Digital Technology: the Answer to the Art Historical Conundrum of A ccessibility?

Abigail Berry

The famous anthropologist Pierre Bourdieu argued that there is an “unnatural idea of inborn culture, of a gift of culture, bestowed on certain people by Nature.” [1] Bourdieu is arguing that people, who have not been born into a higher class, or who cannot receive a high level of education, are unable to appreciate and understand art. The study of art history is expensive, and often involves extremely high travel costs, thus making it inaccessible to anybody who does not enjoy the means to pursue it. How can we address this accessibility problem in the study of art history? Is there any way to bring art to the people who do not possess “inborn culture?” Bourdieu wrote his book on art and class in 1984, at a time when the computer, and its democratizing potential, was a new and little -understood invention. My research proposes that modern technology provides an answer to this problem, which has plagued the discipline of art history. This presentation will examine three research projects that I’ve been working on at Queen’s. Each project uses digital technologies to improve the general public’s knowledge and access to art. The projects are all different: the first focuses on creating a digital model of 18th - century Canterbury Cathedral based on a book from W.D. Jordan Rare Books and Special Collections, the second project works on understanding Herstmonceux Castle and medieval England through technology, and the third involves image processing for art historical investigations. Despite their differences, each project makes art accessible to people who do not possess Bourdieu’s definition of “inborn culture.”        

Andrea Renda

This chapter assesses Europe’s efforts in developing a full-fledged strategy on the human and ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI). The strong focus on ethics in the European Union’s AI strategy should be seen in the context of an overall strategy that aims at protecting citizens and civil society from abuses of digital technology but also as part of a competitiveness-oriented strategy aimed at raising the standards for access to Europe’s wealthy Single Market. In this context, one of the most peculiar steps in the European Union’s strategy was the creation of an independent High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG), accompanied by the launch of an AI Alliance, which quickly attracted several hundred participants. The AI HLEG, a multistakeholder group including fifty-two experts, was tasked with the definition of Ethics Guidelines as well as with the formulation of “Policy and Investment Recommendations.” With the advice of the AI HLEG, the European Commission put forward ethical guidelines for Trustworthy AI—which are now paving the way for a comprehensive, risk-based policy framework.

Research and development advancements in the area of Vehicle Door Security using Smart Tag and Fingerprint System. Fingerprint biometric is one of the popular, ubiquitous, reliable, economical and efficient biometric technologies. Due to its versatility, fingerprint biometric is applicable. Fingerprint is popular because of its universality, uniqueness, permanence, acceptability, performance [1]. The Arduino as a controller between RFID Sensor, Fingerprint Sensor, Buzzer, LCD, LED and Relay. This research implemented for security purpose to protect the safety of vehicle from vehicle theft or burglary. It is very useful and important for alert the people who have vehicle to protect it from theft. This is a very important system to be implemented at the main door of vehicle. The system started to work when the user access either than one system fingerprint or smart tag to lock and unlock the door. The fingerprint system only user can access their fingerprint whereas the smart tag system can access by user or user’s intimate relative when they borrow the vehicle for emergency. The vehicle door cannot be opened when unmatched fingerprint is access or incorrect smart tag is access. Once the incorrect smart tag is access by unauthorized person, the buzzer will be activated and produce a high level of alarm sound to alert the user. The Arduino Uno microcontroller is controlled by the entire system of the project. Hence, it is easy to implement and available to use because it has a simple function, so this system can be enhancing with modern technology so it can be applying into vehicle part for secure the vehicle

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Bernadeta Bernadeta Apriastuti Kuswarini Wardaninggar

