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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 628-644
Mariani Dela Seran ◽  
Prayekti Prayekti

The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of education, work experience, contract work system and HR management on the quality of pt. Srikandi Mandiri Duta Mulia. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative by using a statistical correlation of multiple regressions. Popolasi in this study is the entire workforce available at PT. Srikandi Mandiri Duta Mulia, with a sample of 53 respondents. The results stated that education, work experience, contract work systems and HR management have a positive influence both partially and simultaneously on the quality of the workforce.  Keywords: education, work experience, contract work system, HR management, Quality of work.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-276
Müge Aygün ◽  
Yasemin Hacıoğlu

The purpose of this study is to review the postgraduate theses on science/physics education in Turkey to guide the teaching of the sound concept. Although the theses examined within the scope of this study belong to a certain region, the previous literature shows us that the learning difficulties/misconceptions are generally independent of culture. Thirty-three theses in the database of The Council of Higher Education Thesis Center were analyzed inductively in the semi-systematic review process. For this, the stages of content analyses were used: Elimination and coding, placing them in themes, ensuring reliability and validity were followed respectively. Unit of analyses was conclusions of the theses and suggestions of the theses. In conclusion, both conventional and contemporary approaches have a positive effect on achievement or conceptual change on the sound concept. On the other hand, students and teachers/ candidates, in general, cannot relate their knowledge of sound to daily life, their level of knowledge is inadequate, and they have misconceptions/errors and confusions. It is beneficial to consider this situation in education. The most important output of this study is the lists of possible misconceptions or confusion about the concept of sound. Teachers and researchers can use these lists in their lessons or research. Keywords: education, physics, science, sound, thesis

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 211-224
Lars Samuelsson ◽  
Niclas Lindström

Education for sustainable development (ESD) is nowadays internationally considered an important aspect of the overall education of children and young people in the world. It is included among the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Besides its content – sustainable development – ESD is also characterized by its emphasis on a democratic and participatory educational procedure. In this paper, we show how both these aspects of ESD – its content and procedure – reveal the importance of bringing ethical considerations into ESD, as well as provide challenges for ethics teaching in ESD. Keywords: education for sustainable development (ESD), sustainable development, ethics education, teaching ethics, participatory education, controversial issues

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 353-364
Gregory T. Papanikos

Does democracy have a bright future? This brief paper addresses this question and argues, that, thanks to Prometheus, political “animals” can build a better-managed corral for their common living which includes a better provision of education for all “animals.” A historical analysis of the long past may be used to discern what lies ahead. Democracy requires education and virtue, or to put it in one word, it requires pedagogy. The higher the level of pedagogy, the closer a politeia would come to an ideal democracy. Sometimes democracy is confused with equality in everything. Political “animals” are not equal, and political systems which treat people with different abilities equally have no future. An ideal society should discriminate according to levels of education obtained and the acquisition of material wealth. If the politeia is ideal, then each citizen has the same opportunity to become more educated and wealthier. In this free competition of being educated and the acquisition of individually made material wealth, ideal societies can flourish as Hesiod postulated in the 8th Century BCE and become stable despite Polybius’ predictions in the 2nd-1st Century BCE of the inevitable historical cyclicality of political systems. Keywords: education, pedagogy, democracy, oligarchy, monarchy, ochlocracy, tyranny, ideal politeia, Polybius

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 220-226
Fauzan Alfikrie ◽  
Uti Rusdian Hidayat ◽  
Ali Akbar

