IHGB as a place of power that is active in political conflicts related to the educational field, and as a producer of policies and educational projects in the early twentieth century. As sources for these issues, publications and minutes of the IHGB Review were used as well as archives of related and periodical institutions existing during the period. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 375
Deise Margô Müller ◽  
Luciane Sgarbi S. Grazziotin

Este estudo tem viés historiográfico e o objeto de análise é a Fundação Escola Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha localizada no município de Novo Hamburgo/RS. Tem o objetivo de explicitar as escolhas metodológicas que viabilizam a produção historiográfica vinculada à temática da História das Instituições de Ensino. Ao se investigar a gênese do processo de implantação de uma escola técnica, em determinado tempo e lugar, foi possível compreender a construção de um discurso de excelência de ensino em tal instituição e o envolvimento desse discurso com as políticas públicas de educação vigentes no período estudado, articuladas às características regionais do espaço geográfico em que a escola está localizada.Palavras chave: Metodologia de Pesquisa. Ensino Técnico Profissionalizante. História da Educação. História das Instituições de Ensino.Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha Technical School: from the physical construction to the constitution of a myth of excellence (1957-1967)ABSTRACTThis historiographical study relates to the History of Educational Institutions, and its object of analysis is the Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha Technical School, located in the city of Novo Hamburgo/RS. It aims at revealing the methodological choices that enable historiographical production in past times. Investigating the genesis of the process of implantation of a technical school, in a certain time and place, enabled understanding about the construction of a discourse of educational excellence in this institution, as well as the involvement of this discourse with educational public policies in effect in the period studied, articulated to the regional characteristics of the geographic space in which the school is located.Keywords: Research Methodology. Technical Professional Secondary Education. History of Education. History of Educational Institutions.Fundación Escuela Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha:  de la construcción física hasta la constitución de un mito de excelencia (1957 - 1967)RESUMENEste estudio tiene un carácter historiográfico y el objeto del análisis es la Fundación Escuela Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha, situada en la ciudad de Novo Hamburgo/RS. Tiene el objetivo de explicitar las opciones metodológicas que hacen posible la producción historiográfica vinculada a la temática de la Historia de las Instituciones de Educación. Investigando el origen del proceso de implantación de una escuela técnica, en determinado tiempo y lugar, fue posible entender la construcción de un discurso de excelencia de enseñanza en tal institución y el envolvimiento de ese discurso con las políticas públicas de educación vigentes en el período estudiado, articuladas a las características regionales del espacio geográfico donde se localiza la escuela.Palabras clave: Metodología de investigación. Enseñanza técnica profesional. Historia de la Educación. Historia de las Instituciones de Educación.

2020 ◽  

Education was the fuel for the communication and knowledge society of the Renaissance. This period saw increasing investments in educational institutions to meet the growing demand for literacy in the context of a religiously divided Europe with growing cities and emerging central governments. An essential resource for researchers, scholars, and students in history, literature, culture, and education, A Cultural History of Education in the Renaissance presents essays that examine the following key themes of the period: church, religion and morality; knowledge, media and communications; children and childhood; family, community and sociability; learners and learning; teachers and teaching; literacies; and life histories.

2017 ◽  
pp. 79-90
Iryna Serebrianska

The purpose of the article is to trace the path of national education from Kiev Rus to the Soviet Union. The task is to summarize the key events and key concepts in the history of the formation of education in Ukraine through the prism of language picture of the world of the Ukrainian people, as language reflects all problems of the nation at each historical stage of its development. Our study is relevant in terms of reformation of Ukrainian education and appropriate processes: the accession of Ukraine to the Bologna Process in 2005, implementation of the Law of Ukraine “On Higher Education” (2014), discussion of the draft of the new Law of Ukraine “On education”. The research is based on the analyses of the following texts: “Ukrainian Encyclopedia”, which presents the history of education in close connection with the general history of Ukraine, “History of Education in Ukraine” by S. Siropolko, “Ukrainian small encyclopedia”, ed. prof. J. Onatskyi, “Encyclopedia of History of Ukraine”. We have classified the language means of education representation into several thematic groups taking into account the time, geographical and political features of the country in each period. They include types of educational institutions of different levels, forms of authority and funding sources of educational institutions; education authorities; stages of education development; education regulations; cultural and educational organizations and their periodicals; student organizations and their periodicals.

