scholarly journals Dos Liceus aos Institutos Federais: 110 anos de história da rede federal

ForScience ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Ana Kelly Arantes ◽  
Márcia Helena Batista Corrêa da Costa

Este artigo tem por objetivo fazer um percurso histórico, demonstrando o caminho do ensino técnico no Brasil ao longo dos diversos momentos e governos do país, alinhando as legislações pertinentes e ações legais desta modalidade. Iniciou-se este percurso ainda no Brasil escravocrata, passando pelos Liceus, primeiras instituições de educação técnica de nível federal, até a criação dos Institutos Federais, em 2008, quando, por meio da criação destes, na primeira vez na história do Brasil, tem-se a pretensão de uma educação técnica que visa a uma formação integral, que supere as marcas históricas trazidas pela modalidade, como uma educação fragmentada, puramente tecnicista e voltada simplesmente a atender interesses do mercado, tendo sido preterida ao lugar de uma educação menor. Destacaram-se, portanto, os Institutos Federais, que compõem a Rede Federal de Educação Tecnológica, como a grande mudança de perspectiva com relação à educação técnica e profissional. Fez-se um breve panorama do desenvolvimento desta Rede nos seus 10 anos de história, e, por último, um recorte no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais (IFMG), demonstrando os campi criados e seu desenvolvimento. Para a realização do artigo, empregou-se metodologia de cunho qualitativo e, uma análise documental, tendo por base documentos oficiais e legislações pertinentes a cada momento histórico percorrido. Foi produzida, também, uma revisão de literatura, recorrendo aos diversos autores que se debruçam sob o tema. Os resultados demonstram que a educação, como um projeto em disputa, e mais especificamente a educação profissional, sofre os atravessamentos tanto no seu cotidiano como em âmbitos legais, sendo que o artigo vem apontando historicamente estes desdobramentos.Palavras-chave: Educação técnica e profissional. Histórico. Institutos Federais. From Liceus to Federal Institutes: 110 years of federal network historyAbstract The article aims to make a historical course, demonstrating the path of technical education in Brazil throughout the various moments and governments of the country, aligning the relevant laws and legal actions of this modality.This route began in slave-like Brazil, passing through the Lyceums, the first federal level technical education institutions, until the creation of the Federal Institutes in 2008, when through their creation, for the first time in the history of Brazil, The intention is for a technical education that aims at integral formation, which surpasses the historical marks brought by the modality, such as a fragmented education, purely technical and simply aimed at meeting market interests, having been deprecated to the place of a minor education. Therefore, the Federal Institutes, which make up the Federal Network of Technological Education, stood out as the great change in perspective regarding technical and vocational education. A brief overview of the development of this Network in its 10 years of history was presented, and finally a clipping at the Federal Institute of Education and Technology of Minas Gerais (IFMG), showing the campuses created and their development. For the realization of the article a qualitative methodology was used, a documental analysis based on official documents and pertinent legislation at each historical moment. A literature review was also produced, using the various authors that address the theme. The results show that education as a project in dispute, and more specifically vocational education, suffers the intersections both in its daily life and in legal areas, the article has historically pointed out these developments.Keywords: Technical and professional education. Historic. Federal Institutes.

Horizontes ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Aline Graciele Mendonça