Tulisan ini bertujuan menjelaskan sejumlah data arkeologi, tradisi dan lingkungan okupasi manusia di Kabupaten Luwu. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan survei dan ekskavasi. Survei menjaring sejumlah data yang ditemukan di permukaan dengan menitikberatkan pada aspek bentuk dan jenis artefaktual (seperti gerabah, artefak batu, atau monumen megalitik). Dalam pelaksanaannya ditemukan empat situs terkonsentrasi di atas bukit, yaitu Bukit Lebani, Bukit Cakke Awo, Bukit Malela, dan Bukit Lebani. Kegiatan ekskavasi dilakukan di Bukit Lebani yang memiliki tingkat variabilitas cukup tinggi dibanding situs-situs yang lainnya. Hasil identifikasi temuan pada situs Bukit Lebani, terdapat tiga jenistemuan yakni, batu berlubang, fragmen gerabah, dan lumpang batu. Batu berlubang ditemukan tersebar dan hampir merata di daerah-daerah datar di puncak bukit, digunakan sebagai tempat penampungan air untuk kebutuhan pemukim di atas bukit. Periode pertama dihuni oleh sekelompok manusia yang dipimpin oleh “kepala suku” bernama Pong Diwero sebelum abad ke-18 M. Pada periode berikutnya, yaitu awal abad ke-19 pemukiman terkonsentrasi di daerah lereng-lereng bukit. Pada periode ini puncak Bukit Lebani tetap menjadi sentrum bagi terlaksananya acara ritual/upacara oleh manusia pendukungnya. Data etnografi menjelaskan bahwa masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitarnya melakukan ritual di atas puncak Bukit Lebani setiap selesai musim panen. The aim of this paper is to explain a number of archeological data, traditions and human occupational environments in Luwu Regency. The data collection methods consist of survey and excavation. The surveys carried out indicate a number of surface data, focusing on the shape and type aspects of artifacts (such as pottery, stone artefacts, or megalithic monuments). In the implementation we find four sites concentrated on the hill, named Bukit Lebani, Bukit Cakke Awo, Bukit Malela, and Bukit Balubu. Excavations are carried out at Bukit Lebani which has a high level of artifact variability compared to the other sites. The results of the artifacts identification of Bukit Lebani site have determined three types of artifacts known as hollow stones, pottery fragments, and stone mortars. Hollow stone is found scattered and almost distributed evenly in flat areas on the hilltop, used as a water reservoir for the needs of settlers on the hill. According to local oral tradition, Bukit Lebani is inhabited by a group of people led by a "tribal chief" named Pong Diwero before the 18th century. In the following century, settlements are concentrated on hillsides. In this period, the peak of Bukit Lebani remains as a center for the implementation of rituals / ceremonies. Ethnographic data explain that the people who live around the sites perform rituals at the top of Bukit Lebani after harvest season is through.

2020 ◽  
Х.А. Зейналов

Цель настоящей статьи – исследование азербайджанских мотивов в творчестве известного русского живописца, народного художника РСФСР Федора Модорова. В середине 20-х гг. прошлого века Модоров, побывав в Азербайджане, создал ряд работ, посвященных нефтяной индустрии республики, а также истории и культуре азербайджанского народа. Несмотря на то, что от момента создания этих полотен прошел почти век, они до сих пор не были предметом отдельных изысканий. Автор попытался восполнить этот пробел – им осуществлена классификация относящихся к данной теме произведений художника, проведен их краткий искусствоведческий анализ и впервые дана оценка в художественном и историческом аспектах. В ходе исследования также было отмечено, что в наше время, когда культурные связи между Азербайджаном и Россией вступили в новую фазу, освещение их истории приобретает особое значение, позволяя народам обеих стран глубже узнать и оценить общее историко-художественное наследие. The aim of the article is an art history analysis of the works on the theme of Azerbaijan by the outstanding Russian painter, people’s artist of the RSFSR Fedor Alexandrovich Modorov (1890–1967). This analysis involves the establishment and refinement of the history of these works’ creation, the classification and definition of their historical and artistic significance. In the study, the author used the historical-comparative method to analyze Modorov’s works and compare them with works of other Russian artists. The research materials were Modorov’s paintings, as well as historical, biographical, and art studies by Soviet, Russian, and Azerbaijani researchers. The problem is characterized by an extremely poor degree of elaboration: on its own, the theme of Azerbaijan was not even distinguished by researchers who studied the artist’s works. Meanwhile, over the years of his creative business trip to Azerbaijan at the initiative of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia in the 1920s–1930s, Modorov painted about 20 paintings and watercolors directly related to Azerbaijani themes. During the study, most of the artist’s works on the theme of Azerbaijan were examined, their historical and artistic significance was determined and substantiated, features associated with national specifics were identified and shown. The history of some paintings is clarified, the works are systematized by genre and theme. Modorov’s works are compared with other artists’ paintings on the topic. Modorov’s Azerbaijani series is divided into four groups according to the thematic principle: historical and revolutionary theme; industrial landscape; city landscape; national theme. Common features were revealed in the ideological, aesthetic, and artistic solutions of the paintings: they all show industrial achievements, development of public life and activities; convey the rich national color and character, everyday characteristics of the people; reflect the panorama of Baku and its historical and architectural monuments. The artistic and historical significance of these works is emphasized, despite the fact that about a hundred years have passed since their creation. It is noted that, at present, when the cultural ties between Azerbaijan and Russia have entered a new phase, coverage of the history of mutual cultural ties is of particular importance as it allows the peoples of both countries to more deeply learn and appreciate the common historical and artistic heritage.

