scholarly journals Opportunities and Risks of Using E-Books by the Libraries: Foreign Experience

S. Polanka

There is given the description of the advantages and disadvantages of using electronic books in the libraries of the United States.

Vladimir Unterov ◽  
Elizaveta Eremeeva

Статья посвящена изучению зарубежного опыта подготовки кадров для пенитенциарных систем. Его анализ и рассмотрение возможности внедрения отдельных элементов направлены на совершенствование системы подготовки сотрудников для уголовно-исполнительной системы России, повышение их профессионального уровня, что в конечном счете будет способствовать достижению главной цели УИС - исправлению осужденных. Авторы особое внимание уделяют изучению специально-профессиональных и личностных качеств, необходимых сотрудникам пенитенциарных учреждений. В статье рассматриваются особенности подготовки сотрудников пенитенциарной системы в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Важнейшей задачей образовательных учреждений и центров по подготовке кадров для пенитенциарной системы США является обеспечение будущих сотрудников знаниями, необходимыми для выполнения профессиональных обязанностей в рамках предстоящей деятельности. Также авторы подчеркивают важность развития при подготовке будущих сотрудников не только профессиональных, но и личностных качеств.The article is devoted to the study of foreign experience in order to improve the training system for the Russian penal correction system. In particular, the training of prison officials in the United States of America is considered as one of the most developed States in the modern world. The improvement of the training process for the Russian penal correction system implies the development of international cooperation with the prison systems of foreign countries. The study of foreign experience of penitentiary education contributes to the improvement of the professional level of the staff of the Penal Correction Service and, ultimately, to the achievement of the main goal - correction of convicts. The authors pay particular attention to the study of specific professional and personal qualities required by potential prison staff. Since there have been significant positive changes in the formation of professional qualities of the future employee of the Russian penal correction system over the past decade, the main focus of the work is on the formation of personal (universal) qualities of the employee of the Federal Penal Correction Service of the Russian Federation, for which the positive experience of the United States is analyzed.

Darya Sergeevna Kareva ◽  
Sevinj Mahmud kyzy Ismailova ◽  
Elena Evgenievna Dozhdva ◽  

The article substantiates the need to reform cameral tax control in Russia based on the experience of the United States. The necessity of introducing into the procedure of cameral control the mechanism of requesting all documents confirming the correct determination of tax obligations is determined. The aim of improving the process of desk audits of control is that the new procedure for conducting audits will reduce the likelihood of tax violations.

1981 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 484-486 ◽  
Sandra Fisman ◽  
Lynne Ginsburg

The development of part-time training in the United States and Canada is described. The flexibility required for young women physicians who attempt to combine childbearing and career development, together with the increasing number of women entering medicine, underlines the importance of part-time training schedules. A variety of flexible training options have been defined and a set of guidelines has been produced by the Canadian Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The experiences of part-time psychiatry residents at Queen's University, Kingston is presented. Thus far this has involved a total of six residents over a four year period, including the authors of this paper. The advantages and disadvantages, viewed from both the resident and system viewpoint, are discussed.

John Hartranft ◽  
Bruce Thompson ◽  
Dan Groghan

Following the successful development of aircraft jet engines during World War II (WWII), the United States Navy began exploring the advantages of gas turbine engines for ship and boat propulsion. Early development soon focused on aircraft derivative (aero derivative) gas turbines for use in the United States Navy (USN) Fleet rather than engines developed specifically for marine and industrial applications due to poor results from a few of the early marine and industrial developments. Some of the new commercial jet engine powered aircraft that had emerged at the time were the Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8. It was from these early aircraft engine successes (both commercial and military) that engine cores such as the JT4-FT4 and others became available for USN ship and boat programs. The task of adapting the jet engine to the marine environment turned out to be a substantial task because USN ships were operated in a completely different environment than that of aircraft which caused different forms of turbine corrosion than that seen in aircraft jet engines. Furthermore, shipboard engines were expected to perform tens of thousands of hours before overhaul compared with a few thousand hours mean time between overhaul usually experienced in aircraft applications. To address the concerns of shipboard applications, standards were created for marine gas turbine shipboard qualification and installation. One of those standards was the development of a USN Standard Day for gas turbines. This paper addresses the topic of a Navy Standard Day as it relates to the introduction of marine gas turbines into the United States Navy Fleet and why it differs from other rating approaches. Lastly, this paper will address examples of issues encountered with early requirements and whether current requirements for the Navy Standard Day should be changed. Concerning other rating approaches, the paper will also address the issue of using an International Organization for Standardization, that is, an International Standard Day. It is important to address an ISO STD DAY because many original equipment manufacturers and commercial operators prefer to rate their aero derivative gas turbines based on an ISO STD DAY with no losses. The argument is that the ISO approach fully utilizes the power capability of the engine. This paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the ISO STD DAY approach and how the USN STD DAY approach has benefitted the USN. For the future, with the advance of engine controllers and electronics, utilizing some of the features of an ISO STD DAY approach may be possible while maintaining the advantages of the USN STD DAY.