ResumoBaseado em um recorte da pesquisa desenvolvida no programa de mestrado em educação apresentado à Universidade Estadual de Londrina pela autora deste trabalho, o estudo teórico teve como foco apresentar a historicidade da educação profissional abordando o ensino técnico de nível médio. Buscou-se responder ao seguinte problema: Como se constituiu ao longo dos tempos a educação profissional de nível médio? O objetivo foi fazer um resgate histórico do ensino técnico de nível médio no decorrer da história da educação profissional. Trata-se de um estudo bibliográfico, desenvolvido no modelo descritivo com base principalmente em Cunha (2005, 2000), Manfredi (2002) e Santos (2011). Evidenciou-se que a história do ensino técnico de nível médio foi marcada por momentos de valorização e de desvalorização produzidos conforme o momento político/econômico que o país apresentava, com políticas públicas fragmentadas movidas pelos interesses capitalistas.Palavras-chave: História da Educação; Educação Profissional; Ensino técnico.Middle level of technical education: the prestigious and oblivion for switching during the history of vocational education in BrazilAbstractBased on part of a research conducted in the master's program in education presented to the State University of Londrina by the author of this work , the theoretical study focused on presenting the historicity of professional education covering the mid-level technical education. We sought to answer the following problem: How constituted over time vocational high school education? The goal was a historical survey of mid-level technical education throughout the history of vocational education. This is a bibliographic study over the descriptive model based mainly in Cunha (2005 , 2000), Manfredi (2002 ) and Santos (2011) . It was evident that the history of mid-level technical education was marked by moments of appreciation and devaluation produced as political / economic times that the country had , with piecemeal policies driven by capitalist interests .Key words: History of Education; Vocational Education; Technical education.

Adriana Paula Martins

Resumo: O presente trabalho visa buscar os pressupostos pedagógicos da teoria educacional de Gramsci na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica de nível médio, principalmente na forma integrada ao Ensino Médio. No primeiro momento, há a exposição da proposta educacional de Gramsci frente à Reforma Gentile na Itália fascista, pautada na influência de Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels. Em sequência, há um breve histórico da educação profissional no Brasil, com referência à legislação pertinente a essa modalidade de ensino. No decorrer de todo o trabalho, são abordadas algumas considerações sobre a relação entre o pensamento educacional de Gramsci e a atual estrutura da educação profissional no Brasil, com enfoque na Educação Profissional e Tecnológica de nível médio integrada ao Ensino Médio. Finalmente, mediante os apontamentos levantados, este artigo dá ênfase à abordagem pedagógica humanista, de formação geral, proposta por Gramsci, a ser oferecida ao educando nas diferentes modalidades de ensino. Palavras-chave: Gramsci. Educação profissional. Educação de nível médio. GRAMSCI’S ASSUMPTIONS IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL VOCATIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the assumptions of Gramsci’s educational theory in the Secondary School Technological Education, meanly in an integrated pedagogical approach. At first there is the description of Gramsci’s educational proposal against Gentile Reform in Fascist Italy, based on the influence of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. After it’s described briefly the history of vocational education in Brazil, pointing out some relevant legislation related to this type of education. Throughout this paper it’s approached some ideas about the connections between Gramsci’s educational thoughts and the current structure of professional education in Brazil, focusing on Secondary School Technological and Vocational Education integrated to general education. Finally, this article emphasizes the humanistic teaching approach, through the general education proposed by Gramsci, to be offered to students from different learning modalities. Keywords: Gramsci. Vocational education.  Secondary School. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Moses Njenga

While vital for the social and economic development of Kenya and Africa as whole, Vocational Education remains hampered by a negative parity of esteem. Individuals and households continue to view vocational education as a second option. This is in contrast with the views held by both pre-colonial and post colonial governments. Each successive government has attempted to provide vocational education and made policies to effect widespread provision. This article reviews the history of these policies and identifies the source of negative views towards vocational education on the one hand to discriminatory approaches by colonial governments and on the other hand to the burdening of technical education with the task of employment creation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 238
Clayton Silva Mendes ◽  
Thales Haddad Novaes Andrade

Knowledge in Science and Technology has become popular and the scientific literacy of students since elementary education has been discussed and adopted by several countries, among them Brazil. The Scientific initiation has been a useful tool for the advancement of this literacy, as well as the implementation of Federal Institutes that focus on basic, technical and technological education allied to scientific research. Thus, this work aimed to identify the types of research carried out at these levels of education through the Federal Institute of the South of Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS), in its region of coverage. Through a descriptive research and through a database of the institution with information about the researches, software was used to aid in the classification and analysis of the data. Therefore, it was possible to identify that the predominant area is agrarian science, with a focus on soil and coffee studies.

