Historyof Law Kyiv Rus, without regard to the more than 200-years-old period of her research, continues to remain in the field of attention of scientists, and, also, politicians. One of important questions of History of Law these period is a question about rule-making and role in him shows of witnesses. This problem was studied thoroughly enough as early as ХІХ of century and one of active acting persons of discussion round this theme there was a historian of law, native of Ukraine, professor of the Kyiv university Vasyl Hryhorovych Demchenko. In the master's degree dissertation "Historical research is about the shows of witnesses as proof in matters of judicial, accoding the Russian law before Peter the Great" (in 1859), V.H. Demchenko considered becoming of such important institute of judicial law as institute of certificate in detail. A scientist marks the value of judicial proofs in general genesis of law, he underlines that before an arbitrariness was the only means of guard of rights, but development of society resulted in a volume, that next to this means already the guard of rights for cramps began to be used. He considered that the judicial aspects related to the shows of witnesses are system enough set forth in Russian True. A researcher paid attention to that Russian True talks about witnesses in most cases in connection with those the offences that must be by them validified, in accordance with every case, where this proof is required. Therefore resolutions about them matter general not rules that spread to all possible cases of their use, but touch only private, that have force only for those cases for that they are straight set. General rules some resolutions that is unconnected with determinations about separate offences matter only. A scientist underlined that the judicial role of witnesses accoding Russian True did not have been limited to only the value of them, as judicial proof. On occasion they got the certain participating in realization of process. It touched those judicial events application of that got to parties without every participation of some government bodies ( for example,zvid). In the research of V.H. Demchenko analysed a question about the capacity of witnesses for a certificate, specified also on space of application of proofs with participation of witnesses after Russian True, order of finishing telling with participation of witnesses, force of shows of witnesses. Thus, V.H. Demchenko no doubt, was one of the most skilled specialists on history law that investigated time of Kyiv Rus.

2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-112
Pierre Legendre

"Der Beitrag reevaluiert die «dogmatische Funktion», eine soziale Funktion, die mit biologischer und kultureller Reproduktion und folglich der Reproduktion des industriellen Systems zusammenhängt. Indem sie sich auf der Grenze zwischen Anthropologie und Rechtsgeschichte des Westens situiert, nimmt die Studie die psychoanalytische Frage nach der Rolle des Rechts im Verhalten des modernen Menschen erneut in den Blick. </br></br>This article reappraises the dogmatic function, a social function related to biological and cultural reproduction and consequently to the reproduction of the industrial system itself. On the borderline of anthropology and of the history of law – applied to the West – this study takes a new look at the question raised by psychoanalysis concerning the role of law in modern human behaviour. "

Iuliia Rossius

The goal of this article consists in demonstration of the impact of research in the field of history and theory of law alongside the hermeneutics of Emilio Betti impacted the vector of this philosophical thought. The subject of this article is the lectures read by Emilio Betti (prolusioni) in 1927 and 1948, as well as his writings of 1949 and 1962. Analysis is conducted on the succession of Betti's ideas in these works, which is traced despite the discrepancy in their theme (legal and philosophical). The author indicates &ldquo;legal&rdquo; origin of the canons of Bettis&rsquo; hermeneutics, namely the canon of autonomy of the object. Emphasis is placed on the problem of objectivity in Betti's theory, as well as on dialectical tension between the historicity of the interpreted subject and strangeness of the object that accompanies legal, as well as any other type of interpretation. The article reveals the key moment of Betti's criticism of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Regarding the question of historicity of the subject of interpretation. The conclusion is made that the origin of the general theory of interpretation lies in the approaches and methods developed and implemented by Betti back in legal hermeneutics and in studying history of law. &nbsp;&nbsp;Betti's philosophical theory was significantly affected by the idea on the role of modern legal dogma in interpretation of the history of law. Namely this idea that contains the principle of historicity of the subject of interpretation, which commenced&nbsp; the general hermeneutical theory of Emilio Betti, was realized in canon of the relevance of understanding in the lecture in 1948, and later in the &ldquo;general theory of interpretation&rdquo;. The author also underlines that the question of objectivity of understanding, which has crucial practical importance in legal hermeneutics, was transmitted into the philosophical works of E. Betti, finding reflection in dialectic of the subject and object of interpretation.

