scholarly journals Albanian Universities and e - Learning

Luan Bekteshi

Today’s society is undergoing great transformations in every sector. One of the most important transformations of the social life is the making of technology and internet available to masses. The technology and internet have also visibly transformed the education sector. The society is facing continuous challenges related to the competition, globalisation and the demand from the job market for qualified employees. These challenges go by side by side with the transformation of the education sector, where a great deal is being invested on the use of ICT, mass education, and the introduction of new methods and tools of teaching. The use of ICT and e-Learning is an important challenge faced by Albanian universities in the mission to improve the quality of teaching, students’ results, and mass education, and achieve the necessary standards. Priorities like equal access to education and lifelong learning would be only slogans without the use of ICT and e-Learning. Polls and interviews were conducted for this study, to obtain a view of the use of e-Learning and the approach to e-Learning in Albanian universities, and also of the government and universities policies. Conclusions of this study are obtained by processing data from questionnaires filled by lecturers in some of the main Albanian universities.

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 454
Giuseppe Varvara ◽  
Sara Bernardi ◽  
Serena Bianchi ◽  
Bruna Sinjari ◽  
Maurizio Piattelli

The COVID-19 pandemic literally stopped most human movement and activities as it initially spread, which included dental practices and dental education. This defined the need for significative changes in teaching and learning with the use of “e-learning” methods, also for traineeships. This study was designed to determine the undergraduate student perception of these new methods as part of their education. This involved 353 students attending the Dental School of the G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara, from the first to the sixth years. A questionnaire in Italian and was set-up using “Google Forms” and sent by email to the students. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: the first part included questions for general information, including age, sex and year of course; the second part had multiple choice questions related to their evaluation of the e-learning teaching, using a scale of opinion in the replies to each question (e.g., “scarce”, “fair”, “satisfying”, “very good” and “excellent”); and the third part included two open questions to indicate the strengths and limitations of these new teaching and learning approaches. The categorical variables in the first and second parts of the questionnaire were evaluated using Chi squared tests, setting significance at p < 0.05, while the comments were evaluated qualitatively. The student feedback showed significant appreciation (p < 0.05) of the new methods and the efforts that the lecturers put in to provide lectures of as high a quality as possible. However, a lack of practical training was significantly perceived as an important problem in the structure of their new curriculum (p < 0.05). COVID-19 has been an epic tragedy that has hit the human population not only in terms of health and healthcare, but also quality of life. This includes the quality of dental education within universities. However, the pandemic can be seen to also represent motivation to invest in the necessary technological innovation to deliver the best possible education to our future dentists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
Adweeti Nepal ◽  
Santa Kumar Dangol ◽  
Anke van der Kwaak

Abstract Background The persistent quality gap in maternal health services in Nepal has resulted in poor maternal health outcomes. Accordingly, the Government of Nepal (GoN) has placed emphasis on responsive and accountable maternal health services and initiated social accountability interventions as a strategical approach simultaneously. This review critically explores the social accountability interventions in maternal health services in Nepal and its outcomes by analyzing existing evidence to contribute to the informed policy formulation process. Methods A literature review and desk study undertaken between December 2018 and May 2019. An adapted framework of social accountability by Lodenstein et al. was used for critical analysis of the existing literature between January 2000 and May 2019 from Nepal and other low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) that have similar operational context to Nepal. The literature was searched and extracted from database such as PubMed and ScienceDirect, and web search engines such as Google Scholar using defined keywords. Results The study found various social accountability interventions that have been initiated by GoN and external development partners in maternal health services in Nepal. Evidence from Nepal and other LMICs showed that the social accountability interventions improved the quality of maternal health services by improving health system responsiveness, enhancing community ownership, addressing inequalities and enabling the community to influence the policy decision-making process. Strong gender norms, caste-hierarchy system, socio-political and economic context and weak enforceability mechanism in the health system are found to be the major contextual factors influencing community engagement in social accountability interventions in Nepal. Conclusions Social accountability interventions have potential to improve the quality of maternal health services in Nepal. The critical factor for successful outcomes in maternal health services is quality implementation of interventions. Similarly, continuous effort is needed from policymakers to strengthen monitoring and regulatory mechanism of the health system and decentralization process, to improve access to the information and to establish proper complaints and feedback system from the community to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the interventions. Furthermore, more study needs to be conducted to evaluate the impact of the existing social accountability interventions in improving maternal health services in Nepal.

