2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 319 ◽  
Muhamad Ansorudin Sidik

Solid waste management is a system involving all subsystems of management such as institutional, law, financing, operational, and community participation. Waste law which shelters the solid waste management is the umbrella of all local regulation (Perda). But in fact, its implementation and aplication have not run well as expected. Using a simple analisys method from personal experience as an Adipura award appraiser, thewriter tried to reveal the strengths and weaknesses in waste management all this time. The result shows that local governments, in general, haven’t considered the wastemanagement subsystems integratedly in handling the municipal garbage. They usually see the problem partially, not as an integrated system which includes all the subsystems. Municipal waste management should not become a proses which is independent fromthe other subsystems. It is recommended that the head of regional government see the waste management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 3517
Lien Thi Kim Trinh ◽  
Allen H. Hu ◽  
Song Toan Pham Phu

Municipal solid waste management is an environmental issue that has received considerable attention from researchers and environmental managers for decades. Supporting the management programs entail policies and regulations related to municipal solid waste. In developed countries, the implementation of environmental policies plays an important role and has a substantial impact on the effectiveness of solid waste management. However, in many developing countries such as Vietnam, the situation and effectiveness of the policy implementation have not been studied extensively. This investigation is conducted to ascertain the situation, limitations, and challenges in implementing solid waste management policy in Vietnam. Then, solutions for the problems and improvements for implementation efficiency are presented. This work used online questionnaires to survey environmental managers in different localities and applied qualitative research method to analyze data. The results show that not all national policies on solid waste management are implemented in all localities. Waste separation is also the foremost concern in municipal waste management in most localities of Vietnam. Most of the localities claimed that the unrealistic nature and difficult implementation of the policies and the lack of needed resources are the main limitations and challenges in Vietnam. Survey results also revealed that different localities in Vietnam have different solutions to increase policy implementation efficiency. Besides, the study also found similarities in the implementation of policies in solid waste management between Vietnam and some other countries and also gathered some valuable lessons for the improvement strategy. Finally, the implementation of an effective domestic solid waste management policy is an important platform for improving environmental quality and ensuring the sustainable development of the nation and mankind.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002085232110179
Dolores Elizabeth Turcott Cervantes ◽  
Beatriz Adriana Venegas Sahagún ◽  
Amaya Lobo García de Cortázar

Local governments face the need to achieve sustainability in the provision of public services, and to do so, proper governance is essential. This work proposes a method to assess governance in local waste management systems based on a set of indicators that are flexible and robust enough to allow objective and reliable evaluation even where the information that is available is deficient. The proposal is based on a set of indicators divided into six categories that represent an increasing order of governance maturity: institutional framework; government effectiveness; transparency and accountability; network creation; participation; and corruption control. The article presents the proposal and a first test in two Mexican municipalities, which are an example of municipal solid waste management systems in an incipient stage of development, where there may be serious limitations in terms of access to information. The results show that the methodology can be replicated in different contexts and can be useful for making decisions about improvements in municipal solid waste management systems or for comparing them with others. In addition, sufficient information was obtained for a first diagnosis of the cases studied, which indicates the coherence of the proposed framework. Points for practitioners Proper governance is essential to achieve sustainability in the provision of public services. The assessment of local governance must be robust enough to motivate changes and, at the same time, flexible enough to allow reliable evaluation where the quality of service and the availability of information may be scant. We propose a new framework for the assessment of governance in municipal solid waste management systems that meets these requirements, based on a set of indicators clustered according to governance maturity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Charo Kenneth Kazungu ◽  
Dr. Johnbosco M Kisimbii

Purpose: The study was therefore done to evaluate the Efficiency of Solid Waste Management Programs in Kenya- specifically Kilifi County, being guided by four specific objectives; How Public-Private Partnership(X1), Community Participation (X2), Budget Allocation (X3) and Government Policy (X4) Influence Effective SWM Programs in Kilifi county.Methodology: Descriptive design with the target population of 1,453,787drawn from Kilifi County where multistage and random sampling techniques gave sample size of 72 subjects. Data was captured using questionnaires. Data analysis was through descriptive statistics and chi square to ascertain effect of the variables using SPSS.Findings: Findings were that all the four variables of the study indeed have effect to SWM programs in Kenya.  X1 Hypothesis test results revealed that the calculated χ2(223.4 = P< .001). While X2 indicated that, the Cχ2 =268.5 = P-value in the asymptotic significance column was 0.00001. X3 revealed Cχ2 =216.9 where P-value was .00001. And X4 established χ2C=201.88 with P Value and P-value was 0.0001. The study rejected all the HO and accepted H1 which established there was relationship between all the study variables and waste management programs. Illustration of R=0.532 represents the simple correlation; therefore, a moderate positive linear relationship among independent variables and effective SWM programs in Kenya existed. R2=0.283 which indicated the total difference the dependent variable is clarified by the independent variables. In this case, the four independent variables explained 28.3% of the variability in effective SWM programs in Kenya and 72.7% variation in sustainable implementation being described by external issues not discussed in this research project. Regression analysis was done model equation; Effective SWM Programs (Y) =3.197+ 0.188 Public-Private Partnership (X1) + 0.213 (Community Participation (X2) + 0.177 (Budget Allocation (X3) + 0.080(Government Policies (X4). The model described that all the elements had a positive influence on the effective SWM programs. This regression equation proved that when all other elements are held constant (no determinants or elements) effective SWM programs would be 3.197. The study concluded, public-private partnership and availability and proper management of budget allocation as key determinants of effectiveness of the SWM programs.Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: It also uncovered that community participation greatly weighs in on the performance of SWM programs thus improved greatly efficiency and effectiveness of the programs. Lastly, proper government policies must be imposed to ensure legal policy and regulatory frameworks to ensure proper governance of SWM programs and sustainability. Future research required in all Counties across the Country. This will bring relevant information that could be useful for policy framework that   focuses on to promoting effectiveness of the SWM in Kenya.