Владимир Пужаев ◽  
Vladimir Puzhaev

The article is devoted to the investigation of legal ideas of Henri Lévy-Bruhl, a French lawyer and sociologist of the XX century, who is considered to be one of the founders of contemporary sociology of law, legal ethnography and legal anthropology. The author of the article analyzes the late articles of Henri Lévy-Bruhl. The author of the article examines the notion “juristique”, introduced by the French professor, and investigates its methodological and substantial peculiarities. As a scientific discipline, “juristique” was supposed to be shaped through the integration of sociology of law, history of law and comparative law into a body. The author also pays special attention to H. Lévy-Bruhl’s theoretical views on the question of law and mechanisms of its formation, on subjects of law-making and sources of law. In particular, the author considers Lévy-Bruhl’s views of collective opinion as the only true source of law, customs’ priority over legislation among all forms of law, judicial practice as the modality of a custom. The key role of Durkheim’s sociology in the shaping of Henri Lévy-Bruhl’s legal views is also highlighted. Henri Lévy-Bruhl’s particular ideas are compared with the doctrine of historical school of law. The final part of the article is devoted to formulating a series of theses which reflect the peculiarities of Henri Lévy-Bruhl’s legal views and his role in contemporary legal doctrine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Uti Mohammad Wildan ◽  
Sahid Hidayat

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran pers pada masa Orde Baru di Pontianak tahun 1966-1974. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metod penelitian sejarah dengan langkah-langkah heuristik (Pengumpulan sumber), verifikasi (Kritik sumber), interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pers sebagai bagian dari sistem komunikasi, menempati posisi strategis dalam masyarakat Pontianak. Pers berperan sebagai jembatan komunikasi timbal balik antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, serta masyarakat dengan masyarakat sendiri. Sejarah pertumbuhan pers di Pontianak telah menempatkan kekhususan posisi dan ciri-ciri khas yang melekat pada pers sebagai lembaga kemasyarakatan. Pers mempunyai peranan dalam pengawasan pembangunan nasional sebagai realisasi dari tanggung jawab sosial sebagai alat kontrol sosial. Pemerintahan Orde membutuhkan kestabilan umum dalam menjalankan roda kepemerintahan dan menjaga wibawa negara.Pada awal masa orde baru pers di Pontianak memiliki peranan membantu pemerintah dalam menertipkan gejolak serta peristiwa yang terjadi di Pontianak. Pers terlihat sebagai satu tindakan nyata dalam propaganda pemerintah. Propaganda-propaganda pembangunan- pembangunan yang dilakukan pemerintah mewarnai tajuk berita yang dimuat.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> pers, Orde Baru, Pontianak</p><p> </p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>The aim of this research is to look the role of pers in the new order in Pontianak, from 1966-1974. The methods of this research is a historical research includes four stages; heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historioghraphy. The results of this research show if the pers is an essential part of the communication, have a strategic position in Pontianak society. The pers is a connected from government and society. The history of pers in Pontianak was putted in central position with a special characteristic as an institution of society. The pers have a role as social control. The new order needs the stability of nation to maintain the continuity of governement. Pers is one tools of government propaganda. The propagandas of development we can see in the news printed.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> press, Orde Baru, Pontianak</em>

This chapter provides a brief history of law and the role of social science in courtroom battles, further reviewing the use of social science in marriage equality cases. One of the more striking features in marriage equality litigation was the prominent role of social science in addressing issues germane to the legal arguments on both sides. The chapter concludes by discussing how social science may have influenced litigation and whether such influence was appropriate.

1938 ◽  
Vol 32 (5) ◽  
pp. 926-931
Kenneth C. Cole

Among the problems touched upon by the President's Committee on Administrative Management is that of the role of administrative discretion in the governmental process. Both Professor Hart and Professor Cushman have contributed to the statement of, and have suggested solutions for, this problem.1 Professor Hart is concerned with the exercise of a rule-making discretion at the administrative level, and has ably defended the exercise of this type of decision-making by personnel under the control of the Executive rather than Congress. In other words, the mere fact that administrative action takes the form of general rules does not relate it functionally to the legislative department, and once the notion that rule-making is “legislation” in a separation-of-powers sense is got out of the way, the case for a complete integration of such powers under the control of the President can be pushed through to unqualified conclusion.

Lesaffer Randall

This chapter describes the role of Roman law—whose influence has been largely underestimated in recent scholarship—in the intellectual history and development of international law. To that end, the chapter offers a general survey of the historical interactions between Roman law and international law, drawing from general insights into the intellectual history of law in Europe that have remained remarkably absent in the grand narrative of the history of international law. The focus is on the periods in which these interactions were most pronounced. Next to Roman Antiquity, these are the Late Middle Ages (eleventh to fifteenth centuries) and the Early Modern Age (sixteenth to eighteenth centuries).

