scholarly journals Analysis of student needs of the mathematics club (MC) as a co-curricular activities as an effort to grow up 4C skills

Nurita Primasatya ◽  
Ilmawati Fahmi Imron

In the industrial revolution 4.0, 4C’s skills (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication) are essential for the students. Therefore, starting from elementary school, these skills need to be cultivated. According to Permendikbud No. 23 of 2017, there are 3 activities that must carry out, namely intra-curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular. Like intra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities should be structured and systematic as intra-curricular that have teaching material. However, the reality is a lot of school don’t have a good preparation for doing co-curricular. Co-curricular is the activities of deepening the material (indicator) there are in intra-curricular, so the material presented in co-curricular activities must be the material that is difficult or that needs enrichment. One of the materials that requires enrichment is mathematics. It is because mathematics has contained difficult material and is usually feared by the students. This article will specifically discuss the needs of students in full-day schools whose co-curricular activities in Mathematics Club (MC) are an cultivate 4C’s skills. The method used exploratory research method. The result of this research found that Schools needed activities such as Mathematics Club because the schools had not implemented cocurricular activities optimally. Di era revolusi industry 4.0, keterampilan 4C (critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication) penting untuk dimiliki siswa. Oleh karena itu, mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar, kemampuan ini perlu ditumbuhkan. Sesuai Permendibud No 23 tahun 2017 terdapat 3 kegiatan yang harus dilakukan sekolah yakni intrakurikuler, kokurikuler, dan ekstrakurikuler. Layaknya kegiatan intrakurikuler, kegiatan kokurikuler seharusnya juga tersusun secara terstruktur dan sistematis disertai dengan bahan ajarnya. Namun, kenyataannya sekolah belum memiliki kesiapan yang maksimal terkait dengan perancangan dan pelaksanaan kegiatan kokurikuler tersebut. Kegiatan kokurikuler adalah kegiatan pendalaman materi (indikator) yang ada dalam kegiatan intrakurikuler, jadi materi yang disajikan dalam kegiatan kokurikuler haruslah materi yang sulit atau butuh pengayaan. Salah satu materi yang membutuhkan pengayaan adalah materi matematika. Hal ini dikarenakan matematika selalu menjadi materi yang sulit dan ditakuti siswa. Artikel ini secara spesifik akan membahas kebutuhan siswa di sekolah full day terhadap kegiatan kokurikuler mathematics club sebagai upaya menumbuhkan keterampilan 4C. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian eksploratif dimana peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara secara mendalam terhadap kebutuhan sekolah terhadap kegitan kokurikuler Mathematics Club. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa sekolah membutuhkan kegiatan seperti Mathematics Club karena sekolah belum menerapkan kegiatan kokurikuler secara maksimal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 793-804
Argi Virgona Bangun ◽  
Andria Pragholapati

Nursing higher education will challenge the dynamics of the work environment in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 and they will compete with digital technology. Critical thinking skills as one of the basic competencies must support higher education in preparation for the industrial revolution 4.0. Exploring thinking skills makes nursing students will be trained in their punishment and analysis skills according to their knowledge. Critical thinking skills not only guide students to develop continuing skills, but also help nursing students to be motivated to create innovation in college. The aims of this review is to learn the critical skills needed in higher education to prepare for the industrial revolution 4.0 based on literature understanding. There are 6 (six) important things about Critical Thinking in nursing education in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0, namely Definition of Critical Thinking, Why do we need to focus on critical thinking in higher education, Why is critical thinking needed in industry 4.0 preparation, Industry Innovation 4.0 and human potential to overcome environmental problems, Critical Thinking in Nursing Education, and Educational Strategies for Developing Critical Thinking in Nursing. These critical thinking skills are suitable for equipping students in higher education before they enter different workplaces. Educational strategies in developing critical thinking skills by supporting the use of questions, small group activities, role plays, debates, use of case studies, journals, simulations, puzzles, problem solving and writing assignments. Nursing students who think critically in line with creative thinking and innovation will be useful to survive in the dynamics of the industrial revolution 4.0 and beyond in the world of the future.     Keywords: Critical Thinking, Nursing Higher Education, Industrial Revolution 4.0