ABSTRAKCovid-19 sangat mudah menular diantara masyarakat, terutama ditempat-tempat keramaian terutama daerah wisata. Banyak masyarakat yang tidak mematuhi anjuran kesehatan terhadap protokol kesehatan disebabkan pengetahuan yang rendah tentang covid-19. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang pencegahan covid-19 di Desa Lemukutan. Metode palaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah penyuluhan tentang covid-19 dan skrining covid-19 kepada masyarakat Desa Lemukutan. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat didapatkan data sebelum edukasi diperoleh tingkat pengetahuan dan kemampuan masayarakat dalam melakukan skrining covid-19 pada kategori kurang 43,3%, kategori cukup 33,3%, dan kategori baik 23,4%. Sedangkan setalah diberikan edukasi terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan masayarakat dalam melakukan skrining covid-19 pada kategori cukup 30% dan kategori baik 70%. Peningkatan pengatahuan masyarakat tentang covid-19 dan kemampuan dalam melakukan skrining covid-19 menjadi salah satu upaya pencegahan covid-19. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Skrining, Covid-19  ABSTRACTCovid-19 is very easy to spread among people, especially in crowded places, especially tourist areas. Many people do not comply with health recommendations regarding health protocols due to low knowledge about COVID-19. The purpose of community service is to increase community knowledge and skills about preventing COVID-19 in Lemukutan Village. The method of implementing community service is counseling about covid-19 and COVID-19 screening training to the people of Lemukutan Village. The results of community service obtained data before education obtained the level of knowledge and ability of the community in screening for COVID-19 in the less category 43.3%, the sufficient category 33.3%, and the good category 23.4%. Meanwhile, after being given education, there was an increase in the knowledge and ability of the community in screening for COVID-19 in the 30% sufficient category and 70% good category. Increasing public knowledge about COVID-19 and the ability to screen for COVID-19 is one of the efforts to prevent COVID-19. Keywords: Education, Screening, Covid-19.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-237
Yunita Dwi Anggreini ◽  
Fauzan Alfikrie ◽  
Wahyu Kirana

ABSTRAK Hipertensi merupakan penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi salah satu penyebab utama kematian. Hipertensi dapat menyebabkan penyakit serius lainnya seperti penyakit stroke, penyakit jantung, penyakit ginjal dan lain-lain. Penderita hipertensi kebanyakan tidak menyadari bahwa mereka memiliki tekanan darah yang tinggi. Umumnya diketahui saat melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan atau dalam kondisi kesehatan yang buruk. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang manjemen hipertensi. Metode palaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah penyuluhan tentang hipertensi pada penderita hipertensi di Wilayah UPT Puskemas Gang Sehat Kota Pontianak. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat didapatkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang manajemen hipertensi. Pengetahuan merupakan dasar dalam merubah perilaku seseorang menjadi lebih sehat. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Hipertensi ABSTRACT Hypertension is a non-communicable disease that is one of the main causes of death. Hypertension can cause other serious diseases such as stroke, heart disease, kidney disease, and others. Most people with hypertension do not realize that they have high blood pressure. It is generally discovered during a medical examination or is in poor health. The purpose of community service is to increase public knowledge about hypertension management. The method of implementing community service is counseling about hypertension in hypertension sufferers in the UPT Puskemas Gang Sehat area, Pontianak City. The results of community service showed an increase in public knowledge about hypertension management. Knowledge is the basis for changing one's behavior to be healthier. Keywords: Education, Hypertension

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-48
Sunarsih Sunarsih ◽  
Aryati Sumarlinda ◽  
Fijri Rachmawati

ABSTRAK Dismenore adalah nyeri ringan yang dapat ditolerir tanpa obat, namun dalam kondisi berat bisa mengganggu aktivitas sehari – hari atau absen sekolah. Pemicu utama dismenore primer adalah prostaglandin yang berperan penting menyebabkan kram dan kontraksi serta gejala lainnya. Mengatasi dismenore dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan jus wortel yang kaya akan karotin, pectin, aspargin, serat, lemak, hidrat arang, kalsium, fosfor, besi, sodium, asam amino, minyak esensial dan beta karote serta vitamin A,B,C,D,E dan K. Vitamin E membantu block formasi prostaglandin dan membantu mengatasi efek dari peningkatan prostaglandin, sehingga efektif menurunkan nyeri. Kegiatan penyuluhan dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Mulya Asri tanggal 15 maret 2021. Kegiatan diawali dengan melakukan pertest lalu penyampaian materi, demonstrasi pembuatan jus dan diakhiri dengan evalusi dalam bentuk post test. Terdapat  peningkatan pengetahuan remaja putri tentang dismenore serta cara mengatasi dismenorea menggunakan jus wortel yaitu sebesar 55%. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, Jus Wortel, Remaja, Dismenore ABSTRACTDysmenorrhea is mild pain that can be tolerated without medicine, however, severe conditions can disturb daily activity or be absent in school. The main trigger of primer dysmenorrhea is a prostaglandin that has an important role in causing cramps, contraction, and other symptoms. The way to overcome dysmenorrhea can be done by using carrot juice in which very rich in carotene, pectin, asparagine, fiber, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, amino acids, essential oil, beta carotene, and A, B, C, D, E, K vitamin. Vitamin E helps block the formation of prostaglandin and helps in overcoming the effects of increased prostaglandin so that it is very effective in decreasing pain.  Counseling activity was done in the worked area of Mulya Asri’s Public Health Center on 15th March 2021.  This activity was started by doing a pretest, delivering the material, demonstrating in making juice, and ended by evaluating in the form of the posttest. The results were that teenage girls have had increased their knowledge about dysmenorrhea and they have had known in overcoming dysmenorrhea by using carrot juice totally 55%. Keywords : Education, Carrot Juice, teenage, Dysmenorrhea

