Pengelolaan Data Terintegrasi Berdasarkan Instrumen Akreditasi Perguruan Tinggi 3.0 Menggunakan Zachman Framework

Ardhin Primadewi ◽  
Mukhtar Hanafi

Higher education in Indonesia is regulated by the government with the Higher Education Accreditation (APT). In APT 3.0, Higher Education is required to be able to present performance data in the form of a Higher Education Performance Report (LKPT) as a reference in making a Self-Evaluation Report (LED). However, it is necessary to have an in-depth analysis to determine the gaps in the data required by Higher Education according to the APT 3.0 standard. The process of integrating the samples refer to the Zachman Framework (ZF). The results of this simplification that the data is available in support of APT 3.0 approximately 79% of the total data both inside and outside the core business of Higher Education and is well managed in an integrated database. The remaining 21% of the data that are not available is spread across several information systems, especially SIMMawa, SIMHumas and Cooperation, and SIMAKU. This shows that the change in accreditation standards that have been in effect since April 2019 has created a significant data gap for Higher Education. This research also produced an alternative model of integrated data management that can be used as input for Information System developers in the Higher Education scope.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Pingkan Umboh

Education plays a significant role in all of the strategies made and initiatives taken to achieve various outcomes of ASEAN. One of the core strategies which engage the Higher Education sector to meet the ASEAN Community in 2015 was “Cross‐border mobility and internationalisation of education—to promote regional sharing, cultivate a regional perspective among member states and contribute to the spirit of regional unity and excellence.” The purpose of this practice note is to find and analyse initiatives taken by the Government and Higher Education institutions focussing in Indonesia, the largest population and largest economy country in ASEAN and how the initiatives positioned the education in the region. This note is intended to contribute to the knowledge of ASEAN Community, especially on its education area. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-96
Iqbal Kamil Siregar ◽  
Samsul Haq ◽  
Nur'ainun Ritonga ◽  
Muhammad Ilyas Nst

Abstract: Educational Counseling in Increasing the Interest of Santri / wati to Continue Education to Higher Education aims to provide knowledge to students about the Higher Education system and the introduction of several campuses and scholarships provided by the government to encourage the government's mission of entrepreneur santri. Of course, the students have different talents and abilities. So it is necessary to have an approach or self-evaluation of what interests will be chosen to continue to higher education. This counseling opportunity becomes an arena to motivate students to continue their education at higher education. He also explained that lectures are not only related to knowledge but also determine the future which will determine a better life. On this occasion the community service team presented various information including describing what study programs and faculties are available. In addition, what is important information is information related to tertiary entry pathways. There are three pathways described, namely the SMPTN, SBMPTN, SPMB, and achievement pathways.   Keywords: education; extension; students.  Abstrak: Penyuluhan Pendidikan Dalam Meningkatkan Minat Santri/wati Untuk Melanjutkan Pendidikan ke Perguruan Tinggi bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada santri-santriwati tentang sistem Pendidikan Tinggi dan pengenalan beberapa kampus serta beasiswa yang disediakan pemerintah demi terdorongnya misi pemerintah santri entrepreneur. Para santri tentu memiliki bakat dan kemampuan yang berbeda-beda. Sehingga perlu adanya pendekatan atau evaluasi diri minat apa yang akan dipilih untuk melanjutkan ke perguruan Tinggi. Kesempatan penyuluhan ini menjadi ajang untuk memotivasi para santri untuk bisa melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Juga menjelaskan bahwa perkuliahan tidak hanya mengejar terkait ilmu tapi menentukan masa depan yang nantinya akan menjadi penentu kehidupan yang lebih baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini tim pengabdian masyarakat memaparkan berbagai infor-masi diantaranya menjabarkan prodi dan fakultas apa saja yang ada. Selain itu yang menjadi infromasi penting adalah informasi terkait jalur masuk perguruan tinggi. Ada tiga jalur yang dipaparkan yakni jalur SMPTN, SBMPTN, SPMB, dan juga jalur prestasi. Kata kunci: pendidikan; penyuluhan; santri.