World Science ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (11(51)) ◽  
pp. 37-40
Tsitsino Bukia ◽  
Nana Parinos

A war correspondent has no border, no gender, no religion or race. The only thing a war reporter has - the skills of delivering truth, reflection of the reality in the way it is.The soviet space was absolutely closed to journalism and combat women journalists’ involvement in wars. The field almost consisted of males. Consequently, it seems impossible to analyze and compare the technique of writing of American and SovietWomen. If America freely accepts women for being actively involved in covering war activities, the Soviets obviously refused to do so.The role of a war correspondent is much bigger than one can suppose. Being a war reporter is more than implementing their responsibilities. It goes deeper into the history. A professional combat reporter is a historian facing the history and keeping it for the next generation.The paper considers advantages and disadvantages of being a female combat correspondent in the Soviet space and the United States of America.The role of American and Soviet women reporters in covering WWII.

V.A. Shumaev ◽  
N.A. Divueva ◽  
N.A. Lukasheva

The article summarizes the experience of the United States, Germany and Asian countries in creating and organizing the development and functioning of innovative systems, technology transfer, building a high-tech industry, which is advisable to use in Russia.

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Mehmet Emre Bayraktar ◽  
Qingbin Cui ◽  
Makarand Hastak ◽  
Issam Minkarah

It is believed that warranty contracting would benefit state highway agencies by improving quality, saving money and time, and encouraging contractors' innovations. However, the challenges associated with warranties could be substantial, including higher costs, early failures, a reduction or even elimination of small contractors from the bidding process, and an increase in contract disputes and litigation. The actual impact of warranty provisions on state Department of Transportation (DOT) projects in the United States of America is still unclear because of limited industry experience. This paper provides a detailed discussion of warranty provisions and the benefits and problems associated with the subject matter. The advantages and disadvantages of warranty provisions are evaluated from the conflicting perspectives of state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), contractors, and surety companies. The future prospects of warranty provisions are established based on the findings of a recent study of warranty provisions and existing literature. Also, several options are proposed that have a strong potential to improve the application of warranties on DOT projects.Key words: warranties, highway construction, innovation, highway maintenance, contract administration, construction costs, construction inspection.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Deni Setiawan