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Andi Wahyudi

Critical thinking and creative thinking are important dimension in teaching of 21st century to facing the challenges of the industrial revolution 4.0. The aim of this research was to analyze undergraduate preservice teachers’ critical and creative thinking skills on a biochemistry course. It was conducted using case study to analyse real circumstance that happened in biochemistry course.  The instruments was observation sheet, test items of critical thinking skills, test items of creative thinking skills and questionnaires were used to determine the responses students towards learning activity. Participant was 30 undergraduate preservice chemistry teachers in 2015. The finding of this research showed that biochemistry course only emphasizes on critical thinking skills and not provided briefing creative thinking skills. This means that the biochemistry course has not showed students’ balance skills on critical and creative thinking skills. This study suggest that need further research to develop a biochemistry program who can improve students’ critical thinking and creative thinking.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 10-14
Dimitar Kolev ◽  

In the conditions of fourth industrial revolution, it is very difficult to find new entrepreneurship ideas and windows. This paper delves into the modern ways to do entrepreneurship like digital, green, medical, educational, social, creative or art. Some creative and critical thinking techniques for entrepreneur windows are discussed and their implementation in education has been drawn. They include lateral thinking, the six thinking hats, simplify and their suggested usage for classes as role-playing games, puzzles and quizzes. A connection between leadership, entrepreneurship, innovation and creative thinking has been drawn. On that basis, a conclusion about usage of creative thinking techniques in educational centres to build up entrepreneurship and leadership skills has been done.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-226
Ricardo M. Piñeyro Prins ◽  
Guadalupe E. Estrada Narvaez

We are witnessing how new technologies are radically changing the design of organizations, the way in which they produce and manage both their objectives and their strategies, and -above all- how digital transformation impacts the people who are part of it. Even today in our country, many organizations think that digitalizing is having a presence on social networks, a web page or venturing into cases of success in corporate social intranet. Others begin to invest a large part of their budget in training their teams and adapting them to the digital age. But given this current scenario, do we know exactly what the digital transformation of organizations means? It is necessary? Implying? Is there a roadmap to follow that leads to the success of this process? How are organizations that have been born 100% digital from their business conception to the way of producing services through the use of platforms? What role does the organizational culture play in this scenario? The challenge of the digital transformation of businesses and organizations, which is part of the paradigm of the industrial revolution 4.0, is happening here and now in all types of organizations, whether are they private, public or third sector. The challenge to take into account in this process is to identify the digital competences that each worker must face in order to accompany these changes and not be left out of it. In this sense, the present work seeks to analyze the main characteristics of the current technological advances that make up the digital transformation of organizations and how they must be accompanied by a digital culture and skills that allow their successful development. In order to approach this project, we will carry out an exploratory research, collecting data from the sector of new actors in the world of work such as employment platforms in its various areas (gastronomy, delivery, transportation, recreation, domestic service, etc) and an analysis of the main technological changes that impact on the digital transformation of organizations in Argentina.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Pavel Beňo ◽  
Patrik Havan ◽  
Sandra Šprinková

AbstractIntroduction: In this article, we want to point out what kind of pedagogical and didactic change is being recorded in Slovakia’s education system and we will point out where it could go and develop to achieve positive results. This article is one of the upcoming outputs in the form of paper and study on the provision of structured, analytical and critical thinking (SAC). In the article, it is shown how the situation has changed and how we perceive the attitude of students during the educational process. Next, it is described current problems and inadequacies in the educational process and define how to use a change of thinking to increase motivation and improve access to knowledge.Purpose: In general, there is a consensus that it is important for teachers to be able to guide their students to problem-solving skills (Aktaş & Ünlü, 2013). It is pointed out that, with the right educational tools, such skills can be stimulated, developed and improved (Jordaan & Jordaan, 2005). This article is designed for all levels of education, but we are mostly concerned with educating future educators.Methods: In this paper, there are described methods that can help to improve the quality of thinking of students and thus increase the level of thinking of the whole society. This article take inspiration from important historical personalities as well as relevant current personalities in their professions. Critical, analytical and creative thinking, also based on logical and structured thinking, is our main method of our educational process.Conclusion: In conclusion, it is pointed out the need to develop SAC as a whole. It is important for the general publica to have better skills in SAC, for example, from the point of view of cognitive mistakes in experts, in the field of political literacy, recognition of misinformation and a better general awareness of rational thinking. As can be seen, SAC is not only about education, but it also closely affects society as a whole. It can thus influence the operation of the company, prevent the development of the first-class solutions offered and raise the whole company to a higher level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 459
Arif Hidayat ◽  
Rizka Febriyani Awliyah ◽  
Suyadi Suyadi