2021 ◽  
pp. 112-120
Zh.Zh. Esenamanova ◽  

Researched is the meaning of the notion of “civil identity”, widespread in modern sociology. Civic identity is a person’s belonging to a certain civil community of any known country. A civil identity is a person’s definition of his civil status as his own status, in other words, a close connection between the understanding that I am a citizen of a country. Civic identity is a perception of oneself as a representative of the people of Kyrgyzstan, and a high level of civic identity is a condition for the unity of society. The formation of a civic identity is very important in the context of Kyrgyzstan. In connection with the peculiarities of historical development, Kyrgyzstan was faced with a situation of “symmetrical dichotomy”, because it was necessary to simultaneously build an ethno-national state and a civil nation. It is clear that the requirements of globalization and civilization require the need to build a civil nation, but the formation of a civil nation without the creation of an ethno-national state is very difficult. The article presents the results of the analysis of the sociological survey “Problems of civic identity in the Kyrgyz Republic (sociological survey)” conducted in 2017 in all regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as in Bishkek and Osh, in which 1301 respondents took part. In conclusion, it should be noted that the formation of a civil identity and the strengthening of its role in the state should be used not only as a factor in the consolidation of the population as a whole, but also as a mechanism for the formation and unification of ethnic, religious, civil and national identity in our multinational state.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 166-182
Iryna Tsiborovska-Rymarovych

The article has as its object the elucidation of the history of the Vyshnivetsky Castle Library, definition of the content of its fund, its historical and cultural significance, correlation of the founder of the Library Mychailo Servaty Vyshnivetsky with the Book.The Vyshnivetsky Castle Library was formed in the Ukrainian historical region of Volyn’, in the Vyshnivets town – “family nest” of the old Ukrainian noble family of the Vyshnivetskies under the “Korybut” coat of arm. The founder of the Library was Prince Mychailo Servaty Vyshnivetsky (1680–1744) – Grand Hetman and Grand Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Vilno Voievoda. He was a politician, an erudite and great bibliophile. In the 30th–40th of the 18th century the main Prince’s residence Vyshnivets became an important centre of magnate’s culture in Rich Pospolyta. M. S. Vyshnivetsky’s contemporaries from the noble class and clergy knew quite well about his library and really appreciated it. According to historical documents 5 periods are defined in the Library’s history. In the historical sources the first place is occupied by old-printed books of Library collection and 7 Library manuscript catalogues dating from 1745 up to the 1835 which give information about quantity and topical structures of Library collection.The Library is a historical and cultural symbol of the Enlightenment epoch. The Enlightenment and those particular concepts and cultural images pertaining to that epoch had their effect on the formation of Library’s fund. Its main features are as follow: comprehensive nature of the stock, predominance of French eighteenth century editions, presence of academic books and editions on orientalistics as well as works of the ideologues of the Enlightenment and new kinds of literature, which generated as a result of this movement – encyclopaedias, encyclopaedian dictionaries, almanacs, etc. Besides the universal nature of its stock books on history, social and political thought, fiction were dominating.The reconstruction of the history of Vyshnivetsky’s Library, the historical analysis of the provenances in its editions give us better understanding of the personality of its owners and in some cases their philanthropic activities, and a better ability to identify the role of this Library in the culture life of society in a certain epoch.