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 691-708
Harry Walter ◽  
Valerij M. Mokienko ◽  

The article offers a review on the history of Slavic studies at St. Petersburg and Greifswald universities from the era of Peter the Great to present day. The role of Professor Lyudmila Verbitskaya is highlighted who always actively supported the activities of the Department of Slavic Philology (for example, she approved the initiative to create a department of Ukrainian studies in the early 2000s). Thanks Verbitskaya, St. Petersburg University was historically recognized as the first university in Russia founded by Peter the Great in 1724, which was proven by archival materials stored in Greifswald. Peter the Great, in the assembly hall of the University of Greifswald in September 1712, at a meeting of the Academic Council received a proposal from the President of the German Academy of Sciences Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the establishment of a university in St. Petersburg with a European status. The status of the first university was officially recognized by a decree of the Government of the Russian Fed- eration in 1999 when the 275th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg State University was celebrated. As the Rector of St. Petersburg University, Verbitskaya in 2006 concluded an inter-university agreement with the Rector of the University of Greifswald Professor Jürgen Kohler. Slavic scholars and professors from St. Petersburg and Greifswald Universities collaborate closely. One of the active pedagogical and scientific areas of such cooperation is Slavic studies, which have long combined the efforts of Russian and German philologists.

Sarah Feldman

Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a produção recente no campo da história da legislação urbanística no Brasil, procurando detectar avanços e limites para a reflexão sobre desenvolvimento urbano e práticas urbanísticas. O texto organiza-se em três eixos analíticos. Em primeiro lugar, procura-se situar os trabalhos no processo de disseminação de estudos da história urbana no Brasil, vinculando-os ao movimento de ampliação do território da história que ocorre na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, a partir dos anos 60, com a chamada História Nova. Em segundo, baseado em um panorama da produção recente, são detectadas as vertentes dominantes e emergentes nos trabalhos sobre legislação. Em terceiro, são discutidos dois aspectos que se configuram como lacunas na historiografia da legislação: o lugar ocupado pelas normas, a partir do momento em que idéias e práticas urbanísticas têm um espaço institucionalizado na administração pública; e o lugar dos pressupostos modernistas na legislação brasileira, visto que o movimento modernista formula a proposta de um novo sistema legal para o urbanismo.Palavras-chave: legislação urbanística; história; movimento moderno. Abstract: This paper analyses recent developments in the history of Brazilian urban legislation, pointing out the progress made and limits faced, as a basis for reflection in the debate on urban development and planning practice. The analysis is divided into three parts. The first relates the dissemination of urban historical research in Brazil to the expansion of the field of history which began in the 1960s with the "New History" movement in Europe and the United States. The second part sets out the dominant and emerging approaches to urban legislation. Finally, there is a discussion of two aspects that are seen as gaps in the history of urban legislation: the role of norms, as the ideas and practices of urban planning become institutionalised within public administration, and the influences of modernist ideas on Brazilian urban legislation, taking into account that the modern movement proposes a new legal system for urban planning.Keywords: urban legislation; history; modernist movement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Fokky Fuad Wasitaatmadja

ABSTRAK Kajian tentang nilai-nilai islam dan kaitannya dengan pembentukan kesadaran nasionalisme menjadi menarik untuk dikaji karena: peran ulama dan para pejuang muslim tersebut tidak lepas dari semangat untuk keluar dan lepas dari penjajahan. Peran para pejuang Islam baik yang berjuang secara fisik maupun yang berjuang dengan pemikiran melalui pena perlu dikaji untuk mengetahui secara historis peran ulama yang sangat penting dalam pencapaian kemerdekaan dan pembentukan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: bagaimanakah gagasan pembentukan kesadaran kebangsaan para tokoh bangsa ditinjau dari sisi sejarah hukum? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode hukum normatif dengan pendekatan sejarah hukum. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori sejarah hukum yang dikembangkan oleh Karl von Savigny. Kesimpulan penelitian yang diperoleh adalah: pemikiran K. von Savigny yang melihat sebuah perubahan dari bentuk yang primitif menuju sebuah bentuk modern juga terlihat dalam proses pembentukan kesadaran nasionalisme Indonesia. ABSTRACT The study of Islamic values and their relation to the formation of nationalism awareness is interesting to study because: the role of the ulama and Muslim warriors is inseparable from the spirit to get out and escape from colonialism. The role of Islamic fighters, both those who struggle physically and those who struggle with ideas through a pen, needs to be examined to find out historically the role of the ulema which is very important in the achievement of independence and the formation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The formulation of the problem in this study is: how is the idea of forming national awareness among national figures in terms of the history of law? The research method used is a normative legal method with a historical approach to law. The theory used in this study is the theory of legal63 history developed by Karl von Savigny. The conclusions of the research obtained are: K. von Savigny's thought which saw a change from primitive to modern patterns was also seen in the process of shaping Indonesian nationalism awareness.

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