2009 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 56
Francisco das Chagas Mariz Fernandes

RESUMO A partir do ano de 2003, o Governo Lula iniciou ações voltadas à democratização da oferta da educação técnica no país, através de um plano estruturante de expansão da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica. A primeira fase do plano compreendeu a construção de 64 novas Unidades de Ensino para somar às 140 que já existiam. Ao mesmo tempo, o Ministério da Educação logo deu início à segunda fase do projeto, para a implantação de mais 150 novas Escolas, devendo totalizar, até 2010, a meta de 354 instituições. Nesse contexto, surge a proposta de constituição de 38 Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia para integrar, a partir do exercício de 2009, essas Unidades de Ensino, bem como constituir a Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica. Cada Instituto Federal é estruturado com uma Reitoria e vários Campi, com gestão interdependente entre ambos. Territorialmente, à Reitoria competirá a função estratégica de definição de políticas, supervisão e controle. Para tanto, necessita de uma estrutura administrativa que congregue, além do gabinete, pró-reitorias e diretorias de atuação sistêmica, cabendo a esses órgãos a função de trabalhar matricialmente vinculados às unidades afins dos Campi. Cada Campus, por sua vez, responsável pela execução dos objetivos finalísticos institucionais, necessita de uma estruturação híbrida, através da associação da departamentalização funcional e a matricial – para viabilizar o diálogo e interação dos departamentos da área acadêmica com as unidades operacionais dos demais departamentos das áreas de administração, de apoio ao ensino, de extensão e de pesquisa. Na realidade, o arranjo situacional dos Institutos Federais é novo e caracteriza-se como próprio de uma estrutura em rede, para integrar sistemicamente diversas organizações de ensino através de um núcleo central – no âmbito nacional, através da Secretaria de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica do Ministério da Educação, e no espaço regional, os vários Campi, através de uma Reitoria. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educação Profissional; Expansão; Rede Federal; Instituto Federal. NEW DESIGN FOR FEDERAL NETWORK OF TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION ABSTRACT Since the year of 2003, Lula’s Government initiated actions directed to the democratization of technique education offer in the country, through a structuring plan of expansion of Federal Network of Professional and Technological Education. The first phase of the plan embraced the construction of 64 (sixty-four) new Education Units to sum up to the 140 (one hundred forty) that already existed. At the same time, the Ministry of Education started second phase of the Project, for the implantation of more 150 (one hundred fifty) new Schools, totalizing, up to 2010, the goal of 354 (three hundred and fifty-four) institutions. In this context, appears the proposal of establishing 38 (thirty-eight) Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology to integrate, from 2009, these Education Units, as well as constituting the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education. Each Federal Institute is structured with a Rectory and some campuses, with interdependent management between both. Territorially, to the Rectory will comprehend the strategical function of politics definition, supervision and control. To achieve it, needs an administrative structure that congregates, beyond the cabinet, pro-rectories and systemic performance directorates, being responsibility of these agencies the function of working matrically entailed to the similar units of the campuses. Each Campus, therefore, responsible for the execution of finalistic institutional objectives, needs a hybrid structuring, through the association of functional and matrical departmentalization – to make possible the dialogue and interaction of the academic area departments with the operational units of the others departments of administration areas, of education support, of extension and research. In reality, the situational arrangement of the Federal Institutes is new and characterized as proper of a network structure, to systematically integrate several organizations of teaching through a central nucleus – in national scope, through the Professional and Technological Education Secretariat of the Ministry of Education, and in regional scope, some Campuses through a Rectory. KEYWORDS: Professional Education; Expansion; Federal Network; Federal Institute.