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-68
Muhdar Muhdar ◽  
Grace Tedy Tulak ◽  
Bangu Bangu ◽  
Rosmiati Rosmiati ◽  
Iis Afrianty

ABSTRAK Merokok merupakan salah satu perilaku yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai penyakit. Perilaku merokok ditemukan pada berbagai tingkat usia termasuk diantaranya kelompok usia remaja. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan edukasi kepada remaja terkait dampak rokok terhadap kesehatan. Edukasi dilaksanakan di sekolah setingkat SMP san SMA di Kabupaten kolaka yang diikuti oleh 122 siswa. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November sampai Desember 2020 yang dibagi dalam 5 kali kegiatan. Para siswa secara antusias mengikuti semua rangkaian kegiatan edukasi dengan baik dan pada sesi diskusi terdapat 4 orang siswa yang mengajukan pertanyaan terkait dengan materi yang disampaikan. Kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik karena didukung oleh kepala sekolah dan pihak puskesmas Kolaka. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan setiap semester di sekolah untuk mengurangi jumlah siswa yang merokok. Kata Kunci: Edukasi, dampak rokok  ABSTRACT Smoking is a behavior that can cause various diseases. Smoking behavior is found at various age levels including the adolescent age group. This service activity aims to educate adolescents regarding the impact of smoking on health. The education was carried out in schools at the level of SMP and SMA in Kolaka Regency which was attended by 122 students. This activity was carried out from November to December 2020 which was divided into 5 activities. The students enthusiastically participated in all series of educational activities well and in the discussion session, there were 4 students who asked questions related to the material presented. This activity went well because it was supported by the principal and the Kolaka puskesmas. This activity is expected to be carried out every semester in schools to reduce the number of students who smoke. Keywords: Education, the impact of smoking

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 3124-3132
Zhazira Ashirova ◽  
Zukhra Sydykova ◽  
Zhansaya Yerkekul ◽  
Zaure Kuanyshbayeva ◽  
Gulbanu Uristenbekova

One of the features of a mature society is the existence of a perfect system of legal regulation. To have a solid system of legal regulations, students need to be trained beforehand, to make them prepared for the world of practice. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate the problem of educating the legal culture of students, to contribute to solving legal problems. The basis of such a system is the high level of legal culture of the members of this society. In order to build a rule-of-law state, for the successful socio-economic development of the country, it is necessary to educate an active young man with a developed sense of justice.The study analyzes a series of student responses that were collected through interviews. In addition, comparative data were revealed in the study using methods such as thematic analysis.As a result of the experimental work, the level of students' legal culture and comparative data on the development of students' legal culture were revealed.   Keywords: education; law; legal culture; society; student; upbringing,

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 3196-3212
Sayagul Bakhtiyarova ◽  
Zhalel Ali ◽  
Sagidolla Nurbagi ◽  
Nursulu Baitlessova ◽  
Askarbek Yergaliyev

Kazakhstan makes a significant contribution to the development of physical culture and sports in the Olympic games and as such, there is an urgent direction to study the prospects for the development of the educational services market and conduct research on consumers of educational services. The purpose of our study was to study and analyze the activities for the organization and implementation of work, related to the massive introduction of the ideas of Olympism and Olympic education in the daily life of both Kazakhstani specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, and the entire sports community. The study collected data through a survey involving 347 respondents working in the field of physical culture and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Data was analyzed using percentages and content analysis. From the study, it was concluded that Olympic movement and Olympic education make the younger generation much smarter, more humane, more aesthetic and more tolerant.   Keywords: Education; Olympic; physical culture ; sports; Olympic movement.

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