1998 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 489-503
Peter Darvas

The main beliefs, strategies and problems marking the road of higher educational change in the Central–Eastern European countries are analysed and distinction is made between three main actors: government, clients and the academic community. At governmental level the focus is on the handicapping effects of conflict between short and long-term reform and the internal nature of the government-higher education relationship. Government initiated reforms should offer transitory and contextual solutions rather than permanent and substantive ones. The traditional lack of distinction between higher education as public versus private good and the problems and consequences of expanding higher education is examined. The political power of the academic community can hamper the effectiveness of reforms and external accountability. Reforms should separate the merged functions of supervision, allocation and professional accreditation. At the institutional level, executive leadership should be separated from the traditional academic hierarchies. Institutional leaders need to be given more independence and need to improve their skills of financial management, institutional planning and self-evaluation. As for academic control, new institutional patterns of cooperation should be assisted at the expense of the traditional hierarchies of higher knowledge.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-38 ◽  
Knut Larsson ◽  
Josef Frischer

The education of researchers in Sweden is regulated by a nationwide reform implemented in 1969, which intended to limit doctoral programs to 4 years without diminishing quality. In an audit performed by the government in 1996, however, it was concluded that the reform had failed. Some 80% of the doctoral students admitted had dropped out, and only 1% finished their PhD degree within the stipulated 4 years. In an attempt to determine the causes of this situation, we singled out a social-science department at a major Swedish university and interviewed those doctoral students who had dropped out of the program. This department was found to be representative of the nationwide figures found in the audit. The students interviewed had all completed at least 50% of their PhD studies and had declared themselves as dropouts from this department. We conclude that the entire research education was characterized by a laissez-faire attitude where supervisors were nominated but abdicated. To correct this situation, we suggest that a learning alliance should be established between the supervisor and the student. At the core of the learning alliance is the notion of mutually forming a platform form which work can emerge in common collaboration. The learning alliance implies a contract for work, stating its goals, the tasks to reach these goals, and the interpersonal bonding needed to give force and endurance to the endeavor. Constant scrutiny of this contract and a mutual concern for the learning alliance alone can contribute to its strength.

2016 ◽  
pp. 109
Wagner Bandeira Andriola

RESUMOO texto proporciona reflexões sobre a formação do Pedagogo, enfatizando as limitações mais visíveis na área da avaliação educacional. A partir da análise de matrizes curriculares de cursos de graduação em Pedagogia, constatou-se que algumas das principais demandas da sociedade atual não têm sido atendidas. Propôs-se que as matrizes curriculares fossem revistas, para permitir o desenvolvimento de cinco competências básicas: a) capacidade de compreender os resultados de avaliações externas realizadas pelos municípios, pelos estados e pela federação; b) capacidade de usar os resultados das avaliações externas para aprimorar a atuação docente; c) capacidade de usar os micro-dados das avaliações externas para obter diagnósticos mais detalhados da situação da escola; d) capacidade de usar os resultados dos diagnósticos mais detalhados para planejar ações de aprimoramento da gestão escolar; e) capacidade de avaliar a execução e adequação das ações de aprimoramento da gestão escolar.Palavras chave: Formação do pedagogo, ensino superior, avaliação educacional.Limitations and challenges in the formation of pedagogue in the area of education assessment.ABSTRACTThe study provides reflections on the formation of the pedagogue, emphasizing the most visible limitations in the field of educational assessment. From the analysis of matrices of education curriculum, it found that some of the main demands of today’s society have not been addressed yet. It proposed the revision of the curricular matrices to allow the development of five skills: a) ability to understand the results of external evaluations conducted by municipalities, regions and the government; b) ability to use the results of external evaluations to improve teacher performance; c) ability to use external evaluation microdata for a more detailed diagnosis of the school situation; d) ability to use results of the most detailed diagnostics for planning actions to improve school management; e) ability to assess the implementation and adaptation of the measures to improve school management.Key words: Teacher training, higher education, educational evaluation.