ForScience ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. e00935
Henrique Miguel Cunha ◽  
Artur Difini Accioly ◽  
Cláudio Alves Pereira

Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar percepções de estudantes e professores do Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (IFMG) sobre a experiência com o ensino remoto emergencial (ERE), motivado pela pandemia de COVID-19, bem como identificar as principais dificuldades no processo de adaptação dos cursos técnicos integrados, organizados para oferta presencial. A pesquisa teve cunho exploratório, abordagem quali-quantitativa e foi desenvolvida entre os meses de junho e outubro de 2020, obtendo a participação de 156 docentes e 739 discentes de diversos campi do IFMG, por meio de formulários eletrônicos de participação voluntária. A análise dos dados possibilitou a caracterização de importantes fatores para se discutir o ensino remoto, como disponibilidade de internet e de dispositivos eletrônicos, além da identificação das principais dificuldades associadas ao ERE no IFMG. Dentre os principais problemas encontrados pelos estudantes, destacaram-se a dificuldade em estudar autonomamente e de manter uma rotina diária de estudos. O acesso à internet, equipamentos eletrônicos, materiais de estudo e uso de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem não se destacaram como fatores de grande dificuldade. Os próprios discentes avaliaram haver diferenças entre sua aprendizagem no ensino remoto quando comparada com o presencial. Na análise dos docentes, destacou-se a importância dada à necessidade de qualificação e disponibilidade de ferramentas apropriadas para o ensino remoto. Pode-se concluir, a partir dos dados recolhidos e analisados, que os maiores problemas para o ensino na modalidade remota emergencial ocorrem pelo próprio formato do ERE, dificuldades estas, possivelmente, agravadas pelo impedimento de interação social e educacional presencial entre colegas e professores. Palavras-chave: Ensino remoto emergencial. COVID-19. Pandemia. IFMG.   Emergency remote teaching during the pandemic: diagnosis of difficulties faced by students and teachers of technical education in the IFMG Abstract This article aims to present the perceptions of students and teachers of the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG) about their experiences with emergency remote teaching (ERT), motivated by the pandemic of COVID-19, as well as to identify the main difficulties when adapting the teaching method of technical education courses, originally organized to face-to-face format. The research had an exploratory nature, a quali-quantitative approach and was developed between the months of June and October of 2020. It had the participation of 156 teachers and 739 students from several campuses, through electronic forms of voluntary participation. Data analysis enabled the characterization of important factors to remote education, such as availability of internet and electronic devices, in addition to identification of main difficulties associated with ERT. Among the main problems encountered by students, the difficulty to study autonomously and to maintain a daily study routine stood out. On the other hand, access to the internet, to electronic equipment, study materials and use of virtual learning environments did not stand out as factors of great difficulty. The students themselves assessed that there are differences between their learning in remote education when compared to face-to-face. When assessing the teachers, the importance given to the need for qualification and availability of appropriate tools for remote teaching was highlighted. From the data collected in this research, it can be concluded that the biggest problems for teaching in this emergency mode occurs due to the ERT format itself. Those difficulties are possibly aggravated by the impediment of in-person social and educational interaction between colleagues and teachers. Keywords: Emergency Remote Teaching. COVID-19. Pandemic. IFMG.

O. Volontyr

The article studies the main trends in the development of vocational education in the Second Polish republic. The reasons that prompted the Polish government not to ignore this sphere and simultaneously start its reforming are considered. The peculiarities of the regulatory framework and regulatory acts on professional and technical education in the 1920s and 1930s were revealed. The structure, peculiarities of the functioning of specialized educational institutions, as well as the educational process, the main motives of teaching and the training of the teaching staff, are analyzed, respectively. The main content of the policy of the Polish government in Volyn of the interwar period regarding the vocational training is highlighted. The role of the educational reform of 1932 in the creation of an integrated system of vocational and technical education in the then Polish country was revealed. The place of the professional school in the educational system of the Second Polish republic has been clarified. The regional peculiarities and significance of professional education of cultural and educational development of local population are revealed. Areas of vocational education are highlighted and an attempt is made to study the direction of the content of the educational process in educational institutions of this type in the territory of the Volyn province.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-120
Luciano de Almeida ◽  
Fabrício Döring Martins

