scholarly journals La colección histórica de rocas de Filipinas del Museo Geominero (Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid)

Isabel Rábano ◽  
Ruth González-Laguna ◽  
Mª José Torres-Matilla

Resumen Se presenta una colección de 361 rocas de las islas Filipinas, conservada en el Museo Geominero del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España. Fue formada en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX por ingenieros destinados en la Inspección General de Minas de aquel archipiélago. La Comisión del Mapa Geológico de España ejerció, a partir de 1876 y hasta el abandono de la colonia en 1898, la supervisión de la realización del mapa geológico de las islas. Ello obligó a enviar a la metrópoli las colecciones de rocas, minerales y fósiles que acompañaban a las memorias geológicas correspondientes. Se trata de la única colección histórica de rocas filipinas conservada en museos españoles. Abstract A collection of 361 rocks from the Philippine Islands, housed in the Geominero Museum of the Geological Survey of Spain, is presented. It was set up in the second half of the 19th century by engineers of the Bureau of Mines of the Spanish colonial government. The Commission of the Geological Map of Spain supervised the geological mappping works in the Philippines from 1876 until the loss of the colony in 1898. This forced to send to the metropolis the collections of rocks, minerals and fossils that accompanied the corresponding geological memories. It is the only historical collection of Philippine rocks preserved in Spanish museums.

2019 ◽  
pp. 88-102
Félix Manuel Jiménez Lobo

This article examines the reasons for the disappearance of Spanish as an interlanguage in the Philippines (both as an official language and as a means of communication between speakers of different languages) after the change of colonial power at the end of the 19th century. First, the author explains the geographic, ethno-linguistic and historical context of the country, summarizes the evolution of Spanish in the Philippines from the beginning of the Spanish colonial period until the present day with special attention being given to the appearance of the creole Chavacano, and presents the traditional explanations for the disappearance of the language. Later he compares the evolution of Spanish in the Philippines with other former Spanish colonies. He concludes that Spanish disappeared through a combination of unique historical circumstances which did not occur in other territories of the former Spanish Empire.

María Baudot Monroy

La implantación de las reformas administrativas para controlar y rentabilizar el Imperio, promovidas por la Corona española para las Filipinas durante el siglo XVIII, se realizó con muchas dificultades y retrasos, debido a le férrea oposición de la oligarquía manilense a perder privilegios, el control de las instituciones y la gestión del Galeón de Manila, principal fuente de ingresos de la colonia. Este trabajo trata sobre la construcción de la Real Armada en Filipinas, cuya implantación y desarrollo no fue posible hasta que se encomendó a marinos del Cuerpo General de la Armada a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. El esfuerzo de estos hombres sentó las bases para que la Armada contribuyera a la conservación de las Filipinas durante el siglo XIX.mada contribuyera a la conservación de las Filipinas durante el siglo XIX.     AbstractThe implementation of administrative reforms to control and make profitable the Empire, promoted by the Spanish Crown in the Philippines, were carried out with many difficulties and delays due to the strong opposition of the Manila oligarchy who were afraid to lose their privileges and control of the institutions. Especially that of the Manila Galleon, the main source of income for the colony. These article deals with the construction of the Royal Navy, whose implantation and development was not possible until it was entrusted to officers of the Navy from the second half of the 18th century. The effort of these men laid the foundations for the Navy to contribute to the conservation of the Philippines during the 19th century.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096777202110347
Gabriel E Andrade

The management of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic will require huge worldwide vaccination efforts. In this endeavour, healthcare workers face the twofold challenge of reaching remote areas, and persuading people to take the vaccine shots. As it happens, this is nothing new in the history of medicine. Health workers can take inspiration from Francisco Xavier Balmis, a Spanish physician of the 19th century who realised the importance of Jenner's vaccine against smallpox, and led a big successful expedition to administer the vaccines in the Spanish colonial possessions of the Western hemisphere and Asia. This article presents a biographical sketch of Balmis, focusing on his expedition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-246
Jely Agamao Galang

Abstract Between 1837 and 1882, the Spanish colonial government in the Philippines deported “undesirable” Chinese—vagrants, drunkards, unemployed, idlers, pickpockets, undocumented, and the “suspicious”—to various parts of the archipelago. Deportation, in this context, refers to the transportation or banishment of individuals deemed “dangerous” by the state to different far-flung areas of the islands or outside the colony but still within the Spanish empire. Deportation primarily served as a form of punishment and a means to rehabilitate and improve the wayward lives of “criminals.” This paper examines the deportation of “undesirable” Chinese in the nineteenth-century Philippines. Using underutilized primary materials from various archives in Manila and Madrid, it interrogates the actors, institutions and processes involved in banishing such individuals. It argues that while deportation served its punitive and reformative functions, Spanish authorities also used it to advance their colonial project in the islands. Chinese deportees formed part of the labor supply the state used to populate the colony’s frontier areas and strengthen its control over its newly-acquired territories.