Janusz Adam Frykowski

SUMMARYNon-city starosty of Tyszowce was located in the province of Belz and received the status of royal land in 1462. Its territory included the town of Tyszowce and villages: Mikulin, Perespa, Klatwy and Przewale. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the starosty suffered from a significant increase of various negative phenomena. The crown lands had bitterly tasted devastating fires, epidemics, contributions, requisitions, robberies and field devastations. All these disasters were caused mainly by war and military activities. Marches of soldiers and quartering of troops greatly contributed to the situation and were usually associated with the need of maintaining the soldiers. The requisitions of food, alcohol, cattle, horses and poultry were particularly burdensome for the people. The greatest economic devastation as regards the resources of the starosty and its people was caused by monetary contributions, usually several times higher than the financial capacity of the town and its inhabitants. This work focuses on damages to the starosty caused by the royal cavalry. According to the literature, it is clear that the behavior of the troops in Tyszowce Starosty was not different from the behavior of soldiers in other areas of Poland. It must be admitted that the reprehensible behavior of the army was influenced by many conditions, from the recruitment of people from backgrounds often involving conflict with law, as well as foreigners, to the accommodation system under which the soldiers were forced to supply themselves “on their own.”

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 1186-1204
A.V. Fedorov ◽  
Zh.S. Peredera

Subject. The article reviews distinctions of M&A deals in innovation and technology. Objectives. We determine the specifics of innovative and technological companies and its impact on the synergy, process, finance, valuation of M&A deals. Methods. The article employs methods of generalization, comprehensive analysis, systematization, specification, comparison, study into trends and the structure. Graphics and tables are used to display the findings. Results. We conducted the content analysis of the term Mergers & Acquisitions, thus finding the divergence of foreign and the Russian approaches. We provide our own definition of the concept and analyzed the dynamics of the overall M&A market and the innovation and technological sector. The article describes operational distinctions of innovative and technological companies and compares them with conventional sectors. The article determined the specifics of synergy, process, finance, valuation of M&A deals in innovation and technology. Conclusions and Relevance. The innovation and technology sector saw M&A deals become more frequent for the recent five years. What distinguishes them is the number of startups and infant businesses, large M&A deals in order to develop their ecosystems, involve digital technology companies. Traditional approaches should be adapted for structuring M&A deals, their arrangement, financing and valuation of target companies. The findings can lay the groundwork for further studies into the specifics of the innovation and technology sector, M&A deals, and set up the methodological framework for the valuation of innovative and technological companies. The findings can also immediately support parties of M&A deals from theoretical perspectives.

Think India ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Tushar Kadian

Actually, basic needs postulates securing of the elementary conditions of existence to every human being. Despite of the practical and theoretical importance of the subject the greatest irony is non- availability of any universal preliminary definition of the concept of basic needs. Moreover, this becomes the reason for unpredictability of various political programmes aiming at providing basic needs to the people. The shift is necessary for development of this or any other conception. No labour reforms could be made in history till labours were treated as objects. Its only after they were started being treating as subjects, labour unions were allowed to represent themselves in strategy formulations that labour reforms could become a reality. The present research paper highlights the basic needs of Human Rights in life.

1989 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-328
Salahudeen Yusuf

The history of Islam in part of what is known today as Nigeria datesto about the loth Century. Christianity dates to the late 18th Century. Bythe middle of the 19th Century, when Nigerian newspapers began to appearon the streets of Nigeria, both religions had won so many followers and extendedto so many places in Nigeria that very few areas were untouched bytheir influence. The impact of both religions on their adherents not only determinedtheir spiritual life, but influenced their social and political lives aswell. It therefore became inevitable that both religions receive coverage frommost of the newspapers of the time. How the newspapers as media of informationand communication reported issues about the two religions is thetheme of this paper.Rationale for the StudyThe purpose of this study is to highlight the context in which such earlynewspapers operated and the factors that dictated their performance. Thisis because it is assumed that when a society faces external threat to its territory,culture, and independence, all hands (the press inclusive) ought tobe on deck to resist the threat with all might. Were newspapers used as verbalartillery and how did they present each religion? It is also assumed thatin a multireligious society a true press should be objective and serve as avanguard in the promotion of the interest of the people in general and notcreate or foster an atmosphere of religious conflict. The study also aims atfinding out whether the papers promoted intellectual honesty and fosteredthe spirit of unity particularly when the society was faced with the encroachmentof the British who posed a threat to their freedom, culture, economy ...

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