Liubov Melnychuk

The author investigates and analyzes the state Chernivtsi National University during the Romanian period in Bukovina’s history. During that period in the field of education was held a radical change in the direction of intensive Romanization. In period of rigid occupation regime in the province, the government of Romania laid its hopes on the University. The Chernivtsi National University had become a hotbed of Romanization ideas, to ongoing training for church and state apparatus, to educate students in the spirit of devotion Romania. Keywords: Chernivtsi National University, Romania, Romanization, higher education, Bukovina

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53
Ilzam Dhaifi

The world has been surprised by the emergence of a COVID 19 pandemic, was born in China, and widespread to various countries in the world. In Indonesia, the government issued several policies to break the COVID 19 pandemic chain, which also triggered some pro-cons in the midst of society. One of the policies government takes is the closure of learning access directly at school and moving the learning process from physical class to a virtual classroom or known as online learning. In the economic sector also affects the parents’ financial ability to provide sufficient funds to support the implementation of distance learning applied by the government. The implications of the distance education policy are of course the quality of learning, including the subjects of Islamic religious education, which is essentially aimed at planting knowledge, skills, and religious consciousness to form the character of the students. Online education must certainly be precise, in order to provide equal education services to all students, prepare teachers to master the technology, and seek the core learning of Islamic religious education can still be done well.

2020 ◽  
Ashis Acharya ◽  
Nabaraj Poudyal ◽  
Ganesh Lamichhane ◽  
Babita Aryal ◽  
Bibek Raj Bhattarai ◽  

The COVID-19 global pandemic has affected all aspects of human life, with education, not an exception. In an attempt to stop the SARS-CoV-2 spreading like wildfire, the Government of Nepal has implemented nationwide lockdowns since March 24, 2020, that have enforced schools and universities to shut down. As a consequence, more than four hundred thousand students of various levels in higher education institutions (HEIs) are in a dilemma about restoring the situation. Several HEIs, nationwide, have leaped forward from the traditional concept of learning—limited within the boundary of the classroom—to choosing digital platforms as an alternative means of teaching because of the pandemic. For this research, the descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out to investigate the effects and challenges of learning via digital platforms during this pandemic. Data were collected from students and faculty at various levels of higher education and analyzed statistically with different factors using t-test and ANOVA, and variables were found to be approximately normally distributed. The study revealed that 70% of the respondents had access to the Internet, but 36% of the Internet accessed did not continue online classes due to unexpected disturbance in Internet and electrical connectivity. Likewise, 65% of students did not feel comfortable with online classes, and among attendees of online classes, 78% of students want to meet the instructor for a better understanding of course matters. According to the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model, three factors, such as institutional policy, internet access, and poverty, are found to be significant factors affecting the online higher education systems in Nepal. On the brighter side, this outbreak has brought ample opportunities to reform the conventional teaching-learning paradigm in Nepal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (03) ◽  

In order to revitalize Indian education system, the Government of India has recently approved National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) and proposed sweeping changes including opening up of Indian higher education to foreign universities, dismantling of the UGC and the AICTE, introduction of a 4-year multidisciplinary undergraduate program with multiple exit options, and discontinuation of the M Phil program. It aims at making ‘India a global knowledge superpower’. In the light of National Education Policy-2020, agricultural education system needs to be redefined in India as it increases knowledge or information and farmer’s capacity to learn. As the level of agricultural education increases, farmers will become more and more self-reliant and will depend more on their self-studies dealing with farming. It is suggested that reorientation of agricultural higher education in context of globalization, food security, diversification, sustainability of ecosystems, and agribusiness is necessary. The curriculum of agricultural higher education needs to be made more broad based and manpower has to be trained scientifically in topics such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, agro-meteorology, environmental science, agro-ecology, computer application, information technology, conservation of natural and human resources, specialized job-oriented courses, and trade and export in agribusiness. Finally, adequate emphasis should be placed on practical skills and entrepreneurial capabilities among the students to achieve excellence. To properly address the challenges faced by today’s Indian agriculture, competent human resource in sufficiently large numbers would be required in the near future. There is a vast scope for young graduates to undertake agriculture as their profession which is directly or indirectly contributing to the economic and social development of the country.

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