Diana Mauer ◽  
Nínive Girardi

Resumo: No cenário atual da História da Educação, destaca-se a importância da pesquisa em acervos escolares como forma de estudo do passado das instituições educacionais. A partir disto, o presente trabalho, vinculado ao projeto de pesquisa “História das instituições educacionais e seus acervos escolares na cidade de Osório – RS”, dedica-se à análise da cultura escolar no município citado. Através de um mapeamento dos acervos de escolas públicas da cidade, determinou-se o objeto de estudo da fase inicial da pesquisa: a Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental General Osório. Salienta-se que esta instituição ainda não conta com nenhuma pesquisa que lhe desse destaque. Diante disso, este estudo destina-se, principalmente, à preservação e divulgação da memória escolar da escola. Além disso, busca-se realizar uma pesquisa documental em fontes escritas e iconográficas, extraídas da imprensa da cidade e do acervo da própria escola. Logo, durante a execução do projeto, organizou-se o acervo histórico da Escola General Osório, bem como a pesquisa em periódicos regionais. Neste artigo, contudo, abordaremos apenas o uso das fontes jornalísticas. Para tanto, fez-se necessária a formação de um referencial teórico-metodológico através da leitura de obras da área. Realizou-se pesquisa em seis periódicos diferentes e foram transcritas trezentas e sessenta (360) referentes à temática educacional em nível municipal, estadual e, até mesmo, nacional. Além de possibilitar a compreensão da história escolar osoriense, a pesquisa aqui apresentada ainda serve de catalisador para futuras pesquisas na área. Palavras-chave: História da Educação. Cultura escolar. Imprensa. THE PRESS IN HISTORICAL RESEARCH: AN APPROACH TO THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION Abstract: In the current scenario of the History of Education, the research in school collections becomes important as a way to study the past of educational institutions.  For this, the present work, linked to the research project “History of educational institutions and their school collections in the city of Osório – RS”, is dedicated to the analysis of school culture in the town. Through a mapping of collections of public schools in the city, it was determined the object of study of initial phase of the research: the State Elementary School General Osório.  It’s important to say that this institution doesn’t have a work about itself yet. Thus, this study aims mainly to the preservation and dissemination of school memory of that school. In addition, we seek to make a documentary research in written and iconographic sources, extracted from the press of the city and the school’s own library. Therefore, during the execution of the project, we organized the historical collection of the School General Osorio, as well as research regional journals. In this article, however, we will only cover the use of journalistic sources. For this it was necessary to form a theoretical and methodological framework, through reading the works area. We conducted research in six different journals and 360 educational news regarding the topic at local, statewide and even national were transcribed. In addition to enabling the understanding of the history of citizen education, the research presented here also serves as a catalyst for future research in the area. Keywords: History of Education. School culture. Press.

2019 ◽  
pp. 135-138
Andrzej Felchner

In Piotrków Trybunalski, in the academic year of 1984-1985, a 5-year Master’s Degree Studies in Pedagogics were launched. The school, over the 25-year span, has been significantly enlarged. At present, the Institute of Pedagogic Studies forms a part of the faculty of Social Sciences of the Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Sciences in Kielce. From the start, the history of learning, education and pedagogical thought have been taught. The current didactic and scientific activities in this subject are conducted by the Department of History and Theory of Education. The institution was successively directed by professors: Ryszard Wołoszyński, Teresa Wróblewska, Jerzy Kukulski and today by Andrzej Felchner. Additionally, in 2007, Piotrków Trybunalski Circle of the History of Education Society was established. It groups scholars from the Branch as well as the employees of other educational institutions from Piotrków Trybunalski.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-72
Jan Danek ◽  
B.K. Shaushekova ◽  
E.S. Ibrayeva ◽  