José Ignacio Royo Guillén ◽  
Francisco José Navarro Cabeza ◽  
Serafín Benedí Monge

Los estudios sobre grabados rupestres al aire libre de cronología postpaleolítica, adolecen de importantes carencias que, en el valle medio del Ebro, se han visto superadas con la llegada del tercer milenio. Con la presentación de este trabajo se pretende dar a conocer un nuevo núcleo de grabados rupestres, localizado en el extremo suroeste de la provincia de Zaragoza, en las gargantas calcáreas del río Mesa. Entre los nuevos enclaves rupestres, destacan los abrigos con grabados protohistóricos, pero muy especialmente los de cronología medieval andalusí y los de iconografía cristiana entre los siglos XIV y XVIII, con perduraciones hasta mediados del siglo XIX y algunas escenas relacionadas con la primera Guerra Carlista en Aragón. La distribución de los hallazgos, su tipología e iconografía y los restos arqueológicos asociados, permiten documentar una importante ocupación del territorio desde la Iª Edad del Hierro y la sacralización del paisaje a través del arte rupestre, con pervivencias que se perpetúan a lo largo de la Edad Media y Moderna, destacando como novedad la presencia de un importante conjunto de inscripciones epigráficas islámicas que deben situarse entre los siglos XI y XII. AbstractThe studies on open-air rock engravings in post-Paleolithic chronology suffer from important deficiencies, which in the middle valley of the Ebro, have been overcome with the arrival of the third millennium.With the presentation of this work, the aim is to make known a new nucleus of rock engravings, located in the extreme southwest of the province of Zaragoza, in the limestone gorges of the River Mesa. Among the new rock engravings, the shelters with protohistoric engravings stand out, but especially those with a medieval Andalusian chronology and those with Christian iconography between the 14th and 18th centuries, which lasted until the middle of the 19th century and some scenes related to the first Carlist War in Aragon. The distribution of the findings, their typology and iconography and the associated archaeological remains, allow us to document an important occupation of the territory since the First Iron Age and the sacralization of the landscape through rock art, with survivals that are perpetuated throughout the Middle and Modern Ages, highlighting as a novelty the presence of an important set of Islamic epigraphic inscriptions that must be located between the 11th and 12th centuries.

Ángel Ruiz Pérez ◽  

Study of myths and motifs of classical antiquity in the poetry of some important Cuban poets of the 19th century (José María Heredia, Juan Clemente Zenea, Enrique José Varona Julián del Casal and especially José Martí). The importance of art as a subject and as a way of connecting with the ancient world and above all, the centrality of political issues are key aspects that explain the repeated presence of Prometheus and Laocoon

David Castro Liñares

Este trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar el tratamiento penal que durante el siglo XIX se dispensó a los actos indebidos para con el cuerpo y memoria de las personas fallecidas. Para ello, este texto se inicia con un recorrido normativo por los Códigos Penales españoles del siglo XIX (1822-1848-1850-1870) con el propósito de analizar la forma en que el Legislador penal fue incorporando esta cuestión en los distintos textos normativos. A continuación, y como forma de continuar este análisis, se estima adecuado detenerse en las razones político criminales subyacentes a la tipificación de estas conductas. De esta forma, se intenta realizar una aproximación a las lógicas punitivas decimonónicas inherentes a una esfera tan particular como el castigo penal a los actos irrespetuosos para con los difuntos. Por último, se incorpora un apartado conclusivo en el que abordar algunas ideas que, por razón de estructura narrativa no encontraban un acomodo idóneo en otras partes del texto pero que igualmente resultan de importancia para esta propuesta de análisis político-criminal histórico.This work aims to analyse the criminal law treatment that during the 19th century is dispensed to wrongdoing with the body and memory of deceased people. For that purpose, this text begins with a normative view of the Spanish Criminal Codes of the 19th century (1822-1848-1850-1870) in order to investigate how the Criminal Legislator incorporated this issue into the various normative texts. Hereunder, as a way to continue this analysis, it is considered appropriate to dwell on the criminal political reasons typification of these conducts. In this way, an attempt is made to approximate the decimonic punitive logics inherent in an area as particular as criminal punishment to disrespectful acts with the deceased. Finally, a concluding section is incorporated in order to address some ideas that, by reasons of narrative structure, did not find an appropriate accommodation in other parts of the text but which are also relevant for this proposal of historical political-criminal analysis. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 97-108
Narciso M. Contreras Izquierdo

The lexicographical treatment of the specialized lexicon of a language is one of the most serious problems lexicographers and specialists in the discipline must face; the author also affirms that it is one of the great pending tasks of Spanish lexicography. The paper proposes to examine the evolution and characteristics of the Spanish lexicographic tradition in general, and to present the different tendencies in the treatment of the lexicon specialized in the 19th century.

2020 ◽  
pp. 33
Gonzalo Passos Correia da Cruz ◽  
José Luís Ferreira Antunes

<p>Las excavaciones arqueológicas del año 2014 en el castro de la Citânia de Briteiros se desarrollaron en torno a un complejo habitacional familiar descubierto durante los trabajos desarrollados en el siglo XIX. Los sondeos arqueológicos abarcaron un patio y espacios interiores de esta casa familiar, así como también una calle pública. El registro estratigráfico y los datos cronológicos y funcionales obtenidos en esta campaña permiten plantear un interesante debate en relación con el urbanismo de los grandes castros, conocidos como oppida, así como también acerca de los conceptos asociados a la arquitectura doméstica en torno al cambio de Era, cuando dio comienzo el proceso de Romanización</p><p>The 2014 archaeological campaign in the hillfort of Citânia de Briteiros was developed around a family compound discovered during the 19th century fieldworks. The archaeological trenches included a courtyard and indoor spaces of this family house, as well as a public road. The stratigraphic sample and the chronological and functional data obtained in these fieldworks enable an interesting discussion around the urbanism of the large hillforts, known as oppida, as well as the concepts regarding domestic architecture by the transition of Era, when the Romanization process begun</p>

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