Resumo: O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar e analisar os limites e possibilidades de uma proposta de intervenção, desenvolvida no ano de 2019 junto aos alunos dos Cursos Técnicos Integrados ao Ensino Médio de um campus do Instituto Federal Farroupilha. Para isso, esta investigação de natureza qualitativa e de caráter descritivo, referenciada na perspectiva metodológica da pesquisa-ação, foi organizada em quatro fases interligadas: planejamento, ação, descrição e avaliação. Teve um movimento contínuo e sistemático, contando com a participação de 396 alunos e dos 2 professores de EF do campus. Dentre os limites da proposta de intervenção, destacamos a dificuldade de promover uma integração de conhecimentos relacionados à educação básica e profissional. Nas possibilidades, a reafirmação da importância de nosso protagonismo na contingência de nossa ação interventiva e reflexiva, no tratamento dado ao caráter processual do conhecimento e no diálogo constante e sempre renovado pela crítica dos pares.Palavras-chave: Educação; Conhecimento; Educação Profissionalizante; Currículo. Abstract: This article aims to identify and analyze the limits and possibilities of an intervention proposal, developed in 2019 with students of Technical Courses Integrated to High School on a campus of the Federal Institute Farroupilha. In this sense, a qualitative and descriptive investigation, referenced under the methodological perspective of action research, was organized in four related phases: planning, action, description, and evaluation. There was a continuous and systematic movement, with the participation of 396 students and the 2 PE teachers on campus. Among the limits of the intervention proposal, we highlight the difficulty of promoting the integration of knowledge related to basic and professional education. In terms of possibilities, the reaffirmation of the importance of our role for an interventional and reflective action in the treatment given to the procedural nature of knowledge, and in the constant and always renewed dialogue by the criticism of peers.Keywords: Education; Knowledge; Vocational Education; Curriculum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 63
Bella Dong

Journal of Food Research wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Their help and contributions in maintaining the quality of the journal are greatly appreciated. Journal of Food Research is recruiting reviewers for the journal. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, we welcome you to join us. Please contact us for the application form at: [email protected] Reviewers for Volume 9, Number 3   Asima Asi Begic-Akagic, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Bosnian Bruno Alejandro Irigaray, Facultad de Química, Uruguay Diego A. Moreno-Fernández, CEBAS-CSIC, Spain Djilani Abdelouaheb, Badji Mokhtar University, Algeria Gisele Fátima Morais Nunes, Federal Center of Technological Education of Minas Gerais, Brazil Jintana Wiboonsirikul, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand Leonardo Martín Pérez, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Argentina Liana Claudia Salanta, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Romania Luis Patarata, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal Mariana de Lourdes Almeida Vieira, Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais, Brazil Mohd Nazrul Hisham Daud, Malaysian Agricultural Research & Development Institute, Malaysia Palmiro Poltronieri, National Research Council of Italy, Italy Qinlu Lin, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, China Rigane Ghayth, Organic Chemistry-Physics Laboratory, University of Sfax, Tunisia Rozilaine A. P. G. Faria, Federal Institute of Science, Education and Technology of Mato Grosso, Brazil Shalini A. Neeliah, Ministry of Agro-industry and food security, Mauritius Winny Routray, McGill University, Canada Won Choi, University of Hawaii at Manoa, United States

Ernest W. Brewer

This chapter examines the history of career and technical education in the United States beginning with its earliest forms in the 16th and 17th centuries and continuing on through present-day society. Chronologically formatted, the primary focus is on how the nation’s domestic and international issues during each time period affected the development of vocational education, leading to major federal government legislation. Following a brief introduction of the subject, the background section will provide the reader with basic definitions of career and technical education as discussed by various authors, noting the changes of such definitions over the years. The main body of the chapter is divided into several sections based upon time periods. Each section will discuss national issues and major legislation reflecting changes in vocational education. Finally, the future of career and technical education will be examined, followed by a brief conclusion.

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