education curriculum
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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-36
Semra Tican Başaran ◽  
Sabri Sidekli ◽  

The purpose of this study is to reveal the views and recommendations of the preschool and primary school teachers on the literacy preparation in Turkish preschool education. The study is designed as phenomenological research. The participants of the study are 12 preschool and 9 primary school teachers who have been teaching actively in the western part of Turkey. The qualitative data was collected through face-to-face interviews and analyzed through content analysis. The findings of the study show that preschool teachers have some confusion on literacy preparation and readiness. While preschool and primary school teachers are of the same opinion about the need for literacy preparation in preschool education, they have different opinions about the literacy preparation activities conducted in preschool education. While preschool teachers think that they get preschoolers ready for literacy, primary school teachers think that first graders in their classes do not come literately ready from preschool education. Teachers participated in the study; think that the lack of collaboration among preschool and primary school teachers, some deficiencies in preschool education curriculum and in the education system, and the preschool teachers’ imperfect knowledge in the literacy readiness are the possible reasons of inadequacy of readiness for literacy in preschool education. They recommend systematic collaboration among teachers, review of preschool education curriculum and providing professional support for preschool teachers to support literacy readiness in preschool education.

2022 ◽  
Francisco Alegre ◽  
Lidon Moliner ◽  
Gil Lorenzo-Valentin

2022 ◽  
pp. 109019812110671
Alyson Haslam ◽  
Charlotte Love ◽  
Tori Taniguchi ◽  
Mary B. Williams ◽  
Marianna S. Wetherill ◽  

The Food Resource Equity and Sustainability for Health (“FRESH”) study is an Indigenous-led intervention to increase vegetable and fruit intake among Native American children. As part of this study, we developed a hybrid (online and in-person) food sovereignty and nutrition education curriculum for the parents of these children. This 16-week curriculum was developed to promote household- and community-level healthy eating and food sovereignty practices to parents of preschool-aged children residing in Osage Nation, Oklahoma. A total of 81 parent/caregivers participated in the curriculum component of the FRESH study, with a median age of 34 years (range: 23–54 years). Most study participants were female (88.9%) and less than half (45.7%) had an annual household income of more than US$50,000. Most were married or had a significant other (76.5%) and worked full-time (65.4%). The median total number of children in the home <18 years of age was three (range: 1–8). Participation among the 94 parents was 56% during the first week and was 12% in the final week. Having some college or technical training (vs. having a college degree) and having an annual household income of US$20,000–US$50,000 (vs. more than US$50,000) were associated with fewer sessions attended ( p = 0.004 and 0.02, respectively) Being married (vs. not) was associated with higher attendance ( p < .0001). Participation in a hybrid food sovereignty and nutrition education curriculum for parents was generally low, but income, education, and marital status were associated with curriculum participation. Our research adds to the literature by describing the development and implementation of this curriculum and recommendations for future research incorporating Indigenous approaches to health.

2022 ◽  
pp. 716-730
Md Jahangir Alam ◽  
Sheikh Rashid Bin Islam ◽  
Keiichi Ogawa

The curriculum is an essential and integral part of the education system for lifelong learning and better children's outcomes. The sum of experience throughout their schooling journey can be defined as an educational curriculum expressed in a much broader sense. The school's type of school, study materials used, teaching methods, available school facilities, and the qualifications of schoolteachers provided at the end of primary schooling often diverge with different educational curricula due to the government policy dilemma. There is no unified primary education curriculum in Bangladesh's case. More than three mainstream educational curricula can be founded, each with its own unique set of traits, benefits, and shortcomings. This chapter explores what factors affect a school's choice, which is linked with the educational curriculum being offered, and how it affects the student's quality of education. This chapter also explores gamification theory's implementation to ensure quality primary education in Bangladesh.

2022 ◽  
pp. 327-339
Johnny R. O'Connor Jr.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance to parents, teachers, and school administrators, as it relates to the various elements and considerations to implementing inclusion programming in schools. The author introduces the implementation of inclusion in terms of a multidimensional framework needed to support the inclusion of students with disabilities (SWD) in general education classroom settings. Inclusive settings allow access to the general education curriculum, ensuring compliance with federal law, and enhanced academic and social opportunities for students with disabilities. A discussion of key stakeholders in inclusion, as well as preparation, implementation, and sustainability of inclusion efforts are also reviewed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 236-251
Nkholedzeni Sidney Netshakhuma

The chapter assesses the role of institutions of higher learning in designing education curriculum in collaboration with the library, museum, and archives (LAMs) of the Stevenson Hamilton Knowledge Resource (SHKR) center based at the National Park. This research is based on a qualitative research method. The finding of the NP case study underpins concepts and outcomes described in academic discourse on the relationship between institutions of higher learning and LAMs. LAMs may serve as lifelong learning in South Africa. The results of empirical research allow the researcher to conclude that designing educational materials requires the collaboration of the Ministry of Basic and Higher Education, Training, Science, and Technology and LAMs.

2022 ◽  
Abigail Kerschner ◽  
Kathleen Jensik ◽  
Anne Mathias ◽  
Dakota Berg ◽  
Alexis Visotcky ◽  

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