Cody Taylor ◽  
Emily Bedwell ◽  
Amy Guy ◽  
David Traeger

As awareness regarding the potential threat of climate change has grown in the US, many local governments and businesses are being asked to consider the climate implications of their actions. In addition, many leaders, including solid waste managers, who are not yet pressured from the outside, consider it prudent to account for their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and consider it a proactive measure to assess climate risks and opportunities and to show commitment to progress. Sources of GHG emissions in the solid waste management process include: waste transport vehicles, composting facilities, processing equipment, landfills, and waste-to-energy facilities. Over the past 25 years, the levels of GHG emissions have been reduced through technological advancements in waste-to-energy, environmental regulations such as the Clean Air Act, landfill gas capture and control, and the promotion of recycling and reuse. There are many opportunities for solid waste managers to further reduce their GHG emissions levels, including promotion of waste-to-energy facilities as part of a low-carbon solid waste management plan. Waste-to-energy may also, in the future, offer potential revenue from the sale of renewable energy credits and carbon credits in emerging emissions trading programs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Nahawanda Ahsanu Amala ◽  
Rr Diah Nugraheni Setyowati ◽  
Sarita Oktorina

Solid waste problem is happen in many big city, such as Surabaya City. Jemur Wonosari which is participant in Surabaya Green and Clean (SGC) program also have waste management problems. When SGC was conducted, solid waste management is good. However, after the program finished, solid waste management facilities was neglected. In this research we measured solid waste measurement in waste generation and composition from domestic and non-domestic. Also to survey the level of community participation in manage solid waste. The design is quantitative research, data getting from measurement of waste generation and composition also question data to know community participation level in waste management which influenced by internal factors (knowledge, motivation, and environment attitude).The result of research, waste from people in a day is 0,093 kg/person/day. The result of solid waste generation which produced by the community is about 2054,37 kg/day. Waste composition which dominated by food waste, it’s about 43,3%. From the X2 test explain that there is a relation between knowledge, motivation, and environment attitude to community participation and between community participation to solid waste management. The community need to improve composting activities to minimize waste and rise up community participation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Sri Wahyono ◽  
Firman L. Sahwan ◽  
Feddy Suryanto

Pengelolaan sampah berbasis masyarakat (PSBM) adalah sistem penanganan sampah yang direncanakan, disusun, dioperasikan, dikelola dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Peran PSBM sangat penting dalam ikut membantu mengurangi permasalahan sampah kota, sehingga konsep tersebut banyak dilakukan di berbagai tempat, termasuk di Rawasari. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perkembangan kegiatan PSBM di Rawasari, yang secara khusus bertujuan: (i) monitoring dan evaluasi, (ii) pembinaan dan pendampingan, (iii) sosialisasi dan publikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan PSBM di Rawasari berjalan dengan baik, berkat adanya pembinaan yang baik dan berkesinambungan. Hal ini tergambar dari peningkatan jumlah keluarga yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pengomposan dan daur ulang sampah anorganik. Hasil tersebut juga tidak terlepas dari peran kader lingkungan yang ada serta kerjasama yang baik antar stakeholders, baik yang berasal dari pemerintah setempat, instansi kebersihan, lembaga penelitian, LSM, lembaga asing, dan warga setempat. Adanya kegiatan sosialisasi keberhasilan PSBM di RW 01 dan RW 02 melalui kegiatan pencanangan gerakan PSBM oleh Gubernur DKI Jakarta, ikut mendorong keberhasilan PSBM di Rawasari. Pemerintah DKI Jakarta menyadari bahwa peran serta masyarakat, sangat efektif dalam menekan jumlah timbulan sampah. Untuk itu, kegiatan PSBM telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu program utama pengelolaan sampah. kata kunci: pengelolaan sampah, kader lingkungan, daur ulang, pengomposanAbstractCommunity-based solid waste management (CBSWM) is the solid waste management that are planned, developed, operated, managed and owned by the local community. CBSWM is very important role to reduce the problem of municipal solid waste. This concept is widely applied in various places, including in Rawasari, Central Jakarta. The study was conducted to determine the progress of the CBSWM in Rawasari, which specifically aims to: (i) monitoring and evaluation, (ii) coaching and mentoring, (iii) socializing and publication. The results showed that the activity of CBSWM in Rawasari is going well. This is illustrated by the increasing number of families who participate in composting and recycling of anorganic waste. These good results are affected by the roles of environmental cadres as well as good cooperation between stakeholders, such as local governments, research institutions, NGOs, international agencies, and local residents. The Jakarta administration realizes that the roles of the community are very effective in reducing the amount of waste generation. So that, activities of CBSWM becomes one of the major program in waste management..kay words: Community-based solid waste management,  environmental cadres, recycling, composting

Aditya Dev Narayan Garg

Abstract: A study is carried out to design the integrated system approach for the solid waste management for Amanganj area in Panna District. Amanganj is a town and a Nagar Panchayat and a tehsil in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh, India. The information that are used to design the system is gathered from the existing data presented over Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board on solid waste management. It has included integrated approach where the recycling, reusing and leachate management as well as landfill areas are covered by not necessary included in the design of the system. Total land area which has been utilized has involved the integrated approach to meet the area of 1000m2 . The requirement of the manpower, waste collection and its compact on the people are eventually covered in the study. It will be reliable to use the solid waste management system at Amanganj as it would help in offering the better facilities and support to the local people. Keywords: Solid waste management, Integrated Design, Integrated approach, Composting, landfill and resources.

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