Article deals with the problem of interaction of the museum and school from the early ages. Authors give thoroughly full images of joint work of museums and schools in developed countries and analyze their experiences in conducting this way of cooperation. In the article there were listed the problems of interaction between the museum and the school and features of interaction at different historical stages. Authors describe the promising models of cooperation and the answers to question ‘How the problem of “museum and school” is solved abroad?’ Work of museums with students have been discussed in details, i.e. work with preschoolers and younger students, middle and high school students. Authors gave classification of museums of educational institutions: university museums, school museums, pedagogical museums. They have considered pedagogical museums in the period of origin and prosperity, the evolution of pedagogical museums, museums of the history of education and children's museums. Authors have analyzed the prospective of having museumschool partnership

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 2-26 ◽  
Marc Depaepe

Our approach is a historical, and not a theoretical or a philosophical one. But such an approach might be of help to understand the complexities and ambiguities of the pedagogical mentalities in the course of the twentieth century. As is usually the case in historical research the groundwork has to precede the formulation of hypotheses, let alone theories about the nature of pedagogical practices. Therefore, since the 1990s, “we” (as a team) have been busy studying the history of education in the former Belgian Congo. Of course since then we have not only closely monitored the theoretical and methodological developments in the field of colonial historiography, but have ourselves also contributed to that history. This article tries to give an overview of some of our analyses, concentrating on the question to what extend the Belgian offensive of colonial (i.e. mainly Catholic) missionary education, which was almost exclusively targeted at “paternalism”,  contributed to the development of personal life, individual autonomy and/or emancipation of the natives. From the rear-view mirror of history we are, among other things, zooming in on the crucial 1950s, during which decade thoughts first turned to the education of a (very limited) “elite”. The thesis we are using in this respect is that the “mental space” of colonialism was not of a nature as to have a very great widening of consciousness among the local population as its effect.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Angélica Pall Oriani

O artigo analisa as avaliações das escolas isoladas contidas nos Annuários do ensino do estado de São Paulo (1907-1937) e nos Relatórios das delegacias regionais de ensino (1933-1944) para compreender a representação dessas instituições de ensino ao longo das décadas iniciais do século XX. Esses documentos continham os resultados das inspeções de diretores e delegados de ensino a respeito da criação, da manutenção e da atuação dos professores das escolas isoladas. A função desses documentos é perscrutada como um procedimento adotado concomitantemente à construção do sistema de ensino modelar paulista nas primeiras décadas republicanas, com o que é possível identificá-los como legitimadores, propagadores e defensores de um modelo de escola vinculado aos grupos escolares do qual as escolas isoladas se afastavam em razão de suas condições precárias. Com isso, considera-se que nos processos de avaliação e de atribuição de sentidos às instituições de ensino primário, que evidenciavam as conquistas dos grupos escolares e a provisoriedade das escolas isoladas, propagou-se a imagem destas instituições como um constante "vir a ser".A permanently provisional or provisionally permanent school? Evaluations of isolated schools of São Paulo in official documents (1907-1944). The article analyzes the evaluations of isolated schools in the Annuários do ensino do estado de São Paulo (1907-1937) and in the Relatórios das delegacias regionais de ensino (1933-1944) to understand the representation of these educational institutions throughout the first decades of the 20th century. These documents contained the results of inspections developed by school superintendents regarding the creation, maintenance and performance of teachers in isolated schools. The function of these documents is analyzed as a procedure that occurred simultaneously with the construction of the modeling teaching system of São Paulo in the first republican decades, which identify them as legitimators and advocates of a school model linked to the school groups from which isolated schools were far from due to their conditions. Therefore, it is considered that in the processes of evaluation and attribution of senses to primary education institutions, which evidenced the achievements of the school groups and the provision of isolated schools, the image of these institutions was propagated as a constant "become". Keywords: Isolated schools; São Paulo education; School groups; History of education.

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