scholarly journals Heir and Bastard (Notes on the Social Genesis of Ressentiment)

L. G. Fishman

The article focuses on redefining the social genesis of ressentiment. The concept of ressentiment, widely used today in the form shaped by Friedrich Nietzsche and fine-grained by Max Scheler, turns out to be both overly and insufficiently connected to the social structure of the societies, for the analysis of which it is used. The reason is that although Nietzsche’s and Scheler’s ideas about ressentiment refer to the socio-structural aspects of its genesis, they do so in a contradictory and incorrect manner. Without noticing their own contradictions, both thinkers elevate genesis of ressentiment to the moral standards of the lower classes. Using the examples of younger heirs and bastards of the medieval aristocratic families, as well as the examples of other relatively privileged social groups, the author shows that one should rather seek the genesis of ressentiment within higher social strata. At the same time, the author shows that the moral feelings and behavioral strategies germane to ressentiment can be adopted and are adopted by representatives of other classes. In this form, it attracts attention in times when the oppressed classes obtain real opportunities to change their position, or, at the very least, they receive reasons to believe that they could achieve more if such an opportunity had been given to them.

Yi Song ◽  
Xuesong Lu ◽  
Sadegh Nobari ◽  
Stéphane Bressan ◽  
Panagiotis Karras

One is either on Facebook or not. Of course, this assessment is controversial and its rationale arguable. It is nevertheless not far, for many, from the reason behind joining social media and publishing and sharing details of their professional and private lives. Not only the personal details that may be revealed, but also the structure of the networks are sources of invaluable information for any organization wanting to understand and learn about social groups, their dynamics and members. These organizations may or may not be benevolent. It is important to devise, design and evaluate solutions that guarantee some privacy. One approach that reconciles the different stakeholders’ requirement is the publication of a modified graph. The perturbation is hoped to be sufficient to protect members’ privacy while it maintains sufficient utility for analysts wanting to study the social media as a whole. In this paper, the authors try to empirically quantify the inevitable trade-off between utility and privacy. They do so for two state-of-the-art graph anonymization algorithms that protect against most structural attacks, the k-automorphism algorithm and the k-degree anonymity algorithm. The authors measure several metrics for a series of real graphs from various social media before and after their anonymization under various settings.

2001 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
Giselle Martins VENANCIO

Objetiva-se, neste artigo, compreender as formas de atuação dos diversos grupos sociais que debateram, nos primeiros anos do século XX no Brasil, a questão da regulamentação do trabalho feminino com vistas a demonstrar, principalmente, de que maneira o Estado brasileiro atuou, durante os anos 10, 20 e 30, em relação ao processo de regulamentação das leis trabalhistas, mais especificamente em relação à normatização do trabalho feminino. Ao analisar como o Estado se comportou diante do trabalho industrial feminino, buscamos fazê-lo de modo a caracterizar esse Estado enquanto um campo de forças políticas diversas. Como campo de tensão, o Estado republicano brasileiro foi ao mesmo tempo, palco de disputas políticas de vários grupos sociais e local de neutralização desses conflitos através da criação de normas que deveriam ser obedecidas por todos. As leis trabalhistas, criadas principalmente durante os anos 30, funcionaram como uma estratégia que, em nome da sua pretensa imparcialidade, permitia a tentativa de neutralização dos conflitos sociais. Em relação ao trabalho feminino, tal regulamentação, apesar de defender a mulher da superexploração a que estava submetida na fábrica, manteve-se nos limites da defesa de um tipo de família baseada na divisão “natural” dos papéis sociais, resultando de um debate que vinha se organizando desde o início do século sobre os papéis masculino e feminino e sua ação no interior da família. Abstract The goal of this article is to understand the behaviour of the different social groups which discussed, during the first few years of the XX century in Brazil, the regulation of the female labour, trying to demonstrate, mainly, how the Brazilian state acted, during the 10s, 20s and 30s, in relation to the labour laws regulation, and more specifically in relation to the regulation of the female labour. While analysing how this State has behaved facing the female industrial labour, we try to do so as to characterize this state as a camp with different political forces. As a field of tensions, the republican Brazilian state was at the same time a stage of political disputes by different social groups and a place of neutralization of such conflicts, by the creation of norms which should be followed by everybody. The labour laws, which were created mainly during the 1930s, worked as a strategy in which, due to its impartiality, allowed the search for the neutralization of the social conflicts. In relation to the female labour, that regulation, even though it defended the women from the exploration to which they were submitted in the factories, maintained itself inside the limits of defending the family based on the “natural” division of the social roles, resulting from a debate which had been going on since the beginning of the century about the male and female roles and their key actions inside the family structure.

