scholarly journals La perversión política en el Perú: Un análisis intersubjetivo de la corrupción

2015 ◽  
pp. 165
Jerjes Loayza Javier

Nivel: ComunicadoFecha de recepción: 20 de julio de 2011Fecha de aprobación: 19 de agosto de 2011ResumenEl artículo analiza los actos de corrupción e inmoralidad de diversa índole a manos de los parlamentarios peruanos en los años 2007-2010, para lo cual se propone el análisis tanto de los representantes políticos, como de los ciudadanos. Para analizar dichos fenómenos se parte de un marco teórico que incumbe la intersubjetividad en la política en torno a lo simbólico y lo emotivo. Si bien el infractor comete actos inicuos, tipificados por su ilegalidad e inmoralidad, éste pensaría, que dichas prácticas son inofensivas, más aun, beneficiosas. Serían injustas sólo al descubrirse. Tanto lo injusto, como lo beneficioso, se vincularían y se reforzarían en este tipo de prácticas. Asimismo, la ciudadanía, al verse prefigurada por actos ilegales, figurarían a su vez, contextos en los que tolerarían y hasta retroalimentarían dicho proceso, pervirtiendo la política.Palabras clave: Congreso, corrupción y magma de significaciones.AbstractThe present article analyzes acts of corruption and inmorality commited by some peruvian congressmen between the years 2007 and 2010. For this porpuse the analisis will be made upon said congressmen and also on the citizens which they supposedly represent. To analyze this problem we will start from a theoretical framework that contains the intersubjectivity in politics around simbolism and emotivism. Although the offender commits iniquitous acts typified by their immorality and unlawfulness, he or she might consider them to be innocuous and, moreover, beneficial. They would be unfair only if they are uncovered. Both the unfair and beneficial elements would be vinculated with each other and would reinforce themselves in this kind of practices. Since the citizenry is foreshadowed by these illegal acts, it might conceive and allow contexts in which said acts are tolerated, and even give feedback onto this relation.Key Words: Congress, corruption, magma of meanings.

2015 ◽  
pp. 165
Jerjes Loayza Javier

Nivel: ComunicadoFecha de recepción: 20 de julio de 2011Fecha de aprobación: 19 de agosto de 2011ResumenEl artículo analiza los actos de corrupción e inmoralidad de diversa índole a manos de los parlamentarios peruanos en los años 2007-2010, para lo cual se propone el análisis tanto de los representantes políticos, como de los ciudadanos. Para analizar dichos fenómenos se parte de un marco teórico que incumbe la intersubjetividad en la política en torno a lo simbólico y lo emotivo. Si bien el infractor comete actos inicuos, tipificados por su ilegalidad e inmoralidad, éste pensaría, que dichas prácticas son inofensivas, más aun, beneficiosas. Serían injustas sólo al descubrirse. Tanto lo injusto, como lo beneficioso, se vincularían y se reforzarían en este tipo de prácticas. Asimismo, la ciudadanía, al verse prefigurada por actos ilegales, figurarían a su vez, contextos en los que tolerarían y hasta retroalimentarían dicho proceso, pervirtiendo la política.Palabras clave: Congreso, corrupción y magma de significaciones.AbstractThe present article analyzes acts of corruption and inmorality commited by some peruvian congressmen between the years 2007 and 2010. For this porpuse the analisis will be made upon said congressmen and also on the citizens which they supposedly represent. To analyze this problem we will start from a theoretical framework that contains the intersubjectivity in politics around simbolism and emotivism. Although the offender commits iniquitous acts typified by their immorality and unlawfulness, he or she might consider them to be innocuous and, moreover, beneficial. They would be unfair only if they are uncovered. Both the unfair and beneficial elements would be vinculated with each other and would reinforce themselves in this kind of practices. Since the citizenry is foreshadowed by these illegal acts, it might conceive and allow contexts in which said acts are tolerated, and even give feedback onto this relation.Key Words: Congress, corruption, magma of meanings.

2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-50
Kensei Hiwaki ◽  
Junie Tong

This article provides a theoretical framework for a long-term socioeconomic lethargy (Credibility Trap) that results from the liquidation of holistic society-specific culture. As for example, it deals with the cases of Japan today and China tomorrow, elaborating on the slight of their respective society-specific cultures in a century-long process of “modernization”. The present theoretical framework primarily consists of three pivotal concepts, viz., Credibility Trap, society-specific cultures (Cultures) and market fundamentalism (Market), which facilitates a clear, concise and effective argument that the liquidation of their respective holistic Cultures may intimately relate to their actual and potential socioeconomic lethargy. Also, the present article concentrates on the elaboration of some promising avenues for prevention and cure of Credibility Trap. Such avenues comprise the necessary and sufficient conditions for a balanced socioeconomic development; a theoretical framework for a perpetual “virtuous” circle among cultural enrichment, comprehensive human development and balanced socioeconomic development; and a normative framework of multi-faceted value enhancement for vitality augmentation and cultural enrichment within a society.