The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the development of creativity and art in full-day schools. This study used a qualitative method with the type of library research. Full day school was an integrated curriculum and integrated activity, which meant a system that was carried out consciously in order to organize a planned learning action, then implemented and evaluated the learning in a fun way, with the expectation that students did not feel bored and tiresome even though they had studied all day long. The results of the study revealed the schools that implemented the full day school system, seen from previous research or library research, had many significant advantages in the development of creativity and art, one of which was extracurricular activities that could support students' talents and creativity. Some of them were sports, art and musicextracurricular, or extracurricular of science and robotics, from this explanation, the researchers yielded hypothesis that full-day school had an impact on students’ development, especially on creativity and art at the elementary school level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Umi Salma Fauziyah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui relevansi dari materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018 dengan beberapa aspek yaitu ruang lingkup materi berdasarkan Permendikbud No 21 tahun 2016; HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills); 4Cs (creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, collaboration); literasi membaca-menulis; literasi digital. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis analisis wacana pada materi bahasa Indonesia di buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya relevansi antara materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 revisi 2018 dengan aspek yang sudah disebutkan dengan hasil 46% materi sudah disajikan, keterampilan HOTS tidak imbang karena mayoritas critical thinking yaitu 66,7% dan decision making tidak ada, keterampilan 4Cs sudah merata meski critical thinking lebih banyak yaitu 40,5%, literasi membaca persentasenya 78,9% dan literasi menulis 21,1%, literasi digital dibahas pada satu bagian tersendiri yaitu pada tema 7 subtema 3 meskipun materinya masih tahap pengenalan. Secara keseluruhan materi bahasa Indonesia pada buku tematik kelas 3 sudah cukup relevan dengan aspek-aspek yang berkaitan meski ada yang masih kurang merata pada beberapa aspek.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 152-157
Shomirzayev Shomirzayev

This article discusses how to use the craft of national crafts. More importantly, the role of the teacher in the learning process is determined by the fact that the learners are helped by independent learning. In addition to teaching the readers not only the knowledge they have, they also understand their role in teaching independent, creative thinking, critical thinking about their personality and knowledge, analyzing information, identifying what needs to be done, drawing conclusions, and teaching their own ideas. The main purpose of collaborative learning is to work on a common problem and focus on the problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-97
Ade Febri ◽  
Sajidan Sajidan ◽  
Sarwanto Sarwanto ◽  
Dewanto Harjunowibowo

Learning trends in the 21st-century require students to have the ability to sort appropriate information from certain sources. To do this, students must have critical thinking skills. One of the learning models that can facilitate students to think critically is a guided-inquiry lab. Thus, the purpose of this study was to quantitatively analyze the impact of the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model on students' critical thinking skills on mechanics material. A pre-experimental method employing one group pretest-posttest only design was applied to obtain students' critical thinking skills data before and after the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model. A total of 32 students from a junior high school in the city of Karanganyar, Central Java, were involved as the samples in this study. The data obtained were then analyzed using N-gain calculations. Based on the data analysis, there are 81.25% of students have medium creative thinking skills after being taught with a guided-inquiry lab, meaning there is an increase in the average score of students after being taught using a guided-inquiry lab model. It can be concluded that the implementation of the guided-inquiry lab model is effective to improve students' critical thinking skills

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