2020 ◽  
pp. 089443932090576
James Hawdon ◽  
Matthew Costello ◽  
Colin Bernatzky ◽  
Salvatore J. Restifo

Does hateful rhetoric appeal to supporters of President Trump? Prior studies link sexism, racism, Islamophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment, and intolerant forms of Christianity to supporting or voting for President Trump. We extend this literature by examining whether individuals who approve of President Trump’s job performance are more accepting of the hateful rhetoric and imagery they encounter online. We do so using online survey data ( N = 465) of youth and young adults collected in December 2017. Building on previous theoretical explanations of participating in online hate that utilize routine activity theory and social learning–social structure theory, we argue that support for President Trump is a result of the “politics of status,” and support for the President thus represents an enthymeme. Our key finding is that agreement with online hate material is indeed positively associated with support for the President. Additionally, we find that one’s differential location in the social structure, online and off-line social bonds, and attitudes toward norm violations are associated with agreement with online extremist content.

1983 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-17
Lois Bryson

Child care policy must always relate to the wider social context, indeed it will inevitably do so as we are all affected by broader changes in the social structure and changes in ideology. Nonetheless, rates of change in various areas are not always synchronous. Today, I want to look at some broader changes in society and point to some of their implications for child care policy.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Алексеенок ◽  
Anna Alekseenok ◽  
Гальцова ◽  
Anna Galtsova

The article presents a study of the dynamics of the social structure of the Russian middle class. It examines the dynamics of a number of different social groups in Russia in 2003-2014, «blocking» signs for the population which is not a member of the middle class, 2003-2014, self-assessment of the dynamics of 2014 and the possible dynamics for the next year of the financial position in the last year prior the survey in the different groups of the population. Also the analysis of dynamics of value orientations of different population groups, social identity, of the ways and the main types of leisure in the middle class is held. The article compares the model of Russian social structure, built on the basis of social self-assessment of the status of the Russian people in 2014 and 2000.

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-187
Kentaro Matsubara

This paper explores the relationship between local lineage social structure and the workings of tax registration in Qing China, through a case study providing documentary evidence of a level of precision that enables us to go beyond the findings of previous scholarship. In the first instance, it reconstructs a tax dispute where implications of the registration system come into play, based on rare records made by the taxpayers themselves. In doing so, it shows that (a) the registered “acreage” of land was in fact unrelated to any actual land whatsoever; (b) tax collection ceased to be able to rely on knowledge of the terrain and had to depend on knowing the social groups that could be held responsible for payment, while the cohesion and internal differentiation of these social groups was (in turn) underpinned by tax collection and registration; and (c) since the registration system did not permit the government to keep track of actual landholding, property rights had to be secured at the local community level. In conclusion, an attempt is made to speculate on the extent to which this specific case contributes to our knowledge of local social structure, the interactions between localities and the government, and the property regime of Qing China overall.

2021 ◽  
pp. 242-262
Victor Merino-Sancho

This paper proposes an identification of the main arguments suggested by certain critical theories concerning the relationship between law and power. In order to (re)think the function of law as an instrument not only of power, but as an element of social transformation, we promote here a reflection on aspects raised by these theories; among others, the same notion of power, oppression, intersectionality or decoloniality. These categories are relevant to examine how law regulates the experiences of discrimination of specific social groups, highlighting the intimate relationship between the social contexts, the premises and the legal answers. To do so, we examine in particular how asylum law responds to claims grounded on sexual orientation and gender identity. Finally, this reasoning suggests a conception of law oriented to action and the social change.