1981 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 535-550 ◽  
A. H. Mann ◽  
R. Jenkins ◽  
E. Belsey

SYNOPSISOne hundred patients, selected to be representative of those attending general practitioners with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders were followed up for one year. standard assessments of mental state, personality, social stresses and supports were carried out for each patient at the outset and after a year.The outcome for this cohort determined both by the level of psychiatric morbidity at interview after one year and by the pattern of the psychiatric morbidity during the year has been analysed with reference to the assessment measures. Discriminant function analysis indicates that the initial estimate of the severity of the psychiatric morbidity and a rating of the quality of the social life at the time of follow-up are the only factors that significantly predict the psychiatric state after one year. Social measures also predict a pattern of illness charactorized by a rapid recovery after the initial assessemtn. Patients who reported continuous psychiatric morbidity during the year were, older, physically ill and very likely to have recevied psychotropic drugs. Receipt of this medication during the year was associated with initial assessments of abnormality of personality, older age, and a diagnosis of depression.The findings of this study are seen to support a triaxial assessment and classification of non-psychotic psychiatirc disorders, with symptoms, personality and social state being rated independently.

Disabilities ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-131
Natasha Layton ◽  
Natasha Brusco ◽  
Tammy Gardner ◽  
Libby Callaway

Background: For people living with or affected by Huntington’s Disease (HD) to experience a good quality of life, tailored support is required to meet physical, cognitive-behavioral, psychological, and social support needs. Substantial service and knowledge gaps regarding HD exist across support providers and service systems. Measuring unmet needs and what quality of life looks like is a fundamental step required to determine the social impact of service investment and provision. The objectives of this study were to validate and map a draft set of HD Social Impact Domains (HD-SID) against existing national and international outcome frameworks; and evaluate and finalize the HD-SID set using a co-design approach with people with lived experience of, and expertise in, HD. Methods: This research used a qualitative co-design process, with 39 participants across four stakeholder groups (people who were HD gene-positive, gene-negative family members, academics, peak organizations, and service providers) to: (i) map and verify the social life areas impacted by HD; (ii) undertake a rigorous three-phased, qualitative process to critically evaluate the draft HD-SID; and (iii) seek feedback on and endorsement of the HD-SID through this co-design process, with a final set of HD-SID identified. Results: Endorsed HD-SID comprised risks and safety (including housing stability, and economic sustainability) and social inclusion (including health and symptom management, physical wellbeing, emotional wellbeing, and building resilient relationships). Conclusions: Effective measurement of the impacts and outcomes for people with HD is informed by both extant measures and an understanding of the specific population needs. This qualitative co-design research demonstrates that HD-SID resonate with the HD community.

Comunicar ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (35) ◽  
pp. 131-139 ◽  
Ana-Elena Schalk-Quintanar ◽  
Carlos Marcelo-García

Universities are gradually implementing virtual learning processes. However, research still remains limited in examining the internal processes that occur in learning in virtual environments. This article presents an investigation that seeks to describe the relationship between the quality of interaction in asynchronous discussion forums in training experiences in e-learning, and the quality of learning offered and achieved. The main objective was to determine how interactions in online environments add quality to the learning of students. For this, a descriptive investigation was done that combines qualitative and quantitative phase, analyzing more than 10,000 messages in 171 participants from four postgraduate courses developed in the form of e-learning. Asynchronous communication was analyzed through a category system that analyzes the social, cognitive and didactic discourse online. Among the research findings, there highlights a positive relationship between quality and quantity of speech of the participants and the quality of learning achieved and reflected in the different levels of assessment. We can conclude that the need to analyze, not only the written discourse in asynchronous communication, but also to establish relations with both cognitive and social learning of students. Moreover, we conclude the necessity to train teachers to deal with the processes of online communication. Las Universidades están implementando de forma progresiva procesos de formación virtual. Sin embargo, todavía resulta escasa la investigación que analiza los procesos internos en lo que se produce el aprendizaje en ambientes virtuales. En este artículo se presenta una investigación que busca describir la relación entre la calidad de la interacción, en los foros de discusión asincrónica en experiencias de formación en e-learning, y la calidad de los aprendizajes propuestos y logrados. El principal objetivo consistió en conocer, de qué forma las interacciones en los espacios virtuales, aportan calidad a los aprendizajes de los alumnos. Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo que combina una fase cualitativa y una cuantitativa, analizando más de 10.000 mensajes en 171 participantes de cuatro cursos de postgrado desarrollados en la modalidad de e-learning. Se analizó la comunicación asíncrona, a través de un sistema de categorías que contenía dimensiones sociales, cognitivas y didácticas del discurso on-line. Entre los resultados de la investigación se destaca una relación positiva entre la calidad y cantidad del discurso de los participantes y la calidad de los aprendizajes obtenidos y reflejados en las diferentes instancias de evaluación. Podemos concluir la necesidad de hacer un análisis, más allá del discurso escrito, para establecer relaciones con los aprendizajes tanto cognitivos como sociales de los alumnos. Por otra parte concluimos la necesidad de formar a los docentes para abordar los procesos de comunicación on-line.

2019 ◽  
Fabian Stephany

User data fuel the digital economy, while individual privacy is at stake. Governments react differently to this challenge. Estonia, a small Baltic state, has become a role model for the renewal of the social contract in times of big data (hence, often ironically referred to as "E-stonia"). While e-governance usage has been growing in many parts of Europe during the last ten years, some regions are lagging behind. The Estonian example suggests that online governance is most accepted in a small state, with a young population, trustworthy institutions and the need of technological renewal. This work examines the development of e-governance usage (citizens interacting digitally with the government) during the last decade in Europe from a comprehensive cross-country perspective: Size, age and trust are relevant for the usage of digital government services in Europe. However, the quality of past communication infrastructure is not related to e-governance popularity.

Arif Wahyu Wirawan ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

<p><em>The problem in the world of education at this time is the quality and quantity of education in the field of information and communication technology. The quality of education can be seen from the quality of education desired by the community and for the quality of education related to the equitable access to education without any gap. One way to overcome these problems is by optimizing the role of information and communication technology in the learning process by using e-learning. E-learning used is using online learning based on Schoology. In this application there are several features that can be used by the teacher in the learning process including uploading material, assignments, discussions and giving test questions using the online quiz system. In the use of E-Learning in the learning process can increase students' learning motivation and can create enjoyable learning so that students in participating in learning activities can be active and achieve maximum learning outcomes.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-33 ◽  
Mikhail F. Chernysh

The article analyzes the level of happiness on the basis of the data provided by the RLMS study. Happiness is viewed as a subjective state of mind influenced by the social situation in which an individual finds him or herself. The level of happiness turns out to be dependent on sex and age. The latter is especially salient: young people feel happy more often than respondents in more advanced age groups. Standards of living and employment are also marked as variable that have considerable impact on the level of happiness. It appears that income influences happiness indirectly through the parameters of social environment and norms that characterize it. A respondent feels somewhat happier if his or her level of material well-bing is higher than the average. The level of respect shown by other people towards the respondent is another factor that can impact the level of happiness. The feeling of loneliness is a variable with considerable influence on other parameters of social life: the lonelier is the person, the more likely he or she would feel unhappy. The study demonstrated that the level of happiness, against expectations, depends primarily on the quality of social milieu.

Jurnal CMES ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Eva Farhah

Al-Mu'tazilah is a portrait of the Egyptian society which lived at some point in time. As described by Thaha Husain in order to show the disparity in the social life of people who need assistance and attention from the government or the authorities. Although the society lived in modern times at that time, not few other inhabitants still remained in underdeveloped education and social life. Through his work Al-Mu'tazilah, Thaha Husain highlights a range of social dimensions of society. This is the central issue to be addressed in this study. To reveal this social dimension, the sociology of literature theory is used, which focuses on the discussion of the sociology of both the author and the literary works. Primary data relevant to the topic were examined using a qualitative method in order to obtain an objective and scientific analysis. After all course, this study is of interest to the academic community in particular, and to other communities. The benefits are to mimic the social attitudes that can be enforced in today's life. In addition, people may refrain from doing things which might harm the social environment, such as isolating someone from another society.

Sergey Volkov ◽  

The author analyzes the system of pre-university education in Egypt, which the Constitution of 2014 undertakes to raise to the «international level». To this end, the government has been reforming it since 2017, which is partly financed by a loan from the World Bank. The main directions of the reform include improving preschool education, improving the qualifications of teachers, changing the system of assessing students’ knowledge and strengthening the technical base of schools and colleges. Despite the first successes of pre-university education reform, it is still expanding mainly extensively, without significantly improving the quality of education of Egyptian students. The reason for this lies in the significant lack of public investment, which the government is trying to compensate by attracting private business, both national and international, to this area. However, this leads to increased inequality in access to education. In addition, even taking into account private investments, the amount of funding for pre-university education is still far from the 4% of GDP provided for by the Constitution. The main problems of pre-university education continue to be the unsatisfactory average level of qualification of Egyptian teachers, mainly due to their low wages, a large number of pupils in classes, as well as the weak material and technical base of schools and colleges. There are also significant differences in the territorial development of pre-university education in Egypt, as well as between its various stages and directions. Egyptian business continues to experience a shortage of qualified graduates of the secondary vocational education system, despite certain successes achieved in its development in recent years.

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