Irina Yu. Molodova ◽  

Holding the Speransky conference [Speranskie Chteniya] has become a tradition at the Institute of Economics, Management and Law of the Russian State Humanitarian University. The topic of the conference is devoted to current issues of management in modern Russia. Its distinctive feature is an interdisciplinary scientific approach that addresses economic issues and closely related to them those of the management, jurisprudence, history, philosophy, intellectualology, sociology, political science etc.

G. Oznobishcheva

In the Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS the panel discussion session "European Dialogues" took place. The subject of the meeting was "Russia and the West: When Did the Ways Diverge?" The journal presents the reports of А.B. Zubov, Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of MGIMO-University (Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), and N.I. Basovskaya, Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of Russian State University for the Humanities, as well as the discussion that took place. In this discussion the IMEMO staff members participated: A.G. Arbatov, Academician of RAS; V.G. Baranovskii, Academician of RAS; G.I. Machavariani; S.V. Utkin, Cand. Sci. (Political Science), as well as O.Yu. Potemkina, cand. Sci. (History), Institute of Europe RAS, and H.-W. Steinfeld, representative of Norwegian radio and television (NRK). The meeting was conducted by V.G. Baranovskii, Deputy Director of IMEMO, Academician of RAS and N.K. Arbatova, Head of Department in IMEMO, Dr. Sci. (Political Science).

Tat'yana V. Baranova ◽  

The present article is dedicated to the problems of the organization and planning of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes, gives grounds for the purposes and tasks of such competence-forming activity as part of the “Oriental studies” speciality program, the Russian State University for the Humanities. The article analyzes these competences, as well as forms and methods of their formation and development. The author presents demarcation of scientific knowledge and gives its characteristics: using most general qualities of a subject, objective reasoning, argumentativeness, results verifiability and reproducibility, consistency, practicality, capability to change, anticipating the future, making forecasts, methodological reflection. The author tried to analyze the reflexive component of scientific and research work of students in more detail. The article presents possible reflexive positions in the interaction between the teacher and the student and shows the dynamics of this interaction, i.e. gives a hierarchy of positions which the student can occupy in the educational process depending on how independent they are in their activity. The article also highlights the content of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes on the basis of work with foreign texts in the macro-discourse for the “Oriental studies” speciality. The given foundations of the organization and content of scientific and research work of students have been regularly used in English language classes, as well as in optional forms of scientific activity. The students have shown good results and passion for this kind of work, which confirms the correctness of this approach.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 211-215
Georgij Mel’nikov

Professor Lyudmila Lapteva made a significant contribution to the Slavic Studies in Russia. Many of her students became renowned historians, so one can talk about the phenomenon of «Lapteva’s school». The conference in question became one more proof of it.

2020 ◽  
pp. 187-212
L. F. Katsis ◽  
A. V. Gordon

The interview with the head of the Educational and Research Centre for Bible and Judaic Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities begins with an account of the cultural and pedagogical exchange with the Israeli Bar-Ilan University (Ramat Gan) and Jabotinsky Institute (Tel Aviv). The interview goes into detail about the exhibition entitled ‘Nostalgia for world culture: O. E. Mandelstam’s library’, which took place in the Moscowbased Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre from December 2018 until March 2019 and enjoyed a total turnout of 45,000 visitors. Thanks to N. Mandelstam’s personal archive display, the visitors could learn about the poet’s reading preferences and his outstanding contemporaries, as well as how N. Mandelstam shaped the poet’s image among the Russianspeaking intelligentsia in the second half of the 20th c. Also discussed in the interview are Leonid Katsis’ recently published books on V. Mayakovsky and V. Jabotinsky.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104-108
Andrianov V. K. ◽  
Pudovochkin Yu. E. ◽  
Tolkachenko A. A.

The publication presents a report on the All-Russian round table organized by the Center for the Study of Problems of Justice of the Russian State University of Justice and devoted to topical issues of theory and practice of the application of criminal law measures. A summary of the content of the speeches of the participants and the main content of the discussion are presented.

2021 ◽  

The compendium of works presented at the international conference of young scholars, organized by the Center of Energy Studies, IMEMO RAS and Faculty of International Energy Business of Gubkin Russian State University (NRU) of Oil and Gas, covers various trends of world energy complex development in the context of energy transition. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the situation in the energy sector of Vietnam, China, India, Iran and Uzbekistan as well as to prospects of hydrogen and LNG transport development.

Valeriy Ljubin ◽  

The review analyzes the approaches of the well-known Russian historian A.V. Shubin to the coverage of the typology of revolutions and the features and chronology of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918-1922. Alexander Vladlenovich Shubin is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at Russian State University for the Humanities, author of more than 20 monographs and about 200 scientific publications on the problems of Soviet history and history of leftist ideas and movements.

Sergey Poliyevskiy ◽  
Galina Yamaletdinova ◽  
Elena Tsoy ◽  
Olga Grigorieva ◽  

The importance of independent recreational practice for student-athletes is increasing in today’s environment. Therefore, it’s appropriate to prepare relevant recommendations for students undergoing heavy physical loads. The study was mainly aimed at the elaboration of the content of the Health Code for athlete students to render it as a component and method of implementing a self-health system. The theoretical and empirical methods applied during the implementation of the study were as follows: theoretic-comparative analysis, summarisation of relevant data from scientific-methodological publications on physiology, physical culture and sports, oriental medicine, observations, tests, mathematical statistics methods. The study used systemic and axiological approaches of a general scientific level of methodology. The Student-Athlete Health Code consists of recommendations for selecting the means of restoring performance and improving the functional state of the student-athlete body during an educational and training day. This is a set of personal health improvement rules prepared on the basis of modern scientifically reasoned data on hygiene and valeology. The Code’s programme material includes paramedical signs of the optimal functional condition and premorbid status; the authors’ recommendations on wellness devices, health monitoring tests and immune resistance; a brief description of wellness techniques, methods and recipes; express methods of reflexology and minimisation of fatigue and immunity stimulation; illustrative wellness informative tips and recommended literature. The solutions were tested in the educational and training process of students at the Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism, where 91.57 % of respondents mentioned benefits in their personal health after having followed the recommendations presented in the Health Code.

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