Culture and the type of clothing cosplay, sustainably develop in some parts of theworld, such as in the United States, Japan, Australia, Paris, London, Italy, and not least inIndonesia. As well as the animation concept inherent in Japanese culture, cosplay clothingbervisual be, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as shifting ideas whendiadobsi by a particular country. It is inevitable, characteristics and character animation as areference cosplay clothing manufacture, changing its form, concept, and material when appliedin Indonesia. Cosplay Indonesia, for example, how this all adopt dialihmaterialkan business, aswell as experienced changes in search of ideas to show all the elements of Indonesia 's. Makingthe next cosplay outfit based on stories, fairy tales, novels, legends, and comics in Indonesia.This arrangement is not without reason and without creativity, but more depth can bediscussed as a form of acculturation between the ideas of Japanese and Indonesian culture,which is packed into a cosplay outfit. On the other arts areas, the concept of cosplay is oftenshown as a costume show. For example, in the theater, revue, or a play-play in an event thatfeatured performances on the stage space . The concept of clothing with a special place andtime, is a simple concept of cosplay. Visualize concepts ideas or writings on clothing image andmakeup, which is transformed into three- dimensional shapes. Cosplay should be viewed as adiscourse of culture and art, by adopting textual ideas, concepts imagination image, into formssuch a unique and beautiful. Key words : cosplay, cosplayer, aesthetic principles, various forms, and ideology. Budaya dan jenis pakaian cosplay, secara berkesinambungan berkembang di beberapabelahan dunia, seperti di Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Australia, Paris, London, Italia, dan tidakterkecuali di Indonesia. Seperti halnya dalam konsep animasi yang melekat pada budayaJepang, bervisual menjadi pakaian cosplay, tentunya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, sertamengalami pergeseran ide-ide manakala diadobsi oleh negara tertentu. Tidak dapat dipungkiri,ciri khas dan karakter animasi sebagai rujukan pembuatan pakaian cosplay, mengalami perubahan bentuk, konsep, dan material ketika diaplikasikan di Indonesia. Cosplay Indonesiamisalnya, bagaimana usaha adobsi ini dialihmaterialkan, serta mengalami perubahanperubahandalam pencarian ide-ide dengan menampilkan unsur-unsur ke-Indonesia-an.Pembuatan pakaian cosplay pada selanjutnya berdasarkan pada cerita, dongeng, novel,legenda, dan komik-komik di Indonesia. Penggubahan ini bukan tanpa alasan dan tanpakreativitas, tetapi lebih mendalam dapat dibahas sebagai bentuk akulturasi antara ide-idekebudayaan Jepang dan Indonesia, yang dikemas menjadi pakaian cosplay. Pada wilayahkesenian lain, konsep cosplay juga sering ditampilkan sebagai sebuah kostum pertunjukan.Misalnya pada pertunjukan teater, pertunjukan tari-tarian, atau sebuah lakon-lakon yangditampilkan dalam sebuah acara pertunjukan diatas ruang pentas. Konsep pakaian dengantempat dan waktu khusus, adalah konsep sederhana dari cosplay. Konsep-konsep yangmemvisualkan ide-ide gambar ataupun tulisan tentang pakaian dan tata rias, yangditransformasikan menjadi bentuk tiga dimensi. Cosplay seharusnya dipandang sebagaiwacana kebudayaan dan kesenian, dengan mengadobsi ide-ide tekstual, konsep imajinasigambar, menjadi bentuk-bentuk rupa yang unik dan indah. Kata-kata kunci: cosplay, cosplayer, prinsip estetika, ragam bentuk, dan ideologi.

Soil moisture content early growing season is determinant for crop season planning mainly a decision on planting date. In the region where off season or early season precipitation does not much the conditions for seed germination and plant growth/ development, preplant irrigation is applied to meet these conditions. Also, under limited water availability or low system capacity to meet crop water requirement at peak evapotranspiration, preplant irrigation could be applied to store water within the crop root zone. However, its efficiency or effectiveness depends on the soil type and soil water storage efficiency. This review explored the advantages and disadvantages of the practice and its impact on crop yield and water productivity using summaries of different researches conducted mostly in the United States and other regions. The consideration of applying preplant irrigation should be examined regarding soil type, crop management practices, tillage and residue management, irrigation technique, actual precipitation pattern and forecast, crop choice to optimize the preplant irrigation practice for system sustainability.

Natalia Novak ◽  
Svetlana Koval ◽  
Elena Krukovskaya

The subject of the research is the processes and systems of taxation of agricultural enterprises, their components and principles; types and amounts of taxes in Ukraine and abroad; trends of development and possible directions of improvement. The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of taxation of agricultural enterprises, its principles, advantages and disadvantages for the purpose of further improvement, including on the bases of studying and taking into account foreign experience. The methodological basis of the article became general scientific methods of cognition, - system-structural analysis and synthesis, dialectical, historical, abstraction. Also, these methods are generalization, grouping, comparison, absolute and relative values, other methods of research. Results of work.It is determined that the systems, mechanisms and processes of taxation of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine are in development. They require significant improvement to optimize their inherent functions. In fact, the fiscal function is traditionally prevailing in terms of distribution and regulatory factors. For this purpose, the main types of taxes and their volumes were characterized, changes in the Tax Code were assessed, the main principles, tasks and necessary structural changes in the taxation system were determined. The experience of subsidizing, insurance and taxation of agribusiness in the United States and European countries has also been studied and summarized in detail. The forms and mechanisms of tax support for small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises are especially valuable for the domestic theory and practice. The field of application of results. The results of the research can be used in the theory and practice of accounting and taxation of agrarian enterprises, management of their financial results, development of development strategies for the future, justification of the state agrarian and tax, regulatory and regional policies, with the support of the development of rural areas and local communities. Conclusions. The taxation systems of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine have certain features in terms of the components, size and principles of collection. They often change in order to improve, but the main function is fiscal. Therefore, the study and, if possible, the introduction of advanced world experience in stimulating, insurance and taxation of agricultural production, with a view to optimizing it in the long term, is of great importance.

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