2012 ◽  
Vol 13 (30) ◽  
Rosângela Azevedo Corrêa

Pocos estudios se han realizado dentro de la fábrica, desde el "el piso de la fábrica" y el estudio de la agroindustria de limón ofreció una excelente oportunidad para hacerlo. Las características de la etnografía y la observación-participante dentro y fuera de las fábricas, una de capital mexicano y otra de capital danés, son útiles para dar cuenta de los procesos de reconstrucción de la historia de la región a partir de contextos socioeconómicos específicos, y para dar cuenta de las articulaciones prácticas entre los planes macro y micro de las relaciones socioeconómicas y políticas. La observación-participante directa en diversas actividades relacionadas con la producción del limón fue una herramienta esencial para un acercamiento a los grupos sociales que conforman la región del Valle de Tecomán. Palabras clave: Antropología del trabajo. Agroindustria del limón. Sistema económico mundial. Observación participante.   Lemon agro-industry in the Valley of Tecoman, Mexico: An Anthropological Approach.   Abstract Few studies have been performed inside the factory, from the "factory shop floor" and the study of agro-industry lemon offered an excellent opportunity to do so. The resources of ethnography and the participant observation, inside and outside of factories of mexican capital and other capital of Danish, are useful to give an account of reconstruction processes of regional history from contexts socio-economic specific, and to understand the joints practices between the macro and micro relations socio-economic and political. The direct participant observation  in the various activities related to the production of lemon was a fundamental tool for an approximation to the social groups that define the region of the Valley of Tecoman, Colima, Mexico. Keywords: Anthropology of work. Agribusiness lemon. Agro industry system. Participant-observation. Factory shop floor.

Ю.В. Ковалева

Представлено продолжение историографического и психолого-исторического анализа научных представлений о больших социальных группах в соответствии с этапами развития социальной психологии и статуса таких групп в различные исторические периоды жизни страны. Начало этого анализа представлено в публикации (Ковалева, 2020), в которой была реализована первая задача исследования по определению исторических рамок, в которые понятие «большие социальные группы» получило свое развитие. Также было показано решение второй задачи, а именно была дана характеристика общественно-политическим условиям и уровню гуманитарного знания для двух первых из выделенных периодов - становления социально-психологического направления исследований в России (вторая половина ХIХ - начало ХХ вв.) и развития социальной психологии в 1920-е и до середины 1930-х гг. Продолжение статьи посвящено решению второй задачи для трех последующих периодов - латентного этапа в становлении социальной психологии (середина 1930-х - 1950-е гг.), возрождения отечественной социальной психологии (1960-е - середина 1970-х гг.) и оформления современной отечественной социальной психологии в систему научного знания (середина 1970-х - 1980-е гг.). Описаны масштабные события, приводившие к значительным и очень разнородным трансформациям общественной структуры в изучаемые годы, приведены редко публикуемые данные о социальной динамике в стране в годы Великой Отечественной войны, а также об усложнении социальной структуры и общественных настроений после Победы. В связи с этим отмечаются упущенные возможности по социально-психологическому исследованию больших социальных групп, но одновременно подчеркивается высокий прогресс в накоплении теоретического и эмпирического материала после восстановления социальной психологии как научной отрасли. The continuation of historiographic and historical-psychological analysis of scientific ideas about large social groups in accordance with the stages of development of social psychology and the status of such groups in various historical periods of the country's life was presented. The beginning of this analysis is presented in a publication (Kovaleva, 2020), in which the first task of the study was realized to determine the historical framework in which the concept of «large social groups» was developed. The solution of the second problem was also shown, namely, the characterization of socio-political conditions and the level of humanitarian knowledge was given for the first two of the selected periods - the formation of the socio-psychological direction of research in Russia (second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries) and the development of social psychology in the 1920s. The continuation of the article was devoted to solving the second problem for three subsequent periods - the latent stage in the formation of social psychology (1930-50s), the revival of domestic social psychology (1960s) and the design of modern domestic social psychology into the system of scientific knowledge (1970-80s). Large-scale events leading to significant and very heterogeneous transformations of the social structure in the studied years are described, rarely published data on the social dynamics in the country during the Great Patriotic War, as well as on the complication of the social structure and public sentiments after the Victory. In this regard, there are lost opportunities for socio-psychological research of large social groups, but at the same time high progress in the accumulation of theoretical and empirical material after the restoration of this scientific industry is emphasized.

2009 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 246-261
Jean-Pierre Daubigney

In this paper, the author describes and criticizes the theory of non-competitive groups. According to this theory, the non-competitivity of social groups refers to the existence and the reproduction by heredity of a bi-univocal correspondence between the hierarchy of social groups and the hierarchy of employments. Such a relation comes from the fact that the social origins determine the level of education, the distribution of inborn qualities, and the preference functions of individuals. It is also the result of the demographic reproduction pattern of social groups. In such conditions, the incomes hierarchy is the result as well as the means of the hereditary reproduction of social structure and of non-competitivity. Two basic criticisms can be formulated. First, this theory is unable to justify most of the relation underlying the analysis. Second, the proposed explanation model is unable to account for the contemporary ways of non-competitivity such as indicated by the statistics on social mobility.

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