This Article will explore, how embodying an interpretation of the South African concept of Ubuntu, through apraxisviamyconceptofthePhysicalJournal,canbecomeanantidote to the alienating effects of the Anthropocene. The current effects of the Anthropocene, areunderpinned by the ideology of liberal capitalism; which has been accelerating itseconomic indifference to the Eco-scene since the enlightenment. This much heraldedperiod in the 18th century, saw people with my Yoruba cultural heritage, as commodities to be bought andsold.Thus,Iwould havebeenseen,atthetimeof theenlightenment,asaresourcetobe exploited along with the environment and livestock. As a consumable resource, Iwould not have been considered as having any rights to the lofty claims proposed by the enlightenment philosophers of equality and more specifically: life, liberty, and property.