2010 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-33 ◽  
Anne Marit Waade

Abstract Paradise has been a significant concept in tourism as well in consumer culture. The present article demonstrates how paradise is presented as visual, spatial and ideal concepts in ads, and how they illustrate imagination as a central communicative effect in marketing and consumer culture. Through an analysis of selected consumer and tourism ads for TV and cinema presented in Denmark, the author points out different ways of reflecting viewers’ imagination of paradise as a place and condition. The author outlines a theoretical framework for understanding imagination from a media-specific perspective as involving cognitive, emotional and sensuous processes, respectively, and looks at how paradise, as an active and present visual matrix in tourism and consumer communication, has a specific appeal to viewers’ imagination.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-36
Alina Oprea

Prenant comme cadre théorique l’analyse du discours, le présent article interroge le rapport entre émotion(s) et agressivité verbale à travers l’analyse de l’impolitesse volcanique et l’impolitesse affective stratégique. Partant du postulat que ces manifestations de l’impolitesse supposent une gestion et une manipulation différentes des émotions, ma démarche est ici double : il s’agit de dégager le fonctionnement des émotions dans un corpus médiatique (séquences extraites de talk-shows télévisés) et de mettre en parallèle les deux formes de violence verbale. En effet, l’analyse du corpus montre que l’impolitesse volcanique et l’impolitesse affective stratégique se ressemblent de par leur forme mais se distinguent de par leur temporalité, leur spontanéité et sincérité, et surtout de par la mise en scène complexe qui accompagne cette dernière et qui met en place trois portraits (héros, antihéros, victime) et trois discours (dénonciation d’une injustice, accusation, victimisation). Emotions and verbal violence: volcanic impoliteness and strategic affective impoliteness Taking the Discourse Analysis as the theoretical framework, the present article explores the relations between emotion(s) and verbal violence through the analysis of volcanic impoliteness and strategic affective impoliteness. Starting from the premise that each of these manifestations of impoliteness implies a different type of management and manipulation of emotions, my approach will be twofold: I will try to bring out the functioning of emotions in my corpus (composed of several extracts of TV talk-shows) and to compare the two forms of verbal violence. Indeed, the analysis of my corpus shows that, although volcanic and affective strategic impoliteness may have the same form, they differ with regard to their temporality, to they spontaneity and sincerity, and especially to their mise en scène: the complex mise en scène of the latter provides three portraits (the hero, the antihero and the victim) and three speeches (denunciation of some sort of injustice, accusation, victimization).

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 634-657
Stephane J Baele ◽  
Katharine A Boyd ◽  
Travis G Coan

Abstract Violent extremist groups regularly use pictures in their propaganda. This practice, however, remains insufficiently understood. Conceptualizing visual images as amplifiers of narratives and emotions, the present article offers an original theoretical framework and measurement method for examining the synchronic and diachronic study of the manipulative use of images by violent extremist groups. We illustrate this framework and method with a systematic analysis of the 2,058 pictures contained in the Islamic State's propaganda magazines targeting Western audiences, exposing the “visual style” of the group, and highlighting the trends and shifts in the evolution of this style following developments on the ground.

2007 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 290-320 ◽  
Gerald R. Ferris ◽  
Darren C. Treadway ◽  
Pamela L. Perrewé ◽  
Robyn L. Brouer ◽  
Ceasar Douglas ◽  

Political skill is a construct that was introduced more than two decades ago as a necessary competency to possess to be effective in organizations. Unfortunately, despite appeals by organizational scientists to further develop this construct, it lay dormant until very recently. The present article defines and characterizes the construct domain of political skill and embeds it in a cognition—affect—behavior, multilevel, meta-theoretical framework that proposes how political skill operates to exercise effects on both self and others in organizations. Implications of this conceptualization are discussed, as are directions for future research and practical implications.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 1281
Iraj Noroozi ◽  
Somayeh Tork

The aim of the present article is to investigate the meaning of the signs in Persian translation of Heart of Darkness. To reach the desired goal, the researcher has used social semiotics and Peirce’s triadic sign model as the theoretical framework. In the current study, Peirce semiotics has been used for detecting signs. After detection 50 signs, the researcher used Peirce’s triadic sign model for analyzing the translation of each sign. The researcher decoded the signs to identify their components and analyzed them in social semiotic level to clarify whether they have the same impression on the Persian version of Heart of Darkness as their English source or not. After performing data analysis, it was cleared that 37 signs (out of 50) in the corpus of the study have the same effect and meaning in the target text as what they have in the source text.

Stan Rzeczy ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 95-110
Bogna Dowgiałło

The present article represents a new attempt to read the first two volumes of The Polish Peasant in Europe and America from the perspective of the sociology of emotions. Reconstructing Thomas and Znaniecki’s approach to emotions entails defining the place of emotions (as emotional habits, feelings, and sentiments) in a theoretical framework of values and attitudes and presenting how Thomas and Znaniecki took affectivity into account at the analytical level. The authors’ approach seems to correspond to the contemporary understanding of emotions, which avoids a separation between the individual and the social, the emotive and the cognitive.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-101
Saeede Hosseinpour ◽  
Nahid Shahbazi Department of English Language and

Abstract Magical realism, as a narrative mode or genre in adults’ literature, has been in vogue since its revivifying with the publication of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967). However, the depiction of the genre in children’s and juvenile literature is a new trend; the presence of its elements have been traced and proved feasibly applicable in the interpretation of recent children’s fiction such as David Almond’s Skelling (1998). In this regard, the main concern of the present article is to sift the characteristic features of magical realism within Neil Gaiman’s Coraline (2002) through the application of Wendy B. Faris’s theoretical framework of the genre therewith Tzvetan Todorov’s definition of the fantastic in order to introduce the novel as an exemplar of magical realism in the domain of children’s literature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-115 ◽  
Anders Gustafsson ◽  
Hannah Snyder ◽  
Lars Witell

Service innovations challenge existing offerings and business models, shape existing markets, and create new ones. Over the last decade, service research has shown increasing interest in the concept of innovation and should by now have reached maturity and created a strong theoretical basis. However, there is no coherent theoretical framework that captures all the facets of service innovation, and to move service innovation research forward, we must revisit the key assumptions of what an innovation is. To enable this, the present article addresses three fundamental questions about service innovation: (1) What is it and what is it not? (2) What do we know and what do we not know? and (3) What do we need to know to advance service research? By doing so, this article offers an updated and comprehensive definition of service innovation and provides a research agenda to suggest a path forward.

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