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2022 ◽  
Vol 178 ◽  
pp. 104402
Bokai Yang ◽  
Hengtao Tang ◽  
Ling Hao ◽  
John R. Rose

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 65-69
Karina Maldonado

With the epidemiological contingency, the learning processes were modified by teaching with virtualization. The teaching staff implemented pedagogical strategies structuring methodologies, interaction dynamics, fulfilling the objectives set out in the educational curriculum. Objective: To implement pedagogical strategies involved in virtualization during the learning process in medical students. Methodology: A descriptive, observational study with a qualitative approach over a period of 8 months. The sample was 225 students from the 5th semester of the Surgeon Degree. Results: It was shown that group activities, synchronous online conferences have 68% approval, dynamics such as discussion forums have 85% approval. Video recording has 45%, essays 25%, and mind maps 30%. Conclusion: Implementing educational strategies allows assessing efficiency and effectiveness promoting learning for the development of professional intellect.

BMJ Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. e050979
Karen Macpherson ◽  
Kay Cooper ◽  
Jenny Harbour ◽  
Dawn Mahal ◽  
Charis Miller ◽  

ObjectiveTo explore the experiences of people living with long COVID and how they perceive the healthcare services available to them.DesignQualitative systematic review.Data sourcesElectronic literature searches of websites, bibliographic databases and discussion forums, including PubMed LitCovid, Proquest COVID, EPPI Centre living systematic map of evidence, medRxiv, bioRxiv, Medline, Psychinfo and Web of Science Core Collection were conducted to identify qualitative literature published in English up to 13 January 2021.Inclusion criteriaPapers reporting qualitative or mixed-methods studies that focused on the experiences of long COVID and/or perceptions of accessing healthcare by people with long COVID. Title/abstract and full-text screening were conducted by two reviewers independently, with conflicts resolved by discussion or a third reviewer.Quality appraisalTwo reviewers independently appraised included studies using the qualitative CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme) checklist. Conflicts were resolved by discussion or a third reviewer.Data extraction and synthesisThematic synthesis, involving line-by-line reading, generation of concepts, descriptive and analytical themes, was conducted by the review team with regular discussion.ResultsFive studies published in 2020 met the inclusion criteria, two international surveys and three qualitative studies from the UK. Sample sizes varied from 24 (interview study) to 3762 (survey). Participants were predominantly young white females recruited from social media or online support groups. Three analytical themes were generated: (1) symptoms and self-directed management of long COVID; (2) emotional aspects of living with long COVID and (3) healthcare experiences associated with long COVID.ConclusionsPeople experience long COVID as a heterogeneous condition, with a variety of physical and emotional consequences. It appears that greater knowledge of long COVID is required by a number of stakeholders and that the design of emerging long COVID services or adaptation of existing services for long COVID patients should take account of patients’ experiences in their design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 445
Farida Nurlaila ◽  
Joko Riyanto ◽  
Fajar Agung Nugroho

This study discusses the monitoring and evaluation of e-learning activities through the LMS (Learning Management System) application of Pamulang University. In the previous process, the system used could only display activities carried out by lecturers that were recorded in the e-learning log. The logs that are displayed only create, update, delete activity, and cannot provide information about the effectiveness of online learning. Other parameters are needed to measure the effectiveness of online learning. One of them is the number of activities lecturers have to do for each subject within a certain period. In each course, the lecturer activity frequency is called create. Create is intended to open discussion topics by providing questions and responses to students' answers. From the results of monitoring, the achievement of creation is not sufficient to determine the success of implementing e-learning at Pamulang University. So that several other restrictions are needed such as participation, intensity, and content suitability. However, problems that occur in other parameters cannot be monitored just by looking at the data from the e-learning log. From these problems, a visual presentation of the activities of lecturers and students is needed which allows Study Programs with low percentages to be identified as quickly as possible, and decision making can be determined. The results showed that the four parameters can be implemented in the system. The average value of student participation in discussion forums is 74.99%, the ratio of the intensity of the activeness of lecturers and students every day of the week during the implementation period is 49.40%. Then the content suitability obtained an average of 0.04% and an average value of 65.90% lecturer activity. The generating facility automatically shows the four parameters in cooperation with the final result considered to assess the effectiveness of e-learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2551-2556
Rifari Baron

It is believed that communication through technology applications is very important in the current learning situation. Among the utilized applications, WhatsApp presents as the most used application in the Indonesian teaching and learning circumstance. The purpose of this study was to find out the students’ perspective on the use of WA in-class discussion outside the classroom for postgraduate students in the Reading Learning course. The method used a descriptive qualitative case study. Data was taken from interviews and group discussion forums. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and concluding stages. The results showed that the WA group became a fairly effective medium at the level of student understanding for each of the teaching materials discussed. However, communication within the WA group requires standard rules agreed upon by each student so that the goal of forming a WA group as a learning medium outside the classroom can be achieved.

Nur Cahaya Bangun ◽  
Jhonson Pardosi ◽  
Ilham Mirzaya Putra ◽  

This study aims to: (1) determine the level of local community brand awareness of the brand "Negeri Indah Kepingan Surga" in Samosir Regency, and (2) know the local community's perception of the branding "Negeri Indah Kepingan Surga" in Samosir Regency. Methods of data collection through questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative with a Likert scale and qualitative. In order for qualitative research to be better, member checks and group discussion forums were then carried out. The sample in this study amounted to 96 people, while the informants amounted to 9 people. The results of this study are: (1) the level of brand awareness of the local community towards the brand "Negeri Indah Kepingan Surga" in Samosir Regency is at the brand recall level, and (2) There has not been any unified perception among the local community on the brand "Negeri Indah Kepingan Surga". in Samosir Regency. Some of the ways that must be done in order to achieve brand awareness of local community. The local community's perception of the tourism brand in Samosir Regency is still varied, although it has a positive tone.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147821032110619
Fanny Monnet ◽  
Christina Ergler ◽  
Eva Pilot ◽  
Preeti Sushama ◽  
James Green

Qualitative work with students who use prescription medicines for academic purposes is limited. Thus, a more nuanced understanding of tertiary students’ experiences is urgently needed. Our study – which draws on five semi-structured interviews with New Zealand university students, complemented with information from local newspapers, blog entries and discussion forums – reveals students’ motivations and perceived effects, their risk perceptions and provides insights into the circumstances enabling the engagement with prescription medicines for academic purposes. Students were influenced by peers and social norms; and ideas about identity, morality and fairness also played a role for engaging with cognitive enhancers. Students used high levels of stress and workload to justify their use but took individual responsibility for their practices. By taking responsibility in this way, rather than considering it as a product of their environment, they buy into the neoliberal university discourse. Unexpectedly, some participants were already receiving medically justified psychopharmacological treatment but extended and supplemented this with nonmedical use. Others considered their use as being for academic emergencies, and that their low level of use helped manage risks. Overall, students viewed pharmacological cognitive enhancement for improving academic performance as cautious, safe, and morally acceptable. We argue in this paper that a local understanding of students’ motivations, justifications and perceptions of pharmacological cognitive enhancement is required, to tailor policies and support systems better to their needs and behaviours.

Neofilolog ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 295-310
Katarzyna Barbara Tymoszuk

The article presents findings of the research into the use of discussion forums in remote learning. This tool was used in a series of academic classes aimed at developing selected elements of translation competence. The paper begins with a discussion of the notion of translation competence and its components, followed by a presentation of didactic objectives formulated for the presented series of classes with full-time teaching in mind, the level of knowledge and skills of the course participants, the degree of realization of the didactic objectives in remote teaching, and conclusions.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-167
Sandra Laugier

Abstract Lockdown has given us an occasion to discover new television series and to revisit others. TV series accompany us in our ordinary lives, but they can also be a resource or refuge in extraordinary situations. As the enduring success of Friends proves, they provide us with universes of comfort. TV series provide strong common cultural referents, which populate both ordinary conversations and political debates. TV series, by virtue of their aesthetic format (their duration, weekly and seasonal regularity, and the fact that they are, or were until recently, usually viewed in the context of the home), the attachment they inspire to their characters, the democratization and diversification of modes of viewing them (internet, streaming, discussion forums), make possible a specific form of education and constitution of a public. TV shows are hence a medium for political and ethical discussion. The article studies two series, Homeland and The Bureau, which are paradigmatic examples of a genre that has grown exponentially since the beginning of the century, and which we refer to as the “security series” genre. These series are great works of art and can also be seen as powerful tools